Strawberry Shortcake. Her favorite.

What Krystal Didn't Know


Krystal strolled the streets without a single clue where to look first. 

" Okay for somebody who smokes...wears sunglasses indoors...likes showing his boxers...old enough to drive...brave enough to steal..... where whould he go...

" A bar seems quite fitting...But i cant enter one..," she said thoughtfully.

Then she passed by the same 711 and saw him. Not even an entire glance she already knew it was him. His army jacket and all.

What a coincidence. He actually went back.


She jumped behind a tree and watched him from there. He was digging through the freezer. This time the cashier was present.


He picked out his choices and fished out a few bills. The cashier shakily packed his ice cream and and bowed. Was he that intimidating to others?


Minho bought a whole bag of ice cream. In this cold weather. Krystal's teeth chittered just thinking about it. She watched as he kept walking swinging his bag. Where was he going? They passed a childrens park and he entered it. Why was he going to a children's park? Krystal saw him walking near a crowd of little kids playing.


She had a feeling he couldnt  hurt her here. Passing more kids. Snowmen. The monkey bars. Oddly, he stopped at a huge tunnel and climbed in. She heard rustling of a wrapper. Then silence.


Krystal took a deep breath and also climbed in. He looked kinda depressed, troubled. Minho was sitting with his knees up and as soon as he heard somebody enter, he straightened out his leg and aimed to attack.


" STOP! I just wanted to talk to you!," she screamed avoiding the big foot. " Its you again?," he said recognizing her. He was holding a strawberry shortcake. Her favorite.


Krystal couldnt bow down to him or else she would lose her confidence. She needed that picture. Would blackmail work on him? " You see? This morning? You kinda dropped this." She showed him his card and he made a leap for it. " Nu uh uh. I'll only give this to you if you take a picture with me." He raised his sunglasses and took another bite from his popsicle, swallowing it whole. " Why?," he asked her.


Krystal had to say something convincing.


" My.... ex-boyfriend, he wont let me go and doesnt believe that I moved on so he wants proof. I dont have a boyfriend as of yet but I just want him to leave me alone," she stuttered.


" You could've just picked a random guy on the street but you had to follow me here?," he said smartly.


" You have to do it or else ill bust you for stealing cigarettes. and ual harassment." His eyes glared her down. He didn't look too happy about that. Minho crawled out of the tunnel from the opposite side. " What ual harassment?!," he exclaimed in bewilderment looking her up and down.


She got up and shrugged. " You sat on me and messed up my tongue."


" Fine! One picture!." He gave up and stood next to her.


" I need to use your phone."


" Your pathetic," he muttered going through his jacket. He shoved the phone into her hand. She raised the phone into the air and told him to smile. Or at least look cute. In which he was without trying. " Yah! Look! He's not going to believe that your my boyfriend," she complained at the back of his head. He was looking to his right.


" I'm taking the photo! Three Two One-." At the last minute, Minho turned his head to kiss her cheek. But he met her lips instead.


Click. The picture was taken. She gave him back his card. Minho wiped his mouth and backed away, alarmed. " Get away from me." Krystal didnt know what to say. It was all an accident. " I'll meet you here tomorrow with your phone!," she shouted starting to run away as Minho fumed.


She had the picture.


Strawberry Shortcake. Her favorite.

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Chapter 46: pls update
Chapter 46: update
fxwhuut #3
Chapter 46: asdkslaiqoakas whyyy;_; pls don't leave us hanging here and wait for 1382819191 years until you update again D:
tarquin #4
Chapter 46: please update i want to see more minstal momet, o minho really loves soojung please soojung believe in minho!!
enehkiux #5
Chapter 46: NOOOOOOO. Why are you leaving us hanging again after months of no news of how this unfortunate Krystal is going to survive such a huge storm in her life? Worst still her own brother is going against her and two of the supposedly bad guys are falling for her. Ugh I hate that I love you authorshi hahah :DDDD
Chapter 45: Le is Lee Taemin! XD or Lee Minho XDD
OTL What is with me? XD
enehkiux #7
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Who is this Mr Lee? I just hope that he is someone trustworthy and will treat Krystal with justice and care since her own brother is trying to kill her. Not sure whether to feel good that Onew is doing all this to avoid Krystal from knowing the hard truth but still its the wrong way of doing. She probably misses him a lot because he is her only family and here he is trying to get rid of her.

Poor Key being easily manipulated. I just hope that the rest would not fall into the trap as easily as he did. Especially Taemin because i trust him to look over Krystal.
nerdviolence #8
Chapter 45: its mr lee taemannnn!!!!
enehkiux #9
Chapter 44: Never thought that Onew would be so willing to have his parents sacrifice for his wrongdoings. If he had realize sooner before reaching the forest, he could have make a change for himself and his family. Maybe Krystal would not be put into that torturous school either...
Chapter 44: onew wae you so mean :"(