
Woogyu Flashback


sungjong was confused, first he woke up on top of woohyun, then he got shoved off, and some men were holding back sunggyu, one guy had a gun... what the hell? not to mention sungjong's head ached. aishhh. sungjong touched his face, it felt bruised.
he quickly ran and hid in the dark behind some thick bushes, watching the chaos through the tiny holes.
what was going on? what was happening?...that's right. sungjong finally remembered upon seeing the guy who held the gun.
sungjong had been walking behind sunggyu in the middle of a crowd trying to not get caught by thier managers. when that man had grabbed sungjong and begun to pull him away. sungjong screamed, realizing it was a guy he had never seen before, but the guy covered up his mouth, taking him into the nearest dark alley. he lead sungjong out to a waiting van with no windows. sungjong had never been so scared in his life.
the man put sungjong in the back, tied him up, covered up his eyes with a blind fold, and taped his mouth shut, driving quickly away, all of this happening within seconds. after a while they came to an isolated ware house? sungjong guessed. the man had searched through sungjongs pockets and found his cellphone, he took off sungjongs tape from his mouth, sungjong felt the guy press a knife against his throat. the man put a phone against sungjong's ear and told him to ask sunggyu for help. sungjong did as he was told and begged sunggyu to help him. tears rolling down his cheeks.
the man talked to sunggyu soon after and asked him to meet him alone in jamsil park. sungjong tried to warn sunggyu to stay away, that the man was dangerous, but the man smaked sungjong across the face to shut him up. sugjong could feel his lip bleeding, the slap stung his face. that was the first time sungjong ever got hit in his entire life. he was so mad he wanted to rip the guys head off his shoulders, but he knew it wasn't possible. the man hung up the phone, but sungjong began screaming yelling for anyone who could help. then he felt the man painfully grab his wrist, and inject something into his forearm.
that's when sungjong began to loose consciouness and felt himself slip into a quiet darkness.
it had been terrifying, sungjong never thought he would see his freinds ever again. but here they were, they had come to his rescue. but now they needed his help...what could he do?
that's when sungjong saw it. woohyuns cell phone lying a couple feet away from him. if he could reach it he could call the police...he looked back at the others. woohyun was begging the thugs to let sunggyu go. the guy smiled amused and began to force a kiss upon sunggyu, sunggyu was fighting back but the guy was stronger.
sungjong had to do something NOW. but the phone was too far away and out in the open, what if he got noticed?
he looked back up, now the guy had sunggyu pressed up against a tree and was feeling him up, kissing his throat.
sungjong felt the exact same way, that son of a was going to pay for all of this.
then sungjong saw the guy throw sunggyu onto the ground as he got on top of him, sunggyu was crying out loudly, begging him to stop. the guy had his hands positioned on sunggyu's front zipper. his partner had his gun trained on woohyun.
"DON'T. ING. TOUCH. HIM." woohyun yelled.
the thug smiled back. "ING WATCH ME."
NOW. sungjong thought, i have to do this NOW. he raced out in the open just as soon hearing a bullet pierce throught the air. the thug had seen him. sungjong ducked and rolled, grabbing the cell phone and heading for the trees. hiding, he looked back. woohyun was now fighting with the guy who had been messing with sunggyu. the guy with the gun kept looking back to where sungjong had run and back at the two fighting. sunggyu was just standing there looking absolutley terrified.
"SHOOT HIM DAMNITT!!!" the thug who was fighting with woohyun yelled.
RUN SUNGGYU DAMNITT. sungjong thought, his eyes trained on him as he dialed 911 on the phone.
a man quickly answered sungjong's call. sungjong briefly described that an armed man and a thug were asualting some innocent citizen's in jamsil park. the guy thanked him and told him help was nearby. sungjong thanked him back and hung up.
now sungjong saw sunggyu finally came to his senses and begin to run away.
sungjong could see police lights flashing nearby, parking at the enterance. sunjong ran in thier direction...
"where do you think you're going?" a guy suddenly said stepping in front of sungjong and blocking his way. he was flanked by two other guys. they must be accomplices from the guy who had kidnapped him. obviously they hadn't seen the police arrive yet.
"i don't think you want to do this right now." sungjong smirked.
"no, i'm pretty sure we do." the thug said as he cracked his knuckles.
"ah, ah, ah." sungjong said shaking his finger, then pointing in the direction of the police who were now entering the park and closing in quickly in thier direction.
"this ing snitch." the guy on the right muttered, eyeing the phone in sungjongs hand.
"." the guy on the left cursed, abandoning his buddies and making a break for it.
"bye~!" sungjong smiled and waved as he ran off. " hey police! i have some crimminals ready for you right here!!" sungjong yelled as loudly as possible.
the police were almost there.
"next time girly. we'll get you." the guy in the middle threatened as he grabbed the arm from the guy to his right and they ran off together.
"whatever. idiots." sungjong mumbled.
"YAHHH!! STOP WERE YOU ARE!!" the poice officers yelled at the crimminals who kept running further away. one officer pointed his gun in the air and fired off a shot.
one of the thugs froze and looked back.
"KEEP RUNNING AND WE'LL SHOOT YOU DOWN!! STAY WERE YOU ARE!!" one of the officers called. the other two thugs came to a stop as well, coming to a hault with thier knees in the dirt, hands in the air in utter defeat.
sungjong smiled. okay, now for the real threats.
"officer, there's an armed man up this way." sungjong said as he pulled the other officer away while the other one put the thugs in handcuffs.
so far there hadn't been anymore gunshot's, so hopefully woohyun was okay.
woohyun was glad sunggyu had left. now if he died. he could die in peace knowing sunggyu was out of there. out of this sick freaks grasp.
"okay you freakn worthless piece of trash." his old school mate said as he gave woohyun a blow to the stomach. woohyun felt all the air leave his lungs."your boyfriend left you, so i guess he doesn't get to die today. smart choice on his behalf... i guess he doesn't love you like i thought he did, or more he doesn't love you the way you love him... haha. but it doesn't matter, cuz you ARE going to die today..." he crouched down next to woohyun and grabbed his chin.
"so tell me, how do you feel woohyun, now that your past has caught up with you? such a shame too, i hear you are supposed to debut under the same label as epik high as a singer"
"i'm sorry." woohyun intterupted.
"you're...what?" his old school mate said getting up, his buddy still was holding the gun, he snatched it from him.
woohyun heard a gunshot in the distance. all three of them looked in the direction of the noise, noticing red white and blue lights flashing at the enterance of the park.
"what did you just say?" the guy said as he nudged woohyun with the tip of the gun.
"i said i'm sorry... don't get me wrong. i'm not sorry to YOU in ANYWAY.. i'm sorry twords your brother, i'm sorry to all the people i bullied in school. i didn't mean to...push him that far...i didn't know that it would have ended that way. honestly i liked your brother...a lot. like a friend almost. that's why i bugged him the most. he was just so nice, even though i bullied him, he wouldn't ask me why. instead he would ask me if everything was okay...he cared for some reason. i began to warm up to him. and i hated that, because i was supposed to be the outcast. i wasn't supposed to FEEL. but he made me feel."
"are you saying you LOVED my brother?"
woohyung shrugged. " maybe i didn't know at the time. maybe i didn't realize till now, but to a certain extent yes. i did love your brother. but i hated him too."
"you ing queer." his old school mate said as he pointed the gun at him once again. but woohyun didn't care, he had this in his heart for so damn long, he NEEDED to talk about it.
" i didn't mean to kill him. honest to god. that night at school he stopped me from making the biggest mistake in my life...see, i was waiting on the school rooftop ready to jump off and commit suicide. but he stopped me. he somehow knew what i was going to do. he somehow knew where i was...he hugged from behind by surprise just as i was ready to let go, and begged me to not listen to what people said, to forget all the crap and just live on. he begged me to LIVE. even if i kept bullying him, even if i stayed hating him and the rest of the world. he said it would be okay, because life was only once, and death was forever...never would i have known we would have traded places that night... he tried to help me off the edge but a strong wind came and made him lose his balance, he fell over the edge... i grabbed onto his hand but i was slipping too... he said it was okay. he said that he knew i tried. he said he knew i was a good person all along. then he let go... and my world just became that much darker...till someone similar came along."
"someone like my brother?" the thug said looking at woohyun through hating eyes.
"that person, you sick bastard, that you almost , is the mirror image of your brother."
"did you talk to him? look him in the eyes and talk to him, then tell me it's bull." woohyun spat.
then the thug just sat down and cried. his buddy looked sad.
"just get the hell out of my sight, before i change my damn mind and kill you! shoot you up till theres nothing left!!"
woohyun didn't have to be told twice. he got up and ran. he ran in the direction sunggyu had gone in, maybe he could catch up to him. sunggyu needed woohyun, and woohyun definetly needed sunggyu...
as he looked back once more over his shoulder he noticed flashing lights in the distance and two figures running to the spot where he had just been.
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.