
Torn between HoMin and JYJ


_______’s life became quiet, peaceful after that intense incident. No calls, no text messages from the guys and she didn't make the first move as well. ‘It should be better this way, right?’ _______ tried to convince herself.
_______ couldn't kid herself, she thought about the guys more than ever now. ‘How are they doing? Are they mad at me? Did they fight after I left? Has the situation become worst because of me?’ All these worries keep running around _______’s mind.
'How did you get yourself into this mess girl? You couldn’t have just stepped back and let life run its course.'

________ tried to immerse herself with work, taking in more projects than before just to get her by.


What happened with the boys after ______ left? Well the guys just stood there, all five were speechless and deep in thought as an awkward atmosphere surrounded them. Coincidentally, Changmin and Junsu’s managers called breaking the ice and so the two were the first to walk out of the room and was followed by everyone else.


The hectic schedules occupied their minds, distracted them from the bigger problems. But in reality, each one of them think about the problem at hand before the day ends.

“Hyung, aren't we going to do anything about it?” Changmin asked Yunho while they were waiting backstage for their turn to perform in SBS’ Inkigayo.
”What is there to do? You heard her.” Yunho answered coldly.  
Meanwhile, the other three guys that are involved were also talking about the same thing.

”Can't we go back to the way things were?” Yoochun asked, hoping to just forget about what happened.

”I miss ______ too but we’ve done enough. Just let her be.” Junsu voiced out his opinion
”What she did was big and complicated to just let it pass so easily.” Jaejoong told the two.

Everyone knew she was just trying to help, but they still did feel a bit betrayed, she ambushed them.


“Hey…are you listening to me?” Jessica has been talking to _______ but apparently she was just talking to herself since her friend spaced out. She was now waving her hand in front of the girl who’s got her brain miles across from where they were.

“YA!” Jessica said as she nudged _______, now that brought her back to reality.

“What did you do that for?!” ______ said annoyed as she straightened herself out.

“There could have been a fire and you still wouldn’t have moved an inch unless your clothes started to get burned, that’s how spaced out you were. Where’s head at?” Jessica told _______, curious as to why her friend is acting like this.

“My mind is working non stop right now.”

“Take off some time from work then.” Jessica advised, thinking that _______ must have been stressed cause of her job.

“No, work is what’s keeping me sane.” _______ simply explained. ______ thought hard about it, she trusted Jessica and so maybe it would help her if she get things off her chest. ________ was about to start telling Jessica her story when suddenly her phone rang.

“Hello, ______ speaking. Ah yes, I’m going to the photographer for that shoot. WHAT?! Was that for today? Omo, I’m so sorry. I’ll be there within 20 minutes. Okay, thank you very much.” _______ panicked as she put down the phone and started to pack her stuff.

“Who was that?”

“I forgot I had to do a shoot for Etude House. They called me asking where I was since the call time was half an hour ago.”

“Woah _______, I think this is the first time this happened to you.” Jessica was surprised since _______ was always professional.

“I know, this is so unprofessional. I’m losing my mind.” ________ was multi-tasking.

“Hey but wait, didn’t you say that you had a shoot here today too?” Jessica reminded her friend.

“Oh ! I over booked the schedules for today! ! What am I going to do?!” ______ slumped down on the couch as she realized her mistakes.

“Okay okay, calm down. Which is the bigger client, the one you’ll be doing here or Etude House?”

“Etude House. Today is just taking creative shots for an online shop.” ______ answered.

“So it’s settled then. You go do your thing for Etude House and I’ll cover for you here.” Jessica suggested.

“Are you serious?! I can’t possibly ask that from you.”

“I don’t have anything to do anyway, at least I’ll be able to help you and be productive.”

“You really are a life saver Jessica! Thank you! Thank you so much!” ________ hugged Jessica tight, thankful to have a friend like her.

“I know. Now go to work woman!” Jessica playfully pushed ______ out of her own studio.


________ rushed towards the location of the shoot and apologized to the staff, thank goodness they were very good client of hers.

________ set up her equipment quickly and was doing the test shots while they waited for the singer, Sandara Park from 2NE1 to arrive on set.

When Sandara finally arrived, they were both introduced to each other and it seemed like they would be able to work well with each other. The shoot was taking a lot of hours since ______, had to take solo photos of Sandara, the products, Sandara putting make-up on herself, etc. There were also a lot of change in clothes and set and so a lot of waiting was done too.

