Assistant Junsu

Torn between HoMin and JYJ

_______ was zipping up her bag that was filled with camera equipments when Junsu walked through the door.

“You don’t have to be here oppa, I have an outdoor shoot.” ______ said as soon as she acknowledged his presence. 

“The hyungs said I have to watch you with whatever you do or wherever you go so you can’t shoo me away quickly.” Junsu answered back coolly.

“Arasso, I’m just telling you that today isn’t going to be an easy day.” _______ replied as she carried the bag and made her way towards the door to turn the lights off and then walk out the studio.

“______, I’ve been an artist for years. I’ve gone on outdoor shoots and other shoots in unspeakable and in the most uncomfortable places. I can handle this.” Junsu told _______ after scoffing.

In reality, the people behind the scenes do double the work than those posing in front and that is what Junsu is going to learn and experience today.

“Suit yourself oppa. Just follow my car.” ______ said as she opened the door of her car. Junsu nodded and made his way towards his own car.


After driving for half an hour _______ reached her destination and Junsu followed right behind her. She greeted everyone else before she was guided towards the main spot and background of their shoot.

______ was setting up with her staff while Junsu was taking his own photos of the place. It seemed like they were in a deserted but peaceful and relaxing area just at the outskirts of the main city.

Out of curiosity, Junsu walked towards _______ to ask what was going to be the theme of her shoot.

“OMO it’s Xiah Junsu!” One of _______’s assistants for the day expressed excitedly as soon as she spotted Junsu.

Junsu smiled and bowed at the girl out of courtesy. No one saw it coming but as soon as Junsu shook hands with his fan, she fainted.

“Oh miss…miss, are you okay?” Junsu and the other staff tried to shake the girl to wake up. No one was that worried since they figured out why she fainted.  One of the bigger guys carried her and brought her to one of the make-shift dressing rooms.

_______ eyed Junsu making the older guy get a bit nervous.

“Oppa, that girl was one of my best and until now, professional assistants. She plays an important role in my shoots, what will I do now?” She asked him in a monotone voice, obviously not panicking unlike him. Junsu felt responsible in what just happened.

“Uhm…I’m going to take her place?” Junsu replied hesitantly but let out a sigh of relief once he saw _______ nod in agreement.


Junsu didn’t know that volunteering himself to compensate _______ would make him break buckets of sweat and work out like he had never before.

Junsu ran around errands for ________’s shoot. His rubber shoes did a good job in letting him run fast and swiftly. He was asked to get some props and equipments from her car or from the make-shift dressing room.

“Oh my God sun!!” Junsu complained as he held the reflector that was making the lightning a whole lot better for the photographs. Besides the harsh light dazzling against his eyes, Junsu’s arms were also killing him.

“Raise it higher oppa!” _______ ordered Junsu as she started to shoot her models.

Junsu could feel the mosquitoes and other insects biting and resting against his skin.

After that Junsu was asked to step on a ladder and with a big basket of petals and leaves that screamed ‘autumn’ season.

“Okay now on the count of three I want you to evenly throw the petals and leaves.” _______ shouted out to Junsu after she directed the models on what to do.

“Oppa go!! More more! All I’m seeing are the leaves, where are my flower petals??!” _______ asked Junsu as her eyes didn’t leave the optical viewfinder of the camera.

Junsu tried his best to diligently do his job. He has now appreciated and gained more respect for the people who did this for their shoots in the past.


“Hyung, I have lots of red insect bites on my white innocent skin. My skin isn’t that white anymore actually, I’m tan now!” Junsu reported to Jaejoong as soon as he got inside of the car after the shoot and started driving home.

“You really did a lot today huh? Why does it seem like you’re the one who owes her?” Jaejoong chuckled at how gullible Junsu was and how easily he gave in.

“I felt so bad. Who would’ve done those important jobs when I made her assistant faint because of my superstar idol presence? Hyung we have to buy that issue of the magazine as soon as it gets out. I really contributed a lot. If I wasn’t there those photos wouldn’t look as special as they would have. I wonder if she’ll credit me on the magazine?” Junsu pondered seriously making Jaejoong laugh at him more.


Sorry for the short update but at least Junsu gets his solo time, right? haha Kind of a filler chapter for the next chapter which are going to be a bit…hmmm, intense?

Around 5 chapters left you guys :(



Posted a poll regarding the love triangle of this story.



Also, I made a video for you guys. If you guys are interested then please CLICK THIS ^_~


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~Comment Replies~

nizzyool: Yoochun & Changmin made things a whole lot better :) Junsu wasn't awkward but more like suffered. LOL

vampiredoll88: Yoochun is adobs <3

imaginedreamlove: awww...I'm happy I made you smile then ^_^ Hope you like this update.

LeePeppers: Changmin is a bit evil. haha Yay for funny Yoochun moments ^_^ Hope you love this update too.

Aeryth: Yay for cute Yoochun moments ^_^ Team Yunho!

yupthatsme: Changmin will be the bestest friend. haha Team Yunho ^_^ Yoochun couldn't stay mad.

amnos99: Yay for Yoochun! ^_^ Now she knows that they still love & care about her. hmmm...maybe? There'll be Jae & Yunho moments with the girl. No worries, love the comments & questions ^_^

yunhosyeobo: Yeah Changmin is the one bringing light to all of them now ^_^ Yoochun and the others are softening up to her.

heroparkyoungwoong: yay for cute moments with Yoochun ^_^ I'm glad you loved this chapter. Hope you like this update.

redshuz: It was obvious that Yoochun was thinking about her thus making him send the message to her. haha ^_^ Hope you find this update cute too.

madz67: Here's your update, hope you like it ^_^ Yoochun's mistake was a blessing in disguise. haha Team Changmin? lol ^_^

InToXiCaTeD-by-JaE: Me too, and I'm like 'NOOOO....' I try to cancel sending the message but I'm always too late. LOL embarrassing.

hopelessromantic: Yay for Yoochun's cute mistake ^_^ Yeah LOL-worthy facial expression I bet. haha Thanks ^_^ I'm happy you like it.

gabie_16: LOL I don't think I've ever thought of who would my Idol siblings would be but I did think of who I'll be best friends with. haha ^_^ Yay for reviving their friendship.

miko12:'ll just have to wait to find out ^_~ Funny yet embarrassing

Awww...thank you ^_^ I actually have the outline finished for this story but I just have a hard time connecting the dots sometimes. Won't ever leave you guys♥

jejemin: awkward indeed. haha ^_^ but at least we know what inside his mind/heart. I'm starting to get used to the green heading. haha but it's just so bright like WOAH. LOL Hope you like this update ^_^

cupidzangel: Yeah, his mistake was definitely a blessing in disguise ^_^ Here's your update, hope you like it.

alj1225: Yeah, Yay for Changmin ^_^ It's starting to look like they're going back to good tearms. hmm...maybe Jessica is a sneaky person? LOL Happy you loved the last update.

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours