Mp3 Miscreant

Woogyu Flashback

sunggyu walked along the empty school hall. being the new transfer student on the first day of the new semester, he felt no hurry to get to class, he could always say he got lost, no big deal. he closed his eyes and listened to his mp3 as he hummed along, totally feeling in tune with the music.

all of a sudden he felt someone rip out one of his earbuds, his mp3 slipped out of  his grasp. he opened his eyes just in time to see some guy he had never seen before swing his mp3 by the ear buds and then smash it against the wall of lockers to his right, rendering it broken and useless.

woohyun, who didnt even look to see who it was, (it could have been the principal for all he cared.) walked off down the hallway already forgetting what he had done.

sunggyu who wasnt informed about who woohyun was, and the random evil he did,  (being the new kid and all) turned, his eyes wide as woohyun kept walking off. 

"what. the. ??" sunggyu said outloud disbelieving what he just witnessed. his poor mp3 he had just bought YESTERDAY was now broken lying on the ground next to a wall of lockers due to some persons random barbaric act. *sigh* and he hadn't even gotten insurance on it....(*le sobs* TT_TT) he would NOT stand for it. sure he was the new guy, but what the heck?! he wasnt gonna stand around and let anyone bully him for ANY reason.

he quickly caught up to woohyun sizing him up as ran, they were about the same height and build. 
"yah!! sunggyu yelled, approaching furiously, but woohyun didnt hear him, he was listening to music on his own mp3. how ironic?
ha. this guy. who did he think he was? thought sunggyu.

he grabbed woohyun by the shoulder and spun him around.

"what th-" was all woohyun got to say as sunggyu yanked his headphones away which were still conviniently hooked to the mp3 he was listening to and threw it out the also conviniently open window to his left where it landed outside and onto the cement with a CRACK.

woohyun looked at sunggyu his eyes wide, no one ever dared to defy him before, he stared at the guy before him. he had never seen him before. he was the same height as him and about the same size; skinny but with lean muscle, his hair was black and settled above his eyes, his skin was pretty and his lips a pink bitten color. overall a pretty boy.

"yah wha-!" woohyun was beginning to say when sunggyu interrupted.
"forget it. now we're even." sunggyu then pivoted on his right foot walking in the direction he had originally been going.
"ha. what did you just say?" woohyun called out  just as the last bell rang, sunggyu didn't hear. woohyun was just about to go after him when sunngyu took a flight of strairs and disapeared out of sight not looking back even once.
"is he crazy?!" said woohyun to the empty hallway. pissed that a guy like that could be so lucky as to get away from him.
he MUST have been crazy. did he know who he was messing with? you didnt get EVEN with woohyun, you just sat back and did nothing. if he saw sunggyu again he swore he would show him just exactly who he was. new kid or not, he needed to learn his place quickly.
woohyun walked to his first class not even bothering to check on his mp3 that had been thrown outside the window. he knew there no hope.
wah hahahaha , if the teacher said ANYTHING about him being tardy, they would be in for hell. he thought grumpily as he opened the door to his classroom, the teacher must have had telepathy or something because he didnt say anything.
woohyun crossed the room and sat in his desk, letting his expression show everyone in the class just how incredibly pissed he was at the moment. no one dared disturb him.

the rest of the day he paid no attention in his classes, and when lunch came he never even once got a glimpse of the mp3 miscreant. he had started calling him that in his head realizing he didnt know his name. after a while he kind of hoped in the back of his mind that he didnt have to see him ever again. just thinking about the guy irked him.

it was now time for the last period. woohyun headed to class as he pulled on his uniform tie loosening it. his uniform coat already ed, the afternoons were always too hot in that class. he sat in his regular desk at the back with a plop as the bell rang. the teacher promptly began the lesson. something about kim sejong nim and his biography? woohyun didn't care, instead he turned his head away looking out the window, resting his head on his hand, uninterested.

a couple minutes later he heard the door to the classroom open, but kept staring out the window; a dog had come on the school grounds and was chasing the gardener around as he leaped and ran around in fright. haha...wimp. woohyun almost snorted.

"ah, yes. take a seat there in the back." he heard his teacher say.
woohyun finally pulled his attention from the frantic gardener to the sound of a chair being pulled out of the desk next to him.
he looked up to see... the mp3 miscreant. woohyun actually laughed out loud.
"no way." he said throwing back his head bringing his hands up in front of his face and proceeding to run one of them through his messy black hair. UNBELIVABLE. this was just too funny. it was like those movies, almost too perfect.

nobody noticed this. the teacher was handing out thier assignments and people were already pairing up.
sunggyu sat down next to him, not looking bothered in the least. he was focusing on the rest of the teachers instructions.

"pair up quickly. if you dont find a partner, i will gladly assign you one." the teacher was saying.

all the kids had partnered up except for four people: woohyun, one nerdy looking kid, a kid with acne problems, and.... sunggyu.

"ummm...seonsaeng-nim" the nerdy one said speaking up while he raised his hand. " is it possible to do the project alone?"

the teacher shook his head in response. the nerd sighed looking at the other 3 like it was a death sentence. acne kid and the geeky one quickly paired up leaving woohyun and sunggyu forced to be partners.

"okay everyone, there is only room for half of you to use the computer lab. half of you must stay here. so the first four rows gather your things and follow me. the rest of you can spread out and use any supplies in the room, as you begin working on your outlines first, and no fooling around." he said pointing fingers to a few select people. "tomorrow the other half of the class can use the computer lab"

the front four rows headed out trailing behind thier teacher and the other kids quickly got up and spread out.
some students were bringing out the teachers games in the cabinets behind woohyun and sunggyu instead of doing the assignment. after quickly gathering the games they left woohyun and sunggyu's corner of the room isolated, laughing and talking busily amongst themselves.

"yah!" woohyun said as he kicked sunggyu's chair. of course the inevitable would happen when the teacher stepped out. "what's your name?"
sunggyu's eyebrows shot up. aishhh, this guy.

"yah!" sunggyu said copying woohyun's disrespectful tone. "who said you can talk to me like that? freakn punk."
"hahahaha, punk?." said woohyun leaning back in his chair only to lean forward; all up in sunggyu's personal space. "look. mp3. you dont wanna mess with me okay? after what you did, you're lucky your face doesn't contain a fist. so when i ask you what your name is you answer back sweetly:  'hi, my name is -blank- pleasure to meet you'... got it?!" he finished threateningly.

"okay first of all, ummm hell no, it is not a pleasure to meet you. and mp3?" sunggyu said laughing at the lame nickname. "you are such a child" he said shaking his head. "and obviously delusional."
"what did you just say?" said woohyun not liking the way sunggyu was responding.
"hah, you're obviously forgetting something." said sunggyu as he leaned forward in his chair . "i wasn't the one who ramdomly went around breaking someone elses belongings first. so quit acting like you're the victom. ever heard of reaping what you sow? this would be a perfect example." he leaned in closer, now in woohyuns breathing space. he grabbed woohyun by the chin smiling. woohyun's expression was wide eyed, body peralized, surprised by sunggyu's sudden closeness and words. no one ever dared to speak to him like that before. "got it?!" sunggyu said finishing using the words woohyun had said to him and thrown it back in his face.

sungyuu let go of woohyun and sat back in his chair, writing the beggining of his outline. at first he thought woohyun might not do anything since he had been quiet for a couple of seconds when the only pencil he owned vanished from his grasp. he looked up. the culprit none other than woohyun. woohyun threw it across the room once he was sure sunggyu was watching. then he sat back in his chair, putting his feet up on the desk arrogantly before looking over at sungyu.

"doesnt change anything. got it? M-P-3." he said the nickname slowly to show his point. "i'm still top dog around here, so dont try acting all high and mighty before you get hurt. kay?"

ha. thought sunggyu. top dog? high and mighty? this was stupid. but if woohyun wanted to play, sunggyu could play. he grabbed woohyuns spiral notebook and stood, hurling it far across the room.

woohyun got up from his pose as he watched the notebook fly and hit the chalk board falling to the floor with a plop. "YAH!!" he yelled turning to look at sunggyu angrily who now sat in the same arrogant posture woohyun had held before.
"are you ing crazy?!" woohyun asked as he grabbed sunggyu by the collar.

the students in the room had stopped working and playing, thier attention now on the two boys at the far corner in the end of the room, wondering what would happen next.

sunggyu stood, so they were eye level then yanked woohyuns hands off his collar. "i'm not scared of you."

"you sure as hell should be." said woohyun coming even closer.

"sure as hell aint." sunggyu said coming closer as well.

"that's it." said woohyun raising his fist.

"the teachers coming!!" one of the students yelled.

"DO IT." taunted sunggyu looking woohyun directly in the eyes.

the students were all running aroung frantic to put the games in the cabinet so they wouldnt get in trouble.
neither sunggyu or woohyun moved, staring eachother down when suddenly a crashing sound came behind sunggyu. he felt someone push him from behind. there had been no time to react, he was pushed into woohyun. both of them surprised fell to the floor. sunggyu put his hands on either side of woohyun's head but it was too late.

thier faces met, lips crashing into each other.

they stared at each other, eyes wide. niether moving for what felt like a minute but was probably half a second. woohyun reacted first and pushed sunggyu off.

"yah!! what the hell?!?!" woohyun yelled, getting up wiping his lips with the back of his hands in disgust. sunggyu got up as well. looking at the mess behind him, he could easily figure what happened.

the students who had been playing games rushed to put them back in the cabinet when they heard the teacher was coming. one of the top shelves had probably broken in the midst of the chaos. the students had pushed each other out of the way to avoid getting hit, and had shoved down the two of them in panic.
well, at least they were all so busy freaking out still that they didnt notice what had just happended between sunggyu and woohyun.

"every one sit down!! he's turning the corner!!" one of the students informed the rest of the class as they huridley took a seat in thier desk, acting as if nothing had happened.

the other students followed his example leaving the mess behind, and quickly sat in thier seats.
woohyun hadnt said anything else or made a move to strangle sunngyu. sunggyu quietly peeked at him through his periferals. he was sitting in his chair leaning slightly forward, head down looking at, a pencil in his hand his cheeks were a pink color.
sunggyu looked back at his paper, a smile slowly playing his lips. the punk had actually gotten embarrased. ha, he was an easier opponent then sunggyu would have thought. sunggyu had felt the kiss was unfortunate, but it hadnt phased him.

sunggyu brought his fingers to his lips, lightly touching them, when he brought his fingers back down he saw they had blood. he on his bottom lip were the cut was. then wiped it with his thumb. it stung.
the teacher came in through the door. taking in the sight of the mess at the back.

"okay....speak up.who did it?" he asked, striding to the middle of the room, looking around at the students.

everyone stayed quiet.

"if you guys dont tell me who did it, i will keep all of you after school and you can all clean up the whole room and do an extra assignment as homework." he suggested.

no one spoke. "ohhh i get it. you're scared that if you speak up, you'll get bullied by whoever it is to blame. right? i get it. then we'll do this a democratic way. everyone take out a piece of paper and write out the people responsible. then only those people will be punished and the rest of you can leave with peace of mind from being discovered, how about it?" the teacher said smiling.

the students slowly nodded. that option souned better than having to do extra assignments and stay behind to clean a mess you didnt do. everyone took out a piece of paper and 'voted', leaving thier identy anonymous. which the teacher later collected himself into a hat.
he went to the hallway to check the results. after a couple of minutes he came back.

"okay we have our culprits. everyone may leave for the rest of the day. everyone except...the new kid and woohyun. you are all dismissed."

"what?!" said woohyun and sunggyu standing up at the same time. the rest of the kids were already piling out the door.

"i didnt do anything!" said woohyun defensivley. "it was all him!" he pointed at sunggyu, trying to take advantage of the situation.
sunggyu rolled his eyes.

"i didnt do it either. this is dumb." said sunggyu sitting back in his desk.

"the letters were all unanimous. sorry guys. now, start cleaning up the mess. and when you finish that, feel free to clean up the rest of the room as punishement for not fessing up earlier." said the teacher leaving the room and locking it. "i'll be back in an hour. if you guys arent done you'll await further punishment! byeee~" was his last words as he left the two locked up in the room with a messy busted cabinet.

"aughhh." moaned woohyun. tousling his hair with his fingers madly.
sunggyu just rolled his eyes again getting up from his chair, it would be easier to just fix the stupid shelf than sit there whining about it, they would have to do it eventually anyways.
he picked up the fallen shelf from the floor. sliding off all the remaining items and put it into place.
woohyun stayed in his chair not bothering to help, watching sunggyu's everymove positioning himself with his feet up on his desk. frankly it was pissing sunggyu off, he felt like he was being supervised or doing woohyuns slave work. finally he couldnt take it anymore and stopped what he was doing.

"YAH." he said seriously. "quit sitting there, staring at me, and get to work."

"YAH. i'm not cleaning up a freakn mess i didnt even make. " woohyun said staying comfortable in his chair. "plus i dont do house work, it's for pussys."

"don't be so vulgar, it's disgusting." said sunggyu with distaste.

"what are you? my mother?" snorted woohyun "the only disgusting thing is you, just the sight of you makes me want to vomit." he turned the other way as he tried to make a point, enjoying the panoramic view out the window.

sunggyu walked to the window and pulled the curtains closed. "YAH. i mean it. clean up."

"aishhh! quit pestering me!" woohyun said kicking out his legs. "i'm gonna go crazy if i have to stay in this room with you for an hour."

"just clean, and i'll shut up." sunggyu shrugged. he wondered why woohyun wasnt taking advantage of this situation and punching him like he had wanted to before, until they were rudley inturrupted and shoved to the ground in an embarassing meet up.

"FINE." woohyun said in a sneer. he got up and started picking up only because he was bored to death and tired of sitting in the chair all day.
sunggyu went over and begun cleaning up again too. they cleaned in silence. finishing in about 15 minutes. way too early. now they sat at thier desks, alone in the room, with nothing to do and only each others company.

"hey, mp3." woohyun suddenly said.

"what?" asked sunggyu. for some reason automatically responding to his new nickname. he mentally slapped himself.

"go fetch me my notebook."

"what?" asked sunggyu confused.

"yeah, you know. the one you threw across the room? freakn animal." woohyun spit out.

"then fetch me my pencil, dog." said sunggyu. woohyun did reffer to himself as top dog earlier, so if he wanted to act like one. hell he should go all out and be one.

"what did you just call me?" asked woohyun getting out of his seat. sunggyu wouldnt be surprised if the teacher came back and found them both on the floor in a bloody pulp. he actually kind of enjoyed the thought. maybe the teacher would think twice about keeping these boys together in one room next time.
but the thought was interrupted by another one. why was he being like this? he was usually a pretty level headed guy, a guy who helped keep the peace, not disrupt it. but why was this woohyun guy able to make him act like this? on complete impulse? suddenly, he decided he would be the better man, and stand down. he wouldnt let woohyun have his way but he also wouldnt condone to being violent like him, it was those kind of things sunggyu hated the most, and he had seemed to forget all of that when he was near this top grade douche.

"you know what, forget it. it's not worth it." sunggyu said shaking his head and passing woohyun  to where his pencil lay on the floor. there was no way he would pick up the notebook though, that could stay on the floor and rot for all he cared. if woohyun didnt have the balls to put his pride away once and pick it himself, it was beside him. it would just go to show how chilish a person woohyun was.

sunggyu walked back to his desk, pencil in hand, passing woohyun again on his way back. it was a mistake. woohyun took sunggyus pencil again and threw it across the room where his notebook was.

"fetch." was all woohyun said.

it was as if he lit a fire with freakn alcohol. sunggyu closed his eyes and gritted his teeth breathing out slowly.
no way could he get the pencil now. in a way he sorta knew how woohyun felt now. but screw that. this wasnt about woohyun. this was about his own pride. he would rather die than to pick up either the pencil or the notebook....well at least it was just a pencil, he could always get a new one.
they both stood there staring each other down. then after a bit when sunggyu felt calmed down he sat back in his desk acting like it was nothing, eyes glued on a kim sejong book. but inside his mind he was going crazy, it was still a while off till the teacher returned. how could he make it without beating the crap out of this freakn idiot?

what happened next was unanticipated. woohyun had come over stealthy as a ninja and took sunggyu's back pack fast as a cheetah, he opened it up pouring the contents out on to the floor, kicking them all over the room. sunggyu hadnt even gotten the chance to react when woohyun was sitting in his desk once again, smiling wryly. taking his signature arrogant pose....

to the hell with being a level headed guy and being the bigger man! sunggyu tackled woohyun out of his desk. the chair tipping over. they crashed into the wall. certainly they would kill eachother with the doors locked and no one to stop the fight.

but it didnt happen that way. was it even possible for this to happen TWICE in a day by accident? did physics even allow them to land like this after the way sunggyu tackled him? maybe it was because of thier similar heights? but for whatever reason, when they landed sunggyu fell in too fast taking an all too familiar pose, he tried to stop himself with his hands, but it was too late. thier faces met...thier lips as well. except without other people to bring them out of the trance they stayed like that for a good 5 seconds. in those 5 seconds sunggyu got a good look at woohyuns face; he had flawless skin, dark eyes, medium eyelashes, messy dark black hair that gave him a wild look, and a overall hot bad boy look. pressed against him he could feel his frame was thin like his, and with lean muscle like his own. was that a six pack?

suddenly sunggyu came out of whatever spell he had been under and got off woohyun scooting to the nearest wall and leaning his back against it. his eyes still trained on woohyun who was hardcore blushing. woohyun slowly got up from his lying position and put his back against the wall adjacent to sunggyu his expression was like as if he was trying to asses what had just happened.

stupid woohyun.

sunggyu noticed he had a small cut on his lips too. now they were matching...
sunggyu cleared his throat and broke the silence.

"your lip is bleeding." he nodded in woohyuns direction.
not knowing what else to say.

 woohyun brought up his fingers to his lips then responded. "your's too."

sunggyu reached up and found his lip had started bleeding again. he on it. while woohyun just cooly let his bleed.


they sat there. awkwardness clinging in the air surrounding. sunggyu and woohyun looked at anything in the room besides each other.
one minute passed, niether moved. the chair still on the floor, desks unaligned, sunggyu's belonging's scattered everywhere.
realizing niether of them were going to make a move to finish each other off, for whatever reason.

sunggyu got up and began to pick his stuff off the floor, trying to ignore the fact that woohyun was staring at him, and wasnt even saying any rude comments or grinning like a mad wolf. but just staring with a neutral expression, it could mean anything. sunggyu kind of wished he would say something, even if it was rude and pissed him off, anything would be better than the uncomfortable awkward silence.

finally he finished picking up all his stuff from the floor and organized it back into his backpack. he was zipping up the last pocket when the teacher unlocked the door and came inside.

the desks were still unaligned and the chair knocked over, woohyun sitting on the floor, his lip just cooly bleading. sunggyu mentally did a face palm.

"now, now. what happened here?" asked the teacher clicking his tongue.

"i just fell out of my chair, i was messing around." said woohyun getting up and straightening the desks up and picking up the chair. he definetly did not want to talk about, think about, or even mention the kiss again.

"see! that's why i say clowning around get's people hurt." the teacher said pointing at woohyuns bleeding lip.

"yeah whatever. can i go now?" asked woohyun not bothering to remove the blood.

the teacher checked the cabinets then waved them off telling them to stay out of trouble and work harder in school.
the two boys left in opposite directions, without looking back or saying goodbye. the notebook and pencil lying abandoned and forever forgotten on the floor next to the chalk board.

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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.