
Woogyu Flashback


sungjong arrived with the police officer back at the scene where he had left woohyun and sunggyu, but the two were nowhere in sight. only the two thugs remained, one of them (the one who had kidnapped him) was blubbering like a baby, and his friend was consoling him.
"that's the guy who tried to shoot my friends, and that's the guy who kidnapped me. " sungjong pointed out. the officer nodded, the two thugs let themself be hancuffed as the police read them thier miranda rights.
sungjong wondered where woohyun and sunggyu had gone. hopefully the two were okay...oh well, no use getting lost himself, those two were smart enough on thier own to get back home or figure something out.
"are you gonna be alright?" the police officer asked sungjong.
"yeah i think so." sungjong nodded. other than his bruised face he felt alright.
"need a lift anywhere?" the officer offered.
"mmmm...yeah actually, can you take me home?" sungjong asked. he longed to be there. not back at his old home with his...family, but his new home, at the dorm, with his precious friends who felt more like family than anything else at the moment. he already missed them.... a LOT.
the officer ruffled his hair. "sure thing kiddo. and thanks for catching these guys for us, they've been on our records for quite a while now, always causing disturbances in neighborhoods, getting into gang fights, destroying personal property... mugging people."
sungjong nodded. "it was nothing. just glad everything turned out okay."
the officer smiled.
finally they went back to the police cars out in front of the park where the other officer was waiting with the rest of the criminals. the officers exchanged information. one officer took all the criminals custody and the other one drove sungjong home.
"thanks again officer and goodnight." sungjong said as he closed the door to the cruiser and bounded up the stairs in a rush to get inside.
uh-oh...was the first thing that came into sungjong's head as he opened the door.
there waiting for him was a quiet sungyeol, a sulky myungsoo, a chastized looking dongwoo, a worried hoya, and a pacing angry manager.
sungjong swallowed...he had come back alone and had no idea were sunggyu and woohyun were. all three of them were sooooo ed.
sungjong sighed inwardly as he closed the door behind him.
all eyes were on him. the manager approached him, gaze cold and unforgiving....
"sunggyu!!!" woohyun called out as he ran across the park. damnit. why the hell was it so freakn big? sunggyu could be anywhere by now... he tried to call him after searching for a few minutes but then he realized he didn't have his cell phone. it must have fallen out of his pocket somehow...
"sunggyu!!! please! where are you!?!? i know you're scared but i swear, everythings okay now!!! we can go home!!" woohyun felt like an idiot yelling out into the open air at nobody...at least the park was empty and no one was staring at him like he was a mad man.
"sunggyu!!!!please..i need to know that you're okay...sunggyu!!!...i need you" woohyun whispered the last part. as he leaned against a tree and punched it. maybe the thug was right...maybe he did need sunggyu a lot more than sunggyu needed him...and now that sunggyu knew about his past...would he even accept him? knowing that he killed someone?
he felt exhaused suddenly and let himself slide down the side of the tree, picking at the grass. angry at himself. "stupid nature."
woohyun felt a tear roll down his cheek, he threw the grass and put his head between his knees closing his eyes tight. "aishh... sunggyu, i don't deserve to be with you."
suddenly woohyun looked up feeling a presence nearby. it was sunggyu.
"oh thank god woohyun!! you're okay!! i'm so sorry for leaving you!!" sunggyu said spotting woohyun and running up to him. "i was so scared, i wasn't thinking straight, i tried to go back but got lost....i'm so sorry, i'm the worst friend ever..." sunggyu's eyes widened when he say the tears in woohyun's eyes.
"oh woohyunnie..." sunggyu sat next to him and embraced him in a hug. then began to explore him for injures. "are you hurt? where does it hurt?"
woohyun just shook his head. as he tried to hide his face so sunggyu couldn't see the tears anymore.
"woohyun talk to me please...i'm sorry..." sunggyu said trying to wipe woohyun's tears.
"you're sorry? hah, i'm the one who killed someone, and you're sorry?" woohyun said in disgust at himself. "i should have let that thug have me when he had the chance..."
"woohyun, don't ever say that. EVER. your life is valuable, so many people around you love you, don't you know that? what would our group be without you? what would I do without you?" sunggyu grabbed woohyun's face in his hands so he had to look into his eyes. "woohyun listen. I LOVE YOU."
woohyun's heart skipped like 3 beats, no scratch that, he felt as if his heart stopped all together. how could sunggyu love him despite everything? was it right? hell did it matter? sunggyu still loved him!!! they hasd't officially begun to date or anything after sunggyu regained his memories. they always fooled around, but this was by far the best thing woohyun had ever heard. those three magical words. I LOVE YOU.
woohyun smiled, "i love you too." sunggyu smiled back, a breathtakingly beautiful smile, then he slowly closed in on woohyuns lips. thier eyes closing on contact. the kiss was even more amazing than all thier past kisses combined, every inch of sunggyu's body seemed to be screaming I LOVE YOU, as he gently pushed woohyun onto the ground. sunggyu prolonged thier kiss, then he whispered, his lips brushing against woohyun's.
"woohyun, please make me forget. make me forget all the crap that happened back there...woohyun..." sunggyu swallowed as he gave woohyun another mindblowing kiss. "woohyun, tonight, make me yours."
woohyun nodded, feeling his body on fire. then they sealed the deal with another kiss...
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.