Is It Okay Like This?

Woogyu Flashback

a little over three months had passed and woohyun and sunggyu had become really close through music. everyday during lunch they would sing together helping each other improve, thier voices even complimented each other, woohyun sang with a power vocal while sunggyu sang as lead vocal.
they had very similar styles in music choices so picking a song to practice was never hard. sunggyu was teaching woohyun everything he learned in his classes about composition and music styles. they would even go to the library and stock up on books and surf the internet learning new techniques.

apart from all the music, they found out that their personalities complimented each other as well. 
sunggyu was more level headed and serious and only woohyun could bring out his inner child and dorkiness.
woohyun stopped being so damn mean and jerky all the time, becoming more playful and having a bright atmosphere.

during the three months they never talked about the kiss again.

woohyun told sunggyu about his orientation after 3 months of being freinds. sunggyu at least deserved to know. woohyun had been scared at first but after he told sunggyu, sunggyu just laughed saying he didnt care, what his orientation was, woohyun was still woohyun. nothing would change that.

APRIL 2008:
it was already 7:10 pm sunggyu was late, what was taking him so long? 
they had decided to meet up at 7:00 sharp in front of the subway terminal number 5. woohyun had entered and won 1st place at a singing contest, today they were supposed to go out and celebrate.
aishhh this guy... if he doesnt come in one minute...woohyun thought.

"yah! woohyun!" yelled sunggyu raising a hand as he approached from a distance looking relaxed.

"you're late." woohyun said pouting, once sunggyu was an arm length away.

"sorry it's just that i had to go back when i realized i forgot your present at home." sunggyu said.

"you got me a present?" woohyun said his eyes lighting up.

"yeah but you cant open it till later tonight. after we do a toast. okay?"

"awwww. fine." woohyun said stomping his foot cutley showcasing some aegyo. sunggyu laughed. it had been rare at first to see badass woohyun doing aegyo but it seemed that he had grown to like it more as he did it more often without even thinking about it.

"oh, come on! if you do that, what does that make me?" sunggyu said.

"it makes you a bad man" said woohyun sticking out his tounge. 

sunggyu frowned. woohyun then laughed giving sunggyu a hug. "just kidding."

"no, i am deeply wounded now. i'm going home." said sunggyu keeping a straight face.

"no~ dont leave!" woohyun said holding onto his arm.

"nope i'm leaving." said sunggyu heading for the subway. woohyun still latched on.

"noooo~ hyunnggg!~" woohyun begged.

"okay, show me how much you want me to stay." sunggyu said, taking advantage of the situation trying to keep a smile from invading his face.

"but hyung....there's too many people here...."
woohyun said looking around feeling embarassed.

"fine i'm leaving." sunggyu said taking a step.

"nonnonoononono!! fine i'll show you!" woohyun said quickly and blushed, glancing around to make sure no one was watching.

"okay, let's see it." said sunggyu tapping his foot impatiently. "how much do you want me to stay?"

woohyun closed his eyes and breathed out. "this muuuuuuchhhhhh!!" he spread out his arms as much as he could then spun around gracefully ending with a heart over his head then he blew sunggyu a kiss.

sunggyu laughed unable to help woohyuns it the rare and unresistable aegyo.
"alright alright." he agreed nodding his head in defeat.
"yay~!" woohyun said jumping up and down, glad it was now over, hooking his arm through sunggyu's and dragging them out into the night.

the two of them headed through the streets and to thier favorite restaurant to eat some bulgogi stew, ready for a night of celebration.

"oh yeahh!" said woohyun.

"one shot!" sunggyu said as their glasses clinked for the unth time. 
it was thier 6th shot of soju and they were now dizzy.

"i'm full, we should go noraebang-ing!!" woohyun said enthusiastically. sunggyu gave a hiccup and the two of them burst into a fit of giggles.

"i'm game, let's go!" said sunggyu claping his hands, they stood up, sunggyu insisted on paying the bill.

both walked with thie arms around each others shoulders singing randoms songs they heard blaring out of the passing stores, laughing when ever one of them messed up on the lyrics.

they made it to a noraebang nearby and ordered up another bottle of soju, the lady brought it to them with 2 shot glasses and they settled into the couches pouring themselves a shot.

"couple shot!" said sunggyu lifting the glass.
"alrigghhhtt!" woohyun said sitting next to him.
they hooked thier arms and did the coulple shots trying to hold in thier laughter, but sunggyu ended up just spraying soju everywhere as he giggled uncontrollably.

whenever they got drunk everything just seemed freakn hilarious. that was why they nicknamed alcohol happy juice, it always made them happy when they drank it.

they didn't drink often but when they did they usually went all out.

together the two looked through the song bank book and picked hands up by 2pm for thier first song since they were in a party mood.
"Hullyeo peojineun umage matchweo!!! everyone put your hands up!! and get your drinks up!!!!" they yelled into the mikes together not even trying to sound good.

they kicked off thier shoes and jumped onto the couch bouncing up and down.
"ON SESANGI HAMKKE MICHYEO!!!" they yelled while they waved thier tamborines around in the air and flung on some wigs and big glasses. looking like a couple of wild baboons.
the lyrics seemed to describe the scene quite nicely in the noraebang. they were indeed going crazy.

nothing was better than eating some meat, getting drunk, and singing at a noraebang. it was the perfect combo.

every time the song said 'get your drinks up', they took another one shot. and when taecyeon yelled "galkae!!" they filled the shot glass to the very top. 
by the end of the song they were a mess of laughter and could no longer jump on the couch because they were too drunk.

the next song they picked high high by gd and top, they danced around on the floor singing enthusiastically.
after a couple songs they were drained and became lazy, they sat on the couch leaning on each other.

they picked a random song to play while they rested. it was cheerz by simon d, perfect a drunk song ha.
they took a shot every time simon said 'one shot!!
they laughed, at nothing in particular and took another couple shot at the end of the song. 
they had taken off the wacky glasses and only had the wigs on.

"woohyunnie is so pretty." sunggyu said in a drunken laugh.

"mmmmm...oppa~ am i really that pretty?" teased woohyunnie batting his lashes. he wasnt as drunk as sunggyu but he was pretty much out of his mind too.

sunggyu's expression became a little more serious. "yes, woohyunnie is the prettiest."
suddenly he leaned forward until his face was directly in front of woohyun, woohyun backed up suddenly feeling sober, but the couch didnt allow him to move further.
sunggyu grabbed woohyuns face in his hands and pulled him into a kiss.
after about two seconds sunggyu pulled back and laughed seemingly unaffected, the whole thing had been a joke to him.
"take that wig off, you look ridiculous." he said as he pulled it off woohyuns head.

woohyun knew it was all the soju that had gone to his friends head but even though he himself was drunk he couldnt help the blush that came to his face.

"hyung looks worse than i do." he said sticking out his tounge at him. trying to act normal. unaffected.

he snatched the wig from sunggyu's head.

"hey, i like the wig, it suits me." sunggyu said laughing.

"it's mine now." said woohyun waving it above his head lying back on the couch so it was out of sunggyu's reach..
sunggyu got up from the couch and tried to retrive it.
but he suddenly lost his balance and fell on top of woohyun, both of his arms on either side of his head. 
woohyun had witnessed the same positon 2 times before, when he first met sunggyu. except those times sunggyu hadnt stopped himself in time and they accidentaly kissed.

but this time sunggyu had stopped in time and was hovering inches from woohyuns face. wooohyun felt his face flush and turn pink again. feeling sunggyu's warm breath on his lips. a warm feeling spread through his body.

"woohyun?" sunggyu said.

"yeah?" woohyun said swallowing.

"i really want to kiss you right now." sunggyu admitted.

woohyun's heart stopped. surely he was just messing around again right? had he even heard right? apparently he had because sunggyu closed the distance between them and thier lips met in a kiss. but, this time sunggyu didnt move away and laugh it off.
so many things were going on in woohyuns head. sunggyu was drunk. that's why he was doing this right? or were these his true feelings? and what about himself? was he ready to accept these feelings he had been scared of for so long? and what if this was all a mistake and thier friendship would be ruined? all these thoughts left his mind when sunggyu parted his lips and brought them into a deeper more intimate kiss.
woohyun definetly wanted this. he felt his whole body burn with desire. he had wanted this for so long, but never thought it would be possible.
the song that had been playing suddenly ended but they kept going.
[sunggyu randomly pushed a button on the remote without looking up or breaking the kiss.
my ears candy by baekji young and taecyeon started playing.]
sunggyu made himself more comfortable as he settled himself between woohyuns legs.
woohyun felt the need to be even closer. he broke the kiss. sunggyu, looked a bit confused for a second as wooohyun sat up only to push sunggyu back onto the couch so he was now on top. sunggyu smiled lazily as they continued kissing. slowly exporing each others mouths.
woohyun was in a daze both from the soju and sunggyu's unbelivably good kissing. suddenly he shivered as he felt sunggyu bring his hands up underneath his shirt and trace them slowly up and down his sculpted back ending just above his waistband he felt himself heat up again as sunggyu slowly slipped just the tips of his fingers under the waistband staring from his back and making his way to the front. omg woohyun thought. he was completly now. they never stopped kissing all the while, the kisses had now turned more intense. now sunggyu brought his hands up and woohyun hovered a bit to give him more room. he pressed his hands against woohyuns abs feeling around the yness of woohyuns bad boy muscles, then reached his hands up to his back again, and hooked his legs around woohyun bringing them dangerously close.
"mmmmmm" woohyun moaned.
sunggyu seemed really experienced and woohyun was begining to feel like a rookie. he wanted sunggyu to feel the same way he did, but he wasnt sure how.

"you're doing great." said sunggyu breaking the kiss as if feeling woohyuns thoughts. "just don't think about it and the rest comes naturally."
woohyun nodded. he gatherd up sunggyus lips in with own and lost himself without thinking like sunggyu said. 
he felt sunggyu playing his fingers through his messy black hair. woohyun broke the kiss and started kissing sunggyu's neck gently being careful not to bruise his sensitve skin. he heard sunggyu moan and smiled. ha it was true, the rest did just come naturally.

but sadly enough thier hour at the norbang was all used up and they decided to leave. they came out with thier hair all toussled and thier clothes ruffled.

they paid the lady at the front thier fees on the way out and left to woohyuns house in a taxi, too drunk to take the bus.
they had another make out session in the back seat, the cab driver didnt say anything but when they tried to pay him the fare he just gave them a smile and said it was fine.

as they went through the hall to the apartment woohyun pulled sunggyu along by the hand as they laughed drunkedly trying not to fall over. they got inside and closed the door behind them, attacking each other with kisses again once the door was shut desperate for more, they settled down on woohyun's couch not bothering to turn on the lights.
good thing he lived by himself.

woohyun suddenly began to wonder that if they weren't drunk there was probably no way in hell that they would be doing this right now.... or ever.
suddenly he stopped kissing sunggyu. the thought hitting him with a pang.

SUNGGYU WASNT EVEN GAY.....he was completly straight...

sunggyu tried to keep the kiss going but woohyun got up from the couch.
sunggyu frowned.
"what's wrong?" he asked looking up at sunggyu.

"we shouldnt be doing this." said woohyun. turning on the lights.

"what why, not?" asked sunggyu confused.

"because, you're drunk, you don't know what you're doing, i can't take advantage of that."
woohyun said looking away from sunggyus crushed expression, feeling sober.

sunggyu stood up walking drunkedly over to woohyun he put his arms up around woohyuns neck "maybe i want you to take advantage of me." he said provacativley stealing a kiss from woohyuns lips.

woohyun gently pulled sunggyus arms from around his neck.
"when you wake up tomorrow you might not think that...." woohyun said sadly.

"look, woohyun." sunggyu said sitting on the couch. "i may be drunk right now but these thought's arent just from the spur of the moment."

"what are you talking about?" woohyun asked watching sunggyu carefully.

"i dunno... i guess i've been having these thoughts alot recently, ever since you told me you were, you know... gay....i dunno" sungyyu said shrugging

"but you're straight, you kissed me twice before and you didnt so much as twitch." woohyun pointed out.
i know, i know....but maybe...i dunno, can people change?" sunggyu asked looking up at woohyun.

"i dunno.." woohyun said.
they stayed quiet.
sunggyu got up from the couch suddenly and pulled out a black box from his pocket.

", i forgot to give you the gift at the restaurant, since we were having so much fun.
woohyun walked over and opened up the box, it was a personalized necklace. the charm at the end was a silver mp3 with little head phones. it looked expensive.

ha, an mp3, it was by a little thing like that, that made them come together and meet about 4 months ago.

"wow sunggyu... i love it. thank you." woohyun said. 
sunggyu smiled and helped him clasp it on. for being drunk he did a pretty good job.

"you know, this is the first time i ever got anyone a present." sunggyu said. "so you better wear it all the time. alright?" he said half joking half serious.

"yeah, i will, seriously. thank you. i've never gotten a present this nice before."

"good. i like leaving a good impression." laughed sunngyu.

woohyun looked at the clock it was past midnight. "hey, it's pretty late. you want me to call a cab?" he said heading for the phone.

"awwww, you're kicking me out already?" said sunggyu pouting.
"i dont wanna leave, i wanna watch t.v."

woohyun laughed. "t.v.? you look a mess. you should get some sleep."

"then let me sleep on the couch. i dont wanna walk all the way down the stairs to a taxi, i'll probably trip and fall to my death."

woohyun laughed. it was true. heck woohyun didnt feel so hot either, now that they stoped moving around he just felt like crashing in a corner and sleeping for a month.
plus they didnt have school tomorrow since it was the weekend...

"fine, you can stay the night here. i'm gonna go to bed.... see ya tomorrow."

"yea yea." sunggyu said as he made himself comfortable on the couch and the t.v.

woohyun went into his room closed the door, turned off the lights and striped off his clothes except for his boxers then crahsed into bed.
he was almost in his second level of sleep when he felt someone shake him.

"yah. woohyunnnn~. it's cold in the living room. were do you keep the spare blankets?" sunggyu was saying.

woohyun moaned putting his pillow over his head. "ehh nnn mo spne mmmne" woohyun said into the bed.

