
Torn between HoMin and JYJ

Jaejoong was woken up early in the morning because of a phone ringing.

Jaejoong extended his arm and reached to where he could hear the loud noise. Jaejoong who was still half-asleep, answered the phone absentmindedly.

“Yeobosayo.” A guy on the other end started.

“Hello?” Jaejoong groggily said.

“Wait, who’s this? Where’s ______?” The guy asked a bit tense.

“She’s beside me, still sleeping. You’re calling so early man.” Jaejoong answered irritated.

“JAEJOONG?!” The guy on the other line recognized Jaejoong’s voice. With that, Jaejoong was able to tell who he was talking to.

“YUNHO…” Jaejoong’s fully woken up now.

______ sat up abruptly as she heard Yunho’s name coming from Jaejoong. Her eyes widened as she saw Jaejoong holding her phone against his ear.


______ snatched her phone from Jaejoong, he was still in a daze and shocked.

“Hello? Yunho oppa??” ______ said on the phone while she continued to look at Jaejoong with a ‘What were you thinking?’ expression written all over her face.

______ didn’t hear any response from Yunho, except that end call button. Yunho hung up even before asking any explanation from ______. Everyone knew that Yunho already has jumped into conclusions. Who wouldn’t, right? A guy + a girl + one bed + waking up together = that they slept together. Simply sleeping together has a completely different meaning with sleeping with each other a.k.a having , which in this case Yunho went with the latter.

“Why did you answer my phone?” ______ asked obviously annoyed at Jaeejoong. She tried to call Yunho back but to her dismay he already turned his phone off.

“I’m sorry, I was still half-asleep when I answered the phone. I didn’t know it was yours, I just wanted the noise to go away.” Jaejoong honestly answered, he hung his head low. That was not how he would have wanted to talk to Yunho after months of no communication.

_______ sighed as she got off the bed. “I have to go to work in an hour so I’ll be just taking a quick shower. There’s food on the fridge, you should eat first oppa.” _______ told Jaejoong as she made her way towards the bathroom. First of all, _______ wasn’t a morning person so that’s a reason why she wasn’t talking ‘sweetly’ to Jaejoong. Another reason would be the awkwardness that she felt inside, recalling of what happened between them last night.

_______ just took less than 20 minutes in the bathroom, she rushed since she didn’t want Jaejoong to wait too long. But when _______ came out, Jaejoong was already nowhere in sight. ______ checked the kitchen and just saw a note stuck on her fridge.


‘Sorry for bothering you last night. Thanks for comforting and taking care of me.


P.S I got a banana.’


_______ smiled after she finished reading the note. Now she felt bad that she acted cold to her oppa. _______ went back to her bedroom and got her phone from the comforter to send a text message to Jaejoong.

‘Send me a text message once your reach home. I hope you feel better oppa.’ 

After that, ______ fixed her camera and other equipments, she got dressed and was off to start her day with a shoot.


It was already late in the afternoon when ______ finished shooting for the magazine Vogue Girl.

She then drove towards Yunho and Changmin’s place, hoping and praying that Yunho would be home so they could clear the misunderstanding.

“Please be home, please be home…” _____ whisperingly chanted as she got on the elevator of the apartment.

“_______-ah!” A loud voice greeted ______ as soon as she stepped on the duo’s floor.

“Oh Changmin. Annyeong!” ______ cheerfully greeted back as she and Changmin met in the hallway.

“Where are you going?” _______ asked curiously as she also bowed to guys’ manager who was beside Changmin.

“I have a shoot for ‘Paradise Ranch’. You should’ve told me you were going to visit.” Changmin pouted afterwards.

“Oh sorry, I was going to uhm…surprise you both, hoping we could catch up.” _______ half-lied.

“Well hyung’s home so you can talk to him. He’s been feeling down all day, I don’t know why though.” Changmin informed ______ what she have already predicted earlier.

“Ah I see…”  _______ replied, starting to feel uneasy. Changmin gave ______ the pass code to their door and then unfortunately had to leave _______ to go to his schedule.

_______ took a deep breath as she punched in the code to the high tech door.

It was quiet when ______ entered, and she didn’t make a noise when she fully entered the apartment.

_______ knocked gently on Yunho’s bedroom door, waiting for a response but there was no reply and so she just turned the knob and slowly opened the door.

_______ peeked and saw Yunho facing the window, smoking.

“Isn’t it a bit early to be smoking?” _______ asked as she gained the confidence to finally let Yunho know about her presence. She thought that Yunho has stopped smoking already.

Yunho looked a bit surprise when he heard her voice but scoffed seconds after. He just took one last puff before putting out his cigarette on the ashtray. Yunho got up and looked at ________, there was still some distance between them.

“Take off your scarf.” He ordered. Her scarf was the first thing he noticed when he saw her earlier.

“Ww-what?” ______ stuttered as she touched the cloth around her neck.

Yunho walked towards ______ and in just a matter of seconds he tugged on her loose scarf, completely removing it from her neck.

He glared at what he saw and _______ was scared with the expression that Yunho had on his face. Yunho saw the mark that Jaejoong left on _______’s neck last night

“Jae did that, didn’t he?!” Yunho asked slightly raising his voice at _______. He scrunched the scarf on his hand before violently throwing at the wall, it was as if he was releasing his stress and anger on it.

“He was drunk and upset, okay? Things got a bit out of control but nothing happened.” ______ started to explain

“How can you say nothing happened?! That hickey says it all _______! You slept with him!” Yunho was obviously mad…and jealous perhaps?

“I didn’t! I swear! We kissed, yes. But this hickey is as far as Jaejoong oppa got. We slept together, just literally, on the same bed. Nothing more.” ________ defended herself, hoping that Yunho would believe her truth.

“You say you’re loyal to everyone, right?” Yunho asked, his voice softer this time.

_______ nodded and saw how Yunho was walking towards her until he pinned her against the wall.

“So if he marked you, then it should be okay if I do it too? Just to be equal.” Yunho looked _______ straight in the eyes.

_______ was still processing Yunho’s words in her mind. Before she could even say anything again Yunho crashed his lips against hers.

His kiss was harsh…possessive at first, before relaxing and letting his lips mesh against hers. ______ placed her hands on his chest, she was supposed to push him away…but she didn’t.

She felt his hand on the side of her face, he held her jawline gently and caressed her cheek. Yunho’s other hand rested on her waist before slipping it inside her blouse, feeling the warm skin of her back as he caressed it.

_______ didn’t know what to do, but she eventually gave into the kiss.

Was it wrong that she kissed him back? He nibbled on her lower lip and she easily conformed to what he wanted her to do.

Their tongues were introduced to each other for the first time, the kiss was starting to feel heavenly.

Yunho’s feelings could be compared to a kid, a kid who had his favorite toy being taken away from him.

He held her like she was his treasure, fragile and one of a kind.

Unlike Jae who left a wet trail from her lips down to her neck…Yunho planted kisses from _______’s lips down to her neck before leaving his own mark on the other side. He nipped on a sensitive part of ______. After trying to hold it in, _______ eventually released a moan and that seemed like what brought Yunho back to reality.

He pulled back only to look at ______ in the eye again. He released his hold on her and stepped back.

“I’m sorry ______. I…I don’t know what got into me. I just...“ Yunho was surprised with what just happened. He was regretting how he let his anger and jealousy eat him up.

“Don’t think too much about it oppa. Like I said earlier, things can get a bit out of hand at times. Let’s just forget about it.” ______ calmly said as she got her scarf from the side and wrapped her it around her neck again. She couldn’t get angry because she responded to his kiss.

“I’m losing you…” Yunho muttered making _______ look at him.

“No one’s losing anyone or anything…just trust me.” _______ assured him.

Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu got most of the sympathy and love of the fans. What’s pushing Yunho to the edge is that he felt like _______ might be also be taken away from him.


After a moment of silence, ______ decided to break the ice.

“So did you not really receive any message from Jaejoong oppa?” _______ just had to ask.

“I…I honestly wouldn’t know. We just changed our numbers. It’s true that we get a lot of prank messages and calls, I wouldn’t know which is which if I don’t have their numbers saved beforehand. Our managers are the first to see most of our messages too since they were asked to have to control with that too. In all honesty ______, I’ve been wanting to talk to the three of them before…it’s just that, we’re in a very difficult position.” Yunho truthfully answered.

After that, _______ just comforted Yunho and the two just tried to catch up with other things.



That night ______ just went to bed, stared at the ceiling as a million different thoughts rushed through her mind. ______ placed the fingers of her right hand gently on her lips. She had two intimate kisses with two different guys in less than 24 hours.

______ knows that she can’t please everyone even though she’s desperate to. How far was she willing to go and do to prove her loyalty? And was it a sin that she enjoyed both kisses?


Hope this update was long enough for you guys ^_^


Comment below or tweet me if you guys want to see anything in this story. I welcome suggestions.



Oh and the BIG question: Which TEAM are you in? *wink wink*


~Comment Replies~ LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU GUYS!! <3

yuki-himehanasawa: Okay, I will protect Junsu from heartbreak. haha yeah super jealous niyan si Yunho :p LOL kissing monster, reminded me of Hana Kimi. aww...parang totoo talaga?? haha Yay! Hope this update makes you smile :)

Muppet : Here's your update. Hope you like it.

jejemin: Yeah, the suspense is a killer sometimes. haha I'm glad you're loving it ^_^

demonhybrid13: hmm...well it's taken a turn to a more complicated route. haha aww...no more suspense / cliffhanger...for now. haha I'm happy you like it.

nizzyool: war of the hearts? ;)

redshuz: Jae had an excuse, but how about Yunho? haha Yeah more drama and complications. *insert evil laugh*

chara_aia: Now you know what Yunho thought ^_^ I know, right? Jae is such a fail. haha

cupidzangel: very awkward indeed. haha ^_~ Hope you like this update.

Aeryth: Now you know Yunho's reaction ^_~ What do you think about it

alj1225: aww...well no cliffhangers for this chapter, hihi. Me too, I miss seeing them as 5 :|

SHINeeGuideMe: I know, right? o_O

N-MA_Nightingale: awww...it fit the moment :( heartbreaking. Hope this isn't as sad.

Rieanah: aww...Yeah I'm just trying to imagine the situation. *hug* Thanks. I appreciate the compliment ^_^ Hope you're enjoying the story so far.

ShiBurrowes: Yeah!! Drama + love triangle! Poor girl indeed. *insert evil laugh* ^_^

yupthatsme: Yay! Hi new reader!! ^_^ aww..thanks. I'm glad you love the story ^_^

ILuvSuJu15: Is being speechless a good reaction? haha ^_^ Still speechless in this chapter?

Oklahoma: She's kissing everyone! LOL Now you know Yunho's thoughts. haha ^_^

imaginedreamlove: awww...well I'm glad I made you smile ^_^ LOL at Yunho's y mind being activated. So happy you love my story ^_^ I appreciate it.

hopelessromantic: Hmm...well was this a showdown? showdown of kisses? hahaha

eunhyukmylover: Caught in-between YunJae. Thanks. Hope you like this update ^_^

amnos99: Hihi yeah sneaky sneaky. Now you know what Yunho felt. LOL at 'the possibilities are endless'. Hope you like this update ^_^

nimsaengho: Yeah in between YunJae o_O I'm so happy you love this story ^_^ I wish I get to drink with them. hahaha

madz67: YAY! Hi new reader!!! ^_^ I'm so glad you're loving the story. Hope you like this update.

gabie_16: Yup yup ^_^

ikayewings: Yeah, it must be such a hard situation to be stuck in. Yeah, you knew just what would happen with Yunho. haha ^_^ very complicated indeed. Really? this sounds realistic? wow, well I'm just happy when the readers get to feel the emotion of the story ^_^.

nadya1989: hmmm...we'll see *wink wink* Now you know. How do you feel about his reaction?

iPodGal19: Thanks! I hope you like this update! ^_^ I'm so happy you love the story.

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours