
Woogyu Flashback


"did you relieve sunggyu from his duties yet?" the CEO asked from his desk, eyeing the boy's manager.
"not officially..." the manager swallowed.
"do it then, and stop wasting my get out of my office. i have other buisness to attend to." the CEO waved the manager off, as he went back to his paper work.
the manager got up from his seat and began to head for the door, ultimatley pausing just as he was going to turn the handle.
"what if we're making a mistake?" the manager quietly broke in. "i mean sunggyu has improved so much after coming here and training...if we let him go, and a bigger music company takes him in, we'll deeply regret it...i mean have you actually ever heard him sing personally? sunggyu has a unique voice that would capture many... and that woohyun kid, when those two sing together they sound magic...i don't know if we're making the right choice by kicking sunggyu out."
"so you're saying we should just let him off the hook? ha, that's ridiculous. we have strict rules that apply to everyone. we do not forgive, there are no acceptances. he's the leader and i expected him to act like one."
"i'm not saying we have to let him off the hook. i'm just saying we shouldn't go so extreme as to kick him out...there are other things we could do..."
"my desicion is final."
"my word is law. now get out before i fire you too."
"yes sir, i'm sorry..." the manager quietly bowed and retreated out the doors with his head hanging low. he had secretly become attached to the 7 boys, thier goofyness, their willingness to work hard, thier passion and love for music, it just made him admire them more and more. sure he acted like an to them most of the time since he was thier manager. but still...there was times where they had gotten along and even had fun together...what a loss.the manager sighed. he had such high expectations for the group too...
"sorry kid's...i tried." the manager said looking out the office building in the location of the dorms. "i hope you have a good life sunggyu, you really are something else..."
hoya woke up sunggyu and woohyun from thier sleep.
sunggyu yawned as he picked up his sweater. they were probably gonna get chewed out by thier manager today, no doubt. after the whole escape plan thing, and sungjong getting kidnapped. not that the manager knew that sungjong got kidnapped or anything yet for a fact. and he never would, they could always make something else up...
hoya interrupted sunggyu's train of thought's.
"i have bad news guy's..." hoya said looking burdened. "sunggyu, the company manager came by yesterday and said you're out of the group. he want's you to pack your bags and leave."
sunggyu's heart stopped beating his sweater slipped through his fingers and fell to the floor, the words hitting him like a ton of bricks. ""i-i'm out of the group...?" sunggyu blinked.
sunggyu knew that they had warned all of them in the begining about letting go a member if they weren't good enough, or didn't live up to standard, but wasn't he the best vocals?..sure his dancing wasn't the best but it was good enough...were they seriously kicking him out because of this one mistake? shouldn't there be like a 3rd stike thingy?...sunggyu's heart raced...of course not. they could kick him out for this, hell, they could kick him out whenever they felt like it. he had signed a contract and there was nothing he could do about it.
"what the hell are you talking about hoya? you're joking arent you? tell me it's a joke for christs sake." woohyun said coming up and grabbing his collar.
"hey, i'm not agreeing with thier decision, i'm just telling you what he told us last night." hoya said putting his hands up defensively.
sunggyu sat back down on the bed feeling numb...all of the training, all of the sweat and silent tears...all of those hours of studying up at night trying to cram what information he lost during his amnesia, all the money gone to waste, the night's spent missing his family and home...all for nothing. he clutched the blanket underneath his hands. fate had ed with him once again.
" if they want someone to kick out, it should be me." woohyun declared.
"no one's getting kicked out if any of us can help it." hoya said picking up sunggyu's sweater from the floor and holding it out for him. sunggyu slowly took it from him and put it around himself, feeling cold. "cuz we're all going to the company to apologize..."
suddenly the door opened and the other members walked in.
"why apologize when we could negotiate?" sungjong said as he sat down next to sunggyu looking up at hoya with a smirk.
"what are you talking about?" hoya said looking puzzled.
"i'm a genius." dongwoo said putting his arm around hoya.
"what's going on? what are you guy's plotting now? cuz i want in! if we can keep sunggyu from leaving i'll make do with any evil scheme you have up your sleeves." woohyun said with enthusiasm.
"well apparently while all four of us were watching fireworks furing the festival, you sunggyu and dongwoo were off playing games right?" myungsoo asked.
"yeah so?" woohyun shrugged
"one of those games was a telivised event apparently..." sungjong said wiggling his eyebrows.
"what really? which game...?" woohyun asked confused
"the one were i forced the two of you to do karaoke in front of a crowd." dongwoo said clapping.
sunggyu's mouth dropped open. he almost had forgotten about that. 
the three of them had gone off to look at the games when dongwoo said he wanted to choose the game first. they all argued about which game to go to and finally decided on playing enie meanie minie moe. dongwoo won and he made woohyun and sunggyu do karaoke, in front of a crowd...
but it was telivised? how come sunggyu didn't notice the camera's? oh yeah. he had probably been too busy singing his heart out to woohyun.
"how do you know it was telivised?" woohyun asked.
"cuz it's on t.v. right now. and all over the internet. it's getting an explosive response. people want to know who you guy's are." sungjong smiled.
"some people are already catching on that we're trainee's in wooliment." dongwoo said laughing.
"you guy's already have fan's!! and it's only been up for a couple hours. we could use this to prove to the CEO that you're worth keeping! if they even try to kick you out i'm sure other companies are already lining up to take you guy's in!"
"what if they don't care and kick me out anyway?" sunggyu said bringing his knees up and hugging them to his chest.
"then all of us will leave with you. it's a 7 member deal. all of us or nothing." myungsoo said leaning against the door. eye's dead serious.
"yeah sunggyu, you're the best damn leader anyone of us could have ever asked for. we're sticking with you." hoya said agreeing.
"so you're speaking for everyone here? did you even ask them how they feel about that?" sunggyu said looking up at hoya.
"he doesn't have to." sungyeol said coming and putting his arm around him. "our minds are one."
hoya smiled.
"aughhh, that's so cheesy." woohyun scrunched up his face.
"whatever, it's true." dongwoo shrugged.
"okay then! so we're all on the same page. let's go negotiate with the big guys. they'll agree to let you stay, if they know what's good for them." myungsoo smirked.
sunggyu felt his heart swell seeing all the members sticking up for him. at first they had hated him and now they grew to love him. how that had happened? sunggyu had no idea. but it didn't matter, they had finally accepted him as leader. now he was going to do his best to stay. if they were gonna stick it out for him, he was gonna make sure the company didn't turn him down. or it would be the end of the road...for everyone.
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.