Changmin & Yoochun

Torn between HoMin and JYJ


It was an understatement to say that the guys except Changmin gave _______ the cold treatment.

Since everyone had different schedules, the 5 made their individual schedules to take turns in watching over _______ although she told Changmin to tell everyone else that they shouldn’t.

“I’m so sorry I got you involved chingu.” ______ apologetically told Changmin as he was the one assigned for her to start their ‘cycle’.

“It’s okay _______. I’m the carefree maknae, nothing will affect me.” Changmin assured her with his positive and cool attitude.

“Their bloods must be boiling every time they have to drag themselves to come here. I don’t get why they even force themselves to babysit someone they hate.”

“The hyungs are just hurt ______ but that isn’t enough for them to hate you. We won’t ever want anything to happen to you. Just give them some time, okay?” Changmin tried to comfort his friend.

_______ let out a sigh and nodded as she showed Changmin a weak smile.

“So…_______, I never asked before but do you always work alone?” Changmin innocently asked out of curiosity.

“I don’t work with Jessica if that’s what you’re trying to ask.” _______ answered before showing a *mehrong* to her friend. Changmin scratched the back of his head as soon as ______ caught him.

Changmin tried to continue writing his songs during his spare time while _______ worked on the recent photos that she shot.

There wasn’t anything exciting that happened during the rest of the day. She just called a fast food chain to deliver food in her work place and then Changmin drove her home.

“So who’s guarding me next?” ______ asked jokingly afterwards.

“Yoochun hyung.” Changmin answered before parking across ______’s apartment building.

______ hissed “That is going to be awkward.”

The two then bid good night to each other.


The next day ______ went to her own studio, just like any other work day.

‘Good morning trouble maker. Hope you have a really good day.’ ______ scoffed at Changmin’s text message. He really had his way in being sarcastic or rubbing things at people’s faces.

She made coffee for two hoping that her Yoochun oppa would be gentler with her compared to their last interaction. She was actually surprised at how Yoochun replied, sure it was expected that he would be angry, but ______ never really saw Yoochun nor Junsu as the verbal type when it comes to expressing what they said.

It was around 11am when Yoochun walked in her studio. ‘What a good method to avoid having a conversation with me.’ ______ thought as she noticed the headset covering Yoochun’s ears.

They had a brief eye contact before _______ awkwardly bowed to greet Yoochun. In her head she screamed ‘Awkward! Ground, swallow me up. Mianhe oppa. I’m still your lovely dongsaeng.’

_______ placed the still warm coffee cup and snacks on the table across Yoochun where he was now reading the newspaper.

_______ made calls to some magazine editors regarding her work and to answer all of their inquiries and set up their schedules.

After an hour or so Jessica came in through the doors and happily shouted out her friend’s name.

“Jessica? What are you doing here?” ______ got up from her chair and hugged Jessica.

“Well I wanted to drop by here before I go for a shoot later. I brought you lunch.” Jessica then showed _______ 2 big paper bags that she had with her which immediately made _______ smile.

______ thanked Jessica brightly and the two girls made their way to set up the food on the table.

“Psst…Why is the great Dong Bang Shin Ki Yoochun sitting on your couch and reading alone?” Jessica couldn’t stop herself from asking.

“Long and complicated story cut short, they’re kind of watching over me.” _______ explained very briefly, not wanting to go into details.

“You should have gone here yesterday, Changmin was the one with me.” _______ informed Jessica.

“Oh that’s okay” Jessica answered with her eyes locked on Yoochun.

“Yoochun oppa! There’s food here, you should eat lunch with us.” Jessica cheerfully told Yoochun. Yoochun replied with a small smile but he did put the book he was reading down.

“Do you want me to bring you food there?” Jessica offered but Yoochun shook his head and hands signaling a ‘no’.

“It’s okay, I’ll just go there in a bit. Thanks.” Yoochun replied as he pulled out his phone to send a quick text message.

Jessica faced ______ and winked at her.

“I thought you liked Changmin?” _______ curiously asked Jessica, surprised with how ‘flirty’ she was getting.

“Well he’s not here right now.” Jessica simply replied before picking up a sliced egg roll and eating it.

“Wow…uhm okay then.” That’s all ______ could say, she never saw this side to her friend.

______’s phone vibrated in her pocket, alerting her that a new text message came.


‘How are things going? Having lunch together? ;)’ – hungry Changmin

______ sniggered with Changmin’s text in which she replied ‘Painfully uncomfortable.’

After sending that reply, ______ received another message from…’Yoochun oppa texted me?!’ _______ shouted in her mind.

‘Hyung, I’m not sure if I can continue putting up a cold front towards _______. I know she’s the one at fault but I’m starting to feel bad. She looked sad and I keep hearing her sigh. I think the silent treatment is killing us all. What do I do?’

______ couldn’t help but smile when she finished reading the text message that was obviously not meant for her. She realized that Yoochun is still the sweet, caring, and soft-hearted oppa she knew. That little outburst of him in the car was totally acceptable and she knew that that moment didn’t define him. Changmin was right, she just needs to give them space to hopefully get over things so they could go back to normal.

‘Should I tell him? Should I just reply?’ ______ thought that both ways would be embarrassing for both of them but maybe that would lighten up the situation.

______ replied via sms and waited for Yoochun to check his phone. He already walked towards them as he accepted Jessica’s invitation to eat together.

He was checking out the food while drinking from his water bottle when he suddenly heard his phone alert him of a new text message.

‘Hi oppa. I just wanted to say sorry again and that you should eat a lot. By the way, you sent me a wrong text message.’ Yoochun choked on his water as he resisted in spitting it out from the shock of what he just read.

“Oppa, are you okay?” A worried Jessica immediately handed Yoochun tissue paper.

Yoochun nodded as he wiped his chin and the corners of his lips since some water escaped from his mouth. He glanced at ______ and she just showed him a genuine smile. Yoochun silently laughed at himself and the situation.

_______ was able to breathe more comfortably after that and she felt assured that things were about to be okay.



Finally I've updated!! So sorry. My mind wasn't cooperating with me.

^What an uncreative title / chapter^

mind ≠ creative juices. Lol but true.

Oh and how are you guys liking our lime green AFF home. haha It looks livelier but still adjusting. mixed thoughts. haha


Tell me your thoughts, comment below or tweet me at: 


~Comment Replies~


vampiredoll88: Agreed! ^_^ haha Hope you like this update.

yupthatsme:It's okay ^_^ Hope you had a good, relaxing vacation. Team Changmin? haha maybe they will soon? ;)

imaginedreamlove: I just love to insert drama *evil laugh* you'll know soon ;) aww...thanks ^_^ So happy you love it.

redshuz: Tough love *_* Well their reactions are understandable but having 4 vs. 1 isn't really a good sight. Changmin's our hero. haha aww..I'm happy it was your fav chapter ^_^.

That Inki performance made me go gaga. like seriously.

eunhyukmylover: Here's a not so intense chapter, I hope you still love it ^_~ Things are slightly getting better. Yay for Team Changmin! haha

sujudbsklover: YAY Team Jae! ^_~ although he doesn't appear in this chapter. haha

jejemin: Well their reactions are understandable, right? The maknae's teaming up together. haha Well now you see a softer side of Yoochun oppa here ;) Hope you enjoy this chapter too ;)

nizzyool: Yeah, I'm sure they can't resist her for a long time. haha ^_^

hallyusupporter: Yeah...if only things work like how we want them to

cupidzangel: Yeah I guess she just couldn't hold it in anymore. haha Changmin was the only 'sensible' thinker that time. haha Hope you like this update ;)

gabie_16: Yay for Changmin!! ^_^ LOL That family tree must have been cute ;)

yunhosyeobo: I know, right? haha talk about not having an escape route in the car. lol Yay for Changmin being there for her. ^_^

amnos99: It really was, wasn't it? haha yeah at least the maknae's our teaming up together. haha I'm sure they won't be able to resist their dongsaengs for so long. Here's your update, hope you like it ^_^

Aeryth: Well they're mad and shocked. haha Everyone loved Changmin in the last update. haha Yay for him! ^_^ Hope you like this update.

madz67: Here's your update, hope you like it ^_^ Yay for Team Changmin.

emiex145: aww...yay! Thanks, I'm happy you feel that way ^_^

iPodGal19: They were all (minus Min) stupid mad men last chapter. haha Rooting for Changmin in the love story too? haha ^_~

miko12: aww...yay! I'm glad you feel that way ^_^ Cool & smart Changmin. Hope you like this update.

xtinamaria: aww..yay! Thanks ^_^ I'm happy you feel that way. Hope you continue to like the story.

alj1225: Really intense, right? haha yeah the guys all had a big & bad reaction T_T except for the maknae standing up for his friend ^_^ Hope you like this update.

heroparkyoungwoong: Changmin is really cool & awesome friend to her. ^_^ Here's your update, hope you like it ^_~

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours