
Woogyu Flashback


"hey" sungjong heard one of the hyungs say out in the living room. it was 2 hours later almost 12pm, in a couple of minutes they would welcome the new year. "it's been a you think we should be worried?" it sounded like hoya, but he couldnt know for sure.
sungjong lay sprawled on his bed and was listening to music.he closed his eyes tight. it should have been easy for him to fall asleep from a hard days work, but sleep just wouldnt come, he felt like he would turn into an insomniac.
"aughhhh!!" sungjong cried out frustrated into his pillow, and kicked up his legs restlessly.
"i dunno...." he heard another voice reply as he turned down the volume on his mp3. it sounded like sungyeol.
"do you think we should go looking for them? i mean, what if they got in fight, and are currently beating the crap out of each other in a dark alley, while we sit here eating patbingsoo?" sungjong had switched off his device, to hear. it was clearly hoya. among all others. the voice of reason.
"no. we better not. we have to practice tomorrow, you guys should all rest. sungyuu won't do anything stupid...i hope." said dongwoo.
"unless woohyun provokes him..." added myungsoo quietly. silence...
then dongwoo's voice again "everyone get washed up and go to bed. they'll be back soon, stop worrying." he didn't come across as convincing, but sungjong heard the dongsaengs scuttle into the bathroom, to wash up like the hyung commanded.
sungjong lifted his head from his pillow yanking the ty earbuds out of his ears realizing he wouldnt get any sleep like this, got up from bed, threw on his shoes, and grabbed his jacket. he couldnt believe he was doing this. but if the hyungs were to stupid or whimpy to go out searching, he would do it himself.
sungjong took a deep breath, and walked out of his room as quietly as possible.
sungjong stealth walked to the main door of the living room all coast clear. just as he turned the doornob he heard a noise come from the enterance of the living room.
"ya. where are you going?" he heard sungyeol ask from across the room.
sungjong knew the hyung's wouldnt let him go looking for sungyuu and woohyun if he he just bolted out the door quick as a jack rabbit unanswering his friend's question, before the rest of the hyungs could come and drag him back inside.
Sungjong ran till  he was out of sight from the dorm. he leaned against a concrete wall to catch his breath and wondered where he should look first. where would woohyun run off to? he didnt know much about him, so had to think of every possiblity.
maybe he went to the park to think things through? or maybe woohyun was the type to go to a club where the pulsing music would be the only thing on his mind. or maybe he was one to indulge in food as his refuge, would he be at a food stall? or worse what if he was out somewhere getting drunk?
but no, sungyuu had been too fast, he had probably caught up with him. so they had to be together. but the mere thought of woohyun and sungyuu hanging out for 2 hours just seemed impossible.
maybe woohyun seeing sungyuu chasing after him tried to lose him and jumped in a cab. but wouldnt sungyu have come home if that would have happened? and plus woohyun left his wallet at home on the table along with his cell phone, and sungyuu didnt have any money on him, he remembered from the ride on the bus. but maybe he had his cell phone....
sungjong reached into his pocket. then he mentally smacked himself. he left his cell phone on his bed. dammnit.
well maybe the leader was out wandering the streets just to clear his head and left woohyun alone that's why niether of them were back yet....but no, he had been way too tired earlier, he would just come home and crash in bed.
so was it possible that they really were together somewhere?
sungjong was getting nowhere with his conclusions, it was just making his head spin, so he walked further, randomly checking places here and there.
they had to be somewhere in the district...
after walking for about 20 minutes he wondered if they had gone in the other direction. there was now nothing but construction sites where he was, and he hadnt seen a car pass him the whole time. they must have gone into the other direction where the city streets were busy with people.
sungjong walked around switching direction aimlessly, feeling discouraged. it really was cold outside he thought, as he hugged himself against the cold. sudenly sungjong looked up feeling eyes on him, he turned around and looked in the direction he had previosly been walking in. in the distance he made out a, two figure's. but one of them was on the others back. sungjongs eyes widend as the man got closer. it was sungyuu and he was struggling with an injured woohyun on his back.....
what the hell happened?
hoya was probably right, woohyun had probably provoked sunggyu and they ended up kicking each others , with no one to get in their way.
but sungyuu didnt look beat up, tired, pale, and breathless struggling with woohyuns weight. but not beat up.
woohyun on the other hand had blood dripping from a gash in his forehead and nose. decorated with all kinds of cuts and scratches, even his clothes was dirty and looked torn up.... woohyun had his eyes closed, and was just letting himslef be carried.
sudenly sungyuu colapsed in a heap with woohyun before he could reach sungjong. sungjong ran the block to meet them.
he tried to lift sungyuu to his feet but the leader just motioned at woohyun weakly.
"we need to get him to the hospital. he's been unconcious for a while now, i tried waking him.... but it's no use."
sungjong cursed himself for forgetting his phone at the dorms. and in this isolated area, there was no people around who could help them, just concrete buildings. not a living soul in sight.
"did you bring your cell phone?" sungjong asked.
"yeah, but it died."
sungyuu struggled to his feet. poor guy looked a mess now that he saw him up close. pale, shivering, sweating. sunggyu hadnt gotten a chance to eat, and after the ferocious practice, he hadnt even really got the chance to rest, maybe 30 minutes tops? what would sungjong do if sunggyu fainted? sungjong could barley help up the leader into a standing position let alone carry woohyun as well.
"i'm fine" sungyuu said as if sensing sungjongs thoughts "just help me get carry woohyun"
sungjong nodded and helped carry woohyun, it took a couple tries. but they finally got either of woohyuns arms thier shoulders, his feet litterally dragging.
", what the hell happened?" sungjong asked. not caring if he cussed. manners were the least of thier worries right now. "did you do this??" the maknae said, almost not wanting to hear the answer.
sungyuu looking like he would faint any moment grunted "of course not....i'm not a monster."
"then what happened?" sungjong asked. he was really getting worried, the dorms were 20 minutes away but with woohyun and thier depleting stamina it would probably take twice as long to arrive. sungjong was already starting to feel his forehead break out in sweat, and they had only been walking for a minute. his stomach rumbled...he had only gotten a chance to eat a piece of chicken and a scoop of rice....he felt like those orphan kids from movies. cold, hungry, scared, he wasnt even that warm. 
"i'll tell you later." sungyuu breathed "it's kinda hard to talk"
then sungjong noticed the limp in his walk and the way he winced when he moved his right side. was that a trace of blood on the corner of his lip?
so sunggyu had been injured. it just wasnt as apparent as woohyun...
he wondered what the heck HAD happened....if they didnt fight...maybe sunggyu was lying so he wouldnt get scolded by the maknae. but it didnt seem like he was why would he be scared of the maknae?
suddenly lights flahsed in front blinding sungjong.
he hadnt seen a car the whole walk here. it was now or never.
sungjong let go of woohyun, and sungyu caught him (but ended up falling on the floor with him anyway) sungjong had to fight back the instict to see if they where okay.
he ran into the middle of the street, so the car would have to stop.
it came to a halt just in time (thank god) sungjong sighed with relief the adrenaline rush leaving him shakey as he collapsed in the middle of the road. he looked up.
"dongwoo?" sungjong asked. bliking his eyes.
"yah! lee sungjong! we were crazy looking for you!!" he said getting out and slamming the car door, rushing over and bending over to help him up. 
"sungyeol told us you escaped. what where you thinking?! going out alone into a city you don't even know, without even your cell phone?! and especailly at night!" dongwoo was angry. but sungjong was happier than anything to see him.
"hyung! it's woohyun and sungyuu" sungjong said grabbing dongwoo's arm and pulling him along. "we need to take them to the hospital."
sungyuu was trying to stand up to no avail. woohyun, was still unconcious, and looking worse than before.
dongwoo took in the sight, his eyes widened "what the hell happened?!?!." he said now making a full sprint.
the other members had also come looking with dongwoo and climed out of the car seeing everything through the windows. the 5 boys together easily brought the injured boys into the van.
dongwoo drove the van. myungsoo took shot gun.
hoya and sungyeol had woohyun laying across thier laps in the middle seats. he was still unconcious but they were trying to stop the bleeding from his forehead. sungyeol was crying the whole time, saying all the things they hadnt even got to do together yet. even the ever calm hoya looked a bit shaken. apparently they couldnt feel his breathing anymore....
sungyuu had fainted just as soon as the boys had  tried to lift him up from the sidewalk and into the van. 
sunjong sat with him in the back. head cradled in his lap, his hair and face trying to stay calm in the midst of chaos. he covered him with the sweater he had brought along, murrmuring pleasant things like " it's okay, everything will be okay." then he saw it....
sungjong sat up sunggyu quickly but gently and tried urgently to wake him, but sunggyu eyes stayed closed. tears welled in sungjongs eyes. he yelled at the others to help. even though he knew they couldnt possibly do anything plus they were busy with woohyun who was in very critical condition.
sunggyu had a trail of ever increasing blood coming out of his mouth....
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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695 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.