Chapter 19

Teach Me How To Love


“I’ll see you tomorrow then!“ Myungsoo waved Infinite goodbye as Dongwoo drove off.

“Where’s Hoya’s house?” Jieun asked.

“Not far from here… A few blocks away…” Myungsoo smiled as he put his arm around Jieun’s neck.

They walked in and completely forgot about Woohyun who was following them inside.

“Guys…” He said as he pulled his suitcase up the two steps inside to the house.

Jieun turned around and looked at him.

“Let me help you…” She said and put Myungsoo’s arm away and helped Woohyun.

When she was about to grab the suitcase Myungsoo took it away from her.

“Go in… I’ll do this…” He said as he took it away from Woohyun’s and Jieun’s hands.

“You’re back!” Jieun’s grandma welcomed them.

Jieun smiled at her.

“Grandma, this is Woohyun, my childhood from Seoul… He’s staying here with us…” Jieun said as she pointed at Woohyun who bowed.

“Ah welcome dear… There’s a room right at the end of the hallway. It used to be Jieun’s room… You can sleep there…” Her grandma smiled.

“Thank you…” Woohyun bowed as he walked towards the room.

“I’ll get changed…” Jieun smiled at Myungsoo.

He nodded and followed her.

“I’m gonna change…” Jieun said as they stood in the room.

“Okay…” Myungsoo sat down on the bed as he watched her.

“I said, I’m gonna change…” Jieun repeated.

“Okay, do so…” Myungsoo nodded.



“Go out!” Jieun said as she pushed him away.

“No… I’m your husband…” Myungsoo stood still.

“Stiiiilll….” Jieun tried to push him again.

He suddenly grabbed her arms and turned her around so that she was facing him. They looked each other in the eyes before Myungsoo leaned in. Jieun felt his breath brushing against her lips.

“Myungsoo…” She whispered as she closed her eyes.

“Jieun, there’s something I need to tell you…” He whispered next to her ear.

“What is it?” Jieun asked as she opened her eyes.

“Jieun, I l-“ Myungsoo was about to finish his sentence when someone knocked at the door.

“Jieun, you ready to watch a movie?” They heard Woohyun’s voice.

“Such a er!” Myungsoo hissed as he leaned back.

Jieun gulped and stood up quickly. She walked to the door and opened it.

“Jieun, are you okay? You look so….scared…” Woohyun looked worried at her.

“I’m fine, I’m fine… Let’s watch the movie!” She said as she pushed Woohyun towards the living room.

Woohyun looked back and saw Myungsoo sitting on the bed while looking down. He turned back and saw Jieun already in the living room.

“Was it a wrong timing?” Woohyun asked her while pointing towards Jieun’s and Myungsoo’s room.

“No, no, it wasn’t…” She smiled it off while sitting on the sofa.

“You’re biting your nails…” Woohyun pointed at her.

“Oh? Oh…” She smiled awkwardly.


Woohyun fell asleep during the movie, so it was only Myungsoo and Jieun. She tried to concentrate on the TV screen but she could feel Myungsoo’s glances.

“Are you still watching the movie?” She asked without looking at him.

“Hm? No, you?” He replied.

“No… I’m tired… Should I turn off the TV?” She finally looked at him.

“Yes…” He smiled as he got up to wake up Woohyun.

“Ya, Woohyun! How can you fall asleep? It was your idea to watch the movie…” Myungsoo sighed as he stood next to him.

“Ya! Wake up!” Myungsoo shook Woohyun’s shoulders.

“Huh? Is it morning?” Woohyun got up and looked around confused.

Myungsoo cringed his nose.

“You have some… saliva…” He pointed at Woohyun’s lips.

Woohyun quickly wiped it away and stood up.

“What happened?” He asked looking at Jieun.

“You fell asleep!” Jieun giggled.

“I did?” Woohyun scratched his head.

“Yup… Now go to bed…” Jieun pushed him to his room.

“Okay… Good night…” Woohyun walked to his room and closed the door lightly.

Jieun walked into their room and Myungsoo followed her closing the door. Everyone else was already sleeping. Jieun got her clothes and walked towards the door.

“Where are you going?” Myungsoo looked at her surprised.

“Changing my clothes and brushing my teeth…” She said and opened the door.

Myungsoo nodded and started to change. After a while Jieun walked in with her clothes folded in her hands. She placed them next to her luggage and got into bed. She pulled the blanket and laid down while her back was facing Myungsoo.

“Jieun?” Myungsoo said as he looked at her.

“Hm?” She asked with her eyes closed.

“Jieun…” He said as he grabbed her shoulders and turned her around.

Jieun opened her eyes and looked at him. Myungsoo took a deep breath. He placed a kiss on her forehead.

“I’m sorry for hurting you…” He whispered.

Jieun just smiled and leaned closer in while she rested her head on his chest. Myungsoo hugged her and her head.

“Jieun the thing I wanted to tell you is..” But then he heard her snoring. He smiled and closed his eyes to fall asleep as well.

-The next day-

Jieun opened her eyes and found herself in Myungsoo’s embrace. She smiled to herself and leaned a little bit more in. She could hear his heart beating and placed her hand softly on it.

“It’s for you…” He whispered.

“You’re awake?!” She leaned back and looked at him.

He smiled sheepishly.

“You were snoring…” He giggled as he sat up.

“I’m not snoring!” Jieun blushed and turned around.

“It was cute…” Myungsoo smirked.

“Are you making fun of me?” Jieun turned around and glared at him.

“Do I look so?” He smirked and placed a quick kiss on her lips.

Jieun’s eyes widened and she didn’t know what to say.

“Ya, are you insane!” She hit his arm.

Myungsoo laughed and fell off of the bed.

“Are you okay?” Jieun quickly leaned in and looked at him worried.

Myungsoo was still laughing.

“Your face!” He said while holding onto his stomach.

“What is? Do I have something on my face?” She said as she tried to feel something with her hands on her face.

“No! But…. The way you… looked….” He continued laughing.

“Idiot!” Jieun threw a pillow at him and got up.

She opened the door and saw her dad looking at her with wide eyes.

“What was this sound?” He asked worried.

“Nothing…” Jieun shook her head and walked towards the bathroom.

Jieun’s dad looked inside and saw Myungsoo getting up from the ground while his hair was a mess. He quickly shook his head and walked back into the kitchen.
Jieun quickly washed her face and saw Myungsoo still laying on the bed.

“Get up lazy …” She said as she walked back out.

Myungsoo sighed and got up slowly. He quickly washed his face and walked into the kitchen to see everyone already eating. He placed himself next to Jieun and started to eat.

“What are you kids doing today?” Myungsoo’s dad asked.

“We’ll meet with Hoya and the others…” Myungsoo said as he put rice inside of his mouth.

“They’ll be coming in an hour…” Woohyun said as he swallowed.

Jieun’s dad softly hit his back.

“Hmm… What are we doing?” Myungsoo’s mom asked her husband.

“I think we’ll stay at home… Mr. Lee is still hurt…” He answered.

“You’re hurt?” Jieun’s eyes widened as she looked at her dad.

“It’s okay… I just fell yesterday…” He smiled awkwardly.

“Where?!” Jieun had put her chopsticks aside and examined her dad.

“At the ice ring… Don’t worry… I’ll be fine by tomorrow…” He smiled.

“Sure? Did you see a doctor?” She asked worried.

“Yes… He gave me some medicine… Don’t worry about me… I’m just getting old... I shouldn’t do these things anymore… “ He laughed it off.

“Okay…” Jieun was still worried.

“Quickly eat up… You’ll be meeting up with your friends later…” He said as he forced her to eat.

Jieun nodded and continued eating.
After breakfast Myungsoo, Woohyun and Jieun changed and walked out to meet up with the rest of Infinite. They were already waiting in front of the gates for them.

“Yo whaddup?” Hoya smiled.

“Busan sure makes you another person…” Myungsoo giggled as he high fived Hoya.

“Jieun, let’s make a tour around Busan… Maybe you’ll remember us then…” Hoya said smiling.

“She doesn’t have to remember…” Sunggyu said looking down.

“Why? I want to…” Jieun pouted.

“Hyung… Calm down… It’s all in the past anyway…” Myungsoo looked at Sunggyu.

Sunggyu looked up and nodded.

“What?” Jieun asked confused.

“Nothing babe… Let’s go!” Myungsoo smiled at her while putting his arm around her neck.

On their way to the subway they met Mina.

“Oh noona!” Sungjong ran up to her and smiled.

“Sungjong? Oh my god… Since when are you here?” She hugged him smiling.

Jieun suddenly became gloomy.

“We came last night honey!” Dongwoo walked up to her with a grin on his face.

“Don’t even think about it!” Mina said as she giggled and hugged him.

“I wasn’t!” Dongwoo defended himself while everyone was laughing except Jieun.

One by one everyone greeted Mina except for Jieun and Woohyun.

“And this is Myungsoo’s wife…” Dongwoo said to Mina as she pointed at Jieun who was still in Myungsoo’s embrace.

Jieun’s eyes widened and she started to blush.

“Wife?” Mina asked with a disappointed smile.

“Ah well you see…” Myungsoo took his arm away and scratched his head.

“Why did you lie to me? I thought she’s your cousin…” Mina had tears in her eyes.

“What?” Hoya looked at Myungsoo.

“Mina… I wanted to tell you but-“

“Don’t say anything anymore… I thought we were at least friends…” Mina said as she turned around and walked away.

“Mina wait!” Myungsoo yelled after her but she was already gone.

“Go, run after her!” Jieun hissed as she walked towards the subway and ran downstairs.

“Jieun!” Woohyun ran after her.

“Why didn’t you tell Mina?” Dongwoo asked Myungsoo.

“Don’t tell me you aren’t over her… Myungsoo, I swear if you brake Jieun’s heart one more time then I’ll break your ing head, got it?” Sunggyu said and followed Woohyun.

“What about you?” Myungsoo yelled after Sunggyu.

“What about me?” Sunggyu stopped and turned around.

“You know what I mean…” Myungsoo smiled ironically.

“Myungsoo, stop it…” Hoya grabbed his collar.

“We all know why Jieun doesn’t remember her past here in Busan, don’t we?” Myungsoo smirked again.

“Hyung… Stop!” Sungjong pulled Myungsoo’s arm.

Sunggyu was walking back upstairs towards Myungsoo and the rest of Infinite.

“I’m not like you… At least I know when to let go!” Sunggyu hissed as he walked closer towards Myungsoo and Hoya.

Myungsoo pushed Hoya away and walked closer to Sunggyu.

“Is that why you were against our marriage?” Myungsoo hissed.

“I never said that!” Sunggyu defended himself.

“Oh come on, we all can see how nervous you still get when you are near Jieun…” Myungsoo smirked.

“I’m not!” Sunggyu growled.

“Aren’t you the reason for her to hate Busan? Aren’t you the reason she can’t remember anything? She still thinks that she hates Busan because of her mother’s death… When we all know that you are the ing reason!” Myungsoo poked Sunggyu’s chest.

“Stop it!” Sunggyu became angry.

“You still can’t let her go, can you? You’re still not over her, are you?” Myungsoo smirked ironically.

“But it’s time to let go, hyung. She can’t remember you and even if she does… She’s mine now!” Myungsoo answered rudely.

“How about you and Mina?” Sunggyu walked closer to Myungsoo.

“Did you let her go?”

“At least she doesn’t hate everything because of me!” Myungsoo hissed.

Sunggyu couldn’t hold his anger back anymore and punched Myungsoo in the face. He fell down and his nose started to bleed.

“At least I’m strong enough to hide my love!” He hissed and turned around to walk downstairs to the subway to catch Woohyun and Jieun.


late update T__T don't kill me please...*cries*
btw welcome to the new subscribers
 <3 why do you think Jieun hates Busan? what could have happened in the past? stay tuned for the answer :D 
thank you all so much for your awesome comments ;~; *omg i can't* *flips over universe* 

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Chapter 42: What happened to Mina?
elfcassopeia #2
Chapter 42: Chpt 42: wow! This story is really nice. I really liked it ♡
Danieea #3
Chapter 42: i really liked it authornim:) good good
Chapter 42: Awww the ending :')
agneth #5
Chapter 42: Actually I like u'r story.. but I'm a little annoyed with two people or maybe I say hate to charater of L.Joe and jieun.. How can she to tame timing.. Huhffthh.. Oh so unfair..
FrrrAnikaFrrr #6
Chapter 42: This story is soooo amazing! I like it like it like it! ^.^