
Torn between HoMin and JYJ


The two were so worried when they got the call. Things didn’t really end on a good note the last time they met up with _______ so this just made them feel guiltier.

The two covered up their faces well as they asked the nurses where _______’s room was located.

Yunho went in the room first, followed by Changmin. The two saw _______ up already and she was watching tv. They walked closer towards her and they noticed the stitches on the side of her head.

“Hey pretty girl, you scared us.” Yunho started as he showed a weak smile to _______.

“Yeah, how are you feeling? We heard that the accident wasn’t a pretty sight.” Changmin said as he unwrapped the scarf around his neck.

_______ tilted her head as she looked at the guys. “Uhm…who are you?”

“Yah _______, stop joking around.” Changmin said as he gave out a nervous laugh.

_______ squinted her eyes at the two, as if she was trying so hard to think.

“Wh-what? ______, was your accident that bad?” Yunho now realized the situation and he was alarmed.

“You two came in here all worried and stuff but I don’t know who you guys are.” _______ answered casually.

“______-ah it’s me Changmin, this is Yunho hyung. Don’t you remember us?” Changmin asked anxiously.

_______ shook her head before answering “I feel like I know you, your names and faces seem familiar but its’ like…I don’t know, something’s missing from what my brain is telling me.”

“Hyung…is she serious?”  

“We better talk to her doctor.” Yunho told Changmin.

When Yunho was about to go out the room, the door opened and Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu entered.

Everyone exchanged surprised and awkward glances but nevertheless Yunho stepped aside to let the three in.

Yunho stayed inside while Yoochun, Junsu and Jaejoong approached _______, he was curious if she’d remember them.

“Hey _______, how are you feeling?” Junsu started.

“We rushed over here as soon as we got the call.” Yoochun told her.

“Why do you guys keep barging in here, asking me how I have been when I don’t even know you?!” _______ was frustrated now.

“Ya, what did you do?! Did you brainwash her?” Jaejoong snapped at Changmin, since they were the first people in the room.

“Us? We didn’t do anything!” Changmin defended himself and Yunho.

“She seems like she got amnesia from the accident. Maybe we should call her doctor to explain or check up on her or something.” Yunho calmly informed everyone.

“I’ll go ask the nurses for her attending physician.” Changmin volunteered, being the maknae he was used to running errands and going out and about for the guys. Changmin also wanted to get out of the tense atmosphere of the room.

“Uhm…excuse me, I’m really not used to having strangers surround me. Would you guys mind telling me what’s going on?” _______ asked the four remaining guys calmer this time.

“You really don’t know us?” Yoochun asked, his voice filled with concern.

________ bit her lower lip and shook her head before explaining herself “I’m sorry. Like what I told the two guys who came in earlier, you all look familiar. I just can’t point out where I’ve seen you guys before or who you are.”

“Her doctor is out at the moment but he’ll back in half an hour.” Changmin informed everyone when he went back in the room.

“But do you remember who you are?” Junsu’s attention was back to ______ as he asked her curiously.

“Yeah, I think so. The basics would be I’m _______, blood type O, photographer. I remember being in a shoot when something fell on me and hit me on the head. My poor SLR camera is a victim too.” ______ told the guys, her last sentence made everyone chuckle. She always managed to lighten up the mood.

“I guess we have to re-introduce ourselves then. I’m Kim Jaejoong, you helped us improved our English before and you play with my cat Jiji.” Jaejoong started the introductions.

“Jung Yunho, I’m older than you so you call me oppa. We all met you at the same time. It was a couple of years ago when you became the photographer of our group.” Yunho followed up.

Yunho and Jaejoong looked at each other as Changmin and Yoochun re-introduced themselves to ______. Both men suddenly thought about their own kiss incidents with _______. Was it good or bad that she won’t remember that?

“_______. It’s me Junsu. ‘Oh my God sun’, don’t you remember?” Junsu used a different way, a joking manner to introduce himself.

______ did smile when she heard his Engrish but again gave them an apologetic “No.”

“So…how close am I to you all?” _______ started to get curious about her relationship with the five guys.

“Very close.” They all answered in sync. After a few more questions, the guys revealed which and what kind of shoots she did for them.

“Oh cool, so you guys are singers? You’re all in the same group?” She asked trying to clarify what they just told them

“Uhm…you can say that.” Yoochun scratched the back of his head.

“What do you mean?”

“Well…we’re doing our own projects now.” Changmin answered awkwardly

“So you guys disbanded or something?”

Changmin, Yoochun and Junsu answered with a “Yes” While Jaejoong and Yunho answered with a “No.” at the same time. The guys’ exchanged confused face expressions.

“Huh?” _______ was confused with the mixed answers.

“______, give us a minute.” Jaejoong pulled Junsu and Yoochun aside while Yunho got Changmin. They all huddled up at the farthest corner near the door.

“Hyung, what’s going on?” Changmin asked Yunho

“Yeah and why are you two on the same side?” Junsu asked Jaejoong after he took a quick glance at Yunho.

“Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Jaejoong asked Yunho. This was one of the most civilized conversations they had ever since the ‘break up’

“I think so…” Yunho hesitantly answered. Woah, is this a YunJae telepathy moment?

“Well we don’t know what you guys have in mind, you mind filling us in?” Yoochun asked the two elder men.

“Look, maybe this is the perfect chance for us to make things rights for _______? Maybe this is the opportunity for us to repay all the good deeds that she has done for us.” Yunho voiced out his opinion.

“Yeah it’s like giving her a fresh start about us. She has gone through a lot to prove her loyalty for us, this time we can prove ourselves to her. This is what she wanted, right? Think about it.” Jaejoong said, agreeing with Yunho’s plan.

“And what happens to us after we go out of this room? Do we also please our fans with this news? How about the case?” Changmin’s serious questions stunned everyone.

“I don’t know. Let’s just take it one at a time.” Yunho answered. He honestly didn’t have the answers to the maknae’s question.

“I agree. Right now our priority is _______.” Jaejoong was trying to persuade everyone to cooperate.

After a while, everyone was convinced and they walked back towards _______.

“What was the meeting about?” ______ asked innocently when the guys came back to the sides of her bed again.

“Nothing. But to clearly answer you question earlier, yes we’re all still together.” The leader told ______.

Everyone unconsciously smiled after that sentence was stated.

“Oh I see. Well, since you said that you guys are so popular, do you mind singing me one of your songs? Maybe it would help jog my memory.” _______ asked a bit cutely. How could they refuse? The guys sang a chorus from one of their hit songs, they sang perfectly although it’s been a long time since they’ve last harmonized with each other.



hmm...will there be more twists? 

I'm not saying anything...trolling. LOL

Don't worry I won't make this draggy like Meteor Garden season 2 (BOF - Taiwanese version, to those who watched it) LOL or well I hope not. Sorry, but seriously MG s2 was soooo long because Dao Ming Su's amnesia took like forever there.


Guys, help me with the love triangle?!? Who do you want our lovely protagonist to end up with? Suggestions? What do you want to see in the future chapters?

Comment below or tweet me at:

~Comment Replies~

yuki-himehanasawa: yeah, you are right ^_^ me too pero yesterday lang. haha evil mode, revenge. Hope you like this update.

yunhosyeobo: Yeah, the girl gets in between YunJae. LOL Well I hope that things won't turn ugly if they got locked up in a room. haha the guys are willing to work hard for her.

amnos99: The guys seem like they are going to work together because of / for her. LOL talk about being awkward, the guys will definitely be jealous of that one member she'd remember. haha Here's your update ^_^

cupidzangel: Yay! I'm glad that this is getting more interesting for you. ^_^ Hope you like this update.

Oklahoma: hmmm...we don't know? ;) Oh, I've been thought about that too, more like forget the pain and embarrassing moments. haha yay for being random, you are talking to NisRANDOM. haha ^_^ everyday they shock!

demonhybrid13: unexpected, right? haha's not yet over though ;) Me too, when I read stories with a suspense cliffhanger I'm like o_O. haha

nizzyool: Yeah, maybe that is the upside of having amnesia. Hope you like this update. ^_^

yupthatsme: OMG! don't imagine it! I can't stand a lot of blood *cringes at the thought* Yeah I think Sandara has the lastest cf's / promos for Etude House that's why I put her here. Here's your update ^_^

gabie_16: awww...thanks. I don't know how I do though? haha but I'm glad it's not turning you away from reading my story ^_^

redshuz: Fun? LOL yeah I'm guessing it might lead to something good. hmm...we'll just have to wait and see ;)

ikayewings: yes...Maybe? ;) yeah you're right, look at how the guys are acting up now, getting together for her.

jejemin: hmmm...well we don't know ;) maybe? maybe not? hahaha but so far, this is what we can see from the situation. Hope you like this update.

madz67: Here's your update! ^_^ Answering your curiosity from the cliffhanger from the last chapter.

InToXiCaTeD-by-JaE: YAY! Hi new reader!! ^_^ Well, we'll just have to wait and see ;)

eunhyukmylover: Here's the answer to your questions!! ^_^ aww...I really appreciate that. I'm so happy you look forward in reading my updates. I also look forward in reading the reader's comments, it really motivates me ^_^

alj1225: hmm...well we'll just have to wait to find out. hihihi ^_^ I hope this is another awesome update for you guys.

heroparkyoungwoong: Here's your update!! ^_^ Hope you like it and it answers your question.

crazilyification: Thanks ^_^ Hope you like this update then.

Aeryth: Her memory -_- well the guys seem like they're going to help her. Here's a quick update ;)

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours