Chapter 24

Teach Me How To Love


A/N: blue means english as always :D


“Oh, here you are…“ Woohyun said as he walked towards them.

Jieun looked up and wiped her remaining tears away. L.Joe got up and walked away. He passed by Woohyun without saying anything and walked back into the building. Jieun was sitting there watching him. Than Woohyun stood in front of her and patted her head.

“What happened?” He asked as he sat down next to her.

“Nothing…” Jieun tried to smile.

“Sure… Tell me!” Woohyun grabbed her hand.

Jieun looked at him and a smile appeared on her face.

“It’s nothing… “ She smiled as she hugged his arm.

“Hmm…” Woohyun smiled as well as he hugged her waist.

“Wanna skip classes?” He looked down at her.

“What?” She looked up.

“Wanna skip classes?” He asked her again.

“I can’t… The finals are just around the corner and-“

“Okay it’s decided. Let’s buy ice cream first!” He got up smiling while holding onto her hand.

Jieun giggled. Than both of them sneaked out of school without getting caught. They went to the bus stop and said down. Woohyun was still holding onto her hand. He looked at her hand and lifted her hand.

“Does it mean a lot to you?” He asked while looking at her.

“Of course…” She answered confused.

“Hmm… And this?” He pointed at the necklace with his name around her neck.

She smiled and shook her head.

“What?” He asked surprised.

“It means the world to me!” She said smiling and laid her head on his shoulder.

He giggled and her cheek with his empty hand.

“I love you…” Woohyun said.

“Hmm… I love you too.” She said as her eyes were closed.

Woohyun looked down at her and sighed. Than the bus came and they got in.


“I wanna ride that!” She pointed at the roller coaster while holding onto Woohyun’s hand with one of her hand while holding ice cream with her other hand.

Woohyun gulped.

“Are you sure?” He asked while looking at the roller coaster.

“It looks pretty high…” He gulped again.

“Is someone scared? Don’t worry, I’m here.” She winked as she pulled him to the huge line in front of the roller coaster.

They waited for 10 minutes and finally sat in the middle.

“Oh my good I can’t do this… Excuse can I get off?” He asked the man who was checking if everyone was seated.

“You don’t want to leave me alone, do you? And besides it’s already too late…” Jieun grinned as the roller coaster started moving.

Woohyun grabbed onto Jieun’s arm and closed his eyes. Jieun giggled. She enjoyed the ride whereas Woohyun was sitting there silently while his eyes were closed the whole time.

“It’s done…” Jieun poked his head.

Woohyun opened one of his eyes and than he opened the other one.

“It was okay…” He sat straight as he let go of her arm.

“Yeah sure… That’s why I can’t feel my arm anymore… Because you were too excited.” Jieun giggled as she got up.

Woohyun followed her.
They rid other rides as well before it got dark.

“I’ll take you home…” Woohyun said as they walked towards the bus stop.

“It’s okay… Go home… And learn for your exam tomorrow!” Jieun looked at him.

“Ah right… I totally forgot about that…” He sighed.

“Than I see you tomorrow…” He said as he hugged her.

“See you!” Jieun waved goodbye and ran towards the bus.

She just got in time. The bus driver saw her running and waited for her.

“Thank you!” Jieun bowed smiling as she sat down on the back of the bus.

She took her phone out and saw that Myungsoo had called her. She called him back.


“Myungsoo? It’s me Jieun.”

“Oh, Jieun, where have you been? You weren’t in school and not at home… I was about to call your dad… Do you know how much I worried about you?” Myungsoo spoke fast.

Jieun giggled.

“Why are you giggling? It’s not funny! I was worried to death!” He almost yelled into the phone.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry… I was at the amusement park with Woohyun… I’m on the bus coming home…”

“Should I come and get you?” He asked.

“It’s okay… I can walk by myself…”

“But today on the radio they said that there was a man going around in Seoul and kidnapping girls who were alone…”

“Come on… Who’d want to kidnap me? Seriously… And our house is only like 5 minutes from the bus stop… Don’t worry.” Jieun smiled.

“I’d kidnap you.” She could clearly feel him smirking.

“Yeah, because you’re blind…”

“Blind because of your beauty…”

“Myungsoooooo, don’t be so cheesy…” Jieun laughed.

“But you like it, don’t you?”

“Well… Which girl wouldn’t like it?” She smiled.

“Ah anyways, I’ll have to get off soon… I see you later!” She said.

“Hm okay… You sure that I shouldn’t pick you up…?” He asked again.

“I am… I see you home…” She said.

“Okay, I love you…”

“I love you, too.” She hung up with a smile on her face.

After two stops she got off of the bus. The streets were quiet and covered in an orange color coming from the street lights. Jieun was quickly walking when she heard footsteps behind her. She slightly turned her head and saw a shadow behind her. She got faster but with her pace the steps behind her got faster as well. Jieun sighed and her conversation with Myungsoo before popped into her head.

“But today on the radio they said that there was a man going around in Seoul and kidnapping girls who were alone…”

She got faster and turned into a corner. The streets were even emptier and no house had its lights . Jieun got her phone out of her pocket and tried to call Myungsoo but he wasn’t answering.

“What are you doing when I need you?” She hissed quietly as she turned into another corner.

Suddenly she bumped into someone and both of them fell down. Jieun looked up and saw Myungsoo.

“I just called you!” She cried out loud.

“Sorry, I forgot my phone at home…” He said as he hugged her.

The man who was following Jieun saw her hugging Myungsoo and walked away.

“Why did you call me?” Myungsoo asked Jieun as they walked home hand in hand.

Jieun hold tightly onto Myungsoo.

“Jieun? Are you okay?” He asked worried.

“The man… He followed me…” She said scared.

“Which man?” Myungsoo stopped walking and looked around.

“He’s gone… Come on, let’s go home…” She pulled his arm.

He looked at her for a minute and looked around before he nodded softly and kissed her nose.

“I’m here… Don’t worry…” He whispered and they walked home.

-The next day-

The students were walking out of class exhausted after the exam.

“One more left…” Amber said as she crossed out the biology exam which they had written today.

“I can’t anymore… I’m sure I failed it… I didn’t have time to learn last night…” Jieun sighed as she and Amber were walking towards their locker.

“Why?” Amber looked at her.

“I skipped classes and Woohyun and I went to the amusement park… When I went back home some guy started to follow me… I don’t know what I’d do if I hadn’t bump into Myungsoo… The guy would have me and killed me probably…” Jieun said as she hold tightly onto her books.

“Omo… I’m glad Myungsoo came in time!” Amber hugged Jieun.

“Baby…” Jieun heard Myungsoo’s voice.

She looked up and saw him standing behind Amber with Sungyeol on his side.

“Are you okay?” He asked worried.

“Don’t worry…” Jieun smiled.

Myungsoo grabbed onto her hand.

“How was your exam?” He asked as he led her away from Amber.

Amber and Sungyeol were left alone.

“I feel like the third wheel…” Sungyeol sighed as Amber and he watched Jieun and Myungsoo disappearing in the crowd.

“Me too…” Amber sighed.

“Anyways I’m hungry… Wanna join us?” Sungyeol asked Amber as he patted his stomach.

“Maybe later… See you…” She waved goodbye to Sungyeol as she hurried towards the library.

Sungyeol shrugged and walked towards the canteen.
Amber met Chunji on her way to the library.

“Hey, Amber~” Chunji waved at her.

“Hey Chunji~ what’s up?” She smiled.

“Nothing much… How about you?”

“Same, same…”

“Are you in a hurry?” Chunji looked at the eager Amber.

“Kinda? I talk to you later.”

“Okay see you…” Chunji waved goodbye.

Amber waved back and started to run towards the library. She opened the door and walked to the tables at the back of the library. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw him sitting there near the window. He looked up and smiled as he saw her.

“I thought you forgot… Let’s start…” He said with a smile on his face as he opened his book.

Amber nodded and sat across him doing the same as he did.


“Where is this place?” Jieun looked into the huge room.

“It’s the dance room of the school…” Myungsoo said as he the lights.

“We have a dance room?” Jieun asked surprised.

“Yeah…. But no one really knows… Everyone thinks it’s the storeroom.” He turned around and smiled at her.

“And how do you know this room?” She looked at him.

“Well… Sometimes… When I have to think about some things… I come here… I was surprised when I found this room. I tried to hide from all the fangirls and just ran into a room, turned out it was the dancing room…” He smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror.

His smiled fade away as he started to think about something.

“What is?” Jieun walked up to him and touched his arm.

“Hm? Nothing…” He smiled at her and hugged her as he turned towards her.

She hugged him and they stood there for a while. Than Myungsoo leaned back and looked at her.

“I love you…” He whispered before he placed a kiss on her lips.

Jieun kissed him back as she pulled him closer to herself.

“I have to show you something…” He whispered as he pulled back from the kiss and their foreheads were touching each other.

“I never showed this someone before…” He let her go and walked towards the stereo equipment.

Jieun sat down and Myungsoo pressed play. Soon the room was filled with music and Myungsoo was dancing. Jieun watched him in awe. She never knew that he could dance that well.
After the music finished he hid his face behind his palms as sweat was dropping onto the floor. Jieun started to clap and got up to walk towards him. He looked up and hid his face again.

“That was great!” Jieun said as she hugged him.

“You’re just saying this to be nice…” He smiled shyly as he hugged her back.

“No, I’m serious! It was brilliant… I’ve never seen some dance like this…” She said as she kissed his cheek.

“You haven’t seen Hoya yet…” He smiled as he walked towards his bag.

He took a shirt out and undressed himself. Jieun wasn’t feeling ashamed anymore to see him shirtless.

“Like what you see?” Myungsoo saw Jieun watching him through the mirror.

“Yes…” She grinned.

“Too bad…” He said as he put his other shirt on.

Jieun smiled. Myungsoo walked towards her and grabbed her hand.

“Let’s go… It’s almost time for class and I haven’t eaten anything yet…” He led her out as he turned off the lights.


A/N: i wrote this chapter in a rush >_< i still hope you'll like it :)))
welcome to the new subscribers and thanks for leaving comments
i think this story is slowly coming to an end but i think i'll do a sequal~ but don't worry, i want to write at least 30 chapters so i have 6 to go lol
anyways please subscribe and leave comments~ no silent readers please :D thanks!


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Chapter 42: What happened to Mina?
elfcassopeia #2
Chapter 42: Chpt 42: wow! This story is really nice. I really liked it ♡
Danieea #3
Chapter 42: i really liked it authornim:) good good
Chapter 42: Awww the ending :')
agneth #5
Chapter 42: Actually I like u'r story.. but I'm a little annoyed with two people or maybe I say hate to charater of L.Joe and jieun.. How can she to tame timing.. Huhffthh.. Oh so unfair..
FrrrAnikaFrrr #6
Chapter 42: This story is soooo amazing! I like it like it like it! ^.^