Chapter 26

Teach Me How To Love


A/N: blue means english :DDDD


“It feels like yesterday when I first came here!“ Jieun smiled.

“I know, right?” Amber agreed.

Students were passing them by, walking into the assembly hall.

“Should we go in?” Amber looked at Jieun.

Jieun took a deep breath and nodded. Amber took her hand and they walked in.

“Jieun!” Myungsoo called.

“Oh, they are there!” Jieun pointed at Infinite.

Amber blushed and they walked towards Infinite. Jieun sat next to Myungsoo and Amber sat beside her. Sungyeol was about to sit down next to Amber when Woohyun pushed him away.

“YA!” Sungyeol yelled.

“Whoops!” Woohyun smiled and sat down next to Amber.

Amber blushed even more.

“What’s wrong with Woohyun?” Jieun whispered to Amber.

“I don’t know…” Amber whispered back.

“Don’t tell me…!” Jieun said out loud and pointed at Woohyun and Amber.

Infinite stopped talking and looked at them.

“No…” Amber shook her head and smiled it off.

Woohyun just grinned.

“I thought we’re friends! Why didn’t you tell me?” Jieun said shocked.

“What?” Woohyun asked.

“Aren’t you dating?” Jieun asked.

“No… She’s not my type…” Woohyun shook his head.

“Idiot!” Sunggyu hit his head.

“Jieun! Please! You know exactly that I don’t like cheesy boys…” Amber rolled her eyes.

“Ch- Cheesy?!” Woohyun’s eyes widened.

“Yes mister, you’re cheesy… And it’s ugly… Ew!” Amber said disgusted.

“Hey! Do you know how many girls fall for it?!” Woohyun leaned in towards Amber.

“I don’t know and I don’t care…” Amber crossed her arms in front of her chest.

“You don’t care..? Really?” Woohyun smirked.

“! WOOHYUN I TOLD YOU NOT TO COME SO CLOSE TO ME!” Amber suddenly yelled and got up.

“Ya, sit down!” Jieun pulled on Amber’s arm.

“I’m going… I’ll be with Teen Top if you need me…” She said annoyed and walked away.

“AMBER!” Jieun called but she disappeared in the crowd of excited students.

“Baby, it’s okay…” Myungsoo touched her shoulders.

“You’re such an !” She hissed towards Woohyun.

“What? Why is it my fault again?” Woohyun sat back annoyed.

“You… You… UGH! I’ll be back…” Jieun got up and left to find Amber.

“Jieun!” Myungsoo called but Jieun started to run.

She walked out and looked around. Her eyes caught L.Joe sitting on a bench with a girl. She coughed and started to walk towards them.

“Hey.” She said without looking at him.

Jieun and L.Joe weren’t talking since the little fight they had.

“Oh, Jieun…” L.Joe said as he took his arm away from the girl’s waist.

“D-Did you see Amber?” Jieun asked as she scratched her neck without looking at him.

“N-No…” He coughed slightly.

 “Okay thanks…” She turned around and was about to run away when L.Joe called her name.

She turned around.

“Good luck… W-With your speech I mean…” He smiled shyly.

“Thanks…” Jieun smiled back and turned around.

She ran back into the building.

“Jieun!” Woohyun called her.

He was at the end of the hallway. Then he ran towards her.

“Did you find her?” He asked out of breath.

“No… She must be in the assembly hall, somewhere… She wouldn’t miss my speech…” Jieun looked towards the crowd.

“Okay, you go in and prepare, I’ll look for her…” Woohyun was about to run away when Jieun grabbed his arm.

“Hm?” He looked at her.

“Apologize! I dare you to break her heart again!” Jieun looked into Woohyun’s eyes.

“Don’t worry!” He smiled and run away.

Jieun shook her head and walked in.


“Hello ladies and gentleman~” Jieun started shyly.

“I know, everyone expects me to hold a graduation speech where I’m thankful to all my teachers etc. And I really am… I mean I wouldn’t be here, talking, without them.” She smiled.

“But I want to share my memories I made in this 1 year that I’ve been on Woolim High… It had its ups and downs… A typical teenage life. I remember the first day when I was looking for the secretary’s office. Someone had bumped into me and apologized quickly before continuing to run because he was late – and who would have think that this person would turn out to be my first and best friend in this school.” Jieun smiled at the thought.

“Maybe some of you already know who I’m talking about… But I somehow want to keep his name for myself… Sorry to those who don’t…” She looked down at her sheets before looking up again.

Her eyes met with L.Joe who was looking at her sadly.

“That person gave me like one of my best months while I was here… And then she walked into my life… Yes Amber, I’m talking about you!”

Jieun looked for Amber in the crowd but wasn’t able to find her.

“When I first saw her I thought ‘she must be from outside’… She introduced herself with her hands in her pockets… But back then I didn’t know that she was just that cool. Those two people helped me a lot… Then there’s someone else… He’s my everything. Myungsoo, I love you!” Jieun said.

The assembly hall suddenly started to scream and cheer.
Jieun saw Myungsoo who was just laughing.

“HE LOVES YOU TOO!” She suddenly heard Dongwoo.

“Oh yes, then there’s you dinosaur!” She laughed and everyone joined her.

“There are more than these few people I just talked about who helped me a lot with everything. I love you all too. Well, now, let’s talk about the main topic. Graduation. It’s a just-once-in-a-lifetime-thing. When we start high school the only thing we think is ‘when is this going to stop?’. But we forget that it’s the only way to stay connected to some friends. Once we walk out of this room, we’ll be strangers. Once we walk out of this room, everything will be forgotten. Our pain, our sadness, our joy, our happiness. Look around you carefully and look at the people. What are they going to be like when we’ll have a class reunion in 10 years. Some will be married, some will be big business men/women. Now isn’t that the great thing of life? We don’t know what’ll happen, yet we seem so sure about tomorrow. We’ll go to sleep and know that the sun will rise again the next morning. We seem so sure about it that in some points it becomes ridiculous if it doesn’t. Our life is like that. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow but yet we have plans. I hope you’ll be all successful in your life just as you were in your final exams. I’ll see you all in 10 years then. Take care guys!” Jieun finished her speech and walked down the stage while everyone was clapping.

Everyone got up and slowly started to leave the assembly hall. Some of Jieun’s friends came to bid goodbye. After hugging everyone Jieun started to walk towards Infinite. Myungsoo walked up to her and kissed her forehead while hugging her.

“You were great!” He whispered.

“Thanks…” Jieun smiled in his embrace.

Suddenly his phone rang and Myungsoo let her go.

“Great speech noona!” Sungjong hugged her as Myungsoo walked away to talk in a quiet place.

When Sungjong let her go she saw Sunggyu standing in front of her. The other’s had left.

“I couldn’t leave you by yourself…” He smiled shyly as he scratched his back of his head.

“Where did they go?” Jieun asked Sunggyu confused.

“Celebrating with their families…”

“What about you?”

“Uhm… I’ll… Celebrate later.” He looked away.

“Sunggyu? You okay?” Jieun asked worried. He was suddenly looking so sad.

“Hm? Yes, yes, I am…” Sunggyu smiled.

Just then Myungsoo walked in.

“Baby, I have to leave…” He said as he put his phone into his pocket.

“I’ll come with you…” Jieun said.

“No… Dad wants to see me alone… Probably some business… Nothing to worry… Hyung, you can take her home, right?” Myungsoo looked at Sunggyu.

“S-Sure thing.” He smiled awkwardly.

“Okay, thanks! I see you home baby.” Myungsoo kissed her forehead and ran out.

“Should we go?” Sunggyu asked.

“Of course.” Jieun smiled as she walked out of the assembly hall.

She saw Woohyun and Amber talking at the end of the hallway. She was about to call out for them when Sunggyu interrupted her.

“They have a lot to talk…” He said as he looked at the same direction as Jieun.

“I guess…” Jieun sighed and walked out.

Sunggyu was walking behind her. Jieun turned around and looked at him while smiling.

“Why are you walking behind me?” She asked while laughing.

Sunggyu answered her with a smiled and caught up with her.

“You know, I used to think that you’re a player but whenever you’re with me, you seem so insecure. Why?” She asked him.

“Hmm really?” He looked up at the night sky.

There were many stars shining tonight.

“A shooting star!” Jieun suddenly said pointing at the sky.

“Make a wish.” Sunggyu said smiling.

Jieun closed her eyes and made a quick wish before opening her eyes again.


“Call me just Gyu… Sunggyu sounds weird!” He said smiling.

“Okay!” Jieun smiled.



“Is it okay if we don’t drive home?” She looked at him with begging eyes.

“But Myungsoo-“


“Okay…” Sunggyu sighed in defeat.

“Where do you wanna go?”

“Han River… I’ve never been there nights…” Jieun pouted.

“Really? Damn, Jieun, you missed a loooooooooooot!” Sunggyu laughed.

They they reached his car and got in.
The drive was rather quiet. The radio was on and some pop music was playing. The silence became more and more awkward and Jieun wanted to talk but she didn’t know what to say.

“So how’s your marriage going?” Sunggyu broke the silence.

“Good…” Jieun nodded.

“That’s nice to hear… I mean our Myungsoo is a rather cold person…” Sunggyu smiled slightly.

“I know… He was so cold at the beginning… I thought that I could never reach his heart… But it’s all good now…” She smiled.

“And you seem happy…” Sunggyu’s smile looked sad now.

“I… Am….” She whispered with a smile.

After a while they arrived at the Han River.

“And here we are…” Sunggyu smiled as he parked the car.

They got out and Jieun looked around.

“Just as I thought…” She said to herself.

“Pretty, right?” Sunggyu said leaning on the car.

“A loooot!” Jieun smiled and started to walk towards a bench.

Sunggyu followed her and sat down next to her.

“It’s cold though…” Jieun said with a shiver.

“Wait, I think I have a blanket in the car…” Sunggyu said as he got up.

He quickly walked towards the car. Meanwhile Jieun was looking at the lights’ reflection on the water. It looked like they were playing with each other.

“Here…” Sunggyu said as he put the blanket over her shoulders.

“And I found some beer… You do trink beer, right?” He looked at her before reaching her the can.

Jieun nodded and grabbed it from his hands. She smiled as she opened the can and took a swig.

“But you have to drive…” She stopped Sunggyu before he could take a sip.

“It’s okay… I’m good with alcohol… I always drive the boys home when we drank and they’re drunk…” He winked at her and drank it.

Then they sat down quietly and looked at the river.

“But Gyu… Don’t you have someone you like?” Jieun asked without looking at him.

“What? Why do you ask that?” He asked laughing slightly.

“The other members are usually with girls and stuff but you’re… Like… Always alone…” She looked at him.

“I like to be alone…” He laughed.

“No, but seriously. I like it… And besides there’s no girl good enough for me…” He smirked at Jieun.

“Don’t be so full of yourself mister!” Jieun laughed and took another sip.

“Well, I used to like a girl but she moved away from me…” Sunggyu said as he looked at the river.

“Why? What happened?” Jieun asked curious.

“I did something bad… And she won’t forgive me… She already forgot but if she remembers again then she’ll hate me again…” He sighed as he took another sip.

“She wouldn’t…”

“You don’t know… I can’t even forgive myself… I don’t expect her to forgive me.” He looked down.

“Why? What did you do?”

He looked at her and sighed before looking down again.

“It was a weekday… I was walking home when I saw her at the other side of the road. She was walking with her mom. I called her name but she didn’t hear me since it was a big street with lots of cars. I called her again and eventually she heard me. She looked around and then her eyes laid on me. I-I really didn’t have any intentions to do it. We were just kids… I didn’t think that this would happen.” He went through his hair desperately with his hand. Then he drank his beer in one shot and threw the can on the ground.

“Whatever it is… It wasn’t your fault!” Jieun put her hand on his back.

“You don’t know, Jieun. It’s my fault for the way she grew up. I’m at fault for her sadness. She can’t even remember cause she pushed all of her memories about me in a corner of her brain where she can’t reach them anymore.”

“But Gyu… Tell me what it is…” Jieun looked at him.

Sunggyu looked up at her with teary eyes.


A/N: late update again D: I'm soooooooooooooo sorry :'( but it's up finally :D i try my best to update tomorrow as well :)) 
please leave me your comments on what you think will happen next :)))) and subscribe if you haven't yet ;D


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Chapter 42: What happened to Mina?
elfcassopeia #2
Chapter 42: Chpt 42: wow! This story is really nice. I really liked it ♡
Danieea #3
Chapter 42: i really liked it authornim:) good good
Chapter 42: Awww the ending :')
agneth #5
Chapter 42: Actually I like u'r story.. but I'm a little annoyed with two people or maybe I say hate to charater of L.Joe and jieun.. How can she to tame timing.. Huhffthh.. Oh so unfair..
FrrrAnikaFrrr #6
Chapter 42: This story is soooo amazing! I like it like it like it! ^.^