
Woogyu Flashback

"ne, omma. i'm almost there.... yeah. see you soon." sunggyu hung up the phone. 10 minutes after leaving woohyuns apartment his mom had called and asked if he was still gonna visit her and his grandma in incheon.
he had completley forgotten his promise and huridley left to the subway station. 
the ride on the subway was about 1 hour 15 minutes but now he was only about 7minutes from his destination. 
he looked around at the passengers. he wished he would have brought his mp3, he was bored out of his mind and he was going crazy thinking about woohyun.

would he accept his feelings? he hoped he would. last night with woohyun had not been a mistake, sunggyu may have been drunk, but it just made him spill out the feelings he had been trying to keep inside.finally giving him the balls to do what had wanted to do for so long.

he was in love. never in his life had he been in love. but this was it.
somehow this boy who he had hated at first meeting had managed to steal his heart regardless of orientation. 
life with woohyun felt so RIGHT. suddenly he missed him even though they had only been apart for 1 hour....
he looked up as the subway stopped at the next destination. 
three pasengers got on on; one was pregnant lady and the other two were ahjumas. 
sunggyu stood up and offered his seat to one of them. no one else on the subway offered their seat even though they were young and healthy. 
sunggyu thought it was rather rude, he almost went over to a row and told them off when the subway slid to a stop. his stop. he decided to just leave it be and hurridley climed off.

he took exit 3 as his mother had instructed and surfaced the terminal.

outside there was alot of busy people rushing around the sidewalks, one person almost knocked him over in thier hurried pace. they smiled embarressed and kept on moving.

sunggyu turned to his right meeting the end of a crosswalk waiting for the signal to turn on, then he crossed. 
but after crossing the intersection he realized that the street name was wrong, he pulled out his phone checking the instructions his mother gave him.

he must have gotten confused after almost being knocked over at the exit of the terminal.
he was about to go back across the intersection but the signal was almost over so he stayed put.
suddenly a man rushed past him buisly talking into his blue tooth, knocking sunggyu's phone out of his hands and broken on the sidewalk.

sunggyu looked from his now broken phone to the man who was beginning to cross the intersection. 
sunggyu frowned and saw the walking signal turned red, it was no longer safe to cross.
his eyes widened. as he saw a car speeding around the corner. the man was going to be hit. without giving it a second thought sunggyu ran out after him and pushed the man out of harms way.
he heard frantic breaks squealing behind him, but it was too late, he felt the car hit his left side as he flew onto the pavement hitting his head and rolling.
black splotches broke out across his vision and he slipped into a quiet darkness.....

woohyun looked at his phone. there were still no text messages from sunggyu. it had been about a week since he had last seen him and sunggyu had confessed him.

he tried calling him but it automatically went to his voicemail. 
woohyun threw himslef on his bed and hugged a pillow. was sunggyu avoiding him? why?
had he realized he didn't love woohyun and come back to his senses? did he not want to have anything to do with him anymore?

he shook his head trying to get the thoughts out of his head. but it wasnt working.

he got up from bed, put on his shoes and grabbed a jacket, it was about 7pm. he knew the school was probably still open with students studying late.
he headed out the door and took the subway arriving at school 5 minutes later.

it had been over a week since he visited the familiar music room. the only place in the world that could make him forget the rest of his worries.

he put on a random cd from the stack he had in a corner of the room, playing it loud. it was soundproof in there anyway.

2am's you wouldnt answer my calls came on. he almost laughed.

he the mike and adjusted the levels of the sound board then closed his eyes losing himseslf in the music.

when he opened them back up he looked at the clock, he hadn't noticed the time pass by. apparently he and had been there for 3 hours.
he turned off the soundboard and headed home falling asleep without any dreams.

sunggyu woke to the beeping of monitors and the smell of disenfectant.
what the hell?? 
he opened his eyes and saw the plain white walls, tubes conected to his arm, he was wearing one of those stupid gowns.
he was at a hospital? WHY?
he tried getting up but a nurse came in at that moment. 
she noticed him staring at her. her eyes widened and she rushed over to him.

"how long have you been up?" she asked while taking his temperature.

"just now." sunggyu answered.

