
Woogyu Flashback


sunggyu felt like crap. all night out in the freezing cold and he could barley twitch a finger. he headed to the coffee pot where coffee was already brewing, thank god for sungyeol and his addiction to coffee. that kid was so young yet he knew the taste of coffee better than a barista. always driking his fancy gourmet stuff. but at this moment sunggyu could care less, all he wanted was something hot.
with shaky hands he poured himself a cup. he didn't even bother to put sugar in it and drank it in one shot. soon after he started started coughing up a storm. his throat not ready to recieve all that liquid and warmth.
"geez hyung, don't kill yourself." sungyeol said with distaste as he walked out of the bathroom.
"is everyone else still asleep?" sunggyu asked as he gave another painful cough.
"yeah. why?"
"just wondering." cough.
sunggyu left sungyeol to his coffee and opened his door just a smidge. a smile almost came on his face. woohyun was asleep on his bed snoring softly. he looked so peaceful, it was almost cute. good thing he hadn't slept outside in vain. maybe after getting a taste of real sleep he would stop being stubborn and sleep in the room.
*cough cough* "I'm fine." *cough cough* "really!" *cough*
"you're gonna get every one else sick too sunggyu, now when you get up there take some medicine. we'll see how you're feeling tomorrow."
"no but's! now GO." the manager pushed sunggyu out of the van infront of the dorm. sunggyu frowned. he hated losing any practice time. he still felt so lacking.
sunggyu coughed his way up the stairs. man, he was freezing. he felt his forehead. it was beaded with sweat.
once inside the dorm he looked for some medicine, but he found nothing. man not even a cough drop or tylenol? really??
maybe one of the members had some in thier backpacks.
he searched all but found nothing. then he eyed one more backpack in the living room...woohyuns backpack...
woohyun would probably MURDER him if he found out he touched his backpack. oh well, he felt like he was dying anyway.
he slowly approached the bag and searched it....just some clothes in the biggest pocket. he checked the 2nd biggest pocket...naw just some comics...the smaller pocket maybe?. He felt a square box.
haha, BINGO. sunggyu smiled triumphantly and brought it out, wait. this wasn't was a black box for jewlery? something in sunggyu's brain was buzzing. he felt the need to open it up.
he looked around him feeling like someone would come in through the door any moment, even though he knew the guys wouldnt be back from practice for a couple more hours...
woohyun walked into the dorm with a stupid bottle of pills that the manager forced him to bring for sunggyu.
stupid manager must have it out for him he thought bitterly as he opened the door.
"why are you touching my stuff?" woohyun said walking over upon seeing sunggyu going through his backpack.
sunggyu looked over wide eyed at woohyun, and quicky zipped it back up.
"sorry, i was just looking to see if you had any medicine, i can't find any anywhere."
"i'm sorry, i didn-"
woohyun snatched his bag from sunggyu and headed back outside. screw this, maybe he should just drop out of the group and pay the stupid fees. it would be better than seeing sunggyu every ing day, acting as if nothing ever happened.
gawd. and why did he feel guilty right now? like he was the one in the wrong instead of sunggyu? sure sunggyu was sick but that gave him no right to touch his stuff. plus he had done alot more damage than could ever be undone.
woohyun threw the pills across the lot, and made it to the end of the block, then he couldn't take it anymore, and he sat on the corner and cried.
-------------- NEW YEARS EVE-SUNGJONG:
sunggyu and sungjong once again stayed a bit late for dance practice. when they came back to the dorm the rest of the members were all in the living room laughing and playing some game that involved drawing on each others faces with a black marker.the only one who had no drawings on his face was sungyeol. apparently, the current champion of the game. he was doing a hillarious victory dance across the living room floor. sungyeol then whipped out a camera and began taking pictures of the losers.
"muahheheheheehe~" he laughed evily.
sungjong looked at his hyungs and bit back a laugh.
"i'm off to bed" sungyuu said to no one in particular, and shut the door to his room.
the 5 looked up and saw sungjong looking at them.
"are you hungry?" dongwoo asked sungjong, standing up and steering him to the couch.
"yeah." sungjong replied.
"good we are too... me and woohyun will pay for everyone." he said ruffling sungjongs hair with a smile. "it'll be our new years gift for everyone." he turned to sungyeol "your face is clean, go to the store and get everyone some food."
"awwwww. i'm supposed to be the champion." sungyeol whinned.  "the losers should have to go with thier new makeovers. it'll make the punishment funnier." sungyeol giggled.
"how about we do another game?" woohyun suggested. "whoever loses has to go get the food, but they get to chose a partner to take with them. if the loser turns out to be sungyeol you also have to get your face drawn on, as well as going to get the food."
sungyeol choding smiled, this was exactly his style. "you're on. let's do it."
"hey, but don't the rules of the syllabus say that we can't go out after 7pm without permission?" myungsoo questioned.
"what? we have rules like that?" dongwoo said his eyes widening.
"awww, it's just around the corner~ don't be so lame." sungyeol said whinning. "how could we in trouble? we'll be back quick as a flash. plus how would our manager know, it's not like he's here right now. i mean sungjong and sunggyu just got here, and they aren't in trouble." the other members started slowly nodding.
"yeah, but sunggyu had told the managers they would be late." hoya reasoned, but took one look at sungyeols determinded face and sighed "fine.~"
and for the first time that night, sungyeol lost the game but he chose myungsoo to go get the food with him.
myungsoo glared at him with his drawn on mustache, unibrow, and panda eyes. "i hate you."
"love you too." sungyeol giggled without realizing the members were drawing tiny es all over his face. "what are you guys drawing anyway?" sungyeol asked.
"oh, just teddy bears, and unicorns." dongwoo lied. hoya laughed. myungsoo gave an extremly satisfied smirk. woohyun sympethetically drew a ty looking teddy bear.
then the two went off to get the food, while the rest of the members set up the plates and brought out the drinks.
when the two finally returned with the food everyone took a seat.
"SUNGGYU!! FOODS HERE!!" dongwoo yelled.
sungyuu came out of his room. the only spots available on the floor were next to hoya and myungsoo or dongwoo and woohyun.
"dongwoo, hand me my plate i'm hungry." sunggyu said while looking at the game he was playing on his phone.
he unconciously made his way twords the empty spot next to woohyun and dongwoo. woohyun stared at him.
the two had been avoiding each other really well up till now. everyone watched wide eyed and became quiet wondering what would happen next.
"what? am i too late? did they eat everything?" sunggyu asked looking up from his phone.
then he noticed why everyone was silent. staring. waiting. he looked at woohyun unsure of what to do since he was already sitting. he looked like he wanted to get up and sit in the other spot, but at the same time, resented that thought, if he got up, it would be a defeat in his pride.
woohyun who sat there at first, was probably thinking the same things. no matter what, the two would rather die, then get up and move before the other one did.
dongwoo quickly served sungyuu a plate of food and placed it front of him assesing the situation and trying to move things along. hopefully they would just eat and ignore each others presence.
but just as sungyuu was about to place the chopsticks in his food, the plate before him vanished. he looked up at the culprit.
woohyun was holding it up in his left hand and was now standing, looking down at the leader.
"i paid for this, i get to choose who eats it." woohyun said. sungjong did a mental facepalm. couldn't woohyun let it go just this once? i mean come on. it would be so much easier if they could all get along. why do this?
dongwoo then got up trying to keep things under control."i paid for it too. it's supposed to be for everyone.... just give him the plate. quit messing around." 
sungjong hoped that would be the end of that. but of course, no such luck.
"i'll give you the money, if that's your problem." sungyuu simply stated. probably thinking that fighting all the time wouldnt get them any where. maybe he even wanted to truce and become friends?
"why are you acting so arrogant all the freakn time? it's not about money! damnit sunggyu!!" woohyun yelled.
"i'm not acting arrogant! i'm trying to figure out why the hell you hate me so much!" sungyuu yelled back standing up from his spot, finally cracking. "i just dont understand you! do you want me to hate you too?" sungyuu retorted.
then something most unexpected happened. the 5 members all gasped, and a solo dongwoo said "what the ?" they didnt know weather to laugh, scream, hug, or call a therapist, because woohyun had just done the unexpected. woohyun had kissed sungyuu, ON THE LIPS. there in front of everyone, without warning. woohyun had grabbed sunggyuu by his shirt into an angry kiss not too long... or short.
after they broke apart. woohyun backed up almost falling over sungyeol, registering what he had just done.
sungyuu's eye's were as big as sungjong thought they could ever get, like a normal persons when they are just scanning a newspaper. it was almost funny. his mouth opened then closed, then opened again with out saying anything.
woohyun shoved the plate of food into sunggyu's hands, and ran out of the living room, running into the night. "what the heck just happened??" hoya said outloud... then burst into uncontralable laughter.
this was just so... wierd.
the rest of the members joined in, some of them even at the point of tears....
sunggyu stood there dazed, then after coming back to his senses he set the plate of untouched food on the floor, then he ran out of the living room in pursuit of woohyun.
"guy's should we be worried right now?" sungjong said outloud. but no one heard him and kept on laughing.
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.