
Woogyu Flashback


ater a couple of minutes of waiting in awkward silence, a different guy came into the room. woohyun assumed it was thier manager, he lead them outside to a van and drove the seven boys to the dorm, introducing them to the route and surrounding area along the way. woohyun sat as far from sunggyu as humanly possible. hopefully the two might be able to ignore each other successfully for the rest of...forever.
once they arrived at the dorm, thier manager showed them inside. the dorm was kinda small, it had 3 rooms, one bathroom, a small kitchen, a living room with no furniture, the only thing occupying it was an ancient looking t.v. that sat on the floor. woohyun wondered if it had cable....
soon the man left but not before telling them that he would pick them up at 6AM the next morning for training.
woohyun's eyes almost jumped out of his face, if he could barley wake up at one in the afternoon, how could he get up at 6AM??
"okay... dibs on the big room!!" the guy named sungyeol yelled taking a leap at the door to his left, pulling woohyun out of his awaiting nightmare.
the guy named myungsoo pulled sungyeol from the back of his shirt. "whoaaaa there, no way, that's my room."
"but i called dibs!!" sungyeol argued.
"so?" myungsoo blinked.
"dibs is like as legit as it gets. you can't deny someone when they call dibs."
"yeah, man, it's like the golden rule." the guy named hoya said shaking his head.
"oh, shut up hoya, you're just saying that so you can share the room with him." the guy named dongwoo said rolling his eyes. hoya laughed.
"i have a better idea." sungjong said coming in between the two. he stuck out his hand. rock-paper-scissors anyone?"
the seven boy's all looked at each other and shrugged. sounded fair enough. rules: whoever put out the same weapon would room together. and if thier weapons beat the others they would choose the room of thier choice.
"alright, and to make this fair, no one can call backsies. the room you get, and roomate you get, is who you're stuck with for the next 6 months. we all have to swear." hoya said putting a hand up to his heart ready to take an oath. the rest of the members followed.
man, rooming was some serious apparently, woohyun thought.
he put his hand over his heart...wait, what if he got stuck with sunggyu?...nah, there was seven guy's. what were the chances?
"i swear." all seven boys said in unision....
seven hands went down together.. "rock-paper-scissors!"
the results were not what he wanted to see.
sungjong, hoya, and sungyeol all threw down paper while the rest did rock.
"damnnit! i wanted the big room." myungsoo frowned.
"the power of dibs!" sungyeol smirked as hoya high-fived him. sungjong already was already in the room beggining to unpack.
the last four of them threw down thier weapons. myungsoo and dongwoo did scissors while sunggyu and woohyun did paper.
it had now been decided. for the next six months sunggyu would be rooming with nam woohyun. he looked over at his new roommate who stood smaking his forehead agaisnt the nearest wall. then for the first time, woohyun made eye contact with him....and sunggyu felt a chill go up his spine, the hate, he could feel the hate radiate through woohyuns eyes. sunggyu's whole body broke out in goosebumps, he swallowed.
woohyun looked like he would rather die then share a room with sunggyu, or have anything to do with sunggyu. why? who the hell knew? all sunggyu knew was he would avoid woohyun like the plague. after just one look, that was all it took for him to know, that woohyun absolutley detested him.
sunjong locked the door, and placed his clean clothes and towel on a rack, hopping into the warm shower feeling relief.
showers always made him feel like he was in a safe haven. when he felt down, he always could count on a shower to lighten his mood. not that he felt down or anything, but showers just made him feel warm and relaxed.
sungjong stood in the shower too late realizing there was no shampoo in there, and cursed himself for being so stupid. obviously there would be no soaps in here, it was not a hotel after all. when suddenly he heard a knock on the door.
"ummmm....who is it?" sungjong asked, unsure of what else to say.
"it's me. sungyuu....open up, i need to pee." he imagined sungyu was probably doing the pee dance. sunjong almost laughed at the thought.
"but i'm showering" sungjong protested. biting his lips. it felt a little awkward since they still didnt really know each other.
"i dont care it's not like i'm gonna hop in the shower with you, i just wanna use the toilet." sunggyuu argued.
sungjong sighed and listened to the leaders command, maybe if he did this, sungyuu would feel closer to him, and they could become friends.
he got out of the shower, unlocked the door, then quickly hopped into the shower again.
"okay, it's unlocked!" sungjong replied.
he hear the door open and close in response, then the sigh of relief as sunggyu did his buisness.
"ummm...sunggyu-hyung.." sungjong asked timidly, remembering about the shampoo dilema. do you have any shampoo i can use? see i didn't bring any because ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" sungjong screamed loudly. all he heard was the sound of sungyuu flushing the toilet and the water in his shower instantaniously became lava hot, burning his whole backside. sunjong jumped out of the shower trying to avoid anymore of the lava water, his safe haven becoming a sudden hellhole .
sungyuu looked at sungjong in surprise and realized what happened as he leaned on the bathroom wall for support bursting into uncontrolable laughter.
embarassed sungjong grabbed the towel he had placed on the rack. and wrapped it around his waist. he could feel his entire face become a bright pink color. he wondered what sungyuu had seen.
but sungyuu was still laughing hysterically. after what seemed like and eternity to sungjong (but was probably a couple seconds.) the leader straightened up said "wow, i did not see that coming." clearly amused, without a trace of guilt. then he looked at sungjongs expression. "so you needed shampoo?"
sungjong stood there trying to not let his pain show through his expression.
what a jerk! he opened the door for him, trying to become closer to this hyung by a act of kindness, and he repays him this way?the burn still stung his sensitive skin, and not to mention he had just been seen stark by this guy who he barley knew, and to top it all off! he wasnt even apologizing?! sungjong never in his life met someone so rude.
suddenly he recalled the day of the audition when sunggyu came in all gracefull and knocking over the sign near the door. even then he didn't seem apologetic at his mistake. he even glared at the people who looked at him after personally causing the disturbance.
sungjong stood there with his back still burning, lost in the flashback, barley hearing the door open and close behind him. about 30 seconds later the sound of a door opening and closing again, a bottle landed at his feet, he came out of the flash back. unmoving he looked at it. it was a bottle of shampoo.
"jerk" sungjong said outloud but it was barley above a whisper.
sungjong had gone to sleep on his stomach, his 1st degree burns on his back hurt too much to sleep on.
he slept soundly without any dreams, even though he hadnt done much that day, he felt drained and exhausted. his roomate, hoya, had already been asleep when he got out of the shower. passed out on the bottom bunk.
sungyeol, had still been out in the kitchen making kimbap and ramyun with dongwoo they offered sungjong some, he only took one kimbap, declining the ramyun, thanking them for asking anyway.
the others he assumed were in thier rooms either asleep or getting to know each other.
as he passed the living room he saw woohyun sleeping on the floor. wow did he despise sunggyu that much that he would rather sleep in the cold hard living room floor?
whatever, it wasn't his problem, tomorrow was going to be a long day, if only he could sleep till noon....
"ya! wake up!"
"noooooo~.... not now~ the dreams just getting gooood~" sungjong heard a sleepy sungyeol murmurr to the pesky manager. obviously sleep talking.
sungjong couldn't agree more. sleep was a good thing, and he wanted nothing more than to stay in dream land for a couple more hours. but the manager was wouln't take no for an answer and soon all the sleepy teenagers headed to the waiting van. where it would take them to begin thier dance practice immediatley.
"again!!" thier dance instructor demanded. they had been dancing for 8 hours straight, non-stop without break, they hadnt eaten luch or breakfast, the instructor was so mad he didnt even let them drink water. everyone was tired, hungry, and losing thier resolve. sungjong knew trainees had it the worst, but now he was experiencing it first hand. it was not fun. 
"no one leaves till they get it right!! if you have to stay all day and night that's fine." the instructor's tone was dead serious. this was the entertainment industry, NOTHING was a joke. it was all very real. sungjong was just realizing how real it was....
they did the steps again, but it wasn't good enough. sungjong had to bite the inside of his lip from yelling. his legs felt like they were on fire, his arms like they were full of lead, sweat was coming out of places he never even thought possible. but they never stopped.
"again!! together!! five-six-seven-eight!!" the instructor demanded sounding more like a drill sergeant than anything else.
everyone did the steps, thier bodies moving against thier will.
suddenly there come a loud thud from behind, everyone turned and saw myungsoo lying on the floor eyes closed.
"aishhh! of all the crap." sungjong heard the instructor say under his breath as he turned off the music. everyone hurridley gathered around thier unconcious team mate.
"you drove him too hard!" sunggyu yelled. "he fainted!"
the instructor sauntered over, with an almost bored look on his face, sunggyu pushed him aside "call down our manager." sungyuu said firmly.
"this happens alot tru-"
"call down our manager!" sunggyu reapeted angrily while putting an arm around myungsoo, and carring him to the couch at the end of the room.
the instructor left thru the door unwillingingly to fetch the manager, cursing a string of profanities along the way. the rest of the members still shocked, stood around saying and doing nothing. sungyuu had left thru the doors and came back with some rubbing alchohol. he was waving the open bottle under myungsoo's nose. myungsoo slowly opened his eyes.
"ouch" he said, touching the side of his face he had impacted on. "what happened?" he said his voice hoarse, he coughed, looking at sungyuu.
"you fainted.... lie down, you'll just make it worse." he replied, and myungsoo did as he was told. "our manager is coming, he'll take you to the hospital so they can get you hydrated, and give you something for your dizzyness, maybe get some food and water into you."
at this moment, sungyuu looked extremely handsome, like those perfect guys from dramas. knowing exactly what to do without panicking, while the rest of the members stood around doing nothing. this was the moment sungjong realized that there could be no one else better fit than sungyuu to be thier leader. he could sense the others were thinking the exact same thing. even woohyun who hated sungyuu for whatever reason, seemed to quietly acknowlege this fact, even though he probably hated it more than anything on this earth.
myungsoo, seemed to relax at sungyuu's voice and information. he nodded and closed his eyes.
sungyuu had a really soothing voice, it almost made sungjong want to take a nap, it was so relaxed, slow, clear and reassuring. sungjong was pretty sure if he talked right now his voice would come out dry and unflattering. he really wished for some water...
the manager soon came to get myungsoo and told the rest of the members they could go home for the rest of the day since the choreographer decided to 'leave'. and tomorrow they would be back for singing lessons at 6am.
everyone but sungyuu sighed in relief. "we need that practice." was all he said. the manager told him it was up to him.
sunggyu nodded and he the manager left. in response sungyuu headed twords the cd player and told everyone they would keep practicing. no one argued, because they couldnt.
the music came on for thier next choreography, sungyuu showed hoya the steps, he easily followed and demonstrated the steps to the rest of the members. everyone danced along with thier new choregraphy and music, except for sungjong who kept getting it wrong.....
"aishh!! i can't do this!!" he heard himself say, his voice cracking in the middle, he was so frustrated. they had been practicing the new coreography for 2 hours now, and he still couldnt get it right. plus he still hadnt gotten that drink of water. sunggyu didnt say they couldnt drink, but he was kinda scared to...if he went over and got a drink by himself while the other members were still practicing, they would probably think of him as weak. they would most likley scold him, and he was already the maknae, he couldnt give them that kind of power. if they were toughing it out, he would have to too.
sungyuu stopped the music and told everyone to take a break. then called over sungjong. sungjong swallowed nervously.
"hyung, i can't..." he said at loss for words, they had been practacing for a total of 10 hours, sungjong was beyeond tired. his stomach hurt from the hunger, and his throat burned for water. he felt uncomfortable in his completley sweat drenched clothes and hair.
"everyone back to the dorms, practice is over." sungyuu said, eyes never leaving sungjongs face.
sungjong wanted to jump up and down screaming like a little girl, run outside to the fresh air, eat something, then crawl into bed and sleep for a whole month.
"thanks hyung" sungjong said with a smile as he started heading for the door with the others. sungyuu suddenly grabbed him by his wrist.
"everyone. except for sungjong. i'm calling our manager to come get you." he whipped out his cell phone and dialed "wait in the hall by the main doors till he get's here."
the smile vanished from sungjongs face.
everyone looked at the maknae with sympathetic eyes, but headed out the door, just a tad bit more concerned for thier own freedom... all except... woohyun.
woohyun walked to where the two stood, sunggyu still holding sungjong by the wrist.
whithout moving his eyes from sungjongs face sunggyu told the manager to pick up the members and informed him that him and sungjong would go to the dorms later on the bus, then he hung up.
"oh come on. sunggyu give him a break!" woohyun said as he pulled sungjongs arm away from sunggyu's grasp. sungjong noticed woohyun didn't use any formalities. "it's the first day! he's not a machine. let him go. he's been practicing just as hard as the rest of us."
sungyuu set his jaw and stared at woohyun. "this isn't a game you know, we can't go easy on anyone. this is the best way for him to learn.he'll be thanking me later."
woohyun more defensivley this time said. "what about you? you think you dance perfectly?" he snorted. "your dancing is just as bad, maybe even worse. why don't you try looking in the mirror once?... better yet, prove yourself before you start barking commands at people and quit abusing your power as leader sunggyu-ah." he said completly passing the border of formalities. ultimate disrespect in the place of a dongsaeng.
sungyuu marched twords woohyun until thier faces were only inches apart. sungjong coulnt believe woohyun had said that, even though woohyun didnt like sungyuu, he was still his dongsaeng, and there were limits to how disrespectful he could be. if he got beat to a pulp rught there he wouldnt be surprised.
"you think i don't know all this?? why do you think i'm here this late at night when i could have left hours ago? like i said this isn't a game, and you don't see me leaving thru that door. do you?? i'm staying here too, not just sungjong...." sungyuu said, a surprising response....
wow, woohyuns face didnt contain a fist.
but still, sungjong was scared. both the older boys were too strong for him to take apart and if they did decide to fight, and he wouldn't be able to do anything. he couldn't say anything either, because he was the maknae. he did the only thing he could.
"it's okay hyung." he told woohyun as he grabbed his arms and pulled him away from the leader with a fake smile. "i need the practice....i'm fine.. really." he said in his most confident voice.
woohyun nodded, but his facial expression remained the same. bitter and angry, not twords sungjong but twords the leader. as if he knew that if he stayed much longer, he and the leader would end up doing something stupid.
"yeah, okay." was all he said, shaking his head. he patted sungjongs shoulder before giving the leader one last cold look, and left through the practice room door to wait with the others.
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.