Forbidden Topic

Woogyu Flashback


"what's wrong?" woohyun asked as sunggyu pulled away from thier kiss looking confused.
"omg, what am i doing? you're a guy. this is so wrong...woohyun, i'm straight. sorry i can't. this is just..."
woohyun felt like he got slapped in the face.
"just kidding namu. your ab's are just more awesome than i remember." sunggyu smirked.
"what the hell?! jerk! i thought you were serious!"
"woohyun, calm down. geez.. your temper is as bad as when we first met."
"wait...are you remembering more stuff now?"
"i am remembering A LOT of stuff right now." sunggyu smiled.
"like what exactly?" woohyun asked.
"EVERYTHING? what?! that fast? are you serious? you're joking right? please tell me you're not."
it was sunggyu's turn to shut up woohyun as he pulled him into another kiss....
yes, woohyun. sunggyu thought.
my memories are ALL rushing back. i remember it all now. i love you. don't ever let me forget how much i en love you. cuz i think i might just die if i make you go through that crap again...
"we're home!!" sungyeol yelled as he opened the main door to the room, the rest of the members trailing in behind him. they had been worrying the whole day about leaving the two together in one room for such a long time, but there was nothing they could do about it. everyone quickly headed to the room to check that the two hadnt killed each other or something along those lines.
"what in the..." hoya said as they opened the door, sunggyu and woohyun were both on woohyuns bed, fast asleep.
sungyeol shrugged "ummm, at least they didn't kill each other."
the two boys on the bed stirred at the sound of the members voices.
"i see you two made up." dongwoo said eyeing them suspiciously, hoping they hadnt been fighting, and passed out from exhaustion on the same bed by some wierd mishap.
"oh,'s a long story." sunggyu stretched out his arms yawning.
woohyun just grunted. "turn off the lighhhhttt~" then put a pillow over his head.
sunngyu laughed and gave him a hug.
"ouch, my injuries! go ahead and kill me now sunggyu, sheesh." woohyun complained but didn't push sunggyu away. instead he rolled over a bit so he could be closer.
"ooookay. this isn't wierd, like at all." myungsoo said officially weirded out.
" birds. we're going to go buy some snacks now. bye~." sungyeol said pulling myunsoo out of the room and dragging him down the hall. closing the door on the way out.
"hey! wait, why are you dragging me? take someone else with you." myungsoo protested.
"cuz i like you...."
"you like hoya too, take him with you."
"i don't like him like that...."
"wait..... hahahahaha, you're joking right? are you trying to say that you LIKE me?.. as in more than a freind?"
"yeah...don't you like me too?" sungyeol said looking almost confused.
"we're guy's... we can't LIKE each other."
"that's a bloody lie. and you know it. there's enough proof in that room over there if you didn't notice." sungyeol pointed behind him.
"sunggyu and woohyun don't like each other like THAT you idiot. they're obviously just close friends now...apparently"
"i'm sorry but you obviosly did not see leader-gyu's love struck eyes."
"okay fine, whatever. but i am still not into guys. i just like you as a friend. sorry sungyeol..."
"ha, you're lying through your teeth." sungyeol almost laughed. "why are you so scared? is it because of what people will think? or what they'll say?"
"sungyeol..." myungsoo whinned frustrated.
"myungsoo..." sungyeol mimicked.
"aughh, you're delusional." myungsoo said as he opened the door and they made thier way downstairs.
"and you my friend." sungyeol said pushing myungsoo up against the wall." are under delusional."
"wait, sungyeol." myungsoo said his eyes wide."don't you dar-"
sungyeol smirked then swooped in for a kiss. myungsoo fought it at first as he pushed against sungyeols chest. but it was no use. he could not move that twig like giant. he began hitting him so that he would move. sungyeol didn't even budge. sungyeol smiled as he noticed myungsoo become weak, starting to kiss him back, his hands now cluthing the front of sungyeols shirt. sungyeol could almost hear myungsoo's heart race with nervous excitement. sungyeol pulled out of the kiss.
"now. tell me you didn't feel anything." sungyeol muttered. he still had myungsoo agaisnt the wall whose cheeks were now flushed pink. myungsoo looked down. sungyeol released him.
"i-i didn't"
"liar." sungyeol said as he brought up myungsoo's chin so he could look at his eyes.
"don't do that. don't...i can't...." myungsoo said looking away.
"you can't what?"
"don't do this. don't make me fall in love with you. i can't fall in love with you. i won't."
"i'm not gonna make you do anything myungsoo. but one quick question. if you can't fall in love with me, why are you holding onto me like you're scared of letting me go?" sungyeol asked, as he pulled off myungsoo's hand that were now digging into his shirt.
myungsoo's eyes had become watery. "i-i..."
"think about it." sungyeol said as he walked off down the street hands stuffed in his pockets, not looking back.
------------------2 MONTHS LATER-SUNGGYU:
"morning! sunshine~" sunggyu cheered as he threw himself onto woohyuns sleeping figure that was covered in a mass of blankets.
"no, it's too early. go awayyyyy." woohyun whined into his pillow.
"come on, we have to go practice."
"wake the rest up first."
"they already are up." sunggyu informed.
"auuuughhh, fine...." woohyun got up unwillingly.
these day's it was harder to wake up the members. training was more difficult, hours were longer, rules had become stricter, and there was still the ever underlying fear of not knowing if they were going to debut. sunggyu felt sorry everytime he had to wake up the members from thier sleep. they all looked so tired. but he was the leader. what else could he do?
"come on namstar. you can sleep on the bus." sunggyu said patting his head.
"yah. you're off beat sungjong. come on. get your head out of the clouds."
it had been 2 months since they had begun training at wooliment, everything was now routine. sunggyu and woohyun had finally gotten better and had were doing regular schedules like everyone else.
it was wierd how close the two were in just about 2 weeks. after being cooped up in thier room together sungjong guessed it only made sense. the pair were like best friends now. they did everything together. they were like peanut butter and jelly; a needle and thread, a pair of chopsticks, mp3 and headphones...
sungjong didn't like it. at first he had been happy that the hyungs were getting along famously, but now it irked the crap out of him. sunggyu didnt even mind him any attention anymore. or actually he did mind him attention. just not the kind that sungjong wanted.
"sungjong did you hear me?" sunggyu called out.
sungjong closed his eyes and took a breath before answering,trying to keep the frustrated expression out of his face.."yes...hyung."
"yah, lee sungjong, i mean it." he said his eyes steady, expression serious. sunggyu could be a very scary leader...
sungjong pursed his lips and sighed inwardly...just when he thought they were getting close the first couple of weeks.....
well at least he got along with everyone else. he didnt really have an individual he felt close to though, they were all on the same level to him.
sungjong found himself missing those days where sunggyu and him had begun to open up to eachother. he wished it could all be like how it had been before. instead sunggyu was treating him like crap, except some rare moments were he would surprise sungjong with an act of kindness.
the maknae's usually got it the worst, he new that, but he wasnt used to being the maknae. he was used to being a loner and doing things his own way. it was still a difficult thing to get used to.
sunjong picked up his pace, trying to keep in tune with the music to avoid being scolded once again. even myungsoo wasnt messing up today. as much as he hated to admit it, sunggyu was right.
practice finished at midnight like usual and they all headed to the last bus to take them to the dorms.
"i'm tireddd~." sungyeol said as he lay on the living room floor not bothering to make it another couple feet to his room. the rest of the members followed his movements and the living room floor was full of seven tired korean teenage boys.
"hey, you at least get to sleep in till six, i have to wake up at four." woohyun whined. "it's not fair, i wanna sleep in till six.... i want a break..." he frowned showing his displeasure.
woohyun and sunggyu were getting extra traning sessions every other day since they were the main vocals of the group.
"let's run away woohyunie?" sunggyu said teasingly. he had his head resting in woohyuns lap, woohyun was leaning his back against the nearest wall. he was playing with sunggyu's hair.
"i wish." woohyun said cracking a smile.
"yahhh! that sounds like an awesome idea!" sungyeol said sitting up. anything that reeked of mischief automatically grabbed his attention and reeled him in like a magnet.
"yah. who are you 'yah'ing?" sunggyu scolded the choding. it didnt sound angry, it just sounded routine. like a phrase that had been said so much it almost lost meaning. sungyeol had a habit of saying 'yah' to everyone and even sunggyu who hated that kind of behavior was getting used to it, he knew sungyeol wasn't trying to be rude. sunggyu had tried to break sungyeol's habit, but it hadn't worked so far, and sungjong doubted he ever would. "and i was joking. we can't just run away..."
the members were all quiet.
they had talked about it once before, but it was impossible. they all worked everyday from 6am to 12pm except sunggyu and woohyun who had to start at 4am every other day. that only left them a six hour window. but they needed the 6 hours of sleep, if they didnt sleep they would probably die from exhaustion, training was hard, they needed all the sleep they could get.
apart from that they had strict curfew rules. they could even be dissmissed from the company if they were caught outside of curfew now.
curfew rules stated they couldnt leave the dorms after 7pm but practice ended at midnight there would be no escaping. they were pretty much slaves at the moment due to thier contract, but it would all be worth it in the end. if they did debut. who knew how many years of misery and confinement they would have till debut. sungjong sighed. if only time could go faster.
myungsoo got up tiredly. "i'm going to bed. see you guys." dongwoo, his room mate, got up and followed.
"bye guys. sleep tight." dongwoo called over his shoulder.
the rest of the members dispersed to thier rooms after saying goodnight to each other, everyone secretly thinking about the forbidden topic of escaping...
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.