Chapter 8

Shinning Stars 1

Harn-Yan’s POV

“I’m sorry; we did not get the location. The kidnapper hung up too fast.” The police officer apologized to me.

I shook my head. Tears were in my eyes. How’s she now?

“Get some rest and we’ll contact you if anything comes up.” The police officer escorted me out of his room as I nodded my head.

“Harn-Yan-ah!!” Isn’t it Sue Yi’s voice?! I quickly turned to the front door of the police station and saw her waving her hand at me.

“Sue Yi-ah!!!!!” I quickly ran to her and hugged her tightly. “Are you okay?! Did you escaped from the kidnapper?! How did you do that?! I’m so proud of you!!” I’ve got so excited that I kept asking her questions.

“Harn-Yan, calm down…I’m fine now…I’m so sorry to let you worry about me…” Sue Yi apologized.

“Come! Tell the police officer what does the kidnapper look like so that they could put them behind bars!!” I pulled her arm and walked quickly to the police officer.

Sue Yi’s POV

“This is my missing friend, she’s okay now…” Harn-Yan said as she wiped of her tears.

“Are you okay miss? Did the kidnappers harm you? What do they look like?” The police officer took a book and a pen, getting ready to write down everything I say.

“The kidnappers were Super Junior.” How I wish I could say that, but I did not.

“I wasn’t kidnapped. I was lost. I’ve lost my luggage bag and my hand bag in the airport. So, I started to look for it.” I told an unological lie.

The policeman looked at me with his eyebrows together.

“It’s okay, you don’t have to be afraid, you’re safe now, tell the policeman what happened.” Harn-Yan put her hand on my shoulder and said.

“I’m telling the truth!! I’ll tell you everything later okay?” I was frustrated.

 “Hmm, okay then…” The policeman nodded his head and walked away.

“Look, I ran into…” Should I tell her the truth? She is trustable, but…

EunHyuk’s POV

“What’s taking her so long?” Ye Sung hyung opened the curtains in the car and peeked into the police station.

“Hyung, go check out on her will ya’?” Lee Teuk hyung hit manager hyungs’ arm and said.

“Why me?” Manager hyung frowned.

“Because the people out there doesn’t recognize you!!” Lee Teuk hyung said in a frustrated tone.

Manager hyung rolled his eyes and went out of the car and into the police station.

Sue Yi’s POV

“I ran into my relative and stayed over at her house and used her phone to call you.” I lied again.

“Oh…” Harn-Yan just nodded her head. From her expression, I knew that she doesn’t believe me.

“I’ll be staying at my relatives’ house until school re-opens.” I said and from the corner of my eye, I saw Super Junior’s manager coming towards me.

“That’s great!! At least your relatives could bring us around Seoul easier by staying in their house.” Harn-Yan said happily.

“What??!! NO!! My...My relatives house is already full, I even have to sleep in the living room!!” I quickly said. If she knew that I lied about where I stay, I’ll be in dead meat…

Manager hyungs’ POV

“Oh no! Who is she talking to?!” I quickly hid behind a pole and tried to take a peek. “I couldn’t hear anything!!” I frowned and walked closer to her.

Suddenly she was running towards me and pulled me towards the person she was talking to.

“He has been taking care of me last night.” Sue Yi grabbed my arm tightly and said.

“You told her?!” I exclaimed.

“Yes. Why not?” Sue Yi blinked her eye at me but I didn’t know what she meant.

“How could you? Why are you blinking your eyes? Did your eyelashes drop into your eyes?” I tried looked into her eyes but she slapped my face just before I could do anything.

“Anyway, since I’ve explained everything to you, I should get going. Still have to find my luggage bag. C’mon uncle,” she pushed me towards the entrance and went into the car.

EunHyuk’s POV

“Guess what happened?” Manager hyung said angrily as soon as he got into the car. “She told the girl.”

“WHAT??!!” We were so shocked that we looked at Sue Yi with our shocked faces.

“For the last time Mr. Manager, you’ve misunderstood me!!!” Sue Yi shouted at the top of her voice. “I didn’t tell her anything!!! I was giving you signals and you were so stupid that you thought that my eyelashes went into my eyes!!!” She shouted angrily and looked out the window.

“Manager hyung, you…Aish!” Lee Teuk hyung shook his head hardly and looked out the window.

“So, It’s all an misunderstanding?” Sungmin hyung said innocently.

“Yes…” Kyuhyun hyung nodded his head and put his ear phones into his ears and listened to his ipod.

“So, what are we going to do next?” I said and yawned.

Kangin’s POV

Meanwhile at the dorm…

“Hey, hyungs!! Why don’t we plan something to prank that ‘trouble maker’?!” I suggested.

"Isn't that a bad thing to do?" Ryeowook hyung walked to the living room and said. he gave us his innocent look again which was annoying to us.

"Go away Wookie..." I pushed him to the staircase and he went upstairs quietly.

“Great idea hyung!! But we gotta’ plan fast before they come home!!” Han Geng hyung quickly sat on the floor and we gathered around to plan our evil plan.

“Make some rotten juice for her?” Shindong hyung suggested.

And we started to imagine…

“Sue Yi-ah, this is specially made for you… We hope that you’ll like it…” I said.

“Really?! Thank you oppa!!” She said and she drank the drink as fast as she could.

“Oh no!! I’m having a stomach ache!! NO!! Help me!!! Mr. Manager!!!”

Suddenly Shindong hyung broke our imaginations.

“No!! If we do that, we’ll be punished by manager hyung!!!!”

“Anybody else have any other plans?” I asked as I looked at my hyungs.

“Well, Ye Sung hyung has the most ideas when coming to pranks, it’s too bad that he has gone to the police station with her…” Hee Chul hyung said.

Just then, everybody stared at the house phone on the side table and smiled evilly.

EunHyuk’s POV

“Ouch!!” Ye Sung hyung shouted and knocked on the upper handle of the car and he quickly took his cell phone out of his pocket.

“I wonder who’s calling him….” I thought and I took a peek at the screen of his phone.

It’s calling from home…

“Ah- What is it?” Ye Sung said, one hand rubbing his head.

“And how am I suppose to do that?” Ye Sung hyung started to whisper. “Okay, okay…” He said and he ended the call.

Then he began to sms. Smirking.

I tried to take a peek again but Ye Sung hyung glared at me and turned his back to face the car door and continued to sms.

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Yay I finished this just now, off to the sequel ^^<br />
@tricia358 : haha~ Don't worry~~ I won't delete it... xD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT~!!!! xDDD
MyOneAndOnlyHae #4
don't delete this story huh??>...i'm not finished yet..:))
@kiseonnie11: haha~ yup~! it's the end already~~ T.T~~ YAY!!!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M VERY HAPPY TO HEAR THAT YOU ENJOYED READING THIS FAN FIC!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDD
OMO!!!~ is the end already? T.T but i'll surely read the part II :DD @NitsaSue gomawo!~ i really enjoyed reading this fanfic :DDD mwaaaaah :*
@kiseonnie11: haha~ I'm glad that you like it~~ xDDDD sure!! Will update soon!!! xDD
@NitsaSue [A] - You're wlecome :DD kyaa!~ thanks for the updat :D i love seohyun!~ she saved sue yi and hyukkie.. well, in this chap i'm hating the evil hyoyeon. LOL!~ she's so mean. :D update more please :D
kiseonnie11: THANKS FOR COMMENTING!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!! haha~ I will update soon~~ xDD stay tuned~~ xDD
OMO!~ thanks for the update chingu-ah :D kekeke!~ waaaah >.< eotokke? what would happen to sue yi? i just hope ELFs won't haunt her down. kekeke!~ update more. please :D