Enemy Encounter

Woogyu Flashback


SUNGGYU: sunggy's heart was beating hard and fast, he was scared it was going to climb its way up his throat and onto the sidewalk. if that was even possible.
sunggyu had managed to break away from thier manager once he got back in the crowd.
the manager wouldn't be able to save sungjong. the kidnapper had wanted sunggyu to come alone, and if that's what it took to keep sungjong safe then so be it.
why did the kidnapper want sunggyu specifically? sunggyu didn't know but he was about to find out.
sunggyu took slow and careful steps into the enterance of the park. it was dark now, not a living soul in sight. there would be no one there to help him, no one to call for help. but there was nothing he could do about it. plus it was too late for second thoughts.
he made his way deeper into the park, peering into the shadows, being cautious of surroundings. the fear coming off him was almost tangible. then he felt it.
sunggyu turned around, quick as a flash of light, feeling malacious eyes on him. the presence almost suffocatingly evil. he made his way over to the area, his legs trembling. he tried to stop it, but he couldn't. he was so damn scared. what if this was pointless? what if sungjong already was...
"looking for me?" someone asked suddenly, coming out from behind a tree right next to sunggyu. sunngyu fell backward in surprise, landing painfully on his  .
"owwww." sunggyu cried out as he rubbed his tailbone.
"oh gosh, sorry sunggyu, are you okay?"
sunggyu looked up and finally saw who it was "......woohyun?...what...what are you doing here?" he almost sighed in relief.
"i got a text from sungjong telling me to meet you guy's here....alone...but why? the rest of the guys are back at the practice room already...did you guy's spot the manager?"
that's right...woohyun still didn't know anything...but why the hell did the kidnapper tell woohyun to come too?...unless sungjong managed to steal his phone back...
what exactly was going on?
" alriiiiiighhhht!" a voice yelled enthusiastically from their left, as the kidnapper finally showed himself and stepped out of the shadows. "you guy's are here? great!.... now we can finish what we started." sunggyu and woohyun turned. the guy was trailed by another 3 other guys....why did they all look familiar?...
"no, oh gawd no." woohyun said taking steps back. "sunngyu??... what is this? how is this happening? ...gawd no...please..just. no."
woohyun was freaking the hell out, now he knew why they looked so familiar. these were the thugs that had almost killed woohyun and himself not too long ago, and by the looks of it, they were out for blood thirsty revenge. sunggyu had managed to kick everones , i guess they wouldn't just rub something off like that...they were a gang. they fought, they stole, they killed... woohyun was shaking his head, slowly sinking down on his knees, clutching his stomach with one hand, his eyes closed tight, his whole face had gone pale. sunggyu could hear him beginning to hyperventilate.
sunggyu had never seen woohyun like this, he looked absolutley TERRIFIED. it scared sunggyu to see him like that.
i need to help him...
this was so wrong. woohyun hadn't even done anything to these thugs, he had just been in the wrong place at the wrong time on an uneventful night, plus sunggyu was the one who did all the kicking, so if they wanted revenge why take it out on woohyun too? it was unfair. hell it wasn't just unfair, it was stupid. these guys were scum bags. they didn't deserve anything from them. if anything, they needed thier asses kicked. AGAIN. not the other way around. and now they even dragged sungjong into it... freakn idiots.
"where's sungjong? you said you would let him go if i came." sunggyu said stalling for time. he needed to get woohyun out of there at least. even if it was the last thing he did. "i'm here like you said. so let him go.... and woohyun too. this is between you guy's and me, woohyun hasn't done anything to you guys."
"oh, no? hah! quite the contrary my friend. woohyun has done ALOT to me. it's a freakn miracle that i met him again. fate really has a funny way of making things work out. ....now... he's getting what he deserves."
"what are you talking about?" sunggyu said completly at a loss about the situation. this guy knew woohyun?
"woohyun used to go to the same school as me. i bet he still remembers. anyway, he was the school bully, always going around, doing as he pleased. . .i didn't say anything to him, no one did. i should have though...i regret it, everyday that goes by...do you know what he did?"
"no...." sunggyu shook his head, almost not wanting to hear. he knew woohyun had been a big badass back in the day, but after meeting sunggyu he changed so much. sunggyu had almost forgotten he had been a big jerk...but what could woohyun have done that was so bad? he was just a school bully right? maybe he puched this thug in the face during art and this guy was a lunatic and couldn't just forget about it?...no, this thug was crazy...but not that kind of crazy.
"he murdered my little brother. son of a killed my 12 year old brother...he was only 12!! can you believe that?!" he yelled angrily as he stared at woohyun with murderous intent. woohyun didn't say anything, he looked about ready to puke. the guy continued with the story like every good villan. "i swore i would get him back, but i never got the chance. then the year i finally decide to get even he disapears, never thought i would run into him again, until that night.....oh it was just too perfect, i just saw him and i KNEW...for my little brother...i would do the right thing...but then YOU came along and ruined everything." he glared at sunggyu.
sunggyu swallowed.
did woohyun really KILL somebody?? wouldn't woohyun have told him?
no...he suddenly realized...woohyun wouldn't, woohyun would want to keep this hidden forever. hell if sunggyu ever killed someone he doubted he would ever want to talk about it either...
sunggyu's head was spinning out of control, he didn't know what to do. all he knew was that he had to save woohyun...somehow. it didn't matter what he did in the past. everyone made mistakes and there was some that just couldn't be undone.
"where's sungjong? you promised to let him go." sunggyu said getting things back on track.
"i never said i would let him go. i just said if you wanted to see him alive again, to meet me here. i don't break my promises though... bring him!"
sunngyu saw another figure come out of the shadows carring sungjong in his arms. his lip was bleeding. other than that he looked fine, they must have knocked him out cold... he was even snoring lightly. it would have been cute if it weren't for all the 5 thugs ready to possibly kill them all.
"okay, this isn't funny, sungjong has nothing to do with this. just let him go. what do you want to do anyway? beat up a poor defensless kid? you'll be a hipocrite if you do" sunggyu looked cautiously between the thugs, woohyun, and sungjong who was asleep. there had to be a way out of this...
"what do you want me to do? bake you cookies and sing you a lullaby?"
"so you're saying you're going to feed us then knock us out?"
"yeah...something like that." the leader of the gang said and smirked. he snapped his fingers. the guy on his right side brought out a gun and aimed it at sunggy's head.
"sweet dreams."
------------------------------- WOOHYUN:
woohyun watched in horror as the guy in front of him pulled out a gun aimed it straight a sunggyu's head and pulled the trigger. a shuddering bang shot through air and space. finally his past had caught up with him, all the horrible acts he commited in school, all the bullying he had done, like sunggyu had told him before on the first day they had met. the sentence echoed in his head clearly, but this time in the voice of the man who stood smirking before him. 'ever heard of reaping what you sow? this would be a perfect example.' gawd sunngyu, please don't leave me...i'll die without you...please. or at least live alone and take me instead...please...
"you idiot! that was a blank!!" the guy from his old school yelled at his thug buddy. "i told you to switch it! why the hell do you always do stupid like this!!" he went over and hit his buddy so hard he knocked him on the floor. "forget it. i'll do it myself." he said angrily as he opened the chamber of the gun. woohyun looked over at sunggyu who hit the floor on his hands and knees in complete shock, shaking uncontrolably. if no one did something soon. they were going to die for real this time. and woohyun just wouldnt allow that to happen.if his past wanted to come and haunt him, it could do so but WITHOUT sunngyu in the mix, sunggyu had NOTHING to do with this.
plus woohyun had never meant to kill him...honest to god...he was actually very fond of his little brother...he had almost been his first friend...
don't think about that! just...do what you have to do right now. for sunggyu.
woohyun, trembling, got off the floor fast as a cheetah and ripped the gun out of the thugs hands. no one even anticipated the movement, he had probably looked pretty out of it for no one to even anticipate that.
woohyun stood with the pistol now aiming at the rings leaders head, the guy who's little brother he had killed. woohyun's mind was in a state of adrenaline rush, knowing exactly what to do and how to do it.
"hand over sungjong!!" woohyun shouted as he pulled sunggyu off the ground, eyes and pistol glued on the thugs. ready for any attack.
"ing idiot, i'm not scared of you. that pistol is full of blanks!" the leader said walking up to woohyun, ready to fight.
"uhh boss, i loaded the pistol with bullets, there was only one blank...." the guy to his right said, looking at the woohyun in utmost fear.
the leader stopped dead in his tracks, and looked back at his 'buddy'...if looks could kill...
