One For The Team

Woogyu Flashback


it was 2:00am, and woohyun still couldn't sleep. his body ached from sleeping on the cold hard floor night after night, and the daily intense dance practices just made his muscles ache that much more. he would probably be driven crazy if he kept living like this. but what else could he do?....
just six months've gotta wait it out six months...
he sat up and leaned against the wall, it was much colder out in the living room. he rubbed his hands together as he tried to get the blood flowing.
suddenly he heard a door open in front. he looked up and saw hoya, hoya walked over to the kitchen, and got himslef a drink, on the way back he jumped up startled.
"geez woohyun. what are you doing up? you scared me."
"just thinking..."woohyun said as he brought up his legs and hugged them to his chest. resting his chin on his knees.
"....just..nothing. it's nothing..."
"you haven't looked so good these past few everything ok?"
woohyun didn't answer back.
hoya sat down next to him, as he simultaneously sent a text.
"if you wanna talk, i'm here to listen..." hoya offered putting his phone away.
woohyun slightly nodded.
"i'm just tired is all..."
"why don't you sleep in your room?....i you really hate sunggyu that much? he doesn't seem so bad......i just think he cares...that's why he's been pushing us to our limits...must be hard on him too. being the one to have to tell us we're 'doing it wrong' and then having to take on all that hate and annoyed glances afterwords.....must be alot of pressure... i heard him getting scolded last week for something he didn't even do...and that ....every little mistake we make is reflected onto him....."
woohyun shrugged. "it's not like we made him leader."
"i don't get it..why do you hate him so much?"
"i just...i don't wanna talk about it."
" you and sunggyu know each other or something?"
woohyun froze up.
------------SUNGGYU 2AM:
sunggyu woke up from his sleep as his phone vibrated. he looked at the screen. a text from hoya? what would he possibly want at this hour? plus he was like a room away...seriously wth?
he looked at the text.
HOYA: woohyun is still awake, he's never gonna get sleep like this.
sunggyu had been getting a bit worried about that woohyun kid lately. always keeping his distance, never entering the room, even though it was just as much his. everyday his eyes showed more and more tiredness from lack of sleep. everyone had begun to notice and it was starting to bring down everyone else too.
sunggyu sighed. what could he do? it's not like he could force him to sleep in the same room with him.... maybe they should just swap roommates...even though sungyeol sungjong and hoya would probaly go all ape .
"ahhhh, can't believe i'm doing this." sunggyu got out of bed and pulled on his shoes and sweater as he sent hoya a text.
SUNGGYU: okay, make something up..tell woohyun that i'm sneaking off to see someone and that he can use the room. i'll be back in the morning for practice. don't tell anyone else! he better get some freakn sleep or i swear...
he pushed the send button.
"oh, hang on, i got a text." hoya interjected as he whipped out his phone. "ahhh...ooookay. i guess sunggyu-hyung is gonna sneak off to see someone right now...say's he'll be back when practice starts. hey, that's awesome. looks like the room's all yours." hoya smiled as he patted woohyun on the back.
woohyun tried to not let any emotions show on his face, who was sunggyu gonna see this late at night?...
"oh really?...okay...."
"yeah, well. i'm gonna go to bed now. sleep tight." hoya said giving a big yawn as he got up off the floor. woohyun watched him as he walked across the living room and into his shared bedroom with sungyeol and sungjong.
just as hoya closed the door sunggyu walked out. not even looking at woohyun. a backpack on his shoulders. woohyun felt his eyes sting. even after all this time it still bad.
suddenly sunggyu turned and looked at woohyun.
"ummm, hey. you won't tell anyone right? i'll be back by the time practice can ummm use the know, if you'd like."
why the hell was he informing him? like he was doing him a favor? gawd, did he completly forget that they had been friends not too long ago, and almost lovers?
woohyun looked away so that sunggyu couldn't see his face. he wanted to ask him why he was being like this. or maybe ask what he himslef had done wrong for sunggyu to abandon him. but in the end he said nothing, because he was scared that if he did, he wouldn't be able to hold back his feelings at all...
sunggyu closed the door to the dorm, where he made his way down to the bottom of the stairs. he took out the pillow he had stuffed in his backpack, and rested his head on it, hugging himself tightly against the freezing winter cold.
damn, i should have worn my winter coat. sunggyu thought.
sleep tight woohyun. hope you get some good sleep...
then he closed his eyes and tried to dream that he was back home in his warm bed.
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.