Jaejoong the guardian mannequin

Torn between HoMin and JYJ


So 3 out of the 5 guys’ didn’t really succeed in giving _______ the silent treatment. Changmin was obviously on her side and well Yoochun and Junsu were both softies at heart so they couldn’t really hold a grudge.

Now ______ will have to face Jaejoong as he is the one on duty on guarding her that day. In all honesty, ______ is still worried with how her relationship will be with Jaejoong and Yunho. They’re not really that tough but they don’t give in easily too so this will be a challenge for all of them.


Just like what _______ did for the previous guys, she had coffee ready for Jaejoong. _______ was actually not that bothered today regarding any awkwardness since she’ll be busy most of the day because of a shoot.

Jaejoong walked in the studio and was not that surprised when he saw a lot of people inside _______’s studio already. There were artists and models being dressed by stylists and being put make-up on.

Jaejoong didn’t attract much attention since it was a bit busy in the studio so he just casually sat down on one of the couches. He looked at ______ for a couple of minutes to check if she was doing okay. _______ was fixing the ring light and at the same time she was talking to her client regarding the theme of the shoot. It looked like she couldn’t care less about Jaejoong’s presence.   

Jaejoong didn’t remove his shades and just picked up some magazines from the coffee table to keep him preoccupied.

After an hour later and lots of test shots, ______ was able to finally start shooting her main stars. Kim Soo Hyun and EunJung who both starred in Dream High were the new models of the brand SPRIS and fortunately for ______, she was the one hired to shoot for their latest campaign.

The two artists had a lot of wardrobe change and were able to finish the photoshoot within three hours.

The celebrities started to pack up and left soon after while some of the crew were left to check on the photos and pick which _______ should focus on editing.

“Are you sure you're a photographer and not a model? I don’t think I’ve seen any photographer as pretty as you.” One of the staff of Spris was obviously hitting on ______ when they were taking a break. The guy was cute and so it was only natural for _______ to blush. Jaejoong on the other hand heard this and he couldn’t help but scoff.  

*ahem* Jaejoong cleared his throat quite loudly, obviously wanting to disturb the two. 

“______-shi, is that your boyfriend? He’s been here the whole day.” The guy asked _______ curiously.

Some stylists also were talking about how hot Jaejoong looked and how he looks really familiar to them.

Jaejoong smirked upon hearing the murmurs but he still hadn’t given his true identity away. He was obviously getting attention and he liked it.

“Nope, he’s just like a live mannequin there. Don’t mind him.” _______ answered coolly which made Jaejoong pout.


After two more hours, _______ was finally able to partially finish her work for the day. Everyone from Spris left her studio already and so it was only her and Jaejoong now.

She didn’t mind him though because she was physically and mentally tired already. She pulled off an all-nighter the day before and she still hadn’t regained 100% of her energy.

“I’m done oppa. I’m going home.” ______ casually told Jaejoong as she turned her computer off. Jaejoong just nodded and said “Okay.” as he stood up from the couch to stretch his body.

Jaejoong went out the studio first while ______ made sure that she had turned off all of the power inside her workspace.

Jaejoong was nowhere insight after ______ stepped out of the studio and locked up.

In the middle of yawning, _______ moved her feet and was about to cross the street when she felt a strong tug behind her making her step back and her body turn 180 degrees.

_______ had her eyes wide open as she heard a loud *vrooooom*, a speeding car just passed by.

It all happened in a flash. She swore she felt a little bump on her back from the side mirror of the car but she was luckily pulled out just in time by Jaejoong.

He pulled her body back as he heard the loud roar of the engine and saw the headlights from an incoming car that ______ wasn’t aware of.

Jaejoong was now hugging ______ tight. Both shocked from what just happened.

After a couple of minutes Jaejoong placed his hands on ______’s shoulder and shook her a bit.

“YA!! Why weren’t you looking?! Do you really want me to suffer?? Do you really want all of us to worry about you 24 /7?!” Jaejoong snapped at ______ but only because he was really concerned.

“Sorry.” ______ apologized, her voice almost like a whisper. She could feel her hands trembling.

“You really scared me.” Jaejoong told her with his voice now much softer than before.

“You and I both oppa.”

The two were terrified at just the thought of what could have happened to ______ if Jaejoong wasn’t there.


After making sure ______ was all right, Jaejoong finally allowed her to drive herself home but of course he followed her.

Jessica called _______ the minute she finished parking her car in the basement of her apartment building.

“_______-ah, what’s up?” Jessica greeted her friend.

“Oh hey Jess…” ______ couldn’t pretend to be all happy so Jessica asked her what was wrong. “I almost got into an accident so this is me being absorbed in the after shock. But I’ll be okay so don’t worry.” _______ briefly explained. She didn’t go into details because well…what else is there?

“OH MY GOSH! Girl you seem like you’re accident prone.”

_____ lightly laughed at her friend’s reaction before answering back “Don’t worry. I’m going to get some sleep after this so I’ll just call you back tomorrow, okay?”

“Okay. Have a good rest sweetie and don’t run into any more trouble.” Jessica said before hanging up the phone.



I don’t know if I actually pulled an intense chapter in the end here :(

So…was that an accident or was someone trying to intentionally get our girl? Hmmm…


YOU GUYS! I actually can’t believe that Team YunJae is (currently) second on the poll. Haha

Team Yunho: 38%

Team YunJae: 25%

Team Jaejoong: 24%

Neither: 13%

Voting still open so click here

Expect that I’m gonna give you guys a special ending…or endingS perhaps? *evil laugh*


Tweet Tweet: twitter.com/nisrandom


~Comment Replies~

yuki-himehanasawa: aww..it's oaky. Congratulations!! ^_^ I know you'd like the Junsu chapter. haha hmmm...not gonna give away anything yet. haha The intense part of this chapter is in the end and it's a bit short so I don't know if you like it ;) aww...me too. Keep the faith, right? ^_~

amnos99: Yeah I just had to put in Junsu acting out like that and being such a kind and cute person. haha Here's the Jae chapter with her ;) Hope you like it. Only a few chapters left T_T

heroparkyoungwoong: I know, right? Tried to make Junsu adorable in the last chapter. haha

hopelessromantic: Yes, we're nearing the end:( Really? I'm glad I was able to write Junsu's character well. haha aww...thank you! ^_^ Iloveyou! Here's Jae first ;)

yunhosyeobo: Yeah I guess a little payback doesn't hurt, right? LOL Junsu was toooo nice I think. haha

aghniahr: aww...thank you! ^_^ I'm so happy you love my story. I'm not really going to pair Jessica with Channgmin or the others, you'll see ;) The guys really love her. I'm gonna make the finale as special as I can so I hope you guys will be happy and like it.

I don't think I qualify as a Cassie but I do like them a lot ^_^ I appreciate the compliment. (P.S What's OOC?)

alj1225: I'm glad you loved  the last update ^_^ Yeah Junsu's star appeal is too much for people I guess. haha Team Yunho is winning! Yunho's chapter is next ;)

animesekai: Here's an update ;) Hope you like it.

madz67: Here's Jaejoong's chapter ;) Hope you like this update ^_~

shin33: LOL You're trying to influence me a lot, aren't you? haha ^_~ Don't worry it seems like Yunho is winning in the polls. Hope you like this update ^_^ Yunho's chapter is next.

miko12: Fail for Junsu and a secret win for the girl. haha ^_^ Well here's Jaejoong's chapter not a lot of interaction but a bit intense on the end. Yunho will be in the next update.

LeePeppers: Team Yunho is winning! ^_~  Team Changmin...hmmm we'll see;)

Aeryth: So you're on both teams? ;) haha I'll make the ending special.

pinkheadphones: Team Changmin? haha why not since they're best friends, right? LOL

cupidzangel: Junsu's superstar level was too much to handle for people. Junsu was taken advantage of. haha ^_~ Hope you like this update.

hallyusupporter: LOL I'm finding it so funny that Team YunJae is second on the poll. haha

imaginedreamlove: I'm glad you loved and that I made you smile with the last update ^_^ Team Jaejoong in this update. I hope the last bit of this chapter was intense enough. haha

jejemin: It's such a strong, memorable and funny line I think that's why a lot of us use it. haha aww...I'm so glad you're loving my story. Yeah the finale's near so I hope you continue to enjoy this. ^_^

lolitabunny: Junsu and that line of his is realllly popular and memorable! haha Hope you like this update ^_^

eunhyukmylover: I know, right? I tried to make him really adorable, cute & funny in his chapter ;) I'm not sure if the last part in this chapter can be considered intense, is it? haha but there will be in the next chapter ;)

The finale is near so I'm hoping you guys will enjoy the remaining chapters ^_^ ♥ saranghae ♥

nizzyool: LOL Junsu is too soft and gullible, that's why. haha ^_^ He gets bullied on and off stage. haha

bubblyjoanna: I'm glad you love the cutie Junsu ^_~

yupthatsme: I did smile and maybe laugh a bit when I tried to imagine Junsu whining and reporting to Jae. haha Yeah, the end is near :(

redshuz: Junsu wants to be recognized for his hard work. haha Hope you find the update cute too ;)

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours