Who knows...

Torn between HoMin and JYJ


The whole gang couldn’t help but be caught up in ______’s situation. Even though _______ tried to ease their worries, they still wouldn’t listen to her.

Somehow they weren’t convinced that this ‘incident’ was not meant for her. They’re just puzzled as to who would do that and why.

The guys would visit or call _______ more than before now. They’d check on her on a daily basis which _______ would have loved before but finds frustrating now since she knows what reasons they have.

“You guys, how many times do you have to see me still alive, breathing and kicking before you can finally come to the conclusion that I’m doing okay. No harm whatsoever. So you all can go back to your normal hectic busy lives and cross me out on your ‘to-do’ checklist.” She was beginning to feel like she was a burden to them. She knew how much work they have to finish in a day and to be taking out more on their rest time because of the ‘threat’ in her life is so not useful to any of them. She’s more of their time and energy, and even though she begs for them to just use their time wisely and relax and sleep, they wouldn’t listen.

“No can’t do ________. You’re just going to have to it up and get used to our visits.” Yoochun told her like an overprotective older brother.

“Yeah, even though you get sick of our presence we just won’t leave you alone.” Junsu followed up what Yoochun said

“We’ll be just like the social insects of your house and workplace.” Changmin nudged his friend when he said that.

“Oh believe me. I know.” She answered as she rolled her eyes.

Junsu gasped as he saw _______’s reaction. “Did you just roll your eyes at us missy?”

*mehrong* She playfully stuck out her tongue before turning around to go set up the food that the guys brought.


“Tell us ______, have you talked to your uncle recently?” Jaejoong suddenly brought up the topic when they were in the middle of eating.

“I last talked to him maybe a month ago? Why?” She asked curiously before taking a sip from her drink

“Well have you talked to him about us?” Jaejoong asked again.

“A bit.” She hesitantly answered
”And what did he say?”
”He told me not to get involved.” She said in a low voice. She has now realized what Jaejoong was thinking of.

“He has a motive.” Yoochun concluded and the others nodded their head in agreement.

“What?! I don’t see how that’s related. Look no one is sure about anything, okay? So what’s the big deal?”

“Exactly. It’s because we don’t know who we are dealing with _______. It could be an estranged family member or a friend.” Jaejoong tried to make ______ understand.

“There are a lot of scheming people in the world _______. You would be surprised.” Yoochun told her seriously.

“It’s impossible. He’s related to me by blood, he wouldn’t do that. And by the way, I would like to think that I have a good judgment in choosing who I am friends with as well. Thank you.” She sounded a bit offended and placed her food aside. _______ then turned her swivel chair around and focused on her computer. Yunho placed his food down and walked up to ______. He didn’t want her to be upset with them.


_______ was checking the websites that she usually checked often. She was looking at her email account, seeing if there have been any new emails that were in her inbox.


‘Addition details re: Singles Magazine Photoshoot on April 1’

‘Yoon Eun Hye commented on your photo.’

‘Eating pizza without the guilt’

‘IMPORTANT: CCTV clip of suspect.’

‘Gina Choi now started following you on Twitter.’


_______ was skimming through the subjects of her email when suddenly a certain subject stood out and caught her eye.

She tried to ignore the email and switched the current site to another tab as fast as she could but unfortunately Yunho was behind her and he caught glimpse of the title of the email.

 “_______, let’s look at that email.” Yunho quickly pointed out. ______ let out a sigh as she hovered her mouse icon back to her email account and opened the email.

Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu approached the two, they got interested as to why Yunho suddenly got engrossed in _______’s email. Meanwhile Changmin was busy finishing his food and the other guy’s leftovers. ‘Their loss, not mine.’ Changmin thought happily.

‘The security cam caught this. It doesn’t help a lot but it kind of gives us an idea about the attacker.’ Everyone read the message silently that was sent by the Etude House staff. He sent _______ a video clip from the set that was recorded by the CCTV camera.

______ downloaded the file and waited a bit for it to finish downloading. She quickly opened the video file and watched it seriously. A mysterious unidentified person could be seen roaming around the set earlier than everyone else. That person was hiding his or her identity under a cap and a coat. The video only lasted for a minute since the camera couldn’t capture where the guy disappeared to and where the light fixtures were.

“That person kinda has a figure of a girl, don’t you guys think?” Junsu voiced out his opinion. It didn’t help that the video was a bit dark and grainy.

“That doesn’t look like my uncle.” _______ stated as she closed the video file.

“Well he could have hired someone. Anyone could have hired anyone ______.” Yunho replied as he stepped back.

“Wow. Well then, let’s just blame anyone in my family tree and all of my friends as well.” ______ said sarcastically, obviously annoyed. She stood up from her chair and walked to where she was charging her phone and the battery of her camera.

The guys looked at each other, all of them felt bad about pointing fingers but at this point, anyone could be a suspect.

Changmin stood up and followed ______ after quickly finishing the remaining food. He was the most casual person she could talk to, maybe it’s because they’re the same age. But at times that she can’t say how frustrated she is, she goes to him. Changmin has that cool image that people liked. He’s the type of person that ______ can talk to seriously in one minute and crack jokes the next minute and he would remember the joke more than the serious issue.

“Hey…you mad?” Changmin asked her as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

“Yes. No. I don’t know, I’m just confused and agitated.” _______ couldn’t even comprehend herself and the situation that she was in now. There were a lot of things going on all at the same time.

“Don’t worry. I’m sure things will be resolved soon.” Changmin tried to comfort _______.

“Yeah I hope.” _______ sighed and then showed a weak smile to her friend. She unplugged the charger of her phone and was twisting the cord when Changmin got it from her.

“By the way ______, I know.” Changmin said casually as he fixed the cord of the charger for her.

“Huh?? You know what?” _______ raised her eyebrow at Changmin as she asked honestly confused.

“Your plan, I know what you’re up to.” Changmin looked at her in the eye a bit before a smirk formed in his lips.

“Plan?! I don’t know what you’re talking about Changmin.” _______ kept her cool. ‘He knows nothing.’ She was convincing herself.

“Wow ______. You really have watched a lot of dramas. Don’t worry I won’t tell the others about your ‘Operation: DBSK’.” Changmin assured her of his silence about what she had in mind.

_______ thought hard. Does she admit it or does she stick hard with her ‘I’m innocent I don’t know anything’ stand.

“Why?” ______ couldn’t help but ask. This was not revealing anything, right? Not fully admitting.

“Because…I like the way where this is going.” He smirked again, now showing his mismatched eye-smile

“Thanks.” ______ smiled and got her charger from Changmin to put it aside. He was about to walk away when she called him back.

“Wait, how did you know?” ______ asked curiously. She knew that she has been very careful with her act.

“Well earlier when they asked about your uncle, you said you remember talking to him about us. Why would you remember that if you supposedly don’t remember us in the first place, right? So there, that just verified my suspicions.” Changmin told _______ everything in a low voice, making sure that only the two of them could hear their conversation.

“Oh wow, you’re good Shim Changmin. You’re really smart and fast.” She said impressed.

“I know.” He answered back before turning around again and going back to his hyungs.



Sorry for the long wait. Hope you guys like this update. Any guesses? 

Gonna go to the kitchen now and cook. Annyeong ^_~


Tell me your thoughts: twitter.com/nisrandom


~Comment Replies~

N-MA_Nightingale: Yeah she is. haha hmmm...not saying anything. Hwaiting~!

yuki-himehanasawa: Yeah it's SNSD's Jessica BUT don't worry! She won't wont last long here but she plays a bit of an important role. Yeah you are right! haha ^_^  LOL You're torn too. haha KPOP makes us insane. Oh cool, yay you're my unnie!

Aeryth:awww....me too! That's why I need you guys to choose. haha or maybe we should just go with neither? ;) hmmm...we'll see soon.

Oklahoma:  Haha I think you guys guessed it somehow. ^_^ I'm sorry, but it is her. haha She won't make a lot of appearances though and no love connection to make you guys angry but she does play a big role ;) I know!! The eye contact with the cameras - us, kills me too! Changmin's 'Hey...' is amazing. I love the 'hello' & 'slow down' parts too!

miraaaaaah: Yeah, hopefully things will be an interesting twist for you guys ^_^ Yeah I kind of think that too, like they need to fill the big void in the stage to make it fuller :( baby making vibe lol! yeah It's still a y sad love song.haha

alj1225: haha yeah well it's confirmed now. ^_^ hmmm...we'll see ;) It is freaky, isn't it? haha I know! I cannot contain myself when I watch the performances then press replay! lol y indeed ^_^

cupidzangel: Yup, haha I think that just confirmed your strong suspicions. Well now you know that atleast one of them figured it out too ^_^ Gods Of The East to protect their friend ;)

eunhyukmylover: Yeah, you are so right! ^_^ haha hmm..well we'll just have to wait and see ;) I want oppas to protect me too! haha Yeah just spreading some y love!! Team all happy? yes? hahaha sending all my love via the cyber world. ^_^

gabie_16: Okay, I think I'll be posting scenes in the future that will have the girl bond with all of them individually, so yeah there will the more Jae scenes! yay! ^_^ aww...he feels like the right guy? Drooling + daydreaming.

yupthatsme: yup...hihi Is it good that this is making your crazy? *evil laugh* :p Junsu is a know it all genius in English. haha YAY! Hope you like my Kyu story as well. ^_^

nizzyool: Team Yunho ^_^ hmmm...what other suspicions? haha

imaginedreamlove:  I think you maybe one of the few who are for ChangSica in this story. haha ^_^ We have the same favorites!!! ^_^ hmm..we'll just have to wait in see ;)

fishandpenguin: aww..thanks :) Hope you like this update too ^_^ I always fan my self and spaz when I watch! It's too much. LOL

redshuz: Yeah she is ^_^ Hope you find this chapter awesome too! ^_^ hmm...we'll just have to wait and find out.

iPodGal19: Yay for a loyal Team Jaejoong member ^_^

yunhosyeobo: Haha yeah finally the last update confirmed your thoughts ;) Yeah, 4 out of 5 guys are clueless ^_^ well at least one of the boys found out, is it too early? haha hmmm we'll just have to wait and see

madz67: Here's your update! ^_^ aww....your reason for Team Jae. Well just like SNSD's song 'trouble trouble trouble...'

ILuvSuJu15: There are alot of things that are going to happen! ^_^ aww..I hope you won't be confused anymore ^_^ Just ask me if you have any questions.

lolitabunny: awww..yeah me too. ^_^ I think it was a necessary step for them since they wanted to take stand on what they believed in. We can only hope that they grow from this and after a few years we can see them talking again.

amnos99: aww...yay!! Thank you! ^_^ Haha so why Jae then? if you're favorite is Yunho? so you could  have him? LOL hmmm...now you know one of the boys' reaction ;) Hope you like this update.

hopelessromantic: awww...I feel you. It is hard to choose, isn't it? ^_^ Replay has been my best friend for their performances.

jejemin: Well at least your feeling was confirmed. haha ^_^ Yeah she only has the best intentions. Don't worry, Changmin will be yours in the end. Hope you like this update LOL ^_^

heroparkyoungwoong: hmmm...it's an 'either' or 'neither' choice. haha ^_^ yeah someone is after. Hope you like this update.

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Xiahyunjae #1
Chapter 18: Wait wait! Don't tell me it is Jessica ! The culprit is Jessica???
Xiahyunjae #2
Chapter 18: I like the chapter's title ^^ keep you head down! Yunho time :D
Xiahyunjae #3
Chapter 16: Oh My God Sun !! Best word ever
Xiahyunjae #4
Chapter 11: Poor Changmin ^^ Jaejoong already stole his first kiss and now yunho was about to kiss him hihihihihi 3:)
Xiahyunjae #5
Chapter 11: Do u have a link of the trick on SHINee ?
Xiahyunjae #6
Chapter 7: And yeeeeeey yoosu moment :p
Xiahyunjae #7
Chapter 7: Hhhh naughty girl 3:) as for Jessica aaaaah I would love to touch taecyeon's abs *_*
Xiahyunjae #8
Chapter 5: Woooooow!!! Like it like it !!!!!! I got really excited by that phone call ^^ :p
Xiahyunjae #9
I'm a Cassiopeia and I'll always keep the faith in them so don't worry ;) I'll start reading ^^
I like the ending where she ended up with jaejoong
I love the part where dbsk sings gor her
In her birthday. It was really a lovely
Birthday gift.
Love this story if yours