When the shoot was about to end, an accident occurred that caused everything and everyone to stop.

“_______-shi watch out!” One of the staff shouted but it was too late, one of the lighting equipments that were set up above fell, hitting _______ on the head. _______’s camera fell on the ground as the hard impact made her lose consciousness.


_______ was brought to the hospital immediately, a lot of blood could be seen and it was an ugly sight, one that would make a person feel uneasy and light-headed.

Jessica and the other members of DBSK were the people who the staff called first since their names were the last ones listed on her inbox.

_______ was under observation in the hospital as she received stitches on her head. She hasn’t woken up since and so the doctors still couldn’t say how bad her concussion would affect her.

Jessica couldn’t visit _______ because she was already out of town when she received the called at night.


Yunho and Changmin rushed to the hospital as soon as their schedules ended. They were filming nearby so it was easy for them to drop by.

The two were so worried when they got the call. Things didn’t really end on a good note the last time they met up with _______ so this just made them feel guiltier.

The two covered up their faces well as they asked the nurses where _______’s room was located.

Yunho went in the room first, followed by Changmin. The two saw _______ up already and she was watching tv. They walked closer towards her and they noticed the stitches on the side of her head.

“Hey pretty girl, you scared us.” Yunho started as he showed a weak smile to _______.

“Yeah, how are you feeling? We heard that the accident wasn’t a pretty sight.” Changmin said as he unwrapped the scarf around his neck.

_______ tilted her head as she looked at the guys curiously. “Uhm…who are you?”



Ooohh, a cliffhanger? *insert evil laugh*
Sorry if there are a lot of errors, this was done in a rush and I wasn't able to edit it yet. 
I'm just one tweet away if you want to talk:
~Comment Replies~ 
yuki-himehanasawa: When I read your why's, Keep your head down played in my mind, the 'wae wae wae' part. haha I know right, she's just doing her best in bringing them together. lol jealous Yoochun ba?
lilcassiex33: Thank you! yes, I'm not really a 'cassie' but really wish and hoping for the best for the boys. I guess that's why I'm writing this. lol
eunhyukmylover: I know, right? She's such in a difficult position. Glad you like the updates. Thank you! Uhm...well my top 3 in DBSK would be, Changmin, Yunho & Jae. Not in order, can't say who my top is since you might think he'll end up with the girl. LOL In SJ, I guess my top two are Leeteuk & Donghae, Kibum was my first bias there though ^_^. How about you?
chara_aia: Yeah, it's definitely action - drama packed. haha I know, I feel bad for them. They really are trying hard but I guess the media is under a lot of pressure from the 'bigger' people. aww...I'm glad you liked them ^_^
Muppet: epic fail :( I know, right? If only things were that easy. Hope you like this update :)
cupidzangel: Yeah, things went bad compared to what she had in mind :(
yupthatsme: Yeah I wish things in reality would be a lot better than what I'm writing. haha I really wonder how the friends feel.
redshuz: Yeah, it's really hard when no one's acting like they care. The girl really is trying to do a lot for them. 
Oklahoma: aww...well I hope not. Hope they're more civilized than what I wrote. haha I hope you feel better now. ^_^ *cyber hug*
Aeryth: Yeah it is :( I'm glad you liked it. Thank you so much, I appreciate the compliments! ^_^ 
ILuvSuJu15: I know, right? is this another WOW-worthy comment? haha speechless?
imaginedreamlove: Well here's the update ^_^ Hope you like it.
hopelessromantic: They should, right? She's done so much for them.
madz67: Me too, keep the faith people! ^_^ Hope you like this update.
amnos99: Yeah, the guys and the girl stopped the two before it got ugly. Yeah, she's really in a difficult position. 
gabie_16: Well, unfortunately they weren't planning on doing anything so maybe they'll think things through now that the girl is in the hospital.
demonhybrid13: Here's an update! Hope you love it again ^_^ 
jejemin: I hope not :/ I feel that they're feeling some negative feelings with each other but I just wish it isn't that bad and things will look better in the near future :) Always Keep the faith.
alj1225: Yeah, I think I would have too if both parties makes me choose. Is this another intense chapter - cliffhanger? haha. Oh I feel the same way about Yunho's scar too. haha rawr ^_^ 
Rieanah: I hope they do wake up now to help out the girl's situation. Hihi You are very welcome. Just spreading (shouting) the love. Yeah, let's tweet more ^_^
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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours