Alternative Ending III

Torn between HoMin and JYJ


“It’s okay _______. You’ve made me happy in so many levels. I’m lucky enough that you still are one of my best friends. I know at some point you loved me too but he’s just the one who completely won you heart.”

“I…I’m sorry oppa.” _______ said almost choking on her words as tears started falling from her eyes.

“Shh…don’t cry _______. Don’t be sorry. Just be happy, okay? That’s all I ask and I don’t want anything to change between us. I want you tell me if he does anything wrong and oppa will straighten him out.” Yunho assured her and hugged her to comfort her more.

She laughed a bit at his remark and hugged him tight.

Yunho kissed her forehead before bidding goodbye.



Jaejoong surprised _______ when he suddenly walked in her studio.

“Oppa! Why are you here? I thought you were busy today?” _______ got up from her office chair and greeted her boyfriend warmly.

“Well I wasn’t busy enough to drop by and have lunch with my favorite girl.” Jaejoong replied as he squeezed _______ in a tight embrace.

He inhaled her cherry blossom perfume which was now his favorite scent because of her.

“What are we having today?” _______ curiously asked Jaejoong as she leaned back from the hug to eye the paper bag he was holding.

Jaejoong led _______ to her studio’s lounge area where they could properly eat and chat comfortably on the couch.

“You’re having Bibimbap since it has a lot of nutrients that a growing and busy girl like you would need.” Jaejoong informed her.

“Wow oppa, you make it sound like I’m still a little girl.” _______ replied as she looked at Jaejoong weirdly.

_______ started to mix her food while Jaejoong showed her what he’ll be eating. Jaejoong said that he’s going to eat Gyudon since he was missing Japan recently.

When they started eating, Jaejoong noticed _______ looking at his big bowl of food while she was chewing hers.

“That looks good.” She mumbled with a cute small pout after gulping down her own food.

Jaejoong chuckled at his girlfriend’s display of aegyo. She always managed to make him smile. He couldn’t help but feed her a spoonful of his food after that and they ended up sharing, eating half of each other’s food.


“I’m thinking of getting a new tattoo.” Jeejoong suddenly brought up when he gave _______ a piece of chocolate for dessert.

“Again oppa?” ______ reacted a bit surprised in which Jaejoong replied with a nod.

“But I think you’ll like this one.” He knew she wasn’t too keen in him getting any more tattoos although they were all meaningful.

“I was thinking of adding your name or something that represents you”.

_______’s eyes widened with Jaejoong’s statement. ‘The’ godly looking Jaejoong wanted a symbol of her to be permanently inked on his skin.

“WHAT?! Me?? Why?”

“Well for starters you are my girlfriend, I love you, it’s almost our 100th day as a couple, and you’re the first person who calls me up so you could unravel my cryptic tweets. I’ve known you for quite a long time now and you have done a lot for me and DBSK. You know I can go on and on with my reasons.” Jaejong was listing down some of the obvious reasons that could convince ________.

“Oppa don’t get me wrong, that’s sweet and thoughtful of you...”

“But?” Jaejoong already knew what she was going to say next.

“I don’t want to sound like a pessimist but…what if we break up in the future? Then that tattoo will be a mistake. I know erasing that with laser is more expensive or your future photographers will have a tough time photoshopping that.” _________ explained what was in her mind although she was hesitant to do so.

“I won’t ever going to regret getting a tattoo that will remind me of you because even if there’s a slightest chance we don’t end up being each other’s soul mates, my heart will always know that you were a great love. You did so much for us…for me and that is just one way that I get to always keep you and the memories. Even if I don’t get physically inked on my skin, you’ll always be tattooed in my heart and in my mind” Jaejoong then got ________’s hand and kissed the back of it ever so lightly.

_______ smiled at Jaejoong’s sweet thoughts and charming gesture, but she still told him to not get a tattoo just for her...or well just not now.


The two walked out of _______’s studio so they could get some fresh air and to let their bodies digest the food they ate. They went to the nearby park since they couldn’t really go far because Jaejoong had to leave soon.

_______ pulled Jaejoong towards the playground swings she spotted. She sat on the swing and looked at Jaejoong cutely signaling him that she wanted to be pushed.

Jaejoong stood behind _______ and pushed on her back and then on the chains gently, gradually making her go higher and higher. _______ felt like a kid and Jaejoong liked seeing her so happy with just the simplest things. Now with just the use of physics, _______ didn’t need Jaejoong’s help anymore.

After a minute or so, Jaejoong walked away from the swings and stopped when he was a couple of steps away from the swings so that he could be in front where he could see _______ properly.
”Jump” Jaejoong suddenly told _______.
”What?” She asked since she felt like she didn’t hear her boyfriend well.
”Jump off from your seat.” Jaejoong repeated, clarifying his statement.
”Are you kidding? I won’t land on my feet and I’ll fall” _______ protested and the power of her swing slowed down.
”I’ll catch you” Jaejoong sounded so sure and determined.
”No. What if you don’t?” _______ didn’t really want to take the risk.
”I’ll do anything to catch you and I’ll do anything for you if you do slip.” Jaejoong opened his arms wide open, hoping it would invite _______.
Knowing that Jaejoong won’t let this go, _______ took deep breaths to prepare herself. With eyes tight shut, _______ leaped.

As promised, _______ landed against Jaejong’s body but since there was still a bit of strong impact Jaejoong lost his balance and fell on the grassy ground that was scattered with leaves.

“I told you’d we’d fall.” ______ stated as she playfully glared at Jaejoong.

“No. I caught you and I fell, not you.” Jaejoong explained.

“Technically we still fell.”

“We fell for each other.” Jaejoong grinned as he let out a witty yet corny answer.

“That’s cheesy oppa.” _______ rolled her eyes and slapped Jaejoong on the side lightly.

_______ tried to stand up but couldn’t because of Jaejong’s strong hold on her.

“Oppa. We have to get up.” _______ told Jaejoong as she tried to wiggle out of his grasp.

“Nope. Don’t wanna let you go…ever.” Jaejong shook his head and the tone of his voice was like a kid who was whining.

After a couple of minutes, _______ finally convinced Jaejoong to get up. They dusted the dirt from their clothes and walked hand-in-hand as they went back to her studio.


The couple took photos of themselves until the last minute that Jaejoong had to leave.

The two crossed the street as ______ walked Jaejoong towards his car. An unforgettable, disturbing memory flashbacked on Jaejoongs mind which made him suddenly hug his girlfriend protectively.

“What’s wrong?” _______ worriedly asked as she heard Jaejoong sigh.

“I just remembered that day that the car almost hit you.” Jaejoong told _______ what he was thinking of. Jaejoong leaned back to look at _______ in the eye

“As cliché as it may be, I don’t know what I will do without you. If all of a sudden you were ripped out of my every day routine, my world would come crumbling down.” Jaejoong confessed whole-heartedly. His sincerity always hit _______’s heart.

“Well don’t worry oppa because I have no plans of going anywhere without you.” _______ replied back. Jaejoong really made her feel so special and vulnerable that it scared her at times, but she knew that she was in good hands with Jaejoong.

“Oh God, what have you done to me _______? You turned me into such a hopeless romantic.” Jaejoong said as he rested his forehead against _______’s.

“It’s what love does to us I guess.” ________ replied after giggling.

Jaejoong looked intently at ______’s happy expression, taking a mental photograph of her to keep him inspired the whole day. He then cupped _______’s face, their lips met halfway for a blissful kiss.

“I’ll get in as soon as you go back inside.” Jaejoong told ______ as he urged her to go inside her studio first. They had a bit of difficulty letting go of each other’s hands, their tightly intertwined fingers was proof that they didn’t want to separate

With little difficulty, ______ waved goodbye at Jaejoong as soon as she stood on the opposite end of the street.

“SARANGHAE!!” Jaejoong shouted loudly before he opened the door to his car.

“I LOVE YOU TOO!!” _______ replied just as loud and even did a big heart sign for Jaejoong which made him laugh.

Jaejoong started the engine of his car when _______ went back inside her studio already. He brought his phone out from the pocket of his jeans and made a quick call before getting on the road.

“Hi noona. Yes, I’m on my way to pick up the rings.” 


I know this last installment took some time, but I really wanted to make it as sweet & 'perfect' as possible. I hope this was worth the wait for you guys.


It was a first for me to write alternative endings for a story. Of course I wrote those different endings so I could hopefully satisfy you all and I’m so happy about the response! ^_^


I just want to say a big big THANK YOU to all of you who read this until the end. I know I was really hesitant about starting this story because it still is a sensitive topic to a lot of us, cassie or not. But still, thank you for sticking by. I really appreciate all the comments and sweet messages. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope you liked all the drama and all the love. 


Do not hesitate to talk to me. I love talking to you guys! Tweet me at:

Oh and thank you for the sweet birthday messages!! ^_^


P.S Posted a blog / poll regarding my new Donghae story. Click here to vote!




pinkheadphones: Yay for Donghae!! ^_~ Happy you liked it.

cupidzangel: aww...happy you loved the Yunho ending, really pouring all the sweet stuff I got right now. haha ^_^ I hope this Jaejoong ending will make you smile too.

N-MA_Nightingale: I'm glad you liked the first two endings :)

awww...thank you so much. I'm just happy that you guys read & like  my story ^_^ Hopefully in the end, the unity & the power of love of  the Cassies will bring the guys back together again.

Here's the last ending with Jaejoong! ^_^ I hope you like it.

claulitania: Here's the main finale! ^_^ I hope you find it super sweet. Enjoy ;)

fishandpenguin: aww..yay! Glad I made you smile ^_^ More sweet moments in this ending with Jae.

As a Donghae fan you better vote on what title you'd like, okay? ^_~

Thank you ^_^ I'll keep writing for you guys <3

redshuz: Yay for sweeeeet & understanding Yunho! ^_^

Jaejoong's finale is finally here!! Hope you like it ^_^

Donghae's story coming up real soon.

yupthatsme: Me too! I'd take lots and lots of photos. haha

I'm happy you liked the Yunho time ending ;) Hope you like this one as well ^_^

heroparkyoungwoong: Yay for sweet & happy endings!!

yunhosyeobo: I loved that line too. hihi ^_^ Yeah everyone has their own happy endings. Even in this one, Yunho finds his own girl.

I would have probably hit Yunho with the camera. haha

Did you watch him on Kiss & Cry. He skates / dances on ice so effortlessly  ^_^

Awww...I'm so happy you loved this ending.

imaginedreamlove: Really tried to incorporate the Cassies. haha ^_^

Lol cheater! Haha I'm happy you liked the Yunho chapter.

Finally here's the Jaejoong finale!! ^_^ Hope you enjoy reading it.

madz67: Here's the last update :(

SMlove: Glad you liked the Yunho ending ;)

Here's the Jaejoong finale!!! ^_^ Hope you like it.

Alina1225: awww...yay! I'm so happy you loved the last chapter ^_^ Yeah, here's the main finale :(

Thank you so much for being such an awesome reader/friend! ^_^

Yeah I miss the two though and hopefully, they still keep in touch.

eunhyukmylover:, you guys are the best!! Love love you guys

I'm happy you liked the last ending, hope you like this one just as much. ^_^

Yay for Donghae ^_~

crazilyification: Happy you loved it ^_^

Donghae story very soon! ;)

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours