Chapter 20

Shinning Stars 1

EunHyuk’s POV

“Sue Yi-ah, we-” I opened the room door and said excitingly but I stopped to see her not in her bed.

“Where is she?” Manager hyung looked around the room and said.

“Is she in the toilet?” Ye Sung walked to the toilet and knocked on the door. But there was no responds.

“Has she fainted inside the toilet?” Shindong asked. “I’m opening the door!!” Shindong shouted as he knocked on the door.

“She won’t be able to hear you if she has really fainted.” Hee Chul covered his ears with his hands and said.

“You’re right.” Shindong gave Hee Chul an “Oh ya!” look.

Then he turned the knob of the toilet…

The door opened…

“Is she on the floor?” Sungmin covered his eyes with his hands and asked.

“It’s empty.” Shindong said.

Sue Yi’s POV

“Are you lost? If you have the money I don’t mind driving you everywhere.” A taxi driver rolled down his car window and looked at me from head to toe.

What is he looking at?

I looked at myself from head to toe. I was wearing a pair of jeans with a hole at the knee, a pink T-shirt and a pair of sport shoes.

“No thanks.” I crossed my arms in front of my chest and said angrily. Glaring at him with my “Are you going to drive away now?” eyes.

“Okay then.” The driver looked at me for the last time and drove away.

“Let’s see. Where could she be?” I was walking around a place I didn’t know.

“Could she still be in Bushan? Or Kwangju?” I whispered to myself and looked around.

But wait. The day the car banged me. I saw…

I saw my sister. If I’m not mistaken, I think I saw her.

It would be great if Si Won oppa is here. But he agreed So Nyeo Shi Dae that he’d participate in their Music Video. I think I’ll just have to do this alone…

EunHyuk’s POV

“We’ll look for her outside while you check the CCTV.” I hit Ye Sung’s arm and said to Shindong and the others.

“Deal.” Shindong grabbed Sungmins’ arm and left the room.

“Let’s go.” I hit Ye Sung’s arm again and we walked to the elevator.

“Where are you?!” My hands were sweating. I felt uncomfortable.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be fine…” Ye Sung patted me on the shoulder and said.

Wait a minute… Did her sister bring her home?

Sue Yi’s POV

“Oh great. Now where am I?!” I was wiping the sweat off my face and looked around me.

There were a lot of people on the street. It was so crowded.

“HYO YEON-AHH!!!!!” Suddenly a guy banged me from behind and I saw them.

Yes!! So Neo Shi Dae!!!! You can save me!!

“Hyo Yeon!! Save me!! Where am I?! Save me!!!” I grabbed her arm tightly. So tightly that she gave a scream.

“Hey!! What are you doing?!” A guy fan pushed me away from her and shouted at me.

“Yeah! Get in line you!!” The guy fan behind him shouted too.

“Get this crazy girl out of my sight!!” I heard Hyo Yeon whispering angrily to the security guard beside her.

Their fans were pushing me. Some even stepped on my foot!

“Wait! I just-Ouch!!” I hit one of the crazy fans’ arm and screamed.

“Hey!! Don’t touch me you small fly!!” The guy grabbed my arm tightly and shouted in my face.

I turned away from him and saw Seo Hyun talking on the phone. There were worries in her eyes as she looked at me.

“Get off me!!!” I pushed the guy fan away as I screamed.

The security guards were blowing their whistles and pushing them away from me.

“Get into the tent.” One of the security guard pushed me out of the crowed crazy fans and I managed to be safe.

My arm hurts. My leg hurts. My foot hurts. Every part of my body hurts!!

I won’t want to be in this condition ever again!!

“Are you okay?” Seo Hyun gave me a bottle of mineral water and sat beside me.

“Not so fine. But thank you.”I gave her a smile and she returned it with a smile too. “I’m not trying to be a busy body but… You called somebody?” I continued.

“Yes. I called oppa.” She said and Hyo Yeon suddenly dashed into the tent.

“They’re right. You ARE a trouble maker. Thanks to you, our image will be ruined!!” Hyo Yeon was pointing at me as she shouted.

“I just wanted-”

“Oh. Enough already. Please get out of our sight after our oppa’s are here.” Hyo Yeon interrupted me and she pulled Seo Hyun out of the tent and continued signing autographs for their fans.

EunHyuk’s POV

“Hyung, could you drive a little faster?” I can’t wait to let her be by my side. Somewhere safe.

“Oh no. A traffic jam?!” Ye Sung frowned.

There’s no more time to lose!!

“I’m getting out of here.” I said and opened the car door.

“Hyukjae-ah,” Manager hyung handed me my mask. I quickly took it and ran out of the car.

I’m coming Sue Yi… I’m coming…

Sue Yi’s POV

Oh no. Where are my heroes? Have they forgotten about me?!

“He’s here.” One of the security guard went into the tent and said to me.


He who?

“Yes. He.”

“He who?!” I shouted but the security guard just went out of the tent.

Should I follow him?

“Are you coming along?” He popped his head into the tent and asked angrily.

“Y-Yes. Yes.” I quickly stood up and went out of the tent with him.

Oh. He… But wait. What is he doing here?!

“Oppa!!!” I ran to him. Should I hug him? Nah…

“Thank you very much.” He thanked the security guard and grabbed me by the arm.

“What are you doing here? I thought-”

“The Music Video thing canceled because of their mini concert thing. What happened?!” He interrupted me and said.

“I…” As I was about to tell him, I caught somebody looking at us by the corner of my eye.

I turned to the direction and saw…

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Yay I finished this just now, off to the sequel ^^<br />
@tricia358 : haha~ Don't worry~~ I won't delete it... xD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT~!!!! xDDD
MyOneAndOnlyHae #4
don't delete this story huh??>...i'm not finished yet..:))
@kiseonnie11: haha~ yup~! it's the end already~~ T.T~~ YAY!!!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M VERY HAPPY TO HEAR THAT YOU ENJOYED READING THIS FAN FIC!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDD
OMO!!!~ is the end already? T.T but i'll surely read the part II :DD @NitsaSue gomawo!~ i really enjoyed reading this fanfic :DDD mwaaaaah :*
@kiseonnie11: haha~ I'm glad that you like it~~ xDDDD sure!! Will update soon!!! xDD
@NitsaSue [A] - You're wlecome :DD kyaa!~ thanks for the updat :D i love seohyun!~ she saved sue yi and hyukkie.. well, in this chap i'm hating the evil hyoyeon. LOL!~ she's so mean. :D update more please :D
kiseonnie11: THANKS FOR COMMENTING!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!! haha~ I will update soon~~ xDD stay tuned~~ xDD
OMO!~ thanks for the update chingu-ah :D kekeke!~ waaaah >.< eotokke? what would happen to sue yi? i just hope ELFs won't haunt her down. kekeke!~ update more. please :D