You Infinitize Me

Woogyu Flashback


the seven boys finished up practice heading to thier dorm for a small celebration party prepared by thier manager. after the small celebration, they thanked thier manager and he left. now they all sat in front of the t.v. late night variety shows.
myungsoo looked over at sungyeol he was looking at the t.v. his eyes glazed over, lip's slightly parted. he sat as far from myungsoo as possible. apparently he was still mad at him. now myungsoo looked over at sunggyu who had woohyuns head in his lap. the two looked very happy and comfortable together....
myungso kept thinking about what sunggyu had said. maybe he shouldn't classify himself into a category and just love whoever his heart went out to.
myungsoo suddenly felt the need to hug someone, or to just be next to them, to touch them. he realized he was thinking about sungyeol once again.
myungsoo's thoughts pulled away suddenly as sungyeol got up said goodnight and headed to his room.
the others said goodnight to sungyeol and kept watching t.v.
myungsoo waited a minute then acted like he was going to the kitchen and slipped into the room sungyeol was in.
he needed to talk to him, one on one, in private.
sungyeol was lying face down on his bed. was he already asleep?
sungyeol suddenly sat up and turned to look at myungsoo.
"so you did come." sungyeol said looking up at him. he had been expecting him to follow? why?...
"we need to talk." sungyeol said as he grabbed a pillow and hugged it to his chest sitting criss-cross applesauce.
"yeah. we do." myungsoo aknowledged.
"look. i love this group more than i have ever loved anything.... well maybe not my mom. but you get what i'm saying...anyway." sungyeol said shaking his head. " you need to stop whatever you're doing cuz it's creeping me out."
"what's creeping you out? i'm not doing anything." myungsoo said surprised.
"everytime i happen to look your way i catch you staring at me. and you won't move your gaze. it's like burning into my soul and driving me crazy, so you need to stop it. NOW."
myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows. he'd been staring at sungyeol? alot?... he thought back...hmmmm, yes, maybe he had, but he hadn't really thought about it. he just found himself doing it. why? maybe because he liked gazing upon this wonderous creature...hehe creature.
"are you listening to me?" sungyeol said annoyed. throwing the pillow so it hit the side of myungsoo's head and riccoched back into his loving arms.
"i stare at you because i like you." myungsoo stated.
sungyeol's jaw dropped open.
what? had he been too blunt? isn't that what he wanted to hear?
"wait...what? NO. you can't do that! NO. that is not FAIR. you can't just suddenly tell me you like me, and expect everything to be okay!"
"why not?" myungsoo blinked.
"well just can't okay! you can't just go around breaking people's hearts, then show up with a smile, expecting everything to just be rainbows and sunshine."
"a broken heart?...what if i mend it for you?"myungsoo asked sitting next to sungyeol.
myungsoo saw sungyeol hide a brief smile, as if he was fighting with himself under neath the surface."no, get away from me. i don't need any mending, just stop agonizing me with your burdening stares. i don't need your affection."
"but you like me too. i KNOW you do. so why make a big deal out of this and make it a drama. let's just be happy together."
"maybe i changed my mind. maybe i don't like you anymore." sungyeol stuck his toungue out.
"liar. you still like me. i know you do. just admit it." myungsoo squinted, boring holes into sungyeol's face with his eyes.
"how do you know i do? huh?" sungyeol said crossing his arms.
"because." myungsoo said leaning in and grabbing sungyeol into an unexpected kiss, sungyeol pulled away quickly. "i can make your heart beat like that in less than half a second." myungsoo said putting a hand on sungyeol's chest, over his heart which was beating estatically.
"it had nothing to do with the kiss..." sungyeol said blushing. "you just surprised me is all. i don't like you anymore. please leave."
"no, i'm not leaving. not until you admit it and come to your senses. stop with all the games. i've realized i was wrong, but i've come to accept my feelings for you. i'm not gonna stand back and let you get away now."
"i just want you to go..." sungyeol whispered.
"no you don't." myungsoo shook his head. he knew sungyeol still liked him. he was definetly not going to give up like this.
he grabbed sungyeol into another kiss. sungyeol fought back, myungsoo pinned him to the bed without breaking the kiss. sungyeol's lips unvoluntarily opened up as he was pushed back. myungsoo took the oportunity to deepen the kiss. tasting sungyeol with his toungue. sungyeol had now stopped fighting back and closed his eyes, unable to resist such a kiss. he began to kiss myungsoo back. his hands lightly clutching myungsoo's shirt. myungsoo kept the kiss going a bit longer then he broke it apart, needing to come up for oxygen.
"if you wanted me to leave why are you still clutching my shirt?" myungsoo smirked as he thought back to the time sungyeol had pretty much told him the same thing.
myungsoo was almost ready to have sungyeol throw him off the bed and kick him out of the room, denying his feelings even further, but got surprised when all sungyeol said was.
"shut up and kiss me."
myungsoo's eyes widened in surprise as sungyeol pulled him back down. myungsoo laughed lightly into the kiss. love should always be this easy.
sunggyu and woohyun went to thier beds feeling exhausted yet happy to finally have everything work out.
"we'll get to debut soon you know." woohyun said outloud as he lied down next to sunggyu.
"yeah, haha, can you believe it?"
"do you think we'll get recognized like other groups? our company isn't one of the biggest..."
"but our team work, talent, and passion for music is." sunggyu smiled.
"as well as our love." woohyun grinned.
"aooo, you're so cheesy!" sunggyu said hitting him softly then kissing him on the cheek.
"it's true though haha. our love is the biggest there is. or do you not love me as much as i love you?" woohyun frowned.
"yes i love you as much as you love me." sunggyu laughed. "maybe even more."
woohyun stuck his toungue out. "well mine is infinite."
"my love is infinite too." sunggyu argued.
"so we're both infinite?" woohyun contemplated.
"yeah.... we're infinite." sunggyu smiled.
----------------------JUNE 14 2012 SUNGGYU:
many artists gathered together on the stage and held thier breath as the winners were announced.
sunggyu's heart was beating fast, the words he wanted to hear. was it possible?
sunggyu jumped up and automatically hugged woohyun, not able to contain his excitement. they had won!!! thier first triple crown!! they had come such a long way. was he dreaming? he wasn't this was real. thier hug was interrupted quickly as seniors from other companies and fellow artists congratulated them. some of the members were weeping. but sunggyu was just so ing happy...they had done it. they were making history TOGETHER. and for some reason the inspirit fan's really liked watching woohyun and him interact. hopefully they didn't know that they were dating. even though they would probably love that more than anything....he kept hearing them chanting woogyu when ever they had a concert. inspirits always made the group keep going. hopefully they could carry on like this till the end of time.
infinitely infinite.
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.