Chapter 22

Shinning Stars 1

Sue Yi’s POV

“Get out of my way!!” I pushed Ryeowook oppa and ran out of the house.

EunHyuk’s POV

“Sue Yi-ah!!! Wait!! Come-” I was shouting for her but manager hyung ruined my plans by grabbing my arm.

“What in the world just happened young man?” He was saying through the microphone.

“Don’t bother and just continue singing.” I frowned and chased after Sue Yi.

“I’ll explain everything.” I heard Si Won said before I close the front door behind me.

“Sue Yi!! Sue Yi-ah!!!” I was looking everywhere for her.

Could she be in the back yard?

I ran to the backyard and found it empty.

I know where she is…

Sue Yi’s POV

“Could you please drive faster?” I said to the taxi driver.

Please be okay unni… Please be okay…

“Thank you!!” I thanked the taxi driver excitedly after I paid him and got out of the cab.

This is the second time I’m here…

“I’m looking for a girl named Lee Sue Qi. Is she here?”

“Are you mad? If you are looking for somebody, you have to go to the headquarters.” The one and only policeman said to me.

“Mr. Policeman, may I know where would the headquarters be?” I asked him sarcasticly.

“I’ll bring you there.” Someone said behind me.

“Okay.” I said and turned around.

EunHyuk oppa.

“What are you doing here?! How do you know that I’m here?!”

“A lost bird like you would surely show up here.” He said and he pulled my hand and we left the policestation.

“I’m sorry for not telling you earlier…” EunHyuk oppa apologized.

“You should be.” I said angrily and looked out of the car window.

“Are you still mad?” He asked softly.

“Of course!! You just let my sister get away blindly!! But wait a minute, what about the loan sharks?!”

I suddenly thought about the loan sharks.

“They’re dead.”

“Dead??!!” I raised my voice.

“Well, not all of them, just the leader I suppose…”

“How do you know?! Did my sister tell you all of these?!” My eyes were still big when I looked at him.

“Yes.” He thought for a while and said.

But that’s impossible. My sister won’t talk to strangers.

He’s lying…

EunHyuk’s POV

I hope that she doesn’t know that I’m actually lying to her now…

*Flash back*

“I killed him. They just came out of the shop. They don’t know anything. I swear.” She said.

Is she trying to get herself killed?!

“Two of you please leave.” One of the policeman said.

“Please don’t tell my sister about this. I want her to stay out of this if possible…” She said and she got into the police car.

“What should we do now?” I turned to Si Won and asked.

“Are you okay? You’re bleeding!! Let’s get ourselves bandaged.” Si Won said.

“Wait. Hyung, what are you doing here?! How do you know that I’m here?!” I punched his arm and said.

“I-I-I was on my way to the studio.” He looked away from me when he said and he started walking away.

“But the way to the studio isn’t here!” I chased after him and kept asking.

“I-I-I used t-the long way. I have to help the Girls’ Generation with their music video.” He kept avoiding eye contact with me.

“You’re lying. Now tell me already!!” I punched his arm again and shouted.

“Okay. Fine!!” He held both of his arms up and said. “I followed you here.” He continued.

“I knew it!!” I snapped my fingers and said.

“I saw you acting weirdly, that’s why I followed you.” He admitted.

“But why didn’t you save me when they took their knives out?! You wanted to chicken out right?!” I punched his arm again and shouted.

“Will you just stop hitting me?!” Si Won hit me back and frowned. “Even a professional needs to warm up okay?” He continued and we took a cab to the hospital.

*Flash back ends*

“Please follow me, miss.” One of the policeman were ushering her into the prisoners’ room.

She was trembling.

Without thinking, I grabbed her hand tightly. She wanted to push my hand away but I just hold it tighter.

“Do you want your image to be ruined?” She whispered angrily in my ears and pushed my hand away.

I felt so useless that I couldn’t even hold her hand when she needed it.

Sue Yi’s POV

How I wish I didn’t have to push his hand away…

I really wanted to hold his hand. But…

“Unni-ah!!” I saw my sister sleeping on the floor.

Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

“Look what have you done?! My sister have to sleep on the floor because of you!!” I hit EunHyuk oppa’s chest hardly as the policeman opened the door for me.

“Unni-ah!! I’m here to save you!!” I shook her.

“Sue Yi?! What are you doing here?!” My sister woke up from her sleep and hugged me.

We were so happy to see each other.

“Are you okay?! You’ve grown thinner!!” I pinched her cheeks as I said.

“I’m fine…” My sister kept looking at EunHyuk oppa.

“He brought you into this mess unni!!” I stood up and pulled EunHyuk oppa into the room.

“Sue Yi, don’t be ridiculous… He saved my life…” My sister was smiling at EunHyuk oppa.

“Saved you? He brought you here!!” I waved my hands in front of my sisters’ face and exclaimed.

Has she gone mad?!

“If it wasn’t because of him, I won’t be here.”

“You heard that?! It’s your fault!!” I hit his arm and said.

“If I’m not here, means I’m dead.” My sister looked at me and said.

“I don’t understand-”

“It’s okay; let’s get you out first shall we?” EunHyuk oppa helped my sister up and took her to the chief officers’ office.

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Yay I finished this just now, off to the sequel ^^<br />
@tricia358 : haha~ Don't worry~~ I won't delete it... xD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT~!!!! xDDD
MyOneAndOnlyHae #4
don't delete this story huh??>...i'm not finished yet..:))
@kiseonnie11: haha~ yup~! it's the end already~~ T.T~~ YAY!!!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M VERY HAPPY TO HEAR THAT YOU ENJOYED READING THIS FAN FIC!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDD
OMO!!!~ is the end already? T.T but i'll surely read the part II :DD @NitsaSue gomawo!~ i really enjoyed reading this fanfic :DDD mwaaaaah :*
@kiseonnie11: haha~ I'm glad that you like it~~ xDDDD sure!! Will update soon!!! xDD
@NitsaSue [A] - You're wlecome :DD kyaa!~ thanks for the updat :D i love seohyun!~ she saved sue yi and hyukkie.. well, in this chap i'm hating the evil hyoyeon. LOL!~ she's so mean. :D update more please :D
kiseonnie11: THANKS FOR COMMENTING!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!! haha~ I will update soon~~ xDD stay tuned~~ xDD
OMO!~ thanks for the update chingu-ah :D kekeke!~ waaaah >.< eotokke? what would happen to sue yi? i just hope ELFs won't haunt her down. kekeke!~ update more. please :D