Chapter 1

Shinning Stars 1

Sue Yi’s POV

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Sue-Eun, happy birthday to you!!”

Sue-Eun isn’t my real name. My real name is Lee Sue Yi. My best friends didn’t name me Sue-Eun for nothing. My favourite Korean idol is Lee Eun-Hyuk from the Korean boy band Super Junior. That’s why one of my best friends, Yun Hee, decided to name me Sue-Eun as my nickname.

“Thank you so much!” I was wiping the tears off as I said. “It’s the best birthday surprise party I have ever had!”

“It’s not the best yet until you see this!!” Joo Eun took out four Super Junior post cards and waved them infront of my face.

My eyes went big! I was screaming and jumping around the living room with the post cards in my hands.

“The surprises are not over yet…” Marryson took out a huge Super Junior Super Show 3 poster and said.

My eyes went bigger as I started to scream again.

“The very last present from all of us,” Jaymisaid and she took my hand and laid a Super Junior Super Show 3 VVIP concert ticket in my palm.

“My eyes are going to drop out anytime!!” I thought to myself and took a closer look at the ticket.

Suddenly the ticket was flying away!

“No! Wait! Come back! NO! No! Wait!” I stretched my arms to grab the flying ticket but the ticket seemed to be so far away!

“No! No! No!”


I fell from my bad and I opened her eyes. My arms were stretched out like a Chinese vampire. I quickly sat up and turned to the wall behind me.

“It’s still there…”

I then stood up and walked to my study table.

“It’s all here…”

It was a dream but my surprise party was real, the poster and the post cards my friends gave me were also real.

Except for…the ticket.

“Sue, it’s the third time you’ve been dreaming about that ticket since your birthday,” Marryson was taking her text books out of her locker as she said.

“I know, since it’s the third time, which means it should come true!” I turned to my friends and smiled.

“You…You mean you want us to buy you a VVIP ticket?!” Joo Eun said trembling.

“Ofcourse not.” I turned to my locker and opened it.

“Phew!” Joo Eun pretended to wipe sweat off her forehead although there aint any and sighed.

“The show hasn’t started yet, Joo Eun,” Jaymiwhispered in Joo Eun’s ear and gave a smile.

“You guys have done so many things for me and I will never ask for more,” I said.

“But I really, really wanted it…” I turned to my friends and said in a cute voice and showed them my puppy eyes.

“I’m not stepping into your trap again Sue,” Marryson shook her index finger infront of my face and said.

I knew this answer would come. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

Joo Eun, Jaymiand Marryson high fived each other and cheered.

Author’s POV

Nobody could stand Sue Yi’s greediness, selfishness and rudeness other than these eight best friends of hers. The American-Marquez Marryson Lee, Malaysian, Tan Jaymi ,Chai Harn-Yan from Taiwan, Japanese Sin Wei Yatashimaand Korean Kim Joo Eun and Park Yun Hee.

Sue Yi’s POV

“Look! There’s a paper on the lab door.” Marryson pointed to the lab a few feet away from us.

“Go and have a look at what it says Jaymi, I’ve been walking all day and I’m tired.” I yawned and stopped walking.

Jaymigave looked at me for a moment with half her eyes closed and walked to the lab to see what the teacher wrote on the paper.

Jaymi is the one who’s always been bullied because she has the smallest size.

I looked around me and saw flyers stuck on the school walls. I walked over to the flyers with Marryson and Joo Eun and saw the flyers were about Wudo.

“Look it’s Jason,” Joo Eun pointed at a guy in a Wudo uniform posing with a big smile on his face.

“Gay.” I rolled my eyes and turned away to look for Jaymi.

“The teacher is…abs...Absent today…” Jaymiran to us and said, gasping for air.

I rolled my eyes again and walked back to my locker.

Joo Eun’s POV

“How many times does she want to roll her eyes?” Joo Eun frowned.

“Until her eyes drop out maybe,” Marryson giggled as she walked to her locker.

“What bout that ticket? Are we really going to get her one?” I panicked. Although I am rich but…

“Don’t worry, I guess her sister will get her one…” Marryson patted my shoulder and said.

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Yay I finished this just now, off to the sequel ^^<br />
@tricia358 : haha~ Don't worry~~ I won't delete it... xD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT~!!!! xDDD
MyOneAndOnlyHae #4
don't delete this story huh??>...i'm not finished yet..:))
@kiseonnie11: haha~ yup~! it's the end already~~ T.T~~ YAY!!!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M VERY HAPPY TO HEAR THAT YOU ENJOYED READING THIS FAN FIC!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDD
OMO!!!~ is the end already? T.T but i'll surely read the part II :DD @NitsaSue gomawo!~ i really enjoyed reading this fanfic :DDD mwaaaaah :*
@kiseonnie11: haha~ I'm glad that you like it~~ xDDDD sure!! Will update soon!!! xDD
@NitsaSue [A] - You're wlecome :DD kyaa!~ thanks for the updat :D i love seohyun!~ she saved sue yi and hyukkie.. well, in this chap i'm hating the evil hyoyeon. LOL!~ she's so mean. :D update more please :D
kiseonnie11: THANKS FOR COMMENTING!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!! haha~ I will update soon~~ xDD stay tuned~~ xDD
OMO!~ thanks for the update chingu-ah :D kekeke!~ waaaah >.< eotokke? what would happen to sue yi? i just hope ELFs won't haunt her down. kekeke!~ update more. please :D