Alternative Ending II

Torn between HoMin and JYJ


Jaejoong stepped aside and gave the two his blessings. He convinced ________ that there were no hard nor bitter feelings just as long as she was happy and he did sincerely wished that. Jaejoong knew that besides him, only Yunho could be that special guy that would give his all to _______. But Jaejoong did make ________ and Yunho promise that he would be allowed to break Yunho’s nose if he ever makes _______ cry.



Yunho sneakily walked inside _______’s studio without being caught. Thankfully _______ had her headset on while taking some creative photos of makeup and fashion products for a magazine.

A back hug almost made _______ drop her camera.

_______ immediately turned around only to see Yunho holding on to her like how a koala clings on a tree.

“Oppa! You almost gave me a heart attack.” _______ told Yunho as she placed her camera down on a table nearby.

“Sorry, just wanted to surprise you.” Yunho scratched the back of his head.

“Are you ready to go?” Yunho asked his girlfriend. The two planned to have a date that day since Yunho had a free day.

“Mianhe oppa, I’m almost done. Just give me 15 minutes please?”

Yunho nodded his head in understanding and then walked away to let ______ finish her work.

_______ worked double time so she could finish right away. She overlooked the photos on her computer and then sent the raw photos to the magazine editor for approval of the concept. She was in the middle of putting away her equipment and closing her computer when she saw something moving at the corner of her eye.

_______ turned her chair around and saw that her boyfriend was dancing to entertain himself. She watched him get so immersed in his art, he was so passionate about it and it was inspiring. There was a part of the dance that made Yunho spin around and that’s when he caught _______ looking at him.

“Why are you smiling?” Yunho asked amused as he walked towards her.

“Because you’re with me.” ______’s heartfelt reply made Yunho smile wide.

“Will you dance with me then?” Yunho asked as he offered her his hand. _______ placed her hand on his and she stood up. Yunho changed the music on his phone to a ballad love song so that it would be perfect to slow dance with his girlfriend.

Although a bit shy, _______ swayed her body a long with Yunho and she felt that she was having a movie-like moment.

“Are you happy?” Yunho suddenly asked. He doubts himself sometimes and thus he isn’t that confident or sure if _______ was right in choosing him.

“Of course I am.” She replied sincerely before sealing that with a kiss. Yunho kissed _______ back just as loving, being reassured of her love and getting the strength to believe in himself again. Their sweet dance momentarily ended when the song finished. _______ quickly fixed her stuff and herself as well before getting her purse.


Yunho was already driving the car and he did focus on the road but something keeps slightly disturbing him. At the corner of his eye he could see that ______ kept on yawning and when he looked at her she did look a bit tired.

“Are you okay?” Yunho asked as he reached out for _______’s hand with his left hand.

“I'm good.” _______ answered but she yawned in the end.
Just then Yunho switched lanes and was now on-route to _______’s apartment. ________ didn’t notice it until they were near her place.

“Why are we stopping here?” _______ curiously asked Yunho.

“You should rest first.” Yunho replied as he parked his car and then turned off the engine.
”How about our date?” _______ asked when Yunho already removed his and her seatbelt.
”We can do that later, I don't want my girl friend over tiring herself.” Yunho said before going out of the car, _______ followed right after.
”Sorry, I shouldn't have pulled an all-nighter last night.” _______ admitted that she probably got exhausted because of her late work.

The two didn’t speak again until they entered _______’s apartment unit.

“Sorry oppa. I know we don’t get to go out often and yet I’m wasting our precious time.” _______ couldn’t help but feel guilty.
”It's okay. I’m good and happy just as long I'm with you.” Yunho sincerely answered as they proceeded to her bedroom.

The two lay down beside each other, cuddling as they tried to get some shut-eye.
Yunhoplayed with _______’s hair and gently massaged her scalp so that she could sleep more easily. He hummed her to sleep until he too fell asleep holding his girlfriend in his arms.


Yunho woke up two hours later and when he tried to snuggle up to his girlfriend, she wasn’t on the bed anymore. Yunho bolted up and tried to look for _______ in the room but she couldn’t be seen.

Yunho let out a sigh of relief once he found ________. She was in the kitchen cooking a pasta dish for the two of them.

“Hey…” Yunho softly called out to her as he checked out what she was preparing.

“Good evening oppa, I’m almost done here. Let’s eat this at the rooftop, okay? I wanna make it up to you since I spoiled our date today.” _______ told Yunho as she got the chilled wine from inside the ref.

That’s one thing Yunho loved about ________, she was always so considerate even if she didn’t have to.

Their night ended with a simple romantic candle-lit dinner date under the starry night. Since the rooftop didn’t have any tables or chairs, the two used a thick comforter to sit and lay on.

Yunho raised his wine glass and asked _______ to do the same.

"Here's to a long, loving relationship with the girl that has completely captured my heart. We've been through a lot and I know we can withstand this rollercoaster of a life just as long as we stay by each other's side." Yunho made a short, simple yet sweet speech.  

"Cheers to the guy who has swept me off of my feet for countless of times. I've come to realize that things are always better when we're together." _______ replied with her own on the spot speech. The two exchanged I love you's before toasting their wine glass with each other.

The two comfortable laid down on the comforter after so that they could appreciate the sky more. They stargazed and luckily enough they were able to spot a wishing star. Yunho also pointed out to ________ the constellation that he and a lot of people hold dearly in their hearts…the Cassiopeia. 

It was a blissful ending indeed.


So...there are a lot of you who are in Team Changmin huh. haha I'm happy you guys liked  the first ending.

Hopefully you all like this Yunho Time chapter too! ^_^ I know it's a bit short but I did do my best to make it (very) sweet.

Since Jaejoong won, he gets the honor of having the final chapter. Haha Saving the best for last. Hope I don’t disappoint.


One more to go...Let’s see if I can post it up on or before my birthday ^_~


*By the way, Do I have a lot of Donghae fans here (besides my LL readers)?? Well I think I told some of you already, but I will be making a Donghae fic after I finish this story ^_^ So I hope you guys can look forward to that.


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~COMMENT REPLIES~ Love Love Love you guys

eunhyukmylover: Yeah, I know this birthday will be much more special  because I have you guys ^_~

Everyone's happy in the end. haha

Hope this lives up to you expectation ^_^ jeongmal saranghae!! ♥♥♥

jejemin: Yes!! mission accomplished. hihi ^_~

I am so happy that you loved the Changmin chapter. you guys are the best!!

haha It's a good thing I came up with the ending with Changmin then ^_^

dollsuite02: YAY! Hi new reader!! ^_^

awww...thank you for reading it straight from the start ^_^

I hope to have a best friend like Changmin too. haha Hope you like this other ending.

emiex145: So glad you liked it ^_^

Now a lot of Changmin biases are revealing themselves cause of the last update. haha Team Changmin! ^_^

awww...thank you so much. Love you guys ♥

Alina1225: Everyone gets a partner in the end. haha ^_^ Hope you like this Yunho chapter since I know he is your bias, right? ;)


HYPOTENUSE! LOL. OMG The Soohyun 'forever alone' meme in Tumblr cracked me up. So funny yet sad. Hoon introduced himself in a cute way. haha and Dongho was just cool. Kevin was so nice & such a fanboy, he knew almost everything about the couple I think. haha

madz67:Hope you like this update!!! ^_^ Yunho time

redshuz: You're welcome ^_^ So happy a lot of you guys loved Chaper 20.

I always enjoy bestfriend to lovers stories and I guess I couldn't stop myself from trying that out with Changmin here.hihi

I more to go :(

cupidzangel: Adorable and loving Changmin ^_^ Everyone's happy in the end. haha

Aeryth: Haha I know it was a bit random. lol but I just had to write it in. ^_~

Hope you like this ending ^_^

fishandpenguin: I'm glad and relieved that a lot of you enjoyed my suprise - unexpected first ending. haha ^_^

Here's Yunho time and I hope  you find it sweet too ^_~

imaginedreamlove: Changmin is love <3 haha I just had to write in a YunJae moment because I know a lot of people who ship them miss this. haha

Hope this ending makes you swoon too ^_^

yupthatsme: Oh wow that's tomorrow!! Advance Happy Birthday again! Hope you have an awesome one! ^_^ Can this chapter be like my gift for you?hihi Hope you like it ^_~

nizzyool: Yeah everyone gets their partner in the end in the first ending. haha ^_^ Happy you guys liked it.

I hope that you enjoy this chapter I made especially for those in Team Yunho!!

hopelessromantic: Yay! Happy you loved it! ^_^

yunhosyeobo: It really was an unexpected twist, right? haha

Yeah YunJae deserved their own moment here. ^_~

Hope you like this your yeobo's chapter ^_^

bubblyjoanna: Glad you guys liked the first ending ^_^ YunJae had their own moment.

Awww...thank you ^_~ I do hope to continue making stories that you guys will love and enjoy.

ivylicious18: Well I know a lot of people are torn too. haha It's not our fault that we find these guys so lovable, right? ^_~

Hope you like this Yunho chapter and the ending with your bias will be up very soon ^_^

amnos99: An interesting twist that hopefully a lot of you enjoyed. Made the YunJae moment for shippers like you. hihi ^_^

Hope you like this update ^_~

heroparkyoungwoong: Yeah, to save their relationship / friendship she rejected them. But in this ending she ends with Yunho so yay! haha ^_^ The last one would be with Jaejoong.

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours