Her Story.

What Krystal Didn't Know


" Ms. Jung."


No response. Ms. Song put her chalk down and folded her arms.

" MS. JUNG," she shouted louder.

Her name was Krystal. Krystal Jung.
- high school junior.
- long black hair that covered her face so she closely resembled the grudge.
- small face that was comfortable with using the table as her pillow.
- sunlight that complimented her pale skin.
- comfortable in a simple white shirt and black skirt.
- small pink lips that parted a little and left a puddle of drool
- arms that lazily hung below the table.


In short, Krystal Jung was lack of a merit student.


Krystal's eyes fluttered open and she lifted her head, wiping the drool off with her arm. Looking to the front, she noticed that Ms. Song did not look happy.

" Yes, Ms. Song," Krystal said casually as if she did nothing wrong. Her classmates turned their heads cautiously as she stood up. Her chair screeched as it was pushed back.

" This has to be the tenth time you slept in my class this semester. If you can't sleep at home and keep this up, Im going to have to call your parents," she snapped banging her podium with her fist.

The fragile word. Parents. That hit the sensitive spot.


She kicked her chair violently leading to the class jumping in surprise. Even Ms. Song backed up against the chalkboard. Krystals nose flared and her fists tightened. She didn't need any of this right now.

Kicking up her bookbag which had nothing inside, she walked up to Ms. Song, challenging her.

Krystal was known to be a bad student and being unpredictable. For never handling in her assignments, failing tests miserably, coming to class rarely, and daring to sleep right in front of the teacher.

Everyone always wondered. Who was this Krystal? Who was suppose to discipline her?


Go ahead. Call. See who actually answers," she snickered as she would like to see the shocked look of Ms. Song's face when she called the pizzeria. She walked to the classroom door with the trail of eyes that followed her and slammed the door as hard as she could.



With her skirt sashaying from side to side, she skipped up the stairs toward the roof. It was almost dismissal so she was going to spend the rest of the time until then to chill.

Laying directly beneath the sun, she combed her fingers through her hair and closed her eyes for a moment to think. Causing another ruckus with Ms Song. What did the woman know about her parents? Krystal didn't want to bring up the past.

Maybe it wasn't such a good idea for her to get worked up. She ended up dreaming about that night.


Two years ago, Krystal was home alone. She came home after school to an empty house and had to eat dinner alone. She didn't know where her parents or her brother was. But Krystal couldn't shake the feeling away that something was off.

Sitting on her bed hugging her knees, she watched the storm outside. Thunder clapped furiously and the rain came down in buckets.

Grabbing her phone, she called her mother for the millionth time only to be transferred to voicemail.


" Im sorry your call cannot be reached-."


Then, she heard the front door slam. Relieved, she skipped down the stairs to have a heart attack. She slipped on the last step and fell against the wall, not caring where her body ended up at that moment. Her soul left her when she saw the blood. Krystal didn't know what to say. It wasn't normal to see Onew's terrified expression and being soaked head to toe with rain, dirt and blood. It was not the welcome she expected.


"Oppa..," she trickled, in a tremble. Onew saw her in shock and rushed up to her with his eyes dashing like pinballs. His hair was in sticky ruins.

" Krystal! Krystal! Our parents! Whatever you do, you can't tell anybody. 알라지?," he commanded grasping her hands tightly.

엄마와 아빠.. Where are they," she gulped hoping to not hear the devistating news she about to be told. Onew hugged her tightly and wrapped his arms around her neck.

" They got kidnapped," he said with clutching her tighter as tears started to form.


Her parents owned the broadcasting company SM. They were stockholders worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Her family had abundance of comfort and wealth. Whatever she wanted was given before her eyes. She practically lived like princess under her parents wings.


The reality of money never hit her before. And other people's greed. She didn't take those things seriously. Cases like kidnapping and randsoms. She never had to experience hardship nor bad guys.


Didn't those things only happen in movies? Wasn't it only 4% chance for her to get mobbed on the street? But the worst scenario she could imagine,  happened. And it had to happen to her parents.

Krystal stood up and tried to run for the nearest phone. Onew was quick and pulled her back. She got spun twice into his arms and the chandelier above was spinning in glittery colors.

Her life was beautiful. She had family and a big house that was filled with love. They ate meals together and laughed endlessly. Every Thanksgiving, they were thankful for so many things. What more could she have wanted when everything important she needed was there?


Her mother was the one that calmed her down when she got her first menstrual cycle. Her father was the one that taught her how to use a knife safetly like a tough girl.

" Why are you holding me back? Call the police!," she desperately cried Into Onew's shirt. He knew Krystal was going to be this way so he let her react. How could she not go ballistic when she just lost her parents?

" NO! We cant tell ANYBODY! It's too late!," he said. The storm continued to roar outside sulking the mood even more.

Too late. Too late. Too late. Those words echoed in her head. Too late.


" THEY'RE DEAD?," she screamed pushing him away. " I tried to save them but they were dead when I got there," he shouted increasing the intense atmosphere. The room temperature dropped by 10 degrees. Her shoulders felt cold. Her toes felt numb. In fact, her whole body was shutting down.


She wanted her mother's warm hugs and her father's forehead kiss. She closed her eyes picturing them. It was only this morning she was sent to school and said " See you later". Why did Onew have to come home and tell her their parents were dead?

She held onto the banister for support. Her knees felt like weak branches ready to snap.

" You still have me," Onew comforted softly.

ZzzZzzZzzZz ( She fell asleep)

" Unni! It's time to go." She felt an urgent breathe hit her ear. Krystal slowly stood up and fixtened her clothes.

" Thanks Sulli," she said looking at her watch. 3:00. Time to go... Home.

As the both of them walked away, Krystal saw one of her classmates, Taemin, watch them from afar. Why was Taemin on the roof?

She realized he wasn't just watching the both of them. He was staring at HER specifically. Taemin just waved and wiggled his fingers with a mischievous smirk on his face.


Sorry long chapter :) Please keep your interest. 

I'm so happy I have subscribers :) Please comment. I dont have low selfesteem to stab myself if I dont see any but I would really appreciate some feedback. 

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Chapter 46: pls update
Chapter 46: update
fxwhuut #3
Chapter 46: asdkslaiqoakas whyyy;_; pls don't leave us hanging here and wait for 1382819191 years until you update again D:
tarquin #4
Chapter 46: please update i want to see more minstal momet, o minho really loves soojung please soojung believe in minho!!
enehkiux #5
Chapter 46: NOOOOOOO. Why are you leaving us hanging again after months of no news of how this unfortunate Krystal is going to survive such a huge storm in her life? Worst still her own brother is going against her and two of the supposedly bad guys are falling for her. Ugh I hate that I love you authorshi hahah :DDDD
Chapter 45: Le is Lee Taemin! XD or Lee Minho XDD
OTL What is with me? XD
enehkiux #7
Chapter 45: Oh my god. Who is this Mr Lee? I just hope that he is someone trustworthy and will treat Krystal with justice and care since her own brother is trying to kill her. Not sure whether to feel good that Onew is doing all this to avoid Krystal from knowing the hard truth but still its the wrong way of doing. She probably misses him a lot because he is her only family and here he is trying to get rid of her.

Poor Key being easily manipulated. I just hope that the rest would not fall into the trap as easily as he did. Especially Taemin because i trust him to look over Krystal.
nerdviolence #8
Chapter 45: its mr lee taemannnn!!!!
enehkiux #9
Chapter 44: Never thought that Onew would be so willing to have his parents sacrifice for his wrongdoings. If he had realize sooner before reaching the forest, he could have make a change for himself and his family. Maybe Krystal would not be put into that torturous school either...
Chapter 44: onew wae you so mean :"(