Reasons for future troubles.

Torn between HoMin and JYJ


______ was now back working in her studio. She didn’t let that accident hinder her from doing what she loved. Accidents happen, right?

She was catching up with Jessica since she just came back to town. _______ just finished sharing her story to her friend when the five guys of DBSK paid her an unannounced visit.

“Omona, it’s DBSK! Did I tell you how happy I am to be your best friend?” Jessica whispered excitedly to _______.

“Now don’t forget what I told you Jessica. Plus don’t lose it, stay classy.” _______ told her friend who was obviously getting starstruck

“Hello oppas, I didn’t know you guys were going to drop by.” ______ greeted them with a hug.

“Well surprise!” Junsu said in English

“Hi…uhm who’s she?” Changmin asked curiously as soon as he saw the blonde girl who was fixing her hair with a smile on her face.

“Oh I haven’t introduced you guys to her yet. This is Jessica, we’ve been friends for a long time now. She’s a photographer as well.”

Jessica and the guys formally greet each other.

“Oh so you remember her?” Yunho asked ______.

“Yeah?” She answered, a bit unsure of where Yunho was getting at.

“Ohh…then how come she still doesn’t remember us?” Yoochun asked the others.

______’s jaw almost dropped from their statements. She bit her lower lip and looked down on the ground to avoid the questions.

“Uhm, well you know, a person’s brain can block out people, events, places that has traumatized them to some point. Maybe that’s why she doesn’t remember you guys. I do remember her stressing about her situation with you guys, no offense.”  Jessica spoke up to her friend’s rescue.

______ breathed out a sigh of relief, thankful that Jessica was a quick thinker.

“None taken since you’re just saying the truth. Thanks for looking out for her.” Jaejoong replied sincerely.

“Well she is one of my best friends so of course we stick with each other.” Jessica told the guys.


_______ excused herself to go to the bathroom and left Jessica to talk to the guys.

For some odd reason as soon as _______ was out of the room, Jessica acted a bit like a fan girl towards the famous idol stars.

She was becoming touchy-touchy with Changmin and strangely enough the maknae was responding to her ‘haptic’ moves.


______ was taking deep breaths when she walked out of the comfort room.

“It’s okay…don’t feel guilty. You can’t give up now. Just a few more days and everything will work out fine. You’ll come clean and everything will be alright.” She was talking to herself.

Her conscience was driving her crazy.

“OMO!” ______ was taken by surprise when a hand suddenly rested on her shoulder.

“Why so jumpy? Are you okay?” Yunho asked ______ as he noticed how shocked she was.

“Uhm…yeah. Well who wouldn’t get scared when someone surprises them, right?” _______ answered back with her hand on her chest. She never got used to the playful, childish ways of the guys.

“We saw you talking to yourself, is that another side-effect of your accident?” Jaejoong joked but _______’s eyes widened when she heard this.

“You just scared her again.” Yunho looked at Jaejoong weirdly.

“Hey don’t be nervous. I’m just kidding. Your brain is fine.” Jaejoong assured _______.

_______ just laughed it off, hoping that she wasn’t sounding awkward.

Everyone walked back to the studio’s set to see Junsu and Yoochun staring at Changmin and Jessica flirting.

“Hyung, I think Changmin got himself a girl friend.” Junsu informed the rest.

“Aww…well they look cute.” Yoochun said and _______ nodded in agreement. She would be happy if the two got together.

After a few more minutes Jessica had to go and because of everyone’s teasing, Changmin walked her out to her car.

_______ was talking with the rest when her phone suddenly rang. She excused herself from them and walked just a few steps away to pick up her call.

“Hey…uhm, good job with the new song. Saw your performance on TV yesterday.” Jaejoong told Yunho when the topic about their new song came up.

 “Oh, uhm…thanks hyung.” Yunho answered back a bit awkwardly. Talking about their individual projects were fine, but talking about their separated group activities was still uncomfortable.


“You’re not serious, right?” _______ asked anxiously over the phone. One of the staffmembers from the Etude House photoshoot called her up and informed her about some startling news.

“Well the other crew members and I investigated on why or how the light fell. We saw finger prints around it plus we found the unscrewed bolts and screws scattered not too far.”

“So? What are you saying?” ______ wasn’t too sure what the guy was telling her.

“We don’t want to alarm you ______, but it seemed like it wasn’t an accident.” The employee answered.

“What do you mean? Are you telling me that the equipment fell on me on purpose?!” She asked feeling tense now. The guys heard her and were curious as to who she was talking to and why she was reacting like that.

“Well no, maybe it wasn’t for you. But still, we all have to be conscious of the people in our surroundings. Just be careful ______.” The guy on the phone replied before ending the call with the photographer.

“Someone’s out to get me?” she mumbled but the guy’s heard her loud and clear.

“What’s wrong ______?” Jaejoong asked concerned.

“Yeah, who were you talking to?” Yoochun asked as well

“Oh, it’s nothing.” She lied but the guys knew very well that she was hiding something.

“Come on ______. We overheard you.” Junsu told _______ seriously.

“Don’t make us worry.” Yunho said just when Changmin approached  the group.

_______ knew she couldn’t lie herself out of this situation so she told the guys everything that she was told of by the Etude house staff.

“Oh my God ______. This is serious.” Yoochun was alarmed.

“Look they said it could have been for anyone.” ______ calmly told then

“And what if that was really meant for you?!” Yunho asked slightly raising voice.

“No, don’t think like that. I’m breathing normally, okay? I’m standing in front of you. I’m good.” ______ hoped to ease the guys.

“And what if your attacker plans something for you again since he or she wasn’t successful the last time?” Jaejoong was truly worried for _______.

“I knew I shouldn’t have told you guys. You’re just blowing this out of proportion.” ______ shook her head. She knew very well that this would cause the guys to sleep.

“We have to do something about this.” Changmin stated, he was already starting come up with different plans in his mind.

“No! There is nothing to do. You guys shouldn’t be so overdramatic.” With that, a frustrated ______ walked out of the studio. She didn’t want the news to get to her head since she knew it would trouble her. She didn’t want herself or the others to be paranoid.



So…does this chapter answer some of you questions? Or does it open up new ones? haha

TEAM YUNHO? TEAM JAEJOONG? OR NEITHER? Comment below and tell me why ^_~ Please & thank you.

Currently: I’m seeing Team Yunho winning. Hmmm…we’ll see ;)


FANGIRL ALERT: Guys! I’m really finding the ‘Before U Go’ performances sooooo hott! Like seriously I keep replaying parts over and over again.

My heart is like overheating because of the steamy live performances. Especially the ‘..slow down’ parts. RAWR!

It has sad – heartbreaking lyrics, right? If so, then why are they performing it so y?? I have no complains whatsoever!

Here’s the link to the performance from yesterday’s Inkigayo. Fangirl with me!


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~Comment Replies~ I'm happy that you guys fell for the dreams. hihihi ^_~ I should have named the last chapter 'Inception' LOL

yesungie: Unnie! I missed you too! It's okay ^_^ I hope you don't get too stressed out. Love your notes! haha Yay for Team Yunho then! Oh and does this chapter clarify your no. 4 comment? haha Of course Yesung would be appearing in the story! ^_^ Love you unnie, hope you get to relax soon.

cupidzangel: awww...haha I'm happy then! Well if I get bored with the series, I skip episodes and try to find the interesting parts again + how it ends. haha ^_^

ILuvSuJu15: Yeah it's all just a dream. Inception! haha ^_^ Don't be confused.

eunhyukmylover: Let's continue to pray for them. / They are too cute, aren't they? ^_^ aww...I'm really so happy that you feel that way. I hope this excites you again. Thank you thank you so so much! ^_^ Saranghae *makes heart with hands*

alj1225: YAY Team Yunho! <3 hihi, is it bad that I'm happy you got tricked? LOL Hope you like this update ^_^ Me too! I laughed too much when Changmin imitated how Yunho was during that incident.

Oklahoma: I can see a lot of Team Yunho <3 Random chapter for your random comments? haha ^_^ I love your comments. Hope you like this update. aww...yay! Thanks ^_^

demonhybrid13: I do that too when there are scenes that make me go o_O 'Whut?!' then re-read haha. I'm glad you loved it ^_^

N-MA_Nightingale: Yeah, I kinda got 'violent' with the scenes. LOL ^_^ Hwaiting~! Hope you like this.

imaginedreamlove: aww...yay! I'm so happy you feel that way! Are Junsu + Changmin your faves? ;)

redshuz: Thanks for voting! ^_^ Poor Changmin, well maybe getting choked was better than getting kissed by his hyung? haha I think a lot liked Jae's scene better.

yupthatsme: Yeah, the girl is like the bridge for all of them to reconnect and have a good relationship again. LOL I don't know about that poster incident. Thanks for voting! YAY glad Kyu's your bias, meaning you'll be reading, right? haha ^_^

Aeryth: awww...don't worry, you weren't the only one. *evil laugh* YAY! I see lot's of Kyu stans here! Will be posting soon. Hope you like this update ^_^

yuki-himehanasawa: Haha good for you, some fell for it twice. ^_~ I think a lot of us fans got started on Meteor Garden. haha ^_^ Yay for crazy fangirl moments! I really am hoping and wishing for them to be happy and reunite ^_^

amnos99: haha, yay! Is it wrong that I'm glad you fell for it both times? haha ^_^ Yeah I like mixing in comedy-romance-drama in my stories. One of them did make a move but not on the girl. haha

gabie_16: YEAH! Yay for that! ^_^

madz67:  Hope you like this update! ^_^ Dreams = inception. haha I was actually thinking of what word to let Junsu spell. LOL

heroparkyoungwoong: There are some twists to this story, especially in this chapter. haha ^_^

yunhosyeobo: hmmm...well does this chapter clarify your suspicions? haha Hope you liked this update ^_^

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours