Calm before the storm

Torn between HoMin and JYJ



“Changmin-ah! Congratulations on being number 1 so fast!” _______ sincerely congratulated her friend.

“Thanks _______. Yeah, hyung and I are really happy with all the love and support.” Changmin replied.

“Well you deserve it. By the way, where’s Yunho oppa? I tried calling him before you but he wasn’t answering his phone.” ______ asked curiously.

“Oh yeah, he slept as soon as we finished our schedules. We’ve been running around everywhere to promote so we try to get sleep every time we get the chance.” Changmin informed _______.

“Oh I see. Okay well I won’t keep you long. I’m sure you need to get your rest now. I just wanted to congratulate you guys.”

“Thanks again. I’ll tell Yunho hyung to give you a call as soon as he wakes up or when I remember.” Changmin chuckled in the end.

“Okay hwaiting!” _______ said before bidding goodbye.

She truly was happy for ‘her boys’.

After that call _______ went to her photo studio and started her day with work.


After fixing the first set of photos, ______ got bored and so she decided to take a break from the serious work.

“What are you doing?” Jaejoong surprised _______ as he sneakily entered her photo studio.

_______ almost jumped off from her seat when she heard his voice. She had her eyes widened and her hand on her chest. “You scared me oppa.” ______ said making Jaejoong snigger. He then pointed to her laptop and his eyes seemed like they were scrutinizing whatever ______ was doing on her laptop.

______ realized what Jaejoong was looking at and so immediately slammed her laptop close.

Jaejoong caught _______ manipulating and editing photos that she recently took of JYJ and HoMin. She was editing a photo that she took of the three from their Seoul showcase while Yunho and Changmin’s photo was from their comeback when she visited them. She was editing the photo to make it seem like the guys were together on one stage.

“You shouldn’t spend your time doing that.” Jaejoong sighed before slumping down on the couch near ______.

“Just for my own personal collection” ______ tried to answer coolly. She would have seemed like total fangirl to others if they saw what she was doing. But for ______, she was just trying to bring two groups of people again…even if it’s just for a photo. DBSK was her biggest and most favorite client and now they were her some of her closest friends. She was used to getting photos of 5 guys.

“Anyway. What brings you here oppa?”  ______ asked curiously.

“Well…nothing really. I was bored at home. Yoochun’s at meeting for new drama while Junsu’s practicing for his musical.”

“hmmm…I see. Jiji couldn’t entertain you huh.” ______ joked.

“Yeah…gorgeous idol has a habit of talking to his cat when because he has no friends. That’s just sad.” Jaejoong made fun of himself.

“Yeah I know oppa. Jiji suffers a lot.” ______ said after laughing at Jaejoong.

After a couple of minutes of talking Jaejoong couldn’t help but yawn. He’s been busy for the past few weeks and so he couldn’t get enough sleep. Although today was free day, he didn’t want to it to go to waste of sleeping and being alone.

“Oppa, why didn’t you just stay home and sleep? You seem pretty tired. The dark circles under your eyes isn’t good.” ______ told Jaejoong as she observed him.

“Yeah, I think I’ve been having insomnia recently. I don’t know why I couldn’t sleep early but I did get some sleep last night although it’s still not enough. I just didn’t want to stay in the whole day so that’s why I dropped by here.” Jaejoong answered with his eyes closed.

“Well, I still have some work to finish. Why don’t you just sleep here on the couch first and I’ll wake you up later on so we can go out.”

Jaejoong just nodded and laid down completely on the couch. Jaejoong placed the throw pillow behind his head and then covered his eyes with the beanie that he was wearing. Jaejoong was able to doze off quickly.


_______ on the other hand saved the unfinished edit of the 5 guys and then resumed with her ‘real editing’ work as she tinkered with the photos from the recent photoshoot.


After half an hour Jaejoong was awakened by _______. He could her giggling and trying to hush herself down.

“What are you laughing at?” Jaejoong asked as he sat back up on the couch and rubbed his eyes.

“Nothing.” ______ shook her head and tried to calm herself down.

“Come on ______. It’s got to be something if it made you laugh hard enough to wake me up. What is it?” Jaejoong persistently asked out of curiosity.

“Well you know the whole YunJae stuff, right? I just saw a person post on tumblr that ‘Keep your head down’ is something that Yunho would say to you at times of…well you get the idea.” ______ told Jaejoong what she just discovered. For some reason it was lighter to talk to Jaejoong about Yunho and Changmin than talking to the two about them.

“Eeww _______. What are you reading? I didn’t know you were such a .” Jaejoong teased as he playfully threw the throw pillow at ________.

“I’m not! I just randomly saw it.” _______ defended herself as she caught the pillow

“Sure you did.” Jaejoong sarcastically answered.

“Aish oppa, you’re so weird and annoying. I let you crash at my work place and this is what I get?” _______ rolled her eyes at Jaejoong and threw the pillow back at him.

“awww…you mad?” Jaejoong was now treating ______ like a kid. “Do you want oppa to buy you some food to say ‘Misery and insanity loves company, thanks for letting me stay here and showing me your naughty side’.” Jaejoong said and laughed afterwards.

“I don’t like you anymore.” ______ said and then pouted as she crossed her arms over her chest.

Jaejoong chuckled before he walked towards where _______ was seated. He kneeled down to be with the same level as ______’s eyes.

“Mianhe, you know I’m just teasing you. Don’t worry I won’t tell Yoochun and Junsu about this side of yours.” Jaejoong said as he pinched the cheeks of ______ making her glare at him.

“Yeah because there’s nothing to say! Oppa, really…aish! Just go back to sleep. I like you better when you’re quiet. I wish Jiji would scratch you when you get home to get revenge for me.” _______ answered as she took Jaejoong’s hands off her face. He then messed with her hair a bit before completely getting up.

“Well then...why don’t you come over to my place tonight? Yoochun and Junsu are going to be there and I’ll cook dinner for you guys.”

________ was like Changmin, free delicious food was one of her weaknesses.



- Later that night -

________ just finished taking a shower and was now pulling out a pair of black jeans, a simple white top and a jacket from her closet.

She still had an hour before she had to leave to go to Jaejoong’s place and so she just wore a sweatshirt and shorts first to lounge in.


________ opened the tv and then checked her phone. She got two new messages while she was in the bathroom.

The fist message was from an unknown number ‘Changmin said you called earlier. Are you home now? Can we talk? – Yunho, this is my new number.’

Before replying to Yunho text message, _______ checked the other message in her inbox.

‘_______, dinner’s cancelled. Jaejoong hyung stormed out half an hour ago and we can contact him.’ It was Yoochun who informed ______.

“What’s going on?” ______ wondered aloud. Before _______ could even reply to any of the messages, her doorbell rang.

________ left her phone on the couch and then walked towards the door.

She wasn’t expecting anyone and so she thought hard on who could be visiting her at this hour.

________ opened the door and was surprised to see who it was.

“_______-ah…” he greeted her, his speech was a bit slurred and his eyes were bloodshot.

“Oppa, what are you doing here? What happened? Are you drunk??” ________ asked as she smelled alcohol coming from her beloved oppa.



hmm....a cliffhanger?
Who's your guess?
Btw, there’s going to be a slightly, just a slightly rated scene…nothing too intense. It's merely just a steamy make-out session. Would that be okay with you guys?
Comment below or tweet me at:
~Comment Replies~ Love love love you guys
eunhyukmylover: Thanks :) I'm glad you're enjoying the story so far. Yeah there'll be more intense - drama scenes. Hwaiting~!
imaginedreamlove: LOL well that could be a 'hot' situation to be in. But what happens when you have to choose? haha ^_~
Oklahoma: haha good job ^_^ And who will you be rooting for? ^_^
nimsaengho: Yeah!! omg! I'm guessing that's the Kyu Jong and Young Saeng?  aww...thanks :)
yuki-himehanasawa: Love triangles make up the drama and the fun? haha  Okay, I'll try place in more Junsu next time. aww..thanks. ^_^ what's your name? aww...number one fan, you're the first to say that. *hugs* Nah, I don't want fans, let's be friends! ^_^
ShiBurrowes: hmm..things may 'get bad' soon ;) Thanks. Hope you like this update.
hopelessromantic: I hope it will be interesting to you guys. haha ^_^
amnos99: hmmm..yes? haha Well feelings would be revealed in the following chapters. Yeah they are good oppas.
gabie_16: we all love some drama haha it's coming soon ^_~ 
ikayewings: Yeah now we had some Jae moment. What do you think about the love traiangle between the two? ^_~
alj1225: Thanks ^_^ haha hhmmm...Is it obvious now?
ILuvSuJu15: Yeah, well the love triangle will be fully revealed in the next following chapters ;) Hope you like this update.
cupidzangel: Yunho time before now it's moments with jae. haha ^_~ 
Aeryth: LOL yeah. It's 'Jaejoong time' now. I'm glad you like the girl. 
csaephanh: Thanks :) Yeah I don't think I'm a Cassie too but I like their music and I do watch them on a couple of shows ^_^ 
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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours