The Great Escape

Woogyu Flashback


the seven boys walked into the dance studio throwing thier backpacks into the usual corner at the far end of the studio opposite to the couch.
they immediatley began streching getting ready for endless hours of vigorous dance practice.
it had now turned 6am and the boys waited for thier dance instructor to come in the door, he was always punctual never a second late or early.
"that's odd.." hoya said first. seeing that the room still didnt contain their dance instructor.
no one else said anything but waited. five minutes passed....still no instructor.
"yahhhh. i think he died." sungyeol whispered high enough for everyone to hear.
woohyun laughed. "you're dumb, he's probably just stuck in traffic or something."
"yeah. or maybe he's just running late." hoya chimed in. but it sounded impossible. the instructor was much to professional for that kind of behavior.
15 minutes passed. still no dance teacher....
suddenly they heard footsteps approaching from the hallway. they looked expectantly at the open door.
it was the secretary from the front desk.
all the members stood and bowed. "annyeong haseyo.~" they all said polietly. it was the first time they ever saw her out of her main position.
she bowed in response as well. "annyeong haseyo." she came up from the bow and continued. "i came to inform you guys that your dance instructor will not be able to make it today. he had a run in with some potential sponsers for a dance program and was scheduled a meeting out of the blue.
"so what do we do? practice on our own? or did he tell us we could leave?" woohyun asked.
"he said to practice on your own until the usual time." the secretary replied.
"okay~." the members responded dissapointedly.
she raised a hand into a fist encouragingly and smiled "hwaiting." then she left the way she had come.
sungyeol went and closed the door behind her.
"damnit. for a second there i almost got hopeful, thinking that he would give us a break." woohyun said taking his position in front of the mirror.
sungyeol kept going past his usual positon and went to his back pack at the far end of the room. he took something out then made his way to the door next to the couch.
"yah. what are you doing?" sunggyu asked from his position. now all eyes were on sungyeol.
sungyeol put a finger to his lips making a 'shhhhhh' sound even though the room was soundproof...he inserted a key into the handle.
what the heck was he doing?
"yahhh." sunggyu said wide eyed looking at sungyeol.
sungyeol ignored him.
how the heck did he even get the key to the back door? sungjong thought. it had been locked since day one. he had almost forgot they even had another exit from the room.
sungyoel smiled and motioned at his fellow members to follow him. every one just stared at him.
woohyun was the first to move. he followed sungyeol as he hesitantly turned the handle on the door. it opened.
"pssstt! what the hell are you two doing?!" sunggyu said wide eyed.
"come on hyung! let's escape!" woohyun said coming over pleading, and taking one of sunggyu's hands in his own. sungyeol was peeking out the door and giggling excitedly.
sunggyu looked very tempted but answered back weakly. "we can't...what if they find us missing? we'll all get in trouble. we could get kicked out..."
sungjong looked at the door. thier freedom only 10 feet away.if they left for a couple hours they could come back and then leave through the front doors. no one would suspect a thing. no one had ever checked on them before, even when they had no supervision. why start now?
"i'm going." sungjong said outloud to no one in particular. he made his way to the door confidently not caring to see if anyone followed him or not.
he was already outside half a block away when he heard footsteps run and catch up with him.
"so, where are we going first?" he heard a voice say behind him, he turned and saw who it was, it was myungsoo. the one who always questioned everything and always acted with caution was following sungjong first on an a escape mission to have fun? sungjong laughed.
"hyung aren't you scared of being caught?" sungjong asked in surprise.
myungsoo shrugged "i thought it would be good for you to have some company. plus, now i can spend some quality time with the maknae." he smiled and put put his arm around sungjongs shoulder. "besides...we're friends now and friends stick together. i mean you've had everyone's back ever since you got here, it's time for the hyungs to start acting like a hyung and do the same."
sungjong smiled. myungsoo was definetly like a cool older brother he never had but wanted.
he heard more footsteps come up behind. both myungsoo and the maknae turned to see the rest of the members approaching, everyone pushing sunggyu forward he finally stopped protesting and put his hands in the air for surrender.
"fine~. let's go. but we have to get back before midnight." he said with a firm and serious expression, making sure they all understood.
"yay!!!" sungyeol choding jumped in the air and spun around doing a jump. "freedom baby!! WOOHOOO~!!!"
"hey we're not that far from the building yet! keep it down!" sunggyu whisper screamed, looking around anxiously to see if they had been caught.
"oh, right sorry." sungyeol said then he skipped to where myungsoo and sungjong were and hooked his arm through sungjongs, they began marching together, myungsoo caught up and likned his arm through sungjongs other arm. the other members ran to meet them and all linked their arms together too. once they were far away from the company they started singing super junior sunbaenim's song miracle.
"life couldn't get betterrrrrr~!"
"were to now?" myungsoo asked his honey dew melon popsicle. it was still cold outside but he insisted on buying one. then after watching him eat it, it looked so delicious that everyone ended up buying one too.
"hyung. you should be in a popsicle CF. everyone would immediatley head out and buy one." sungjong said.
the members laughed and and nodded in agreement.
"hey let's go to lotte world!!" sungyeol suggested getting back to the situation at hand, jumping up and down.
"it's too far, and the lines are long. we need a whole day to go to lotte world." sunggyu said shaking his head.
the choding frowned dissapointed.
"what's that?" asked dongwoo suddenly, looking into the distance and pointing at a street that seemed to be filling with people. happy music could be heard blaring from speakers.
everyone headed to see what was going on.
" it's a festival!!"sungjong said hanging onto dongwoo's shirt once they broke into the crowd. "let's hang out here!!"
"what festival is it?" myungsoo asked as they passed games and food stall vendors heading deeper into the crowd.
"pshhh. who cares?" said sungyeol looking around wide eyed with a big fat smile on his face. he looked around at all the food not sure where to head first.
"yah. if you guys want to split up that's fine. but at least have one member with you. i don't want you guys running into trouble or getting lost by yourself." sunggyu said turning his attention from the surrounding games to the members.
they all nodded. it had been hard enough to bring sunggyu without any conditions, this condition was nothing.
sungjong went with hoya myungsoo and sungyeol who wanted to get some food.
woohyun and sunggyu (obviously) headed out together with dongwoo. the three oldest leaving thier dongsaengs while heading to some games
"wahhhhh." sungjong said patting his belly satisfied. they had eaten some amazing grilled beef kalbi and were now sitting on some steps sipping a non-alcoholic cocktail thingy in bags they bought at a nearby stall as they waited for thier food to settle.
"seriously, seeing all this makes me want to cry." sungyeol said looking at the passing kids with thier families, all laughing together. "i already miss my family so much....i dunno if i can take it much longer...we'll never be able to be like these normal kids once we debut. it'll all be different....gahhh i miss them..." his eyes were actually getting teary sungjong noted. he went over and put his arm around his choding friend.
"it's okay. if it's for our dreams. plus we have each other. and once we debut you'll be able to see your family. don't worry." sungjong was soothingly rubbing his back.
"i swore to my parents i wouldnt come back till i succeeded." hoya said speaking up. he was looking at the night sky filled with colorful lanterns reminising. "i havent seen them in a whole year...." his expression was filled with sadness and longing. "i will definetly succeed for them so i can return a good son... one they can be proud of."
sungjong looked at hoya. he was perfect. how could a any parent not be proud of him? he was smart, good looking, witty, cool, chic, talented in singing, dancing, and rap, he was good at sports. he had a well rounded personality.
"you're an amazing guy hoya. i'm sure your parents are proud of you." myungsoo said taking a sip of his drink, voicing out sungjongs thoughts.
"my parents were always against me and my dreams of becoming a singer. they hated the idea of it. they wanted me to be a sports player or doctor, heck they'd rather see me as a janitor or anything else then a singer.... they think i'm being ridiculous." hoya said shaking his head.
myungsoo put his arm around hoya. "actually, i have the same problem with my family. but they've been slowly changing thier mind ever since i got accepted into wooliment....i'm sure your parents will come around...let's work hard so we can blow thier minds out of thier skulls once we debut. yeah?"
hoya cracked a smile. "sounds like an idea."
suddenly a boom came from the sky and they looked up. people had started shooting fireworks, the colors dissapating in plumes of pink, yellow, green, purple, and red. it was a beautiful scene. more fireworks followed. sungjong smiled. he felt warm inside besides the cold chill. whenever the members talked like this he felt that they were the one thing he had never really had in life. friends, almost like family. he hugged sungyeol and put his head on his shoulder.
little kids ran around screaming and yelling "wahhhh!! so pretty!!!" pointing at the sky as the fireworks became more grand.
suddenly someone grabbed sungjong and sungyeol from behind and yelled "boo!"
"aaaAHHHHHHH~!!!!!" sungjong screamed loudly letting out a girlier than girly scream as he was caught off gaurd. sungyeol screamed in surprise too but it wasn't nearly as high pitched. it was like the difference between big bang's t.o.p. and a dolphin on crack.
the three hyungs dongwoo, woohyun, and sunggyu burst into laughter after having succeded in such a glorious reaction.
"haha you should have seen your guy's faces!" dongwoo said pointing a finger at them cracking up.
"yah!! my liver almost fell out!!" sungyeol yelled while clutching his chest.
the hyungs just laughed harder.
"i don't think the liver is located there." woohyun laughed.
"hey! it's not funny." sungjong said madly. embarassed from his super girly scream. a few people had turned to look but thankfully had gone back to enjoying thier festivities.
"calm down it was just a joke." woohyun said trying to comfort the maknae.
"besides, what are you guys doing? theres a ton of fun games and you guys are just lounging around?" sunggyu said sitting on the steps, he was holding a big white fluffy stuffed teddy bear.
"hahahahaha.~" sungjong laughed outloud once he got sight of it, not able to hold it in. her never would been able to imagine the leader holding a stuffed animal. most of the time he looked like a charasmatic strong character sometimes even scary. but right now he almost looked around as scary as sungyeol choding.
"what are you laughing at?" sunggyu asked feeling suspicion.
sungjong shook his head. "nothing hyung." he pursed his lips to keep from laughing again.
"what the heck is so funny?" sunggyu asked again, knowing it had to be involved with him since sungjong was avoiding his gaze.
"sorry hyung. it's just that the teddy bear really suits you." sungjong said letting out a laugh again. now the other members were having trouble not laughing. sungjong smiled, seeing an opportunity to get revenge and take the spotlight away from his embarassing moment.
"yah. don't get the wrong idea. i got it as a prize from the shooting booth. i got a perfect score and this was the prize." he scrunched up his nose.
"well it really suits you hyung." sungjong got up and snatched it from sunggyu. "sunggyu-oppa... saranghae~ muahhh~" he made it look like the bear was talking and made it attack sunggyu with a 'make out session'.
"ya-" sunggyu's started to say with a mouth full of fuzz. the members finally couldnt take it anymore and burst out laughing.
sungjong laughed but when he saw sunggyu reach for him sungjong ran, the leader took off after him and chased him through the crowd. the other members cheered sungjong on as he ran from the leader, sungjong sung out in a high pitched voice.
"oppa!! MUAHHH~ teddy bear say's hiiii~!"
soon, another three blocks away. sunggyu caught up to sungjong who had colapsed by a wall laughing his off.
"you think you're funny?" sunggyu said amused while spitting out some fluff.
"yes, hyung. i think i'm hilarious." sungjong flashed a quirky smile. it's not like the leader would kick his for something so trivial right? it was all in good fun.
"ahhh, this kid..." sunggyu said looking around a family was passing by. he offered the maknae his hand and helped him up. sungjong was still holding the teddy bear.
"here hyung." he held up the bear. "oppa joahae~" he made the teddy bear whisper.
sunggyu tried to keep a smile from invading his face. "keep it. it looks better when you hold it."
"but hyung you earned it." sungjong said looking up at sunggyu. winning the biggest prize for the shooting game was hard. only perfect scores got the big bears. that meant sunggyu had had to shoot at the smallest target one hundred times in a row without missing a single one.
"it suits you." sunggyu said as he ruffled his hair. "keep it. as a gift. okay?"
sungjong felt his heart beat faster. sunggyu's touch made him smile and a faint blush painted his cheeks. "ok hyung. thanks!" he gave a quick bow not leaving his manners behind.
they walked the three blocks back but the stairs were now empty the members must have gone else where.
sunggyu dialed woohyuns number.
"yah, where are you guys?...are you freakn serious? omaigosh. what? ok, i'll tell him. stay were you are. we're coming."
"what happened?" sungjong asked.
"they spotted our manager at the festival. this is not good. we need to leave now." sungjong and sunggyu quickly began making thier way through the crowd. suddenly sungjong felt a hand on his shoulder.
"where do you think you're going?" a voice asked.
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.