"how are you feeling?" she flashed a light in his eyes.

sunggyu squinted at the brightness as he paused to think about the question.

"i feel like crap." he thought it was a pretty detailed assesment on his behalf.

"i thought you might say that." she nodded knowingly.
"do you remember what happened to you?"

"no...i was hoping you could fill me in."

she smiled sadly. "you were in a car accident."

"was i driving?"

"no you were walking and got hit."

"makes sense since i don't drive." sunggyu concluded.

"but.... you have a drivers license...." the nurse said pointing at his wallet on the bedside table.
they must have looked through it to get his personal information.

"what?..." said sunggyu "i dont have a drivers license. i'm not even taking my drivers exam till next week."

"'ve been in a coma for a month...." she said slowly.

"a month?! what? it's already december?!?!" he said his eyes as big as they would ever be.

"december?" the nurse said confused. "sunggyu, it's the middle of june."

sunggyu's eyes got even bigger. "....what year?" he swallowed.


"you're telling me i was in a coma for a month. but it's the middle of june? how is that even possible? you're joking right? there's no way i could have been out for 7 months. this makes no sense, you must be joking. it's a joke right?"

"you were only in a coma for one month..." she said studying him. "sunggyu...what is the last thing you remember?"

sunggyu pursed his lips. his head was starting to hurt. he had been quiet for about a minute.
".....i remember talking about chuseok with my mother...and before that i remember entering school in september...i remember summer...."

the nurse nodded her head without saying anything then grabbed her clip board and headed out the door.
a couple seconds later the doctor came in with some papers in his hands.

"hello sunggyu." he said while sitting in the chair next to him. "i'm dr.chunyeo. the nurse told me you are having problems remembering some things. yes?"

"is it really june 2008?"

the doctor nodded. sunggyu let out a slow breath.

"sunggyu, i have some recent photos of your brain. you had a severe seems you were able to wake up from the coma as we expected, but are experiencing some amnesia, my nurse explained...." he paused to make sure sunggyu was following. "this amnesia you are experiencing may or may not be temporary. but as of now it seems you have forgotten the last 6-7 months completly. there is no real method to try and recover your memory other than just doing what you normaly do and hanging around the same places and people from your time of amnesia. and that may or may not work. understand?"

sunggyu nodded trying not to flip out and keep his calm.

the doctor continued. "as for your injuries they have healed rather quickly and you can leave the hospital next week. we tried to find your emergency contacts but we couldnt find any information. do you have anyone we can call?"

"uhh mom." sunggyu said and gave him her number.
the doctor went off to make the call.
about an hour later his mother came in in hysterics. "oh my poor baby! the doctor told me what happened. i was wondering why you never showed up that day. i just thought you had changed plans and had forgotten to call. i did find it odd though that your phone always came up as disconnected.."

"omma...what are you talking about?"

"oh right." his mother said wile trying to blink away tears. " you don't remember the past 7 months. i'm sorry, let me fill you in honey."

sunggyu looked at his mother with a bit of hope, maybe after she filled him in it would all come back...

"so november right?" she began "uhhh...we celebrated chuseok, you finished studying drivers december you took your drivers exam and passed.
a bit later you took the money you had saved up from your job as a waiter and started looking for a place to live in seoul so you could take music classes in that school for the new semester....
you've been living there since honestly i don't know anything else. you were only going to visit me for the first time last month and had your accident....i'm so sorry i should have never asked you to come visit me." she was now letting the tears flow freely blotting with a tissue she had in her hand. "it's all my fault. i'm sorry baby." she hugged sunggyu.

sunggyu's mouth almost fell open. he barley remembered having thoughts about leaving to go to seoul and going for music classes so he could get more experience and try out at some big companies, singing WAS his dream, he just couldnt believe he actually got the balls to leave and was doing okay for so long. maybe he could make it out there. he smiled. comforting his mom.
"it's okay mom. that's good enough for me, the details don't matter. i know myself well enough, if i moved over there to study that's all i've been doing. so don't worry about it. i'll probably just have to repass some of the things i studied over again. no worries. plus it might only be temporary"

his mom smiled. her son was such a optimist.

JULY 2008 8pm:

woohyun lay on the cold hardwood floor of the music room, his eyes closed, feeling the bass vibriting through his frame. he counted the drumbeats, seperated apart the instruments; guitar, bass, piano, digital sketch, percussion. he seperated the soprano, alto, and tenor voices, the echos, taking apart every detail and then taking it all in again as a whole. when he did that the song became different, more entising, impressive, and almost other worldly. he noticed that if he did that even with a song he had heard a million times he could hear it in a new way. it was fascinating.

he got up from the floor as the song ended. his phone falling open onto the floor.
the screen glowed showing his list of contacts. sunggyu at the very top....


he hadnt thought about him in about 2 weeks. he had been doing everything and anything to keep himself from thinking of him.
from musical expansion and exploration to culinary classes in cuisine.

sungyuu hadnt contacted him in over a month now after the confession, he hadnt even seen him at school and they didnt have any classes together anymore but was odd that he hadnt bumped into him.
woohyun was sure sunggyu was avoiding him and woohyun couldnt find it in him to go looking around for sunggyu and confront him about it...

he swore to himself that he would wait for sunggyu to come up to him first no matter what. woohyun was the stubborn kind naturally so his pride got in the way of things. so he decided he wouldnt go around looking for sunggyu asking for an explanation. sunggyu could come to him. he knew where to find him.

woohyun closed the cell phone and turned it off putting on another track once again lying down, feeling the floor dance beneath him.
he slowly began to piece apart the music, and soon forgot whatever it was, that had been previously bugging him.

July 2008:
sunggyu had been out of the hospital for a week now and was finally back in seoul for the first time since the accident.
his mother had kept his adress from his apartment in seoul. so he could go back to his own place and start studying again. he made his way up a completly unfamiliar path and up to his lonely
apartment. he took out his keys and unlocked the door.
he frowned when he went inside. his belongings were all there but it didnt feel familiar at all...
what if he never got his 6 months of memories back? that's half a year...half a year is alot...
at least for now nothing was too bad, all he had to do was re-take all his classes....

"ughhhh." he fell onto his bed deciding to go to sleep early.
tomorrow was going to be a wierd day at school.

another week had passed and woohyun had finally seen sunggyu studying in the library.
woohyun decided to play it cool and let sunggyu approach him while waiting at a desk by the main enterance. but as sunggyu passed he didnt even aknowlege his presence. he had definetly seen him, no doubt. but as he passed him, he didnt utter a single word, or even turn to look at him. sunngyu walked away not looking back even once.

woohyun felt as if his heart was being crushed. he almost went after sunggyu and asked him what his deal was, but decided against it.
instead he went to his precious music room, like always. and lost himself in the ecstacy of music.

sunggyu was bored as heck. he had been in seoul for one week studying non stop. trying to cram everything he should know from 6 months before the end of the school year, plus all the recent stuff he was being handed.
sunggyu was tired of all the notes and books and EVERYTHING.
music was supposed to be fun. this was NOT FUN.
finally he shut his books realizing he wouln't be able to concentrate tonight. this was seoul after all, it was time he went out and had a little fun. he could sacrifice just one night.
he took a quick shower threw on a grey shirt, black leather jacket, some ripped skinny jeans, and his most prized possesion, his rick owen high tops. leaving his hair tousled and messy with a bit of hair product. then headed out the door.
he wasnt sure what he wanted to do but he would find out soon enough.

woohyun looked in the mirorr. he WAS really good looking. 
he had that y bad boy look that girls just couldnt resist. too bad he was into dudes....
he looked at his neck where the necklace sunggyu gave him dangled.
he remembered the way sunggyu completly ignored him a week back, and everytime since then when he walked past him in school hall, sunggyu would never react. never say hi. it was as if they had never been was as if they had never met.
woohyun was going crazy. he wanted to confront him. but what could he say? love me you ing jerk? you once said you loved me so do it!?...somehow that just didnt seem right.

woohyun knew deep down this would happpen, he was an idiot to ever believe otherwise. of course sunggyu would come to his senses and leave his sorry in the dust. and now thier friendship was ruined forever.

woohyun unclasped the necklace and put it in the black box sunggyu had presented it in. he put it in his drawer and headed out the door. 
no more thinking about sunggyu. tonight he just wanted to go out and forget....everything. definetely.

