Stirring Emotions

Woogyu Flashback


sungjong felt super nervous for some odd reason. he swallowed, but nothing went down his throat. he awkwardly wiped his sweating palms on his sweaty pants. this was going to be the 2nd time alone with sungyuu, and the other memory had not been a good one.
sungyuu walked to the cd player and crabked the music as loud as it could go. without talking he took his place in front of the mirror, and danced. he said nothing to sungjong. sungjong quietly went to his own spot and mirrored his dance moves, every once in a while, completley messing up.
after another hour of practice. sungyuu turned off the music.
"your arms need to be higher." he said without looking at sungjong. both of them were breathing hard, and looked about to die from exhaustion.
sungyuu grabbed two bottles of water from his backpack and tossed one at sungjong. sungjong, surprised, ducked instead of catching it and it hit the wall behind him.
sungyuu looked at him curiously, probably wondering how sungjong even made it in the group with his ty- reflexes.
sungjong embarrased grabbed the rolling bottle, and opened it. drinking hesitantly at first, then with a passion.... seriously, he drank the whole thing in one go. coming up for air with ragged gasps.
sungyuu supressed a smile.
leader gyu walked back again to the cd player "straighten your back and angle your knees when you crouch." he pushed play. the music vibrating through the room.
sungyuu continued with his dancing. sunjong looked at him. the leaders dancing had gotten MUCH better in the time they had been practicing alone. sungjong again began to follow his movements, listening to his words, lifting his arms, straightening his back, and angling the knees. sunggyu was right. the moves looked much clearer now. sungjong smiled, letting the music take him.
two more hours later and sungyuu stopped the music completley, hitched up his backpack and said. "practice over." heading out the door without looking back.
sungjong quickly grabbed his bag and followed the hasty leader.
it was cold and dark outside. sungjong's sweat penetrated shirt clung to him mercilessly, his sweater somewhere in the corner of the new dorm.
the whipping cold slapped his face and bare arms. the bus stop was only a 2 minute walk though thank god, anymore and he would have gotten a cold.
him and sungyuu climed on as they payed the bus fare.
the bus was crowded. there was only one empty seat left. sungjong sighed inwardly at the thought of standing for another 15 minutes as sungyuu grabbed the last empty seat sitting with a plop. he put on his headphones, leaned his head back, and closed his eyes. 
not even paying attention to sungjong.
sungjong had no idea where there stop was so he stood next to sungyuu as he held one of the supports above his head. sungyuu didnt seem to notice, lost in his music, his eyes still closed.
no one got out of thier seats for the whole time they rode the bus. it had been a long time riding, but sungyuu still had his eyes closed....shouldnt they have been there by now?
"hyung...." sungjong whispered to the sunggyu."psst, hyung....i think we passed our stop." sunggyu didnt even move. "hyung!" sungjong said, then removed one of sungyuus earbuds.
"whattttt?" sungyuu said sleepily.
he'd been SLEEPING?!!
"i think we missed our stop" sungjong informed him, his voice tight. frankly a little pissed, that the leader had been sleeping while sungjong was tired and had to stand.
it was as if someone had poured a bucket of cold water on him. sungyuu bolted up and looked out the windows of the moving bus.
"aishhhh" sungyuu said while he rubbed his eyes harshly with his fists then proceeded to run them through his hair. "why didn't you wake me earlier?" he asked the maknae. aggravated.
"i didn't know you were sleeping!!" sungjong protested. unbelivable. he was getting blamed. like it was his fault.
"aishhhh" sunggyu reapeated, as he walked to the front of the bus. sungjong followed, feeling angry at the clumsy leader.
they got off at the next spot. completley lost. why did seoul have to be so big? even if you grew up there you could easily get lost if you didnt pay attention.
they asked directions from a passing pedestrian of how to get back to thier district in manwondong. she told them what route to take.
they had to walk the 30 minute distance by foot, since thier t-money cards had been emptied in the pointless ride, and niether had any cash with them.
15 minutes walking and sungjong was like a frozen popsicle, his feet couldnt take it anymore, from all the practice and just everything. he was done for the day. he sat on a random curb and hugged himself tightly. sungyuu on the other hand kept going, he saw sungjong sit on the curb. but he looked like he could care less and was soon out of sight....
sungjong swore he wouldnt allow himself to cry, how could he be such a baby? sure, he was cold, tired, hungry, poor, wet with sweat, dirty, and smelly. but it was only the first day. things would get better right? it was just a misfortunate day...and he had been left with a misfortunate jerk. he was thinking about getting up but realized he didnt know where the dorms were from here, and sunggyu was long gone.
he sighed and closed his eye's imagining he was back home, singing underneath the beautiful sycamore tree, the only thing that had ever made him feel at peace when things were rough. suddenly he felt something drape over his head. he opened his eyes in surprise, and pulled it off. it was a front of him sunggyu was crouching his back facing him.
"wha...hyung?" sungjong asked, surprised but pulled the sweater on immediatley. he was freezing and gratefull for a warm hoodie.
"just...hop on" sungyuu said looking straight ahead, at the passing cars, was it just sungjong or were his ears turning red?
"i can't stand being out here any longer, and if i lose you... there wont be any sleep tonight.... i just want to go rest at the dorms. ok?"
"but hyung, you're already tired an-" sungjong got cut off as sungyuu grabbed the maknaes arms and secured them around his own neck and hoisted him on his back.
"i'm fine" sungyuu said, ending the conversation.
sungjong was glad he at least hadnt eaten so he wasn't that heavy. he rested his face on sungyuu's shoulder, letting himself be carried. he was too tired to argue.
sungyuu was stronger than sungjong would have thought, he could feel his strong frame as he clung to his back piggyback style. sungyuu carried him with ease. sungyuu's scent filled sungjongs nose. that smell, it seemed to fit the scene quite nicely. he wanted to inhale it. but found himself fast asleep.
"we're here." sungyuu said unhinging a sofltly snoring sungjong from his back, and holding him up.
they were just in front of thier dorm.
geez, it was easy to forget that sungjong was actually a guy. with his full pink lips, long lashes, flawless skin, tossled long brown hair, and a skinny frame, with very little muscle sungyuu had noticed as he carried him, it was a miracle he didn't get blown away with a gust of wind.... and then his soft voice too. sunggyu shook his head. what was he even thinking about?
sunggyu didnt know why but, it just didnt seem like a good idea to be around sungjong for very long, he felt wierd around him. he was just so...pretty.
he must have been crazy. dead tired and exhausted he still piggy backed sungjong 15 minutes to the dorms, hell he had even bought him a sweater after realizing he had money in a secret compartment his sweater had, just because the kid looked so tired, cold, and helpless.
which was kinda stupid now that he thought of it because he could have used that money for a taxi.
"yah.. wake up" sungyuu coaxed sungjong out of his sleep.
"mmmmmmmmm?" the maknae asked still sleepy and then all of a sudden snapped out of it, probably remembering what happened.
"oh, huyung, sorry, i just....sorry" sungjong said bowing his head.
sungyuu supressed a laugh, this kid could never seem to talk right.
"uhhh...yeah well." sungyuu replied, trying to get back to his normal self. "we're here." 
sunjong stood on his own, and they headed up the stairs where the rest of the members were waiting.
"man i'm starving, what's there to eat?" hoya asked to no one in particular as he opened up the fridge.
"water from the sink." sungyeol said rolling over on the floor in front of the t.v. where the rest of the members sat. minus sunggyu and sungjong who were still practicing.
"water is a beverage, not a food." myungsoo corrected.
"oh whatever. still doesn't change the fact that there's no food." sungyeol said sticking his tongue out.
"don't stick your toungue out at me." myungsoo frowned.
"free country, i'll do what i want. myeah~" sungyeol stuck out his tongue again.
"whatever, i'm going to bed, 'night everyone." myungsoo said as he got up with a yawn.
"oh, poo. you're no fun." sungyeol pouted. myungsoo smirked as he slid into his room. at the same time the front door opened.
"hey, we're back." sunggyu announced as he threw his bag on the floor. he avoided eye contact with woohyun and went straight to his room.
"you hungry sungjong?" woohyun asked. poor kid looked about ready to pass out from hunger and fatigue. he nooded his head.
"hey dongwoo! let's order some food?" woohyun said as he lightly kicked dongwoo who was falling asleep in front of the t.v.
"mmmmm...what? oh, okay."
"yay!! food!!" hoya said skipping in happily from the empty kitchen, abandoning his bowl of water with a side of more water, and some water in a cup to wash all the water down.
woohyun smiled, this really would be such an awesome group. he liked all the members so far....if only sunggyu didn't have to be there...
everytime woohyun looked at sunggyu it was so difficult to not beat the crap out of him, or to break down and just cry, or to attack him with the kisses that he so needed but knew he would never get.
.....gawd sunggyu...what are you doing to me?...
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.