You know what time it is? Yunho time

Torn between HoMin and JYJ


_______ slumped down on her bed as soon as she changed her clothes. After everything that happened today, she didn’t have the energy to even take a shower.

“Let tomorrow be a better day please.” ______ prayed as she tried to forget the recent events.

_______ was able to drift off to sleep soon after. She fell asleep not knowing that someone was already about to enter her house.


– Hours later –

_______ woke up as she heard a loud noise coming from outside her bedroom. Someone has clearly walked in and is currently crashing her apartment. _______ started panicking but was still laying down on her bed as she tried to perk up her ears more to listen to the steps outside.

She wasn’t sure if she had locked her bedroom door but seeing as it still is closed, she still had time and a mild defense against what may seem like her attacker. ________ started mentally planning her actions to defend herself when she finally encounters whoever was outside.

_______ extended one of her arms and reached under the bed to get the baseball bat that she always kept, just for extra safety and precaution. She never thought that there would come a time that she would actually reach out for it at 2am. Who knew that she would actually need and use it?

As soon as she got a strong grasp of the baseball bat ________ bolted up from her bed. She tried to keep calm and regulate her breathing as she removed the covers from her legs.

She stood up and took one step away from her bed when suddenly she felt a hand cover , scaring the life out of her. She tried to scream but her barely audible shout for help would be impossible to hear.

She was about to swing the bat towards the person behind her but that was also being held down by the person.

Tears started to form in her eyes as fear settled in.

‘This is it.’ _______ realized. She recalled on how the light didn’t hit her hard the first time. She was saved seconds away from a car crash. Now her assailant has her, physically holding her to finish the job. This was how everything was going to end.


“Shh…______, don’t scream. It’s okay. It’s me, Yunho oppa.” The familiar voice tried to soothe _______. A trembling sigh of relief was let out by _______ when she finally realized who was behind her. Yunho took his hand off of _______’s lips and he immediately turned her body around and hugged her, her face comfortably resting on his chest, wiping the tears that escaped due to fear.

Jaejoong couldn’t stay the night to watch over _______ because of his schedules so he called Yunho up to make him guard ______ in advance.  Jaejoong told Yunho about the car incident and both of them were doubtful that it was just an accident. The two wouldn’t be able to get through the night knowing that she would be alone.

Yunho walked in to _______’s apartment with the spare key that she gave them years ago. She was already asleep when he checked up on her. He made the right decision of staying in her room and sleeping in the daybed that was at the end of her bed.

“I can also hear the one outside your room.” Yunho tried to calm her down, his hands rubbing her back.

“Those aren’t the other guys?” _______ asked to confirm and Yunho nodded. She thought that since Yunho was the one who scared her, maybe it was just Changmin and the others goofing around outside.

“What are we going to do?? Maybe it’s a robber? Or or maybe it’s the person who’s after me. Oh my God, we’re going to die.” _______ said in a low voice as she started to pace back in forth.

“No one’s going to die. Trust oppa, okay? I’ll protect you.” Yunho assured her as he got the baseball bat from her.

“I’m going out, stay here.” Yunho told _______ but she shook her head.

“I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want you to go out there by yourself. Do we really have to go out? Why don’t we just wait for them to leave?” ______ answered back.

“This has to end ______. We can’t continue living in fear because of this person who’s been following you around and trying to hurt you.” Yunho replied without a hint of apprehension in his voice.

“Ready?” Yunho asked as he walked a head of ______ towards her bedroom door.

After taking in a deep breath and preparing himself, Yunho slowly opened the door. He surveyed every area of the room that he could see from the gap being created. Yunho’s other hand was holding on to _______’s with his body shielding her.


A sound of glass falling on the floor plus a shriek coming from the kitchen shocked the two making _______ hold on to Yunho tighter and vice versa. Both of them started to cautiously walk towards the kitchen to see who was there and what was happening.

There they saw one person who was picking up broken glass pieces on the floor. Now what kind of robber or suspect clean after themselves? The figure belonged to a girl, one who looks very familiar to _______.

_______ then heard a murmur from that person and she clearly identified that it was in English.


_______ finally unclasped her hand from Yunho’s and walked a head of him.

“Yah! Where are you going?!” Yunho whispered loudly.

“Jessica?!” ______ called out to person but still leaving enough space just in case she was wrong and the person lunges at her.

“_______!” Jessica stood up and turned around to greet her friend happily.

When Yunho saw her face he let out a sigh for the nth time and placed the bat down.

“What are you doing here at this hour?” _______’s eyebrows furrowed as she asked curiously.

“Well how can I rest well after you told me that almost got into another accident?” Jessica showed her worry about her friend.

“Aww…you’re sweet. Come here and give me a hug. Oh be careful with the glass, I’ll take care of that later.” ______ smiled at Jessica as she opened her arms ready for an embrace.

Jessica walked closer to ______ and gave her a hug. In the middle of the hug Jessica saw Yunho who awkwardly smiled at her. His bed hair made Jessica wonder.

“Oh was I disturbing anything?” Jessica asked as she broke away from the hug.

“No no no.” Yunho waved his hands to dismiss Jessica’s wrong thoughts.

“This isn’t what it looks like. Part of the ‘keeping me safe’ thing.”  _______ clarified as she looked at Yunho then back at Jessica.  “By the way, how did you get in?”

“You gave me a spare key before, remember?” Jessica tried to make ______ recall.

‘Wow, I give a lot of spare keys.’ _______ thought to herself as she did remember giving Jessica and the guys of DBSK.

Yunho volunteered to clean up the broken glass thus making the girls moved towards the living room.

“So…did you see the plate number of the car that almost hit you?” Jessica asked ______ as soon as they sat down on the couch.

______ tilted her head a bit and squinted her eyes as if thinking about something. No she wasn’t trying to remember if she saw the car’s plate number but a realization did hit her.

Jessica looked like she was anticipating for her friend’s answer. ______ shook her head as a way of saying ‘No.’

“Thank god you didn't...get hurt.” Jessica replied with a concern tone in her voice.

_______ bottled up her feelings. After a few minutes Jessica decided to leave and Yunho opted to still stay around to ‘protect’ _______.

“What a night, huh? I didn’t know you were the type of person who kept deadly weapons at bay.” Yunho chuckled as he placed the baseball bat back to its original place.

_______ let Yunho go back to sleep after that heart-racing ordeal they had earlier.

_______ was also lying down on her bed but rather than feeling relieved and sleepy, her mind was awake and deep in thought…trying to put the pieces of the puzzle all in place.



What did our girl realize?

Guesses? I’m sure some of you already caught on. Haha

Just remember, I wrote down all of the conversations in the last chap and in this one. So…lol I don’t know if that made sense.


Poll update: Yunho is still leading but Jaejoong is close behind now.

Team Yunho: 37%

Team Jaejoong: 32%

Team YunJae: 21%

Neither: 10%


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yuki-himehanasawa: Best of luck to you and your job hunt unnie!! ^_^ Yeah I pretty much wrote the idea/outline for the ending already :)

LOL...the person you're referring to is in this chapter.

I knew you'd like Junsu's chapter cause's all about him. haha

Revelations + finale...very soon ;)

jejemin: Yeah, not angry but still maybe a bit upset? haha Yunho time! Would you have liked it if Changmin was part of the love triangle / choices? haha

Aww...I'm happy I can make you smile. Yay! Love you guys! <3

yunhosyeobo: Agreed! ^_^ I hope you like Yunho's chapter. Was it heart-melting? haha. I think votes would only be counted once,  no?

hallyusupporter: Team YunJae now on thir place. haha awww..I'm not really a 'cassie' but I don't think I can watch that special perf without feeling a pang in my heart :( but I do hope JYJ dancing to rising sun is true. We all know they love each other.

vampiredoll88: I hope you like this Yunho-filled update ;)

hopelessromantic: Who's your guess? haha well you're suspicions will be clarified soon enough ;) Hope you like this Yunho chapter

imaginedreamlove: EndingS to satisfy you all? hahaha ;) Team Jaejoong is still a few votes behind. awww...glad you feel that way. Team Jae hwaiting ^_~

tiffism: Thank you ^_^ I'm happy that you like it.

madz67: Hope you like this update although Jaejoong doesn't appear here. Yay for Team Jae! ^_~

fishandpenguin: Hope you like this chapter ;) Yay Team Yunho!! Yeah, he's showing his protective side here :)

lynpei: Here's your update ^_~ Hope you like it.

Aeryth: I think there are a lot who are getting confused with which team they are in. haha Well since you like Yunho more, I hope you enjoy this chap ;)

aghniahr: LOL I think Yoochun & Junsu will just be friends with her so she won't get in between YooSu. haha

Yup, Jae and the others are taking turns to protect her so it was his job in the last chapter to keep her safe.

Oh I see...I thought it was like OverCharacter or ObssesedCharacter haha since I saw OC but since there were double O's I got confused. haha thank you ^_^

cupidzangel: Yeah, he just can't stay cold hearted with her. Yay Jae ^_^ Well I think this Yunho chapter will get you torn again. haha Have you voted yet? ;)

amnos99: Envy those gorgeous idols (*sigh* even guys, like Jae) who look like they are live mannequins or like characters who just stepped out from a manga. haha Team Jae ^_~

heroparkyoungwoong: hmm...was it really an accident? haha we'll see soon enough ;) Yes, Yunho chapter ^_^ Hope you like it.

fluffyunicorn: awww...thank you so much *hugs* ^_^ I'm so happy that you love my stories. Hope you like this update

alj1225: Me too! He looked so adorable in DH. I was actually torn between him and Taec at first but completely rooted for SooHyun after the 'Japan' episode. I felt bad and wanted to hug him when he saw them kissing.

Yay for the guys saving her. hmmm...we'll see ;) haha

Hope you like this update ^_^

yupthatsme: He does look like a walking statue! LOL just have to wait to find out ;) Hope you like the Yunho chap.

nizzyool: Well I'm not sure if this had a lot of romantic feel in it but nevertheless, I hope you like the Yunho chapter ^_^

xtinamaria: I guess you'll just have to read on and wait to find out ;) hihi

redshuz: I don't know if I can put in a lot more drama, but I think instead of the drama there'll be more intense / confrontation scenes. Hope you like it ^_^

bubblyjoanna: endings you say? hmmm...we'll see ;) haha

Jae was just trying to ignore and avoid her I guess. lol

Idon'tknow.*evil laugh* You'll just have to wait to find out unless you've figured it out in this chap. haha

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours