
What Krystal Didn't Know


Girls purposely slowed down as they passed by their car. A hot car with hot owners. What could be more interesting than that? 

Key just rolled his eyes and observed his nails.

" Take a picture. It lasts longer," he mumbled as a flock of girls squealed like pigs as he gave them a dirty look. Did they  interpret it as a charismatic glare or a seductive gesture? He liked girls. But weak girls were not his type.

Standing outside of the school gates, they were at the pinpoint of turning into human icicles. Their noses were runny and their ears were blushing red. .

Minho was lazily his ice cream cone. The freezing weather didn't seem to bother him. He liked eating ice cream in the winter no matter how cold it was.

Jonghyun  was playing with his spikes on his shoes. Anybody that carelessly got close to him would get a stab.
He was the violent one of the group that usually led their missions.


Their gang was called Shinee, consisting of 5 boys. To make sure their maknae was safe, they kept a close eye on him all the time, like how brothers should. Minho brought him to school while they all picked him up at dismissal.

They were all a unit. Inseparable brothers that not only had skills in fighting, but was also gifted with looks and money. What did they call those? Pretty boys. They were exactly like geese. A flock that never separated and flied together through whatever. When a member got injured or stayed behind, so did another.

Key impatiently tapped his foot breathing out a cloud of mist and glanced at his watch. Quickly he ed his hand back in his sleeve.

2:30 pm

The bell was about to ring.


As usual, Taemin was the first to run out before anybody else. He had to, always. Taemin was undercover and secretly part of a gang. s waiting outside for him was not really a good idea. Taemin was the youngest that went to school. Like the other members, he dropped out dedicatedly for the gang. Who motivated them to drop out? Their failing grades. School was just not meant for gangsters.

But Taemin was told to go back for a special assignment.

" Yah yah! Palli palli," Key ushered at him opening the car door. Students were starting to walk out. Taemin quickly jumped in and the members followed suit strapping on their seat belts.

Minho stopped at a red light and caught sight of Krystal.

" Hey! It's her!," he said suddenly. They saw a girl a few feet away wearing a short jacket and skirt. Krystal was the only girl walking alone shivering in the cold. She rubbed her hands over her bare arms and held her skirt down as the wind picked up. Minho noticed that she looked sickly and pale.

The light turned green and jonghyun asked Taemin a question.  " We told you to follow up on her. So what did you find out so far?," Jonghyun asked. Taemin pondered for a while.

" I'm not sure. I know that she's badass," he began plucking out details from his memory. " I've only been in school for two weeks and she rarely shows up. She likes to get into fights with the teacher. A day ago she slept in class and I found her sleeping on the roof." they watched Krystal curiously until they parted ways.

" let's call hyung and give him an update." Using the cars phone system, the cars echoed with ringing

" Yeoboseyo?," the groggy voice on the other end answered.

" Yo hyung. Sorry to wake you up in the morning, but we got news," Jonghyun said loudly at the speaker.

" I'm listening," their hyung said now alert.

" You told us to follow this girl two weeks ago. We found out where she dwells and lives alone in a room. We told Taemin-"

" You mean forced," Taemin correctly grumpily.

"- to attend her school to spy on her. He says she rarely goes-"

" - and she's badass," Key interrupted.

" Stop interrupting me!," Jonghyun snapped.


" You never told us... Er.. What do you exactly want us to do?," Minho asked strumming the steering wheel.

"... I want you to.. Ruin everything that is hers," he replied darkly. " get into her inner circle and find out her weaknesses. Use her weaknesses to destroy that strong aura she carries.. like her bullies." He became quiet again.

The boys stayed silent as well. They noticed that their hyung sounded hurt yet angry at the same time. Strangely, he gave them a private assignment while he was gone. They had no clue who this girl was nor what relationship he had with their hyung. But they were sure it wasn't smooth if their leader was out to attack her

" But is there a reason-," Jonghyun asked to be cut off again.

" Just do as I say and I will give you more directions as the time comes. Be prepared," he said sharply and ended the call.

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Chapter 46: pls update
Chapter 46: update
fxwhuut #3
Chapter 46: asdkslaiqoakas whyyy;_; pls don't leave us hanging here and wait for 1382819191 years until you update again D:
tarquin #4
Chapter 46: please update i want to see more minstal momet, o minho really loves soojung please soojung believe in minho!!
enehkiux #5
Chapter 46: NOOOOOOO. Why are you leaving us hanging again after months of no news of how this unfortunate Krystal is going to survive such a huge storm in her life? Worst still her own brother is going against her and two of the supposedly bad guys are falling for her. Ugh I hate that I love you authorshi hahah :DDDD
Chapter 45: Le is Lee Taemin! XD or Lee Minho XDD
OTL What is with me? XD
enehkiux #7
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Who is this Mr Lee? I just hope that he is someone trustworthy and will treat Krystal with justice and care since her own brother is trying to kill her. Not sure whether to feel good that Onew is doing all this to avoid Krystal from knowing the hard truth but still its the wrong way of doing. She probably misses him a lot because he is her only family and here he is trying to get rid of her.

Poor Key being easily manipulated. I just hope that the rest would not fall into the trap as easily as he did. Especially Taemin because i trust him to look over Krystal.
nerdviolence #8
Chapter 45: its mr lee taemannnn!!!!
enehkiux #9
Chapter 44: Never thought that Onew would be so willing to have his parents sacrifice for his wrongdoings. If he had realize sooner before reaching the forest, he could have make a change for himself and his family. Maybe Krystal would not be put into that torturous school either...
Chapter 44: onew wae you so mean :"(