"hand him over now!!!" woohyun yelled. "hand him over or i SWEAR!! i freakn swear, i'll do it, i'll shoot you. you KNOW me!"
honestly woohyun had no idea if he would shoot or not, but right now he was in defense mode. fear made people do some crazy ...
the guy who was carrying sungjong handed him down the line, now the gangs ring leader was holding sungjong, he was about to hand him off to sunggyu when woohyun saw the thug get a glint in his eye, he had come up with a plan. one that woohyun might not be able to win against. this was definetly a battle of the wits now.
the thug kicked sunggyu by surprise and knocked him off his feet. then ran full force at woohyun using sleeping sungjong as a shield. obviously woohyun wouldnt shoot if the guy was holding sungjong.
woohyun ran backwards, trying to get some room and time to think, and at the same time, without woohyuns defense the other thugs grabbed sunggyu hostage and held him back. also using him as a shield.
without a second warning the guy carring sungjong yelled 'catch' twirling in a circle and throwing sleeping sungjong in the air. if woohyun didn't dive now, sungjong would definetly not be okay.
woohyun tossed his gun as far as possible into the depths of the shadows where the trees were and dived forward, hugging sungjong in midair, barley making the catch, sungjong's weight and velocity throwing woohyun back as he hit the floor on his back, getting the air completly knocked out.
sungjong finally aroused from whatever had made him sleep so long.
"unghhh, where am i? ouch...everything hurts..." sungjong whined as he held his face. then his eyes widened, finally noticing he was lying on top of woohyun.
"hyung!! what happened?! are you okay?"
woohyun pushed sungjong off of him as he tried to breathe. sitting up, then quickly remembering sunggyu. he got up and ran to him, not caring about anything else.
sunggyu was now being held at the mercy of the ring leader...
how did he find the gun so fast? how did he even find it in the darkness? woohyun didn't think it would have been possible. ing monster must have night vision.
"watch this woohyun. i'm not gonna kill you first. i'm gonna kill your here friend. right in front of you. so you can feel what it's like to have someone close to you die. then i'll kill you slowly and painfully. okay? now say- bye sunggyu!" he pointed the pistol at sunggyu's head.
"no matter what...i won't forget." sunggyu said directly looking into woohyun's eyes and speaking what could not be spoken in the open. his eyes said; i love you, even if i die, i'll always love you, i'll never forget again...
sunggyu then closed his eyes. readying himself.
the thug put his hand on the trigger.
"no!!!! let him go!! i'll do anything!! please!! he has nothing to do with this!! i'll do anything!! i'll get you money! anything...please....just, NOT HIM..." woohyun said tears welling in his eyes.
"oh-my-god" the ring leader said slowly bringing down the gun and laughing. "....you....you love him don't you? you're deeply and madly in love with him huh? hahahaha well... " the thug said clicking his toungue. "now, it seems things have taken an interesting turn..." he gave a mischiveious laugh. "you know, i can see why you'd fall for him. he is rather cute." the ring leader said searching sunggyu's whole body with his eyes. he handed the gun to his buddy, instucting him to point it at woohyun and not to shoot unless directed. the ring leader then hugged sunggyu from behind and put his lips to sunggyu's ear. "and plus, for woohyun, i WOULD like to make this as painful as possible..."
woohyun wanted to murder the guy as he watched him jerk sunggyu's face around and force a kiss onto sunggyu. sunggyu struggled against the thug, but it was no use, he had his hands resticted. woohyun watched as the guy shoved shoved sunggyu up against the tree. oh NO.
woohyun was on fire. he saw nothing but red. the guy who he had left with the gun had it aimed straight at woohyuns chest, ready to fire in an instant.
the guy took his lips off sunggyu who was desperatley fighting back. "this is getting a much better response than the gun. but i never would have thought his lips would be so sweet " the thug said as he his lips. " i wonder if the rest of him tastes as sweet." he gave a smile so wicked, woohyun wanted nothing more than to shoot him on the spot.
the thug now threw sunggyu on the ground and got on top of him. "no!" sunggyu cried out. the thug grabbed sunggyu's belt and began to it. tears began falling from sunggyu's eyes. he felt dirty in his embrace, he was desperate to get out of his viciously strong hold. but it was no use. "no!!" sunggyu cried out again, about to go insane. this was so wrong...so wrong.
"DON'T. ING. TOUCH. HIM." woohyun snarled again.
"ING WATCH ME." the thug smiled as he pulled down sunggyu's zipper.....
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.