
Torn between HoMin and JYJ


“Hello…Changmin?” ______ cautiously said over the phone, not sure if his manager would also pick up his phone.

“Oh ________-ah! What’s up?” Changmin cheerfully answered back.

“Hey, I just wanted to ask if you and Yunho oppa would be free next week?” _______ asked

“hmmm…hold on, let me check our schedule…”. ______ crossed her fingers while she waited for a minute, she heard Changmin flipping pages of papers.

“Uhm, we’re both free on Tuesday and Thursday. Why?” Changmin informed ________.

“Oh really? Okay, well just keep those days free for me, please? I’ll be asking a favor from you and Yunho. I’ll call you back as soon as possible to let you know about the details. Thanks. Bye” ________ hung up before Changmin could even ask anymore questions. She then scrolled down the contacts list of her phone until she reached the name that she was hoping to get in touch with.

“Hello?” a groggy Yoochun answered the phone.

“Yoochun oppa, sorry did I wake you up?” ______ felt a bit bad knowing that Yoochun must have needed the sleep.

“Huh? No it’s okay, I was just taking a power nap.” Yoochun said after getting himself together. “What made you call?” he asked curiously.

“Oh right, well I was just wondering if you, Junsu oppa and Jaejoong oppa are free next week, preferably on Tuesday or Thursday.” _______ called Yoochun because she knew from experience that Yoochun was the one who tracks the guys’ agendas well.

After checking the trio’s schedule, Yoochun told ______ that they would be free on Tuesday but only after lunch time. After confirming everything with Yoochun _______ immediately called Changmin back. She happily settled everything and fixed the date to meet the guys.

Hoping to all the stars and the Gods that things would work out.




“Hey pretty girl.” Yunho greeted _______ as soon as he and Changmin stepped inside her studio.

“Oh hyung, that is soo greasy.” Changmin told Yunho as he shook his head in embarrassment.

“Hey Oppa, Changmin. You guys are right on time.” _______ welcomed them in and gave them both a hug. _______ made sure that there was at least a 30minute gap between Changmin and Yunho’s arrival and Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu’s arrival.

“So, what can we help you with?” Changmin asked as his eyes wandered around studio.

‘You have no idea what I have in store for you guys.’ _______ thought.

“Well…there’s this project that I’ve been dreaming about doing and it’s for me to hold an exhibit here. I was hoping you guys would let me take close up photos of your face, including profiles without any makeup on. Like a ‘bare skin - truth’ theme, it’ll be shot in black and white as well.” _______ explained her half-lie, the dream was true but they were not going to do it now.

“_______, you know I have scars on my face.” Yunho reminded her.

“I know that. And I think that will make you and the photo more powerful.” _______ replied with a smile on her face.

Just then _______’s phone vibrated, alerting her that a new message came in.

_______’s shot wide open as soon as she read the text message ‘Hey ________, we’re almost near your place. Crashing in early. - Junsu’

“Uhm…guys why don’t I lead you to the dressing room first? There’s food there and you can relax first.” _______ quickly guided the two towards the room and told them to get comfortable them first. She tried hard to remain calm and not panic, good thing Changmin and Yunho were obedient guys.

After getting the two guys settled ________ went out to the studio’s main room again and only after minute, Jaejoong, Yoochun and Junsu entered.

“Hey guys, thanks for coming.” _______ said happily as she approached the three to greet them.

“Of course we’d help out our photographer dongsaeng.” Junsu said with a big smile on his face, he loved being in front of the camera.

“Yeah, it’s the least we can do for you ______. We trust you.” Jaejoong told ______. ‘oh oppa, why did you choose your words like that.’ ______ thought, trying to push away the guilty feeling in her mind.

After a brief talk, _______ took a deep breath and gathered all her courage to bring the three to the room where Changmin and Yunho were. _______ felt like her heart started beating loudly and it accelerated too fast, was it excitement or anxiousness?

“Okay so, everyone can chill in the room first.” ______ said as she waited for the three to step in front of the room. _______ opened the door and quickly shoved the three inside.

“I’m sorry I lied. Please don’t hate me!” _______ shouted before slamming the door shut and locking it from the outside.

Hearing that, Yunho and Changmin turned around only to be met by people they least expected to see. Needless to say, both parties were shocked, confused and speechless.

“What’s going on??” Yoochun asked no one in particular.

“I suggest you guys sit down first.” ______ said through the small gap of the door before closing it again. Everyone cautiously sat down on the chairs that were formed to make a circle

“______, what’s the meaning of this?” Yunho shouted loud enough so that it could be heard outside the room.

“I’m sorry but I’m just doing this is for all of you. You can talk to each other freely now, no lawyers, no managers, no media people, just you being yourselves. You have to talk like real guys, not as celebrities. There’s soju there if that would help.” ______ shouted over the door too. She was just on the other side, leaning against the door. She was really hoping for the best.

“______, open the door.” Jaejoong said in a commanding tone.

“No. Not until you guys at least try to talk to each other.” Although _______ has the best intention, no one can predict anyone’s reaction.

It was silent a few minutes after that, just a few awkward coughs and throat clearing.


“_______ really dropped a bomb on us today.” Junsu mumbled, trying to make small talk. How did it get this hard to talk to the people you once would have a hard time NOT to talk with.

“She really wanted us to get together.” Changmin said as he continued to look at the orange that he’s been playing with in his hands.

No one was looking directly at each other.

Yunho, who has been holding a lot of things inside of him decided to finally open his mouth to talk again.

Yunho looked up at Jaejoong and eyed him. “So…HYUNG, I saw what you did.” Yunho started, his voice and tone was a bit intimidating.

Jaejoong scoffed before answering back “Well I’m sure you monitor what we do.” Jaejoong then looked at Yunho.

“You just had to make a move on her huh.” Yunho remarked, without even mentioning ‘her’ name, almost everyone had an idea on who he was referring to and they were shocked with the information.

Jaejoong glared at him, that day that Yunho called and Jaejoong answered really heightened up the tension.

“Why talk about that when there are other problems that surround us as a whole? Jealous perhaps?”

______ decided to interfere before things got more out of hand because of her being the topic.
”Please don’t talk about that. This isn’t about me.” She quickly shouts over the door. With that said, Yunho and Jaejoong looked away from each other.
”We're like puppets.” Yoochun commented on how ______ seemed like she had control on them.
”Been there done that, we've cut our strings. Can you say the same?” Jaejoong threw the question towards Yunho.
”You know what?! You act so impulsively. No wonder why I was chosen to be the leader before, you act and speak way before you think.” Yunho answered back as he shot Jaejoong a scornful look.

Jaejoong abruptly stood up from his seat letting his chair fall backwards from the impact, he walked towards Yunho until he was right in front of him. Yunho got up as well and the two guys were now standing face to face.

“Want to repeat that Jung Yunho?!” Jaejoong flared up, his hands were formed into fists.

Before anyone could throw a punch, Yoochun and Junsu pulled Jaejoong back and Changmin did the same with Yunho.

_______ couldn’t take it anymore. The guys didn’t even last 20 minutes inside the room when chaos erupted. She opened the door and went inside, slamming the door behind her to get the guys’ attention.
”Things were not supposed to happen like this! You were suppose to reminisce about being stuck in practice rooms, thinking about some of the good times because you had each other. Despite the longs hours of training, you helped each other out so everyone could shine and the group would be flawless on stage.” _______ snapped, she couldn’t handle things anymore.
”Wrong move ______” Changmin told her, disappointed with how _______ planned this ‘reunion’ and now things seemed to have gotten worse.
”For first time in a long time, I agree with him.” Junsu voiced out.

“Fine! I was wrong to have done this but you know what? I give up. I just hope and pray that yours hundreds of thousands of fans won’t do the same and keep the faith.” _______ stated, she blinked away the tears that were threatening to fall down.

“Things aren’t that easy _______.” Yunho said with a calm tone. It did sadden the guys to hear and see ________, one of their favorite dongsaeng and friend being like this.

 “I know. Do you think it’s been easy for me trying to stay sane while I’m in the middle of this war? It doesn’t matter if you guys are in different companies now or with different work ethics. What should matter is that you guys are keeping the brotherhood that you guys have started way before you stepped on the stage. You know each other inside and out, it’s really a pity.”

“Maybe it’s time you chose.” Jaejoong suggested and everyone looked at him and then turned their heads back to _______, as if waiting for her answer.

“Stop giving me an ultimatum to choose! For me it’s all or nothing, everyone or no one. So if you’re telling me that I have to pick a side then I pick neither! I’m pretty tired from all this drama as well.” ______ broke down, tears rolled down her cheeks. After giving everyone a last look, ______ stormed off the room.


Thanks for patiently waiting!! *bows* Just had 2 big exams and will have one more this Saturday :/ I also got sick the day after SS3, I just recovered so yay!


Tense chapter.

What do you guys think will happen between the guys and the girl now?

OH btw, I don't know what to do with the love triangle



If you guys are interested to see photos of SS3 (which was a blast!), I'm currently posting them at my photoblog: more to follow

And for fancams visit my YT channel:

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~Comment Replies~

ILuvSuJu15: Now you know ^_~ any reactions?

Muppet: After reading this chapter, now you know what's been going through her mind ^_~ Hope you like this update.

chara_aia: LOL, maybe. Yeah she did, would you have wanted to get stuck in that room with that atmosphere too? haha or will you sit there and eat popcorn while watching? haha ;) Thank you ^_^ I have yet to write a fan account but I hope you can check out my photos (will upload more) and fancam.

yuki-himehanasawa: You're getting in the way of YooSu ha! LOL ;) awww...hug or pat your friend on the back for me na lang. *Hi Yuki's friend ;)* I'm happy you guys feel that way about my story! Yay for super comments ^_~

eunhyukmylover: Yeah she did! ^_^ Yeah, I really did enjoy. I can't believe I saw them for the second time already. Bias in SJ or DBSK?

emiex145: Was it a great plan? ;) I'm happy your loving the story ^_^ Me too, I'm torn. Hope you like this update

Oklahoma: hmmm...was it a good plan? aww...I hope I had a plane and pick you guys up so we can all enjoy kpop concerts. I did scream a lot ^_^

redshuz: Yeah, if only it worked well for them. *sigh* what do you think?

yupthatsme: Thanks, hope you like this update too ^_^ hmmm...what did you think of the situation?

amnos99: Team Jae then ^_^ Thanks, I hope this chapter is another 'cool' one for you ;) yeah things didn’t turn out well cause of her plan. Thank you! Yeah it was fun ^_^

gabie_16: Yeah, she did. hmm...would you want to lock yourself in that room with that situation? haha aww...thank you!! ^_^ Love you!! Thanks. SS3 was awesome!!

madz67: Here's your update, hope you like it ^_^ Well, did you love the plan?

Rieanah: Thanks ^_^ What's your reaction about the plan? I shouted out love for Teukie!! ^_^

jejemin: yeah she locked them up. aww...well I hope this chapter disappoint you, hope you liked it ^_^

ShiBurrowes: hmmm...well now you know. ^_~

vampiredoll88: yeah her crazy idea of locking the 5 guys in the room. Hope you like it ^_^

cupidzangel: Yeah, she would be very lucky to have those two gorgeous guys. Here's your update! ^_^

SHINeeGuideMe: Thanks. Hope you continue to like it ^_^

alj1225: LOL, 2pm = eye candies. Chansung is drool-worthy ;) Do you still like where that plan led to? haha ;)

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours