Location: Seoul, South Korea.

DBSK Summer Romance ♥

3 days later, Jaejoong and I were on our first date. We could have went 3 days ago or 2 days ago or even yesterday but every time he tries to ask me about it, there would always be someone who will cut him off. It’s okay though because it’s now happening. But- everything is so awkward. First off, we went to watch a film. We would whisper to each other and stuff but that’s about it really. We have a lot of stuff in common and we always have a laugh when we talk about something however, there is always someone who will shut up and will make the other one uncomfortable. We just got out of the cinema and so far, no one has recognized him. He quickly put his hood up as we started walking in bright daylight passing some cute clothes shops.

“That was a good film.” He mentioned.

“Ne. Did you enjoy it?” I asked.

“Ne.” he replied shyly.

And then we continued on walking in silence. I looked around and there was a couple of girls at the other side of the road who started pointing at Jaejoong. “I think you’ve been spotted.” I told him.

Jaejoong looked to where I was looking and he waved at the girls who waved back at him happily. “Not all Cassiopeias are crazy.” He smiled.


I really wanted to hold his hand but he had both of them deep inside his

jacket pockets. He just seemed so shy.

“Ya do you want to get some coffee?” He asked.

“Sure.” I responded hiding my frustration. I liked this boy a lot yet he’s making everything difficult. We both ordered a cup of coffee and we sat at one of the tables at the very corner of the coffee shop. We were sat facing each other but both of us were too shy to look at each other.

“I’m sorry I’m such a lousy date.” He mumbled looking down on the table.
“It’s a two way street. I’m sorry too. I haven’t been on date in a while.

I kinda forgot how it goes.” I laughed lightly.

“You must believe me that I really like you. Do you like me?” He asked his eyes mesmerising. “I believe you and yes I like you.” I answered.

He looked down again and smiled. “Can I ask you something oppa?”

He looked back at me and then nodded solemnly.

“I know this is only our first date, but are we, you know… That.” I said.

“Are we official? Like boyfriend and girlfriend?” He smiled. “Are we?”

“If you want.”

“Don’t you want to?” I asked nervously.

“I do. Of course I want to! But I don’t want to pressure you into something you don’t want to do. I’m still very happy that you agreed to go on a date with me.” He smiled sweetly.

“I’d love to be your girlfriend.” I blushed. This time, it was my turn to be shy and look down on the table. ~

When we got out of the coffee shop, we walked together in the busy streets of Seoul. He kept his head down so that no one will recognize him.

“Shille hagessumnida, could you answer a survey for me?” A dodgy-looking guy suddenly approached me, making me stop in my tracks.

He was holding a bunch of papers and a pen.

“Mianhe, I don’t have the time.” I said.

I thought Jaejoong would only be standing behind me but he wasn’t.

He kept on walking on his own, not realizing that I was left behind.

“Jebal…” The dodgy-looking guy said grabbing onto my wrist.

I was actually starting to get scared as I tried to let go of his grasp.

“Jae!!” I finally shouted. Jaejoong turned around and ran towards to my aid. “Ya let go of her!” He yelled. I rubbed my sore wrist while Jaejoong gently pushed me behind him.

“Go near her again and I swear-” he snarled at the guy. Dodgy-looking guy ran away and I blew a sigh of relief.

“Come on, I’ve attracted attention.” He panicked as he broke into a fast-paced walk. I found it hard to keep up with him but I managed it.

He had his hands out of his pockets and we were walking so close together that our hands were touching lightly. His eyes were focused at the road ahead while I was just staring at him in awe trying hard not to walk into a lamppost. I then decided that I’m gonna have to be one to make the first move this time. While looking straight ahead, I carefully and nervously entwined my fingers onto his. Frightened that he might let go, I started shaking. I saw him smile slowly and I felt his hand tighten around mine. Nice going, Skye. I thought in my head. We returned to a private car park to retrieve his car. As he started driving, I thought I’d start a conversation.

“Oppa, if you don’t mind, I don’t want the others to know about us yet. Especially my brother.” I mumbled.

“Eung. I’m pretty sure Xiah would murder when he finds out I’m dating his little sister.” He laughed half-heartedly.

“He probably would and ya, I’m not little.” I giggled.

I looked out and I realized that we were not on the way back to the dorm yet. “Where are we going oppa?” I asked.

“You’ll see. Our first date’s not over yet.” He grinned at me.

A few minutes later, we were at the beach. He parked his car underneath 2 coconut trees which was overlooking the beach. The sun was just about to set and everything looked so beautiful and orange. He cut the engine off and then got out of the car. I just hope he’s not planning on going skinny-dipping. I got out of the car too and then to my surprise, he suddenly picked me up which made me shriek a little, carried me effortlessly and then sat me down on the hood of his car.

“Err… Wh-” I stuttered. He smiled at me and then sat down beside me. I folded my legs and hugged them, resting my chin on my knees. Jaejoong copied me. “Why are you copying me?” I narrowed my eyes at him.

“Don’t do that, your eyes are already small enough.” He chuckled.

“Ya!” I shouted at him. “They’re pretty though, your eyes.” he crooned.

I looked away from his gazing eyes and then blushed deeply. My eyes are nothing compared to his. His eyes are so expressive and just beautiful.

I saw him let his legs hang off the hood of the car while I kept on hugging my legs. I looked ahead and the sun was setting. It was so pretty.

“Yeppeo.” I breathed. My legs was starting to cramp so I decided to stretch them. When I glanced at Jaejoong, he was just staring at me, his eyes so y. “Mwuh??” I asked him nervously.

He didn’t say anything but just started to lean closer to me.

“Are you going to kiss me?” I asked stupidly.

“Ne.” He smiled. His face was so close to mine that I could feel his sweet breath on me. “I might be bad at it.” I gulped.

“That’s not possible.” He stated, brushed some of my hair off my face and then kissed me straight on the lips. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. This right here, is mine and Jaejoong’s first kiss and it was nothing but perfect. It felt right and damn did it felt nice!

When our lips parted, I slowly opened my eyes. “Wow~” I said.

He let out a little laugh and then kissed me again, taking my breath away one more time. ~


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Chapter 27: Too bad they don't have any choice but to break up with each other :( But still what's important is Skye really had fun during that summer with DBSK guys who are very caring to her & especially she found love through Jaejoong. Even though they can't be together, maybe there will be a time when they can have the relationship they had if they still love each other. I really did enjoyed reading your story & it was really good! continue doing good stories like this :)
Chapter 22: Even though Changmin asked for a kiss from Skye, I know he's still hurt after knowing about Jaejoong & Skye's relationship :( still curious why Joon do that so will continue reading :)
Chapter 20: Why did Joon want to do harm on her? Finally they know that Jaejoong & Skye is dating & I felt sad for Changmin because he's the one who is sad after knowing about it :( But I was more surprised when Jaejoong suddenly said that they're not anymore & Skye was crying very hard because of it :( will continue reading to know what will happen next :)
Chapter 12: Jaejoong rescued him from that Joon! Jaejoong even confessed he likes her! wondering what will be Skye's answer! will continue reading :)
new reader & subscriber :) just found this story of yours & I like it especially Skye personality & how she blushes when she sees Jaejoong! I've watched that AADBSK in Saipan & I remembered that quiz especially the Microchip part :D will continue reading :)
Aw I thought they were gonna stay together...but overall i really like this story! 5 out of 5 stars!
lol in person the most beuitufl and handsome one its changmin, saw him two times >w<
riefor3v3r #8
awww...I liked it...hope there's gonna be a sequel hehe =]
Daphne_devera11 #9
Aw this was sweet!!!