Random mind games

Torn between HoMin and JYJ


_______ was discharged from the hospital after two days. Her doctor told the guys of DBSK that there wasn’t anything disturbing in her MIR scan results. He explained that it may just be a temporary result from the shock of the accident.

The guys were still worried about that and so they took every opportunity possible to spend time with _______ to make her remember.

For the first time in a long time, they exchanged cell phone numbers to coordinate their schedules. Slowly, things became less awkward for everyone.


Now all six of them were gathered in _______’s living room reminiscing about the good old times.

“Remember that time in Japan when Yunho hyung was so mad because of that cellphone game?” Changmin chuckled as he remembered that memorable incident.

“Yeah and you had to confess it was your fault when we were on a show so I wouldn’t do anything to you, you little punk.” Yunho told the mischievous maknae.

Changmin couldn’t help but release a nervous laugh “hehehe…hyung it’s in the past, right? You said you love me more than the game.”

“Sometimes I think twice about that.” Yunho answered back making everyone in the room laugh.

“Well what about that time that we tricked Onew, Jonghyun and the rest of the guys from Shinee. We were pretending to fight with Leeteuk and the other guys from Super Junior. That was priceless.” Jaejoong shared his own memory.

“I felt so bad seeing them cry like that, but then I had to hold my laughter as well.” Junsu stated.

“Remember when we just debuted? Our maknae always tried to act cute by saying ‘I like to water flowers.’ What kind of nonsense was that?” Yoochun recalled.

“Well at least the maknae has the right to act cute. Junsu hyung kept trying to get the limelight from me.” Changmin defended himself.

“Oh and those scandals with the SNSD girls because of the ‘Haptic’ commercials got us in trouble.” Yunho remembered.

“Good times. Good times.” Jaejoong stated as they continued to talk about certain moments in their lives.

“Wow, you guys make it sound like you were happy all the time.” _______ couldn’t help but voice out her opinion as she listened and laughed a long with them.

“You know _______, we also owe a lot to you.” Junsu told her seriously.

“Me?? Why?” _______ couldn’t believe what Junsu said.

“Well…you really helped us a lot, in our career and as well as personal relationships.” Yoochun sincerely told _______.

“Really?” she still sounded skeptical.

“Yeah, for starters you always made us look so cool and gorgeous with your photos.” Changmin answered lightly, making her smile.

“You may not remember this yet, but you always teased Changmin about food. Jaejoong would always give you the best parts from his meals and you’d show it to him, making him envious.” Yunho told _______ after taking a quick glance at Jaejoong and Changmin.

True, the guys did look like they were closer now, but it was only because of _______. When they’d text each other, it was always about _______ and when or where they’ll meet up with her. They haven’t crossed the line of catching up with each other yet unless ________ asked them stories of what they’ve been up to recently.

“You also helped us in improving our English skills as well. Junsu spell amnesia.” Jaejoong challenged Junsu.

“A-M-N-E-S-I-A…ya hyung! What do you take me for?” junsu was still as gullible as ever. Everyone cracked up after that.


- Later that night -

“Oppa, can you help me with my scarf?” _______ asked Yunho as the two of them went out of her place a bit.

Yunho turned around to look at _______. Now why did he start to get nervous when _______ mentioned a scarf? Oh right, because the last scarf incident ended up with him kissing her. He remembered how jealous he was when he harshly took out the cloth from her neck and saw the love bite from Jae. He wasn’t proud of how he acted that day, but that kiss that they shared definitely was still planted on his brain.

“Are you okay?” ______ asked as she noticed Yunho space out for a bit.

“Oh me, yeah I’m fine.” Yunho walked a bit closer towards ________ and started to carefully wrap her scarf around her neck to keep her slightly warmer and more comfortable from the cold weather.

“Oppa, what was I to you?” _______ suddenly asked when Yunho was almost done wrapping the scarf around her neck. Yunho turned his head to look at _______, their faces were still quite near each other. Their nose just a few inches apart before Yunho leaned back, not wanting to scare the girl again.

“You? Most of the time, you’re the first girl that I think of when I’m sad or happy.” Yunho honestly answered.

“Why is that?” She probed more with his answer.

“I don’t know, that’s just how you affect me.” Yunho shyly answered.

Yunho then noticed ______ leaning her body closer to him, his eyes immediately looking down at her lips.

“You’re pulling my scarf…” she softly told him. Yunho looked to where his hands were and she was right, he was still holding the two edges of her scarf…pulling her closer to him.

“HYUNG! YOU’RE GOING TO CHOKE & KISS ME! Stop pulling my scarf!” Suddenly there was a big change in ______’s voice which shocked Yunho.

‘Hyung??!’ Yunho thought to himself before feeling something hard against his head.

Yunho got woken up when Changmin flicked his finger strongly on his forehead.

Changmin coughed for a bit while glaring at his hyung.

Yunho was definitely confused, he shook his head when he final realized that he was just dreaming earlier.

“Where are we?” Yunho asked his dongsaeng.

“We’re at the parking lot of our dorm. I drove us back from _______’s place when you fell asleep and then you tried to kill me.”


Meanwhile on the other side of the city…

Jaejoong was cleaning up the mess that the guys, including him made in ______’s apartment. He was sorting out the empty pizza boxes, bottles of drinks, tissues, etc. Junsu and Yoochun helped him out at the start but eventually the two got side-tracked with what was on tv until they fell asleep on the couch.

Jaejoong was almost finished with the chores when he decided to check on ______. She disappeared earlier before Yunho and Changmin even left and so all five of them went in her room and found her sleeping on the bed.

Jaejoong sat on the edge of ______’s bed, unknowingly he smiled when he saw how serene ______ looked while sleeping.

“Thanks for putting up with all of us.” Jaejoong mumbled as he fixed the hair that was getting the way of _______’s pretty face.

‘I know this may be selfish but _______-ah, try to remember me…even if it’s just me.’ Jaejoong thought to himself.

______ started shifting around her bed and slowly her eyes opened, surprising Jaejoong.

“Sorry, did I wake you up?” Jaejoong asked apologetically.

“No. I just had a slightly weird dream. How long have I been out?” ______ asked curiously.

“Well just maybe an hour? I guess you were pretty tired.” Jaejoong answered with an angelic smile on his face.

“Oppa, can I ask you something?” _______ asked a bit cautiously and Jaejoong nodded.

“Have you ever acted drunk when you were really sober?” ________’s out of the blue question caught Jaejoong off guard. His eyes showed how surprised he was. ‘Does she finally remember??’ Jaejoong asked himself mentally. ‘Wait, but she wouldn’t know that I wasn’t drunk that time, right?’

In all honesty, Jaejoong wasn’t really that drunk when he went to ______’s place that time. He drank because he felt lonely and miserable, he needed some company so that’s why he drove towards ______’s place. He wasn’t completely intoxicated that night, but he knew he needed the warmth that only ______ could give him so he acted like it. He didn’t intend for the kiss nor sleeping over to happen but he just played along because he knew that it won’t ever happen again.

“What do you mean?” Jaejoong finally spoke, wanting _______ to clarify her question.

She just chuckled and shook her head, “I’m just being random since I saw this bottle of Soju in my nightstand.” _______ reached out for the green bottle and looked at it intriguingly.

“Oppa, would you…” Jaejoong felt ______ inch her body towards his, their eyes were glued with each other. Jaejoong gulped, thinking of what might happen next.

“Would I what?”

“Would you tell me if this hurts.” _______ suddenly raised her hand and hit the back of Jaejoong’s head with the bottle.

Jaejoong bolted up from his bed, panting as he tried to make sense of what just happened.

He looked at his surroundings and realizing that he was in his own bedroom, he then placed his hand on the back of his head, ‘*whew* no blood.’

“It was just a dream…” Jaejoong calmed down after taking in what his mind just did to him.

Jaejoong grabbed his phone and looked at the time. “It’s just 3am. I should really go back to sleep.” Jaejoong talked to himself as he lay back down on his bed.



Tell me if you guys fell for it? both times? haha ^_^

Random chapter? haha well what can you expect if your author is: Nadine is random. LOL

I hope it wasn't confusing though.


Hmmm...from the recent comments I can say that Team Yunho is leading by a small margin. Let your voices be heard!

Tweet Tweet: twitter.com/nisrandom


*By the way, I'm planning to write a Kyuhyun - We Got Married style story very soon. Please help me decide on what title I should use. Click here to vote on the poll. 

**Not to put down the mood, but guys let us continue to pray / hope for Japan's recovery. I hope all of my readers are safe, I know some of you guys live in countries that were affected. I'm just thankful that my country wasn't affected that much, there were just small tsunami waves that hit the coast.


~Comment Replies~

imaginedreamlove: Haha well, there weren't any kisses in this chapter but they did think...dream about it ;)

kyuyul: yay! Glad you were able to catch up ^_^ I'll be honest, I don't really know the complete history of DBSK too...I'm just below average. haha Is this chapter considered a twist too? haha Would love to see all five of them singing again.

eunhyukmylover: aww...well I hope you like this update ^_^ No one should get in the way of YunJae, right? LOL. What? You shouldn't be asking me to teach you, I'm not that good -_- like I'm just thankful you guys put up with my writing skills haha. Don't think like that! You have to love you fic because I'm sure there are people loving your fic too! Good luck. Hwaiting~! I'm not revealing anything :p Yay for Team Jae!

Oklahoma: aww...your comment was too cute! I'm happy that I made you happy ^_^ haha. Yay for you guys in Team Yunho!

jejemin: awww...I'm glad I made you happy ^_^ I'm wishing for the same thing. Hope you like this update.

Aeryth: yay for sweet moments! ^_^ Hope you like this update

cupidzangel: yeah, of course they are her reliable oppas and best friends. ^_^ I know, right? I just continued (well skipped some episodes) watching it too for the sake of finding out how they're gonna end up. Me too, at least the amnesia scenes in both the Jap & Kor were just short.

fishandpenguin: awww...thank you! I'm so happy you love my stories. ^_^ Yay for Team Yunho. Hope you like this update

yuki-himehanasawa: I know she was annoying haha but poor her. I loved Meteor Garden too! That where it all started for me. ^_^ LOL. hmmm...well we'll see ;) Is this an evil chapter? hahaha

ILuvSuJu15: Thanks!! ^_^ Hope you like this update.

redshuz: And they're cute falling for her aegyo skills haha ^_^

yupthatsme: I know, right? For..e..ver! o_O haha I think that's one quote that Junsu will always, always be remembered for. LOL YAY Team Yunho! ^_^ Hope you like this update too.

amnos99: Yay for teamwork!! ^_^ YAY Team Jae! Does this chapter fall under a romantic-comedy scene? haha Will definitely take note of your request ^_^.

Me too, we can only do so much for them :(

shin33: Team Yunho! ^_^ Me too, I'm wishing the same thing sweetie.

madz67: Yeah, for her the guys stated that they are still the same DBSK! aww...<3

emiex145: Yup, it is bringing the guys closer again. ^_^ I'm so glad you love reading my story ^_^ Here's your update.

alj1225: Yeah, I'm wishing the same thing too *sigh* awww...thank you! I'm happy that I made you happy ^_^ Yeah, we can all try to put aside the 'real' world for a moment and drown in their happy moments / memories, right? Hope you like this update.

heroparkyoungwoong: Here's your update!! ^_^ I hope you like it. Thanks for patiently waiting. hihi

yunhosyeobo: I so agree! After the guys talk, fight and drink about it...it gets easier for them to go back to normal. ^_^ Well, we'll see...

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours