Pleased To Meet You

Woogyu Flashback

the next couple of weeks at school woohyun tried to avoid sunggyu at all costs. it wasnt that hard since they only had one class together. he had been skipping last period ever since. he felt so wierd after the kiss. the first time it had been bad enough. he thought maybe he had been crazy,that he had been thinking too much, but the second kiss had confirmed something. something woohyun didnt want to allow himself to think. was he really attracted to the same ? 

he shook the thought out of his head. but his thoughts kept coming back like a boomerang. lot's of girls had liked him and always sent him confession letters even though they knew he was a big jerk. but no girls had ever even slightly captured his attention, he just thought it was because he was picky, or all the girls at the school werent good enough for him. it was probably true but, so were the other thoughts he kept having.... 

apart from that, what bugged him the most was that he kept replaying the kiss in his head over and over, wondering what mp3 guy had felt. he looked unphased the first time, the second time, he had more of a reaction but not that much....
why did he keep thinking about that stupid guy? it couldnt be possible he liked him right? he had only known him for a day and they would have ended up killing each other if not for that little....incident.

maybe it was because mp3 boy had a pretty face. prettier than anybody he had seen at school, so that's why his feeling's were all mixed up. 
aughhh, what if the guy was totally over the kisses and didnt even remember them? while he sat there like a girl disecting every little detail and making a critical analysis? this was pathetic, he needed to get his mind off the kiss. 

it was currently lunch time and everyone was either in the commons or outside. he headed to the only place he knew could help him take his mind off things. it was always isolated at this time, he headed to the music room in the school basement. it was quiet down there not a single soul in sight. the lights were dim and the air felt much cooler.

he turned the knob to the door and went inside closing it shut behind him. woohyun took a cd out of his backpack before setting it on the floor, he sauntered over to the the stereo system and inserted the cd. the best thing about the music room was that it was sound proof so nobody would hear him in here. he the mic and tested it, adjusting the familiar soundboard. woohyun used to come here everyday, but hadnt come recently. it was a good feeling, like coming back to your home after going on an extended vacation. 

he left the lights dim and pushed play. the song started, it was one of his favorites, I miss you by a ballad group called noel.      (yeah i know this wasnt released till like 2011, whatever lol ignore)

he sang heartfelt, his whole being completley consumed by the song, he forgot about the rest of his worries, closing his eyes, singing passionatley, feeling the sorrowful lyrics. when the song was over he realized he was crying. he let the rest of the tracks play and lay down on a couch in the corner of the room. he covered himself with his own sweater, closed his eyes...not bothering to wipe his tear stained cheeks and soon fell fast asleep..
sunggyu was about to head into the music room, he had hung out there a couple of times now during lunch and no one ever seemed to go there, but as he had opened the door this time around he heard a soft ballad spill out. he quickly closed the door, wondering if his secret place wasnt so secret after all.
after waiting out in the hallway for about 10 minutes he decided that he would just ask the person inside if they could share the room during lunch, or maybe come up with a agreement and divide up days were each would use the music room.

he slipped inside and looked up at the stage but didnt see anyone, the lights were pretty low. he quietly closed the door behind him. as he walked in further he made out a figure lying down on a couch in the corner of the room. was someone there sleeping? 
he walked to the figure.

"punk?" he said out loud, he knew the guys name was woohyun, but for some reason couldnt bring himself to say it. if woohyun was gonna keep calling him mp3 then sunggyu wouldnt call him by his name either. he just wished he could come up with a better nick name. maybe jerkface, catapult, or tantrum would suit him better.

...tantrum didnt even budge. sunggyu crouched next to him ready to yell in his ear when he noticed his face was streaked with tears. he was taken aback, surprised that this guy apparently did have feelings, and could even cry . hmmmmm...but why would the badass jerk face be in this room all alone at lunch, and even better yet, why had he been crying? 

lunch would be over in 30 minutes, if he left him there like this and the next class came in, he would be humiliated. for some reason he couldn't find it in his heart to just walk away. no matter how much he hated him. he just felt wrong to do it. he contemplated what had made this cold person cry, or who made him cry. could there be such a person? if there was he never wanted to meet them. 

instead of waking him, sunggyu just sat in the room leaning against the wall listening to the music, every once in a while sneeking peeks in woohyuns direction to see if he was awake. sunggyu was amazed at the music choices, they were all amazing tracks, all ballads, and he knew every single one of them.

after 15 minutes of bobbing his head to the music, he decided he should sing at least sing one, since that was why he had come in the first place. he didnt think woohyun would wake up. he looked like a deep sleeper.
sunggyu walked over to the stage and scanned through the songs. he stopped on number 4, it was currently his favorite song. nothing better by brown eyed soul. he closed his eyes. feeling the music, then he started singing.
woohyun had been in a deep sleep when a sweet voice roused him from his slumber.
"nothing better...nothing better~ than you~" 

he sat up, how long had he been asleep? he wiped his face remembering what had happened. he looked up to the stage where the person was singing.
he was really good, he had never heard anyone sing so well, he sounded pro... 
his sleepy eyes adjusted and he had to rub his eyes to make sure he wasnt day dreaming. 
mp3 was up at the stage singing looking like a ing angel all perfect and beautiful.
GAWD NO. had he seen him in there sleeping? maybe not....what if he could sneek out and avoid him? 
but the door was right in his line of vision....he looked back at sunggyu, he was immersed in the song...his eyes closed. 
maybe if he was really quiet... woohyun crept to the door only remembering his backpack just as his hand closed around the doornob.

"i see you woke up."

woohyun heard mp3 say as he stopped singing and spoke into the mic. sunggyu put down the mike and was walking towards him. what should he do? should he run? he couldnt hide. that was for sure. but he would have to ditch his back pack and cd. in the end he decided against it. if he did that he would just look like he was intimidated by sunggyu and he was not about to give him that kind of power. so he just stayed put.

"why are you here?" asked sunggyu.

"why are you here?" woohyun answered the question with a question.

"i asked you first."said sunggyu.

"fair enough... i came to sing ... what about you?" woohyun said eyeing sunggyu cautiously.

"i also came to sing...but are you sure you did? or did you just come to take a nap? or are you maybe hiding from someone?" sungyyu asked now standing directly in front of woohyun. 
woohyun felt himself panick, he couldnt possibly know that he was trying to avoid him could he? 
sunggyu put his hand on woohyuns shoulder. woohyun felt himslef blush at his touch, good thing it was dark.

"woohyun. i know you were crying earlier" his expression didnt look teasing. he looked sincere like he wanted to know why so he could help or at least listen to whatever woohyun needed to get off his chest.
woohyun almost laughed, he couldnt help the smile that overtook his face "my parent's died last night, my brother's selling drugs on the side, and my hamster developed diabetes" 

sunggyu just stared at him he opened his mouth then closed it not knowing what to say.
woohyun then couldnt help it and laughed out loud.
"that's along the lines of what you wanted to hear right?" woohyun said as he pushed past sunggyu and made his way to his backpack.

"no....why would i want to hear someones miserable life story? i may not like you, but i dont wish for your misery..." sunggyu said in a surprising response to woohyun. woohyuns eyes narrowed. was he trying to come across as some kind of saint now?

"well, whatever. no misery here." woohyun hitched his back pack onto his shoulder.

"so....why were you crying then?"

woohyun looked at sunggyu utterly confused. why should he care? didnt he hate him? suddenly in surprise to his own self he heard himself answer back as if possesed by the truth.

"i was singing a song, and the lyrics just...." woohyun shrugged. "anyway, no big life crisis or anything like that. just me getting overly sentimental about a song." he didnt know why he was telling sunggyu all this. or why they werent fighting, but he felt tired at the moment. maybe he didnt have to be fighting all the time.

the soft sweet music playing softly in the background and the dim lights just made the atmosphere seem too nice for any fighting. he could almost imagine him and sunggu sipping some tea together then taking a nap on the couch like buddies. 
sometimes atmosheres like this brought out sides of people they never even knew they had. 
sunggyu must have been thinking the same things because he said. "i dont feel like fighting. at least for now..... let's be friends." he extended his hand.

woohyun pictured himself slapping it away and laughing at his expense but once again as if posessed, saw himself hesitantly reaching out and then taking the guy's hand. shaking it in agreement. sunggyu smiled.

"so. you sing?" sunggyu said heading back to the stage and picking up the microphone. he switched the song to track 5. "lets hear it." he tossed woohyun the mike and he caught it.

"i'm not very good though..." woohyun said.

"it's cool, just act like i'm not even here." sunggyu said heading to the couch and lying down closing his eyes.

woohyun had never sang in front of anyone before, he never took singing lessons either.... but he headed to the stage anyway and started singing, the song was hello by huh gak. when he finished sunggyu clapped and got up from the couch to meet him.

"you said you werent good! you sounded almost better than huh gak himself!" sunggyu said completley impressed. "why dont you go pro? you're better than alot of solo singers out there."

"haha, are you crazy? i dont know the baisics about music, i've never even been in choir." it was wierd they were talking now like they were buddies, as if all of what happened weeks ago had never happened to begin with.

"so? all the text book stuff isnt important, when you're born with a talent like that you shouldnt keep it to yourself." sunggyu said in disaproval.

"what about you? why dont you go pro, you sing even better than i do." woohyun questioned.

"actually.... i'm going to, that's why i transferd to this school, they offer music classes and composition, my old school didnt. after learning a thing or two i'm gonna go audition at some companies. see if i get in."

"woah seriously?" woohyun asked. being famous to him seemed like an impossible feat. he was a nobody on this earth, and most people hated him, cuz he was a jerk and they had every right to. but becoming famous for a person like him. was that even possible?

"yeah, i think if you tried out you would totally make it in....hey i have an idea, how about we help each other out? forget about the past, let's start over. yeah?" sunggyu asked with a hopefull expression.

woohyun looked at sunggyu hesitantly, he may very well be falling in love with this guy and he should walk out through that door right now and forget him forever, but instead he put out his hand.

"hi i'm woohyun..pleased to meet you." wohyun said blushing.

sunggyu smiled remembering the first day they talked woohyun tried to force him to say that.

"hi woohyun, i'm sunggyu. pleased to meet you. let's do this thing, alright?" he said taking woohyuns hand in his own and shaking it.

"yeah, let's do it.~" woohyun said taking a deep breath. they both took to the stage and sung track number six as a duet...mideoyo -by DBSK. woohyun felt like he was floating on a cloud.

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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.