A plan?

Torn between HoMin and JYJ


“Excuse me, where is the dressing room of Kim Junsu?” ______ asked one of the producers of the musical production. _______ wasn’t at all surprised when the producer and the body guard near her looked at her from head to toe, not sure if they should take her seriously.

“Oh, I’m his friend. I’m also part of the media covering the musical.” ______ informed them as she showed them her pass.

“Oh I see. If that’s the case then you can just go towards the hallway, turn right and you’ll see his door.” The producer guided ______ backstage upon confirming that she wasn’t a crazy fangirl.

_______ knocked on Junsu’s dressing room door and waited for a response. Seconds after the door opened and ______ was first welcomed by Yoochun.

“______-ah!!” Yoochun greeted her happily as he opened the door wider for her to enter.

“Hi oppa.”

“______-ah! Thanks for coming to my show” Junsu stood up from his seat to greet ______ as well.

“Of course. You really did a good job. It’s no surprise why they keep getting you for musicals.” ______ flattered Junsu.

“Aww…you’re too sweet. You should’ve gone during the premiere, you could have watched with Yoochun and Jaejoong hyung.” Junsu told her.

‘Exactly.’ ______ thought. Ever since the ‘kiss’ incidents, ______ has been a bit distant with both Jaejoong and Yunho. She tried not to make it obvious though by still replying to their text messages but she did ignore their calls though.

“Yeah, uhm…I was busy that time.” ______ lied. “Yoochun oppa, why are you here again? Did you really enjoy Junu oppa’s musical that much?” ______ chuckled after she asked Yoochun.

“Well, I had a free schedule and I was bored so I came here to lounge” Yoochun teased.

“YA!” Junsu nudged him on his side then Yoochun caught him in a headlock making _______ laugh.


“Aww…It’s a YooSu moment. I should capture this.” ______ said as she turned her camera on and took a quick shot of the two.

Junsu and Yoochun immediately pushed each other apart in an attempt to prove ______ wrong about their ‘relationship’.



The next day, ______ went to her studio and planned to meet up with her friend there who was also a photographer.

“Hey sweetie...” Jessica said pleasantly as soon she entered through the door.

“Jessica! Oh my gosh, it’s been a while since I last saw you.” ______ got up from her work station as she welcomed her close girl friend.

“I know, right? We’ve been too busy but it shouldn’t be an excuse to not meet up.” Jessica pouted and then the two hugged each other a bit.

“Hey, what are you holding?” ______ asked as she spotted the small paper bag that Jessica was holding.

“Oh I got you coffee. Am I not the greatest?” Jessica smiled proudly as she placed the paper bag on top of a table. Jessica then got the grande sized Starbucks papercup from inside the paper bad and handed it over to _______.

“You’re not only the greatest, you are such a life saver. It reminds me why I befriended you in the first place…free coffee *mehrong*.” ______ smiled widely afterwards after sipping from the cup.


The two settled down on the couch and caught up with each other’s lives.

_______ shared stories, but of course she left out the ‘Hey I kissed two guys from DBSK’ fact.

“OMG! I almost forgot to tell you, I was able to shoot a boy band earlier this week!” Jessica blushed as she remembered.

“Really? Which idol group? Were they cute?” _______ asked, eager to find out who made her friend love their profession.

“Well…2PM! They were hella cute and buff too. I got to shoot them topless.” Jessica gushed and giggled.

“Wow, you are such a lucky girl!” ______ sincerely said. The two were like teenagers admiring their crushes.

“Yeah. I guess we truly are photographer soul sisters.  We both got to shoot boy bands.” Jessica reminded ______.

How could she forget, shooting the 5 guys known as DBSK was what got her career up and running and now the reason why she’s in confusion.

“They were so hott! Nice and sweet guys too. I was immediately converted to a ‘Hottest’. I just wanted to lock them all up inside a room you know, preferably my place for like forever and keep them all to myself.” Jessica joked about her daydream.

With Jessica’s last sentence, an idea started to form inside ______’s mind…it was like a light bulb went on above her head.

“Lock them inside a room….” ______ repeated, her mind was definitely considering her friend’s plan.

“Yeah, I’m just kidding of course. You know me and my crazy imagination sometimes.” Jessica laughed her far-fetched idea off.

‘It’s so crazy that it just might work.’ _______ thought with a sly smile on her face. 



Hmmm...what is she up to? *insert evil laugh*
Sorry for the short update. Currently studying for 2 exams this Saturday o_O and then SS3 that night so...YAY! haha 
Who's going?? I hope I could meet you guys...all of you!! ^_^
You guys, who she'll end up with is up to you and which team you're rooting for. So I might post a poll when the story is about to end and ask you guys. Or should she just not pick anyone so that she won't hurt anyone too. hmmm...
Tweet Tweet: twitter.com/nisrandom
~Comment Replies~
yuki-himehanasawa: Hahaha she is. awww...me too, I don't know which TEAM I'm in rin. Tama, Keep your bias to yourself diba. haha. Hope you like this update...cause Junsu's here ;)
yesungie: awww...I miss you too *hug* I hope you're not stressed out. haha okay, Go Team Yunho! I'm glad you're loving this story :) 
chara_aia: Me too...undecided between these two hott guys -_- 
sujudbsklover: LOL with the evil laugh. Go Team Jae! ^_~ Here's your update.
ShiBurrowes: hahaha, yeah she does. aww...her heart is still confused though. LOL WHUT? haha kissing everyone else. Thanks, I'm glad you like it ^_^
eunhyukmylover: Let's just say...she's currently avoiding the mess. haha 'kissing scenes are so yay' LOL ^_^ Hwaiting~!
ILuvSuJu15: hihihi...now I'm speechless too :p
imaginedreamlove: LOL, what were you thinking huh? ;) I agree with your team! I go with that too! hah ^_^ I'm happy my story makes you relax even just for a bit.
cupidzangel: Yeah, hmm...possessive = jealous = because he likes her? 
Rieanah: Haha she is. Choosing teams = hard. aww...I'm so happy you love it. Hope you like this update ^_^
alj1225: Haha, I'm jealous of her too. Yunho's your bias so go Team Yunho! ^_^ nadya1989: Go go go Team Yunho! ^_^
Muppet: awww...so happy you loved it ^_^ yeah she's lucky, but she's in a bittersweet situation though :)
hopelessromantic: Me too. LOL showdown of kisses ^_~ I know, right? It is hard.
nimsaengho: Me too!! haha Yay for Team Jae! ^_^
Oklahoma: so Team Yunho then? hmmm...I'm not saying who my bias is haha. But my top 3 would include the two + Changmin. haha I'm honestly undecided on which team I should be in too. hmmm..decisions. 
amnos99: Okay so team Jaejoong then? ;) It is hard for our hearts to decide which team to be in. haha want them both too! :p
gabie_16: And who won that round for you? haha ^_^
iPodGal19: I want them both too! But...yeah that's gonna be a problem. or unless she remains friends with both of them. 
yupthatsme: haha well there aren't jaw-dropping moments here so it's still all good. ^_^ Hope you like this update.
madz67: Yeah you did! Very lucky. haha ^_^
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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours