Intense car ride.

Torn between HoMin and JYJ


Another week has passed and _______ finally decided that she would come clean. It was unfair from the start but she just needed time because everything seemed to be going so well. After she knew that Changmin already found out she thought it was best to let them all know. Besides, she could see the results that she could only hope for before. The guys were more comfortable with each other, and in her eyes their brotherhood was restored. She would like to think that she helped them reconnect, it was like she was their angel on earth.


Everyone was in the car on their way home after hanging out for almost the whole day. The 5 guys and one girl went on a random road trip, tasted different cuisines and visited various shops.

The guys took turns in driving and now Yoochun was in charge in driving to drop everyone in their respective homes.

They were still minutes away from _______’s place since she was the first one to be dropped of.

‘This is it. It’s now or never _______. Do it. Go!’ _______ talked o herself mentally.

“I’m sorry I lied about having amnesia. I never lost my memory of you guys.” ______ suddenly said out loud for everyone in the car to hear.

Yoochun stepped on the breaks abruptly making everyone stumble forward. Good thing they were the only car in the lane.

“Woah!” Changmin said, feeling like he was in a rollercoaster.

“Now that could have really caused someone to have amnesia.” _______ commented on Yoochun’s driving.

“Repeat what you said earlier.” Yoochun demanded in a serious tone as he looked back from the drivers seat. He swerved the car to the most right lane and parked at the nearest stop.

Changmin didn’t know how he would react. ______ didn’t tell him that she was going to drop the bomb like that. He was unprepared and pretty anxious as well.

“I’m sorry. I lied. I don’t have amnesia, I never had.” _______ clarified her statement from earlier.

“So you’re saying that the accident really didn’t affect your brain?” Junsu asked to confirm.

She couldn’t look at any of them in the eye so she looked down and could only nod in response.

“Was the accident even real?!” Yunho asked frustrated, he was confused and shocked with _______’s sudden confession.

“The accident is real. The light fell on me and it really knocked me out. You can even check my stitches.” _______ wanted to clear that fact. I mean come on, who would want to have a bloody head and stitches, right?

“And the etude house staff?! The attacker??” Jaejoong asked suspiciously. He didn’t know what to think.

“I would never pay anyone to get involved like this. I really have no clue what went on that day and why it happened.” _______ honestly told them.

“So you just conveniently fooled us again?!” Jaejoong snapped at _______. She never saw this side to him nor with anyone else, the closest would be Yunho’s ‘jealous’ act before.

“I was just going to play a small joke on Changmin and Yunho oppa. I was about to tell them but then you three showed up. I thought about how the opportunity came and got caught up with it.” ______ explained showing them an apologetic look.

“Are you even sorry about you did??” Yunho asked with his eyebrows furrowed.

“I am! I’m really sorry about lying. I apologize for making you feel like I betrayed you guys, but I’m not entirely sorry about it because look how far you guys got back again.” _______ defended herself and her actions.

“You’re being stubborn _______.” Yoochun coldly told her.

“If you call being determined stubborn then so be it. Can’t you guys see? Did you not feel happy when you were reminiscing? For the first time in a long time I saw you guys laughing all together, I could see you were genuinely happy and comfortable with each other again. I didn’t have to choose sides because you all came together, you bonded and…” _______ was in the middle of defending herself and trying to make the guys feel guilty when Junsu interrupted her.

“But what you did was still wrong!” Junsu told her off which startled her.

“I don’t think this is a healthy or good relationship anymore _______. You keep testing us, playing with our feelings. How do you expect us to feel and react?” A calmer Jaejoong said.

“I’m sorry. I just did what I had to do. At this point, I don’t care if you completely hate me just as long as you all do it together. But you can’t deny that I made you guys reconnect.” _______ truthfully told them how she felt.

“And how do you expect us to trust you again _______? What you’ve been doing to us is really cruel and plain wrong.” Yunho shook his head after saying that.

Yoochun then noticed that Changmin has been quiet all throughout the intense conversation.

“Why isn’t the maknae saying anything?” Yoochun eyed him through the rearview mirror. Everyone then looked at Changmin making him scratch the back of his neck.

“I figured it out not too long ago hyungs.” Changmin confessed. _______ felt guilty that Changmin was also being in the hot seat.

“YOU knew and you didn’t tell us?!” Yunho retorted.

“It wasn’t my secret to tell.” Changmin explained himself.

“And now _______, do you think that we won’t feel mad at Changmin? I don’t even know if you’re the same person that we became friends with.” Jaejoong expressed his disappointment.

“I really am sorry.” She answered back, meaning every word.

“Sometimes sorry isn’t enough.” Junsu replied before turning himself around in the front passenger seat and looked at the road a head.

“Fine, I’ve said all there is to say. Thanks for today. You don’t have to drive me back home. You can let met out of the car oppa.” _______ told everyone and then the last bit was for Yoochun.

“Sounds okay to me.” Yoochun answered back as he pressed the button to unlock all the doors.

“Wait guys, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” Changmin voiced out his opinion

“Why not? Oh right, you’re on her side.” Junsu scoffed.

“No, you’re all forgetting something here.” Changmin answered back,

“What?!” they all asked in an annoyed tone.

“There is still someone out there who’s out to harm _______.” Changmin reminded everyone.

“How are we even sure that that person is real?!” Yoochun said with a doubtful tone.

“Oh wow. Well I guess that solves my problem with you guys occupying my space all the time because of your paranoia. We can all have our peace now.” ______ was about to open the door on her side when a hand held on to her wrist to stop her.

“Enough!” Changmin’s voice echoed in the van. “Do you guys really want her to walk home this late?! Fine then, I’ll push her out!” Changmin got up from his seat and stepped towards _______’s side and opened the door, as he was stepping out he was also pulling ______ towards him and out the van.

Everyone was shocked with his outburst

“Fine Changmin. We get it.” Jaejoong realized what Changmin was doing.

“Both of you get back in the car.” Yunho ordered them. Although _______ was apprehensive, Changmin looked at her and gave her an assuring look.

Changmin wasn’t going to let _______ be alone in that situation. He just wanted to push his hyung’s buttons, to see what they’ll do even though they say that they’re mad at her. ______ hesitantly went back inside the car with Changmin’s guide.

“We’ll keep a look out for her until we find the culprit or until we can confidently say that she’s safe. After that…we can go our separate ways again if that is what everyone would like.” With his tone, one would feel like Changmin was the oldest.

The car ride back home was awkward and a tense atmosphere filled the car. _______ silently went out the car when they stopped in front of her apartment building. She didn’t look at any of them and just bowed formally before closing the door. 



Is it moving too fast?


Tell me what you think, comment below or tweet me at


~Comment Replies~

logistilla: Yeah, if only we can do that *sigh* haha. Hope you like this update ;)

nizzyool: The maknae is faster than everyone else. haha ^_^ Yay for Team Yunho!

yuki-himehanasawa: will just have to wait and see unnie ;) You'll never know what twist I might put in. *evil laugh* Yeah you and Changmin = quick minds. haha I'm happy you feel that the story is getting more exciting ^_^

miko12: YAY! Hi new reader!! ^_^ I'm so happy you're loving my story. Changmin impressed a lot of you guys. haha I really appreciate that compliment. I do hope you continue to enjoy this til the end ^_^ so which Team are you in? ;)

LeePeppers: Oooh you changed usernames ;) It's cute ^_^ Yeah, Changmin is quick to catch on. Hope you like this update.

hmmm...well you can enjoy the dance version of the mv then. y rawr steps that makes us crazy.

gabie_16: Me too! haha we can all imagine and day dream, right? lol ^_^

amnos99: aww...thank you so much! I'm happy you love them ^_^ This is another serious - intense chapter. It's okay. haha there are others like you ;)

fishandpenguin: Yay for smarty Changmin!! ^_^ I'm glad you liked the lat chapter, I hope you like this one too.

heroparkyoungwoong: Yup, Nothing passes Changmin's senses and mind. haha ^_^

ILuvSuJu15:'s okay ^_^ Just tell me which parts and I'll be glad to clarify them for you.

eunhyukmylover: I know, right? Changmin outwits everyone else. haha YAY for the maknae!! ^_^ DBSK hwaiting! Team all happy would mean she won't end up with anyone here. aww...thank you very much. I'm so happy and blessed to have you guys.  Hope you like this update! Saranghae!! *makes a heart with my hands*

jejemin: Yeah, we love Changmin for his food-loving and smart ways. haha Well they found out now since she confessed, what can you say about it? Then I hope you'll like this update since Changmin plays a bit of a big role here too. ^_^

alj1225: hmmm...we'll just have to wait to find out *evil laugh* LOL. Changmin is the smart and 'mature' one here. Hope you like this update ^_^

The outfits are y, them in suits/formal attire + dancing = lovelovelove

madz67: Here's your update! ^_^ Hope you like it. Yay for Changmin in this chapter! ;)

imaginedreamlove: Well now everyone knows.'ll just have to wait to see ;) haha

cupidzangel: Yeah, I would like to show people that his food contributes to his smart and fast thinking. hahaha ^_^ Hope you like this update.

yunhosyeobo: Changmin is the first while everyone found out at the same time because of her confession. hmm...i don't know ;) we'll just have to wait to find out ^_^

Aeryth: YAY! ^_^ Yeah, Changmin is playing a bit of a big role in this chapter too. awww, yeah that makes sense. Hope you like this update ^_^

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours