Chapter 3

Teach Me How To Love


Myungsoo was driving the car to his father's office while Jieun was sitting next to him. Jieun was mad at him. She clearly told him to act like they don’t know each other in school and what he did to L.Joe was really rude.

“Hey little girl” Myungsoo said interrupting her thoughts.

“Shut up!” She said annoyed and looked out.

“Ya! I told you not to be that rude!” Myungsoo was about to yell.

“I’m rude? I’M THE ONE WHO’S RUDE?! EXCUSE ME? YOU WERE THE ONE WHO ACTED RUDE TOWARDS L.JOE!!!” She started to yell at him.

“What is L.Joe to you? Is he your boyfriend or what?” Myungsoo said annoyed.

“What if…” Jieun said and looked out of the window.

“So he is… Does he know about me?” Myungsoo looked at her.

Jieun wasn’t answering him. She didn’t really want to talk to him right now. Then her phone rang.


“Hey it’s me…” L.Joe was on the other line.

“Oh hey L.Joe…” She said and took a quick glance at Myungsoo. He wasn’t looking at her.

“Are you okay? Did L do something to you? Did he hurt you?” L.Joe sounded worried.

“Don’t worry, I’m fine… It’s just a little bit complicated… We’ll talk tomorrow.”

“Hm.. Ok… If something happens you can call me… You know I’m there for you 24/7!” She heard him giggling.

“Same goes for you!” She slightly chuckled.

“Okay… Then… See you tomorrow and take care!”

“Um.. You too!” She said and hung up with a bright smile on her face.

“Your boyfriend?” Myungsoo asked with a smirk on his face.

“Can you please stay out of my business? For God’s sake!”

“Gosh Jieun I’m just asking!”

“Don’t ask! Just quickly drive to Mr. Kim….” She said looking out of the window.

After a long and quite drive they arrived at Mr. Kim’s office and got out. Myungsoo was walking in the front while Jieun was quietly following him. People were looking at them and the women employees were whispering with each other.

“Do you have your ring with you?” Myungsoo asked Jieun in the elevator.

“Yeah…” She said and took it out from her bag.

Myungsoo also took his out and they put their rings back on. Actually Jieun liked the ring if it wasn’t Myungsoo who she was going to marry. She let out a long sigh.

“Don’t worry, you can meet up with your boyfriend after father showed us our new house…” Myungsoo said without looking at her.

“Would you please stop saying this?” She shook her head.




“HE'S JUST NOT MY BOYFRIEND, OKAY?!” She yelled at him.

Myungsoo turned around and looked at her with big eyes. Then the elevator arrived at the floor where Myungsoo’s father’s office was.
Jieun walked out and waited for Myungsoo to walk towards his father’s office. He quietly walked out of the elevator and started to walk towards a room.
He knocked at the door and walked in.

“Hello boy, where is your beautiful wife?” Mr. Kim said as he looked up from his work.

“Oh, there you are, honey!” He got up and hugged Jieun.

“Annyeonhaseyo.” She bowed politely and smiled at Mr. Kim.

“Myungsoo-yah, I have a lot to do now, so here’s the key to the house and here’s the address… Your mom will be there waiting for you..” Mr. Kim said as he handed Myungsoo a key and a piece of paper.

“Then I’ll see you around!” Mr. Kim said as he went back to his table to finish his work.

Myungsoo and Jieun bowed and walked out.

-Next day-

-In School-

“So?” L.Joe asked Jieun during PE.

“So…?” She asked him back out of breath.

L.Joe was pretty good in sports whereas Jieun… well it wasn’t a subject she really loved.

“Why did you go with L yesterday?” L.Joe was running in front of Jieun while facing her.

“Oh that… It’s…” She couldn’t talk because she was already tired from all the running.

“Okay class! Enough for today!” The teacher said and Jieun stopped running.

“Wait.. Let me rest..” Jieun whispered while holding onto her knees and trying to catch some air.

“Wow… We have to work on your condition…” L.Joe giggled.

“How can you… Be like this…?” Jieun asked.

“Like what?”

Jieun took a deep breath and got up.

“Your condition… It’s amazing…” She slightly smiled.

“Oh that… It’s probably because I’m dancing so much so I have to practice a lot…” He explained.

“You’re dancing?! Awesome!” Jieun said excited.

“Why? Do you like dancing?” L.Joe asked with sparkling eyes.

“Well… I enjoy it but I can’t dance, so I never dance when people are around…” She scratched her head.

“Come on everybody can dance!” He smiled at her and took her hands making her move from side to side.

“Ya, stop it!” She giggled.

He put his hand on her waist and started to lead her. Jieun started to blush slightly.

“See?” He whispered next to her ear and Jieun nodded.

“Okay, so from now on we will practice dancing at least two times a week!” L.Joe stopped dancing and looked her into the eyes.

“You got a lot of work to do then!” Jieun giggled and L.Joe patted her head.

“So back to the topic, why did you leave with L yesterday?” L.Joe asked her.

Jieun sighed.

“Promise that you will still stay my friend…” Jieun looked at L.Joe.

“I promise!”

“L and I…. We’re… Wereforcedtomarrybyourparents” She quickly said.

“What? I didn’t get the last part…”

Jieun sighed again.

“We’re forced to marry... By our parents…” She looked down.

L.Joe lifted Jieun’s head and made her look into his eyes.

“Do you like him?” He asked softly.

“Of course not! I didn’t even know him until what had happened in the canteen and him coming to our house that night… Neither did he knew… Our parents planed it…” She said sad.

“Then don’t get married…” L.Joe said.

“YA YOU TWO ARE STILL HERE? GET CHANGED NOW!” The teacher walked in.

Jieun and L.Joe quickly apologized and went into the changing rooms.
After they changed they sat down on a bench in the garden and continued their talking.

“I have to… My dad wants it and his parents…” Jieun said sad.

“What about your mom?” L.Joe asked.

“She passed away when I was in elementary school…”

“Oh- I’m sorry I didn’t know that...” He said feeling guilty.

“Okay, enough with these things… Let’s grab some ice cream!” He got up and took her hand.

She smiled at him and got up. Then they ran towards an ice cream shop near their school.

-That Night-

“Gosh I hate clubbing…” Myungsoo sighed.

“Come on and just enjoy your time, dude!” Sunggyu said giving him a glass filled with alcohol.

Myungsoo took it and drank everything in one go.

“Hey, hey slow down ice prince… Is something wrong?” Hoya asked.

Myungsoo kept quiet.

“Myungsoo…” Sunggyu said. Myungsoo looked at him.

“Did something happen today?” Sunggyu asked.

Myungsoo shook his head and grabbed another drink which was on the table.

“Hyung, stop it!” Sungjong wanted to take the glass away from Myungsoo but he softly hit his hand away.

“Ya!” Dongwoo said.

“Tell us, NOW!” Dongwoo ordered him.

“Hyung….” Myungsoo started.

“Yes?” Hoya said.

“I… have to marry… that little girl in our school…” He grabbed another glass and drank everything in one go.

“Ya, Sungjong take these glasses away from him!” Seungyeol said and Sungjong did as he said.

“Which little girl?” Hoya asked.

“The newbie…” Myungsoo answered.

“Ya Sungjong don’t touch the alcohol!” He smiled half drunk.

“Dude, you're drunk!” Dongwoo pointed out.

“Me? I’m not drunnnkk!” He laughed.

“Okay… Here goes our night… I take him home…” Sunggyu said.

“Let’s go…” Hoya said and everyone stood up.

“Hyung, is Myungsoo hyung really marrying the new girl?” Sungjong asked Seungyeol who had his arm around Sungjong’s neck.

“I’ve never heard him talking about marriage before… So it could be but let’s ask him tomorrow when he’s all sober…” Seungyeol said and Sungjong nodded.

Then their ways parted and Sunggyu took Myungsoo slowly to his car.

“Good thing, you came with me tonight…” Sunggyu said to him.

“Hyung, she’s weird…” L said with a funny face expression.

“Who?” Sunggyu asked confused.

“The little girl, I tell you she’s weird! I’ve never met someone like her before…” Myungsoo said pointing his finger somewhere in the air.

“Yeah, yeah, let’s talk about this tomorrow when you’re sober…” Sunggyu said and helped Myungsoo to get in the car.

“Ya, I told you I’m not drunk!” He said and fell asleep in a matter of seconds.

-The next morning-

“Ah… My head is exploding…” Myungsoo said grabbing his forehead as he slowly woke up.

He looked around and found himself in his room.

“When did I come home last night?” He whispered to himself and walked into the bathroom to wash his face.

Then he walked downstairs and found his mom cooking in the kitchen.

“Morning mom.” He said as he poured some water into a glass.

“Do you know what time it is?” She stopped cutting the vegetables and turned around to look at him.

Myungsoo looked at the clock at the wall in the kitchen and spitted the water out. It was already 4PM.

“Exactly!” His mom said and turned around and continued cutting the vegetables.

“Why did you drink so much last night? I thought you’re someone who can control himself…” His mom said without looking at him.

One by one the pictures from last night appeared in his head. How he drank all the glasses filled with alcohol and how he told his friends about the forced marriage.

“Did anyone call me?” Myungsoo asked.

“Sunggyu called you this morning but I told him that you were sleeping…”

“Thanks mom..” He kissed her cheek and walked back into his room.

He looked at his phone and found a message from Hoya.

From: Dancing machine

Gyu hyung told me that he called you this morning but you were sleeping… We’re gonna meet up in the café across our school… Give me a call when you read my message!

Myungsoo quickly dialed Hoya’s number and waited for him to pick up.

“Myungsoo?” Hoya asked while picking up.

“Yeah… Are you still in the café?” He asked.

“We’re on our way to the karaoke bar near the café… Wanna join us?” Hoya asked.

“I’ll be there in a while… Wait for me!” Myungsoo said and hung up.

He quickly got up and changed into a black shirt and dark blue jeans. After taking his sun glasses and the car keys he rushed out.

“Be back home early!” His mom shouted.

Meanwhile Jieun was out with Teen Top having some fun on the streets of Hongdae.

“It’s been a while since I laughed so much!” She said laughing while holding onto her stomach.

“Same here!” Niel said laughing.

“Guys, we have to teach Jieun how to dance!” L.Joe said after everyone calmed down.

“With pleasure!” Niel said and bowed in front of her while taking her hand.

“Guys, I just got a message from Jiyoung… Gotta leave~ See you!” C.A.P said while running towards the bus station.

“Who’s Jiyoung?” Jieun asked.

“It’s C.A.P hyungs girlfriend…” Ricky said and Jieun nodded.

“And you guys don’t have a girlfriend?” Jieun asked a little bit surprised since they were all really good looking boys.

“Nope… C.A.P hyung is the only one with a girlfriend…” L.Joe explained her while putting his arm around her neck.

“Why? Are you surprised noona?” Chunji asked with a smile.

“Well… A little bit…” She smiled back.

“Oh look who we have here~” Ricky said with a smirk on his face.

Everyone followed his sight and Jieun gasped.


“Hyung, isn’t that your wifey?” Sungjong said to Myungsoo.

“What? Which wifey?” Myungsoo raised an eyebrow.

“Over there…” Sungjong nodded his head towards a direction.

Infinite followed Sungjong and saw Teen Top with Jieun in the middle of them.

“She had to ruin my day…” Myungsoo shook his head.

“Let’s say hello to out sister in law!” Dongwoo smiled like a dork and started to walk towards them.

“Ya! Just let her go….” Myungsoo said but it was already too late.

Infinite was walking towards them and Teen Top was also walking towards Infinite. L.Joe still had his arm around Jieun’s neck.

“Hey sister in law!” Dongwoo greeted Jieun.

“What?” Chunji was confused.

“Shut up Dongwoo!” L.Joe said.

“Hey, it’s still hyung for you!” Dongwoo walked closer to him.

Then Myungsoo arrived.

“What are you doing here?” He asked annoyed.

“Same question goes for you, poker face!” She hissed.

“Why are you in Hongdae with them?” Myungsoo asked and nodded towards Teen Top.

“Because they’re my friends duh, stupid!”

“Hey, first of all it’s oppa for you and secondly couldn’t you go to somewhere else… Like Myungdong or something? You ruined my day!” Myungsoo shook his head.

“Hey, hey, you guys are about to marry… No need to fight before marriage, right?” Sunggyu interrupted them.

“Marriage? What are they talking about?” Ricky asked.

“Oh, so your so called ‘friends’ didn’t know that you’re marrying our L?” Seungyeol smirked.

“YAH! JUST DISAPPEAR BEFORE I HIT THIS UGLY FACE OF YOURS!” L.Joe yelled at Seungyeol and hid Jieun behind him.

“Let’s go…” Sunggyu said and Infinite walked away.

Teen Top looked at Jieun for an explanation. L.Joe looked at Jieun and Jieun nodded.

“So guys…” L.Joe started and explained everything to the other members.

-3 days later-

“I love you, baby I’m not a monster, neon aljanha yejeon nae meoseubeul sigani jinamyeon taraji boriltende, geudaen altaende baby, I need you, baby I’m not a monster, nal aljanha, ireohkke gajima~” Jieun woke up because her phone was ringing.
Without looking who was calling she answered her phone.

“Yeah..?” She whispered.

“Are you sleeping?”


“Yup, it’s me… Am I disturbing?”

“Uh… Nahh, I had to get up anyways…” She said as she slowly made her way out of her bed.

“So, what’s up?” She asked him now fully awake.

“Let’s have a dance practice today…”

“You know I don’t dance when people are around…”

“There won’t be any people around… It’ll be just you and me…” 


A/N: I'm so happy that you enjoy reading this fanfic~ *smiles brightly*  but there are still only 2 subscribers (I really appreciate and love them <3)... Hmm~ is it boring?

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Chapter 42: What happened to Mina?
elfcassopeia #2
Chapter 42: Chpt 42: wow! This story is really nice. I really liked it ♡
Danieea #3
Chapter 42: i really liked it authornim:) good good
Chapter 42: Awww the ending :')
agneth #5
Chapter 42: Actually I like u'r story.. but I'm a little annoyed with two people or maybe I say hate to charater of L.Joe and jieun.. How can she to tame timing.. Huhffthh.. Oh so unfair..
FrrrAnikaFrrr #6
Chapter 42: This story is soooo amazing! I like it like it like it! ^.^