sunggyu took another shot at the counter then went out to the dance floor, this was much better than studying.
he was all buzzed and the music was pulsing through the room. it made you dance against your will, it called you out, and you answered.
after dancing the whole song he went back over to the bar and took 3 shots in a row. it. this was a night to let go. 
he ordered a random drink that sounded cool and drank that too. 
he felt the heat of the alcohol ade throught his body. once again he took to the dance floor.
a girl suddenly began dancing with him. he allowed it and they danced. the alcohol made him feel like he was out of his ing mind though, soon he had to take a seat.
the girl followed.

woohyun stood in the middle of the sidewalk as he looked around. 
should he go to the food stall where he could eat some food, then get drunk off his , and make friends with another random drunk dude? or should he go dancing and get drunk at the bar inside, where he could make friends with the bartender? either idea sounded just fine so he decided in a completly scientific method. he did eenie-meenie-miney-moe.

in the end he ended up going to the food stall. he ordered dukkbokki, samgyupsal, and a bottle of soju.the ahjumma brought it out quickly. it smelled delicious. he wondered if he should drink first so he could get drunk easier since if he ate it wouldnt make him as drunk. but the food looked so good.

he began eating the samgyupsal without any regrets. an ahjussi next to him was singing the song on the radio and was clearly wasted. 
woohyun laughed outloud. that would hopefully be him in the next 15 minutes.
maybe the two could sing together as they passed the night away.

sunggyu was really drunk but was still slightly aware that the girl was trying to make a move on him.
he decided he should go outside and get some fresh air, he coulnt think straight and his vision was swimming from all the drinks.
he laughed for no reason and stumbled out of his chair to the door.
the girl still clinging to him. 
once outside the girl began saying something, laughing loudly. 
when all of a sudden the girl slammed sunggyu against the wall and began to kiss him. sunggyu was surprised but didnt fight it. he closed his eyes...


"sae janhae! hey jjanhae! musuen marideo pilyo hagesseo one shot!~" woohyun did a shot with the ahjussi who had now joined his table and was singing simon d's cheers, perfect for the occasion.

woohyun wasnt too drunk but it wasnt hard to feel like he was, just looking at the ahjussi across him made him want to talk all slurred.
woohyun laughed. he got up from the table to order another bottle of soju for the two and an order or samgyupsal, rice, and kimchi to share.

suddenly he heard a girl laughing loudly, the noise coming from across the street grabbing his attention. he turned to look look where the club was and his eyes widened with what he saw.

it was sunggyu and some girl he had never seen before... the two were up against the wall outside the club making out.
woohyun had to blink several times to make sure he wasnt imagining things. but it was there, clear as a daylight.

a taxi happened to pass by and the girl flagged it down.
the two got on, and it soon dissapeared around the corner.

woohyun was stunned. he felt angry and betrayed. how could he do this? he closed his eyes shut, but the images burned in his eyes.
he spun around and aproached the stall again. "ahjumma. can i get four bottles of soju?" she looked at him then to the drunk ahjussi a bit unsure about serving the two such a large quantity at once, but she gave him the bottles anyway. buisness was buisness.
he ordered some samgyupsal for his drunk pal as well not forgetting his manners, then paid the lady and sat down.

he opened the bottle not even bothering to take it in shots and gulped it down. it burned his throat but he kept going.
soon the pain was too much and he came up for air, he had actually drained the bottle in one go. he focused all his mind on the searing burning pain. his vision becoming a blurry mess. he smiled and popped open the next bottle and drank more, serving the ahjussi a shot for good company. he kept drinking without thinking and soon that whole bottle was gone too.
he sang along to what he thought were the lyrics to the song on the radio. laughing with his ahujussi friend and opening the other bottle.

soon woohyun was numb, void of feeling, laughing when it didnt even make sense, and then he couldnt even remember where he was, what he was doing, or if it even mattered. but it didnt. so he chugged more and more soju from the oncoming bottles and kept doing so till he passed out.

"ughhhh." woohyun woke up all disoriented then noticed he was just inside his living room on the floor.
as soon as he sat up his head spun and his stomach lurched. he ran to the bathroom and puked so much he wondered if it was even humanly possible to do so.

he sat on the floor of the bathroom faintly remembering the lady of the food stall calling a cab and giving the man woohyuns address from his ID.
he vaugley remembered being dropped off at the top of his stairs...
he remembered all too well though the the girl and sunggyu making out in front of a club, till she flagged down a cab, and they rode away together, into the night.

he felt a pain inside of him. small at first then almost unbearable. 
sitting there on the floor of the bathroom he felt hot tears start to streak his cheeks. he couldnt help it anymore, he clutched his heart, as he cried with sorrow, he cried because it hurt SO MUCH. he felt his whole frame sudder from the sobs that escaped him. his vision was filled with tears that wouldnt stop. he didnt know how long he cried it felt like hours, hell it felt more like days. but at some point the tears finally stopped, he had cried himself dry. woohyun let out a shaky breath, it came out heavy and exhausted. he felt so.... emty. he brought up his legs and hugged them to his chest trying to fill the void he felt there. he stared at the tile without really seeing it. his mind in a blank state, lost and unforgiving. and before he knew it, he was once again asleep.

sunggyu had been pretty drunk the other night when the random girl started making out with him, she had hailed a cab and they got in continuing the kissing. sunggyu didn't feel sparks or anything. like litteraly anything at all. he could have been kissing his own arm and felt more spark.i mean she was pretty but, there wasnt any feeling to it. it had also felt wrong somehow. sunggyu had pushed her away then stopped the cab and got out walking all the way home. his sense of direction was still alright even with all the alcohol. 
he started wondering if he maybe already had a girlfriend and didn't remember her because of the amnesia.
it could be possible. he decided he would call his mom the next day and ask her.

"omma. do you happen to know if i have a girlfriend?" sunggyu asked
"mmmm, not that i know of gyu. why did some girl say they were?" his mom replied.

"no, i was just wondering."

"i see. oh, hey. sorry gyu, but i have to go to work now. talk to you later kay? and study hard son. love you. bye!"

"ne.~ love you too." sunggyu hung up. the chances of him having a girlfriend without his mom knowing was about 50/50. he frowned.
surley if he had a girlfriend she would have dropped by his house or looked for him at school. right?
but he just couldnt shake the feeling that something was off... but if he coulnt remember what could he really even do?
he got his stuff ready and headed to school. he felt like from his hangover but school was not an option, for him it was mandatory.he needed to be consistent if he ever wanted to accomplish his dream.
he bought himself a cup of coffee and a cream filled pastry at the nearest family mart on the way to school. it helped ease the hangover a bit. but not completly.
for some odd reason he found himslef wishing he had some hangover soup, whatever that was....

woohyun woke up on the cold bathroom floor, he looked at his watch. it was 2 in the afternoon.
" school." he said outloud to the bathroom walls as he got up and washed his mouth which was dry and tasted of vomit.
he made himself some hangover soup and watched some t.v. falling in and out of sleep.

whenever thoughts of sunggyu came up they didnt seem as sad and longing anymore.
they seemed angry...yes, incredibly pissed. 
how could he do this? confess to him making him think he had a chance. messing with his feelings because he knew he could.
then taking off without saying anything. and to top it off already having someone else on the side...and that someone else was a GIRL. it just pissed him off even more.

"'love doesn't care about gender.' myeh yeh myeh." woohyun said outloud childishly mimicing his voice. "how could i have been so stupid...?" he rested his head on his knees as he sqeezed his eyes shut. he thought they were friends. but that bastard was probably laughing at him the whole time.

at that moment woohyun swore he would forget sunggyu and take his revenge. or at least show him that he didnt need him. but how?.........

woohyun smiled. he knew exactly what he was going to do.
he his laptop and went to naver.
he didn't need sunggyu to follow his current dream. he knew exactly what he wanted to do now. and he wasnt going to stop.
he would succeed and show him that he could do it without his help.

"hmmmm.....woollim entertainment?" he clicked his toungue. searching another page. "seoul music and art school?"
this was it.... he had learned alot of stuff these past couple of months and he was going to put it to the test.
he closed his laptop and picked up the phone. 675-...

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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.