Chapter 13

Shinning Stars 1

EunHyuk’s POV

“Is she here?” I asked manager hyung as soon as I looked at the clock on the wall.

6:30 p.m.

“Your show will be starting in another half an hour, just concentrate on your moves and lyrics!!” Manager hyung said angrily.

“But, I…I have a feeling that something bad might happen to her…” I mumbled.

“If you embarrass yourself in front of the fans later, something really bad will happen.” Manager hyung patted me on the shoulder and said.

Honestly, I don’t feel good. Is something bad happening to her now?

Sue Yi’s POV

“Where’s my sister?!” I shouted angrily when the man was silent.

“She’s right beside me. Do you want to know what happened to her and what is going to happen to you?” the man continued and I heard laughing voices at the back.

“Yes.” Tears were in my eyes. Is my sister being kidnapped?

“Well, she owed us a lot of money. How much do you owe us?” The man’s’ voice was far from the cell phone and I heard my sisters’ scream.

“LEAVE HER ALONE!!! TELL ME WHAT YOU WANT!!??” I shouted through the phone. The people at the bus stop were looking at me.

“Your sister borrowed 3,000 Won from us two years ago. Including the interest, your sister owes us 78,000 Won. If you are going to pay us back tomorrow, we’ll add more interest and in total you have to pay us 80,000 Won.”

Say what?! 80,000 Won???!!! I was in total shock!! My jaw dropped. What should I do?!

“I will call you back when I’ve made the decision on when to pay the money back to you.” I wiped my tears and said.

“It’s okay, I’ll call you in another hour.” The man said and he ended the call.

I looked around me and saw an ATM at the other side of the street.

I have to check how much I have in my account now…

What if I don’t have so much money in my account? How am I going to save my sister?

Oh no, how could she not tell me that she needed the money?

3,000 Won? Why does she need so much money?


EunHyuk’s POV

“Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry…”


Damn!! I knocked into Sungmin hyung and fell on the floor.

“That side hyung!!” Sungmin hyung pulled me up and turned me to the left as he whispered angrily in my ear.

I hope that I won’t be on the front page of the magazine and newspapers tomorrow.

“What was that?!” Manager hyung shouted at me in the restroom.

“I…I just…I don’t know!!!” I shouted back as I took off my coat, preparing to change into another costume.

“Hyung, are you okay?” Sungmin hyung patted me on the shoulder and asked.

“Yah, I’m sorry about just now…” I patted his shoulder and said.

“She isn’t here.” Si Won hyung whispered in my ear.

She isn’t? I told her to be punctual!!

“Will you boys just stop and concentrate more on your concert?!” Manager hyung was observing us and he shouted.

My other hyungs and the staffs were looking blankly at us.

“Hyung, I couldn’t concentrate anymore!! I don’t feel good!! Where is she?!” I walked to manager hyung and asked. Begging him to tell me.

“I need security.” Manager hyung said through the walkie-talkie.

“Hyung, what are you doing? Are you pulling me out of here?!” I freaked out and shouted.

How could he do this to me?! I’m his money-maker!!

“If this goes to the press, you and I will not have any benefit.” I raised my voice at manager hyung.

“How may we help you?” Two security guards walked to manager hyung and bowed.

Manager hyung was whispering to them and they nodded their head and left.

They weren’t here for me? I looked at manager hyung who was smirking.

A few minutes later, a girl was dragged into the room by the securities.

“What are you doing?! Leave me alone!!” she was struggling to get herself free of the securities grip.

Who is she? What does she have to do with Sue Yi?

Harn-Yan’s POV

“Let go off-” What the… I was staring at Super Junior!!

“Oh My God!! Super Junior!!” I exclaimed.

“Yes. We wanted to ask you-”

“Where’s Thomas and Jack?! I’m a big fan of them!!” I interrupted the man’s sentence and got excited.

“What?! Are you okay?! Aren’t you here for us?” Ye sung was talking to me.

“Definitely NOT.” I rolled my eyes and turned to the man who was talking to me earlier.

Wait a minute, that man looks familiar. Where have I seen him before?

“Hey,” I pointed at the man. “You’re Sue Yi’s uncle, aren’t you?!”

Everybody was looking at me blankly. Then they looked at the man.

“What?” The man looked confused.

“Who cares who’s uncle is he, just tell us where is she?” Choi Si Won asked rudely.

“She who?” Seriously, who are they talking about?!

“Lee Sue Yi.” EunHyuk said.

“How do you know her? Oh!!!” So it’s true that she’s staying with them!!!

“But, I’m kinda’ confused. What does she have to do with Sue Yi?” Ryeowook asked. his eyebrows went together when he said.

“She’s her friend.” The man said.

“Harn-Yan if I’m not mistaken…” EunHyuk said.

“How do you know my name?!” I was shocked.

“Sue Yi had mentioned it once.” EunHyuk said coldly.

“Let’s not interrupt, where is she?” Si Won clapped his hands hardly that made everybody jump.

“She’s gone…”

“GONE?!” Everybody was shocked.

“Are you serious?!” Ye Sung was smiling brightly. I wonder why…

“Gone where?!” Choi Si Won has a worried look on his face.

“Back home? Bushan.” I folded my arms in front of my chest and said.

“Wait a minute!! I left my phone on the table!! Hyung, give me your phone!!” EunHyuk wanted put his hands into Ye Sungs’ pocket and said.

“It’s…It’s not here!!” Ye Sung was turning here and there avoiding EunHyuk’s hands to go into his pocket.

“You liar!!” EunHyuk smacked him in the arm and continued to attack him.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, chill bro, use mine…” Si Won pulled EunHyuk away from Ye Sung and gave him his phone.

Wow, so much drama.

EunHyuk took Si Won’s phone and started pressing the buttons.

“Annyounghaseyo-” EunHyuk said and turned the loud speaker on.

“Annyounghaseyo, I’m glad that you called. Because we wouldn’t know who to call.” It was a man’s voice.

“Who are you?” I walked closer as EunHyuk said.

“We’re from the hospital. Miss…Lee Sue Yi is in the hospital now. Unconscious by the way.”

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Yay I finished this just now, off to the sequel ^^<br />
@tricia358 : haha~ Don't worry~~ I won't delete it... xD THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT~!!!! xDDD
MyOneAndOnlyHae #4
don't delete this story huh??>...i'm not finished yet..:))
@kiseonnie11: haha~ yup~! it's the end already~~ T.T~~ YAY!!!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M VERY HAPPY TO HEAR THAT YOU ENJOYED READING THIS FAN FIC!!!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xDDDDDDDDD
OMO!!!~ is the end already? T.T but i'll surely read the part II :DD @NitsaSue gomawo!~ i really enjoyed reading this fanfic :DDD mwaaaaah :*
@kiseonnie11: haha~ I'm glad that you like it~~ xDDDD sure!! Will update soon!!! xDD
@NitsaSue [A] - You're wlecome :DD kyaa!~ thanks for the updat :D i love seohyun!~ she saved sue yi and hyukkie.. well, in this chap i'm hating the evil hyoyeon. LOL!~ she's so mean. :D update more please :D
kiseonnie11: THANKS FOR COMMENTING!!! I REALLY APPRECIATE IT!!! haha~ I will update soon~~ xDD stay tuned~~ xDD
OMO!~ thanks for the update chingu-ah :D kekeke!~ waaaah >.< eotokke? what would happen to sue yi? i just hope ELFs won't haunt her down. kekeke!~ update more. please :D