Chapter 38

Teach Me How To Love


On the train Jieun fell asleep. Her head was resting on L.Joe’s shoulder while Myungsoo decided to buy some coffee for himself.

“Is she asleep?” Myungsoo asked as he entered the cabin.

“Is that a serious question?” L.Joe looked up to Myungsoo.

“You know I don’t like you either but we should stop fighting in front of her.” Myungsoo said as he sat across Jieun and L.Joe.

“Well-“ L.Joe started but just then someone knocked at the door.

“Come in!” L.Joe said and someone slowly opened the door.

“Oppa?” They heard Sanghee.

“Oh hey Sanghee-ah. What’re you doing here?” L.Joe asked smiling.

“Oppa, Hyunwoo and Sangwon won’t let me play!” She pouted.

“Tell them that they should let you play or else I’ll be coming over…” He said and Sanghee nodded rushing out again.

“So you grew up with the grandma?” Myungsoo asked L.Joe as he sipped his coffee.

“Yes.” L.Joe looked down on Jieun and her cheek.

“Stop it.” Myungsoo said.

L.Joe looked at him and smirked while her cheek again.

“Stop! It!” Myungsoo hissed.

“Come on. What can you do? You can’t hit me when Jieun’s here.” L.Joe smirked.

“Oppaaaaaaaaaaaa!” Sanghee then came back running.

“Yes?” L.Joe looked at her.

“They’re still not letting me play!” Sanghee pouted.

Myungsoo smirked and L.Joe sighed. He had to get up which meant that Myungsoo will take his seat next to Jieun.
L.Joe softly lifted your head as he got up. Myungsoo quickly sat down next to Jieun. L.Joe glared at Myungsoo before walking out with Sanghee.
After a while Jieun woke up and looked around as she held her stomach.

“Good morning beauty.” Myungsoo smiled and kissed her forehead.

“Are we there yet?” Jieun asked sleepy.

“Not yet but soon. You can continue resting if you want.”

Jieun shook her head.

“I’m fine.” She smiled at him and hugged his arm.

Just then L.Joe walked in.

“Hey, you’re awake.” He said smiling to Jieun.

Jieun just smiled back.

“Do you want something to drink? I wanted to buy something for the kids…” L.Joe said as he took his purse out of his bag.

“Can you buy me some juice?” She asked him.

“Sure.” He nodded and walked out.

Myungsoo put his hand on Jieun’s stomach and started to caress it. Jieun looked at him and smiled. Myungsoo leaned in and kissed her lips. Just when the kiss was about to get deeper they heard the door opening and leaned back.
Hyunwoo was staying at the door looking at them with big eyes. Jieun blushed.

“Hey Hyunwoo-ah, what’s up?” Myungsoo smiled towards him.

“I-I came to…” Hyunwoo started and rushed inside as he placed two lollipops into Myungsoo’s palm.

“Oh are these for us?” Myungsoo asked as he looked at the lollipops.

Hyunwoo nodded.

“Ohhh~ That’s sweet of you! Thank you!” Jieun kissed his cheek.

Hyunwoo blushed and nodded again before rushing out.

“Oh there you are!” Myungsoo and Jieun heard L.Joe’s voice from outside.

Then L.Joe came in he looked at Myungsoo and Jieun.

“What did you do to him?” L.Joe asked confused as he gave Jieun the grapefruit juice.

“Thanks!” Jieun smiled.

“Nothing…” Myungsoo shrugged.

“He was touching his cheek as he had a big grin plastered on his face…” L.Joe said pointing at the door.

“Oh that….” Jieun giggled and took a sip from her juice.


“Grannyyyyy~ can I share a room with Jieun noona?” Hyunwoo yelled as they entered the house L.Joe had booked for the kids and for themselves.

“No you can’t dear.” The grandma smiled as she walked into a room.

Jieun looked around in the house. It was an old traditional Korean house. The floor and the walls were made out of wood. It gave out a warm feeling.

“Do you like it?” L.Joe suddenly appeared behind Jieun.

Jieun turned around and nodded while smiling brightly.

“I knew you like this kind of houses so…” L.Joe shrugged.

“You booked this especially for me?” Jieun asked surprised.

L.Joe nodded as he was smiling shyly.

“Aww Joe!” Jieun walked up to him and hugged him.

L.Joe slowly put his arms up and hugged her back. They suddenly heard some coughing slightly and L.Joe let go. Jieun looked up and let L.Joe go as well. Then she walked to Myungsoo and hugged him.

“Look, L.Joe booked this place especially for me since I like this kind of houses.” Jieun said smiling brightly.

“Oh really?” Myungsoo glared at L.Joe as he put his arm around Jieun’s shoulders.

L.Joe just walked out to his room.

“We should unpack our stuff now…” Myungsoo then looked down to Jieun.

“Yes…” Jieun nodded smiling and pecked Myungsoo’s lips.


“Kids! You have to come in now! It’s already dark!” The grandma called the kids inside from the garden of the house.

“Can’t we stay a little longer?!” Sangwon asked her pouting.

“You can play again tomorrow but come in for today…” The grandma told him.

The kids walked in pouting.

“Who wants to take a shower?” The grandma asked the kids.

“Me! Me!” The kids yelled excitedly.

“They’re sooo cute!” Jieun whispered.

“Right?” L.Joe stood next to Jieun with his hands in his pockets.

“Joe, you are one of the kindest people I know!” Jieun crossed her arms while looking at him.

“You think so?” He also crossed his arms and smirked at her.

“Of course! Look what you’re doing for these kids! A bad person wouldn’t do this!” She said while nodding.

“I can be pretty bad as well.” He said as he walked closer to her.

“No you can’t.” She smirked back.

“Oh really?” He asked as he leaned in.

“Yes.” Jieun said as she looked into his eyes.

“How do you know?” He asked staring back at her.

“Because you’re Joe, because you’re my best friend.”

Upon hearing this sentence L.Joe immediately looked down.

“You’re right again.” He whispered as he walked away.

“Baby?” Just then Myungsoo walked in while looking after L.Joe who rushed out of the room.

“What happened to him?” Myungsoo asked pointing towards the direction L.Joe walked to.

“I don’t know…” Jieun shrugged.

“Here’s your jacket. Let’s watch the night sky… You can’t see the stars from Seoul…” He said as he reached her jacket.

“Okay, let’s do that!” Jieun beamed.

They were sitting in the garden when L.Joe joined them.

“What’s up?” He sat right next to Jieun.

Myungsoo rolled his eyes and L.Joe smirked.

“Nothing much… We were just looking at the night sky… It looks so pretty with all those stars… You can’t see them in Seoul.” Jieun pouted as she looked up.

“Right?” L.Joe also looked up.

No one talked as they all looked up at the sky. Then L.Joe turned his head towards Jieun and watched her while she was looking up.

“Oh a shooting star!” Jieun smiled as she pointed at the sky.

Without knowing a smile appeared on L.Joe’s face. Myungsoo coughed slightly and L.Joe looked at him. Myungsoo glared at him while L.Joe smirked. He put his head on Jieun’s shoulder and hugged her arm.

“Hey, Joe~” Jieun smiled as she rested her head on his head.

Myungsoo looked at them as his eyes widened. Then he did the same on her other shoulder. Jieun giggled and Myungsoo’s cheek.

“Okay guys it’s getting too heavy…” Jieun said as she pushed both of them away and got up.

“I’m tired. Goodnight.” She waved at them and walked inside.

Myungsoo and L.Joe sat there and watched her walking inside. Then Myungsoo sighed and leaned back, looking at the sky again.

“You are one lucky .” L.Joe said as he did the same as Myungsoo.

Myungsoo looked at him and raised his eyebrow. L.Joe looked back at Myungsoo smirked.

“You know I would do anything for Jieun. Really anything.” L.Joe said as his face suddenly turned serious.

“Me too.” Myungsoo said and looked away.

“Seriously L… You don’t know how hard I tried to hide this between you and Mina.” L.Joe looked at the grass.

“Thank you.” Myungsoo whispered.

“I didn’t do it for you, I did it for Jieun. I just didn’t want her to end up in a disaster… But at the end you messed up anyways…” L.Joe looked back at Myungsoo.

“I know… I know what I did and it was wrong. Now can you stop mentioning it please?” Myungsoo said annoyed.

“Why did you do it? When you loved Jieun?”

“It just happened…” Myungsoo sighed.

“You should have listen to your friends…” L.Joe sighed.

“I’m sorry, god damn it!” Myungsoo was on the edge of yelling.

“When I saw yo-“ L.Joe couldn’t finish his sentence since Myungsoo punched him right on his face.

“I told you to shut the up!” Myungsoo hissed as he grabbed onto L.Joe’s collar.

L.Joe touched his lips and saw blood. He just smirked and looked at Myungsoo.

“Afraid that I might tell Jieun?” L.Joe asked smirking.

“You piece of !” Myungsoo hit him again.

This time L.Joe hit Myungsoo back and they got into a fight. Just then Jieun walked out and wanted them to call them in.

“Oh my god! Myungsoo! Joe! Stop!” Jieun yelled as she ran up to them.

The grandma heard Jieun yelling and rushed out as well.

“Oh my, boys! Stop!” She tried to tear the boys apart but it was difficult.

“Jieun, you stand behind… It might be dangerous for you and the baby…” The grandma warned her.

Jieun nodded and stepped back. Her eyes filled with tear. She suddenly screamed really loud and the boys stopped fighting and looked at her.

“STOP IT FOR GOD’S SAKE!” Jieun yelled crying.

The boys were out of breath and let each other go.

“Why are you fighting?” Jieun asked as she calmed down.

Myungsoo and L.Joe just glared at each other.

“Let’s go inside first…” The grandma said and helped L.Joe and Myungsoo to walk inside.

Jieun wiped her tears away and took a deep breath before following them inside.

“You guys sit down, I get the first aid kit…” The grandma said and walked out of the room.

L.Joe sat down on the sofa and Myungsoo sat down at a chair right next to the big dining table. They tried to avoid each other as good as possible.

“What happened?” Jieun asked whispering as she softly touched the bruises on Myungsoo’s face.

Then she turned around and looked at L.Joe. He also had lots of bruises. She was about to get up to take a closer look at L.Joe’s face when the grandma walked in with the first aid kit.

“Here Jieun, that’s for your husband, I’ll take care of L.Joe.” She said as she reached Jieun a box.

Jieun took it without saying anything and turned back to face to Myungsoo. She then opened the box and took out some sanitizer. She poured it on some fabric and started to wipe Myungsoo’s bruises. Myungsoo flinched every time she put the fabric on his bruises but Jieun pulled him closer.

“Don’t move.” She said as she looked at his face.

“Now are you going to tell me what happened?” She asked him.

Little did Jieun know that L.Joe and the grandma were listening.
The grandma looked at L.Joe and shook her head. L.Joe sighed and looked down. He knew that the grandma knew that the fight was because of Jieun.

“So?” Jieun asked Myungsoo as she stopped wiping his face.

Myungsoo looked up.

“So?” He asked back.

“Why did you fight?” She asked a little louder so that even L.Joe would hear it.

“It’s nothing…” Myungsoo shrugged.

“Oh really?” Jieun asked as she put the fabric with the sanitizer a little too harsh on Myungsoo’s face.

“Oww!” Myungsoo pouted.

“Do the rest!” She said angry and got up.

“Halmeoni, you should also sleep. They’re old enough to handle this by themselves!” Jieun said and walked out of the room.

The grandma gave L.Joe the fabric and followed Jieun out.

“I hope you’re happy now.” Myungsoo scoffed as he wiped his bruises.

“A lot.” L.Joe snapped back.

And so they ended up disinfecting their faces by themselves for almost the whole night.


A/N: didn't re-read the chapter so please don't mind any mistakes... here's a new chapter~^^ oh, oh, oh, what's happening again??

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Chapter 42: What happened to Mina?
elfcassopeia #2
Chapter 42: Chpt 42: wow! This story is really nice. I really liked it ♡
Danieea #3
Chapter 42: i really liked it authornim:) good good
Chapter 42: Awww the ending :')
agneth #5
Chapter 42: Actually I like u'r story.. but I'm a little annoyed with two people or maybe I say hate to charater of L.Joe and jieun.. How can she to tame timing.. Huhffthh.. Oh so unfair..
FrrrAnikaFrrr #6
Chapter 42: This story is soooo amazing! I like it like it like it! ^.^