"what??" said sunggyu.

woohyun unburied his head from the bed and said more clearer this time "there arre noooo spaaare blankets." then took up his sleeping posture again and resumed sleeping.
all of a sudden he felt his blankets leave him as he lay there cold and in his boxers.

"yah!" woohyun moaned shivering with his eyes still closed. "gimme back my blanket."

"but i'm cold." sunggyu argued heading for the door almost tripping on sunggyu's clothes lying recklessly on the floor.

"go get your own blanket." woohyun said sitting scowling, his eyes still closed.

"there are no more blankets." sunggyu pointed out.

"i dont care. i'm cold. gimme" woohyun said whining and reaching his hands out. his cool usually flew out the window when he was sleepy.

"fine."sunggyu said coming over none at all gracefull crashing on the bed. "but i'm sleeping here too."

woohyun didn't argue once he felt his precioius blanket cover him up. the two soon fell fast asleep.

woohyun opened his eyes smiling, he had never slept so comfortably or soundly in all his life. what the? woohyun felt something move next to him. 
what the hell?

he pulled away the covers and saw sunggyu lying there next to him like a fallen angel all bedraggled and freakn hot.

he swallowed, but his mouth was dry from last nights alcohol.
"yah. what the heck are you doing in my bed? i thought i told you to sleep on the couch." woohyun said trying to sound annoyed.

"there were no blankets remember?" sunggyu said taking back the blanket and resuming his sleep session.

woohyun smiled knowing he couldnt pretend to get mad at sunggyu.
he got up and quickly took a shower, brushed his teeth then threw on some clean clothes. when he got out sunggyu was still sleeping.

woohyun went over to the kitchen and made some hangover soup. closing the blinds on the way, the sun was irritating his sensitive eyes.

about 30 minutes later sunggyu emerged from the room. he had taken the liberty of putting on some of woohyuns clothes and taking a shower.

"yah, why do you look better in my clothes than i do?" woohyun said annoyed from the kitchen, serving two bowls of soup.

"really? i didn't notice" sunngyu said striking a modeling pose while smirking then entering the kitchen.

woohyun snorted.
"here have some soup you loser." woohyun said handing him a bowl.

"what kind it?" sunggyu said inspecting it.

"hangover soup."

"ahhh. i see. does it taste good?"

woohyun shrugged. "i hope so." 

sunggyu laughed. he didn't even know woohyun cooked.

it was a neutral taste. but it felt good againt thier dry thoats. they drained their bowls and afterwords sat on the couch watching family outing. one of woohyuns favorite variety shows.

woohyun was laughing at the punishment yoo jae suk's team was getting when the screen turned off. he looked over at sunggyu who had the remote in his hand.

"why'd you turn it off? it was just getting to the good part." woohyun whined.

sunggyu looked up at him. " i wanted to talk."


"last nigh-"

"look last night was a mistake.... just forget about it, okay? we were both drunk, and we got carried away." woohyun said not wanting to disscuss it further, he didnt want to lose sunggyu's friendship over something like that, sunggyu was his first actual friend, he didn't think he could stand losing him.

"woohyun, i knew what i was doing."

"you w-"

"just hear me out ok?" sunggyu said sitting up and grabbing woohyuns hand looking into his eyes. woohyun sighed looking at the t.v.. 
"like i said last night...i've been thinking about this alot and, to be honest i think...." he swallowed before continuing. his words came out but for a moment woohyun thought he heard wrong. until he repeated it again so woohyun could process it through his thick skull.
"i think i'm in love with you..."

woohyun stayed quiet for a bit then started laughing, shaking his head. how could that even be possible? 
he looked back at sunngyu and touched his friends forehead checking his temperature.
"are you sick?" woohyun asked amused.

"i'm not sick." sunggyu said moving his head away.

"i think maybe you're still drunk." woohyun laughed.

"how do you like my drunken confession?" sunggyu said jokingly. then turned serious again. "...why is it so hard for you to belive me?"

"sunggyu we both know you're not even gay. so how could you even be in love with me?"

sunggyu shrugged. "love must not care about gender. i like you for you. end of story. you make me happy. whenever i'm upset i think about you and everything dissapears. i know it sounds lame, but it's true. and i dont care, i just want it out in the open, but i wanna know...." he said searching woohyuns face. "do you feel the same way?"

woohyun swallowed. he had liked sunggyu for a long time now, and he had been scared of these feelings, but now that thier feelings were mutual, would it be okay? like this? could he finally answer truthfully? would thier friendship stay the same?

before woohyun could answer sunggyu added. "don't tell me right away, i want you to think about it. okay?"
woohyun nodded a bit relieved.

sunggyu smiled getting up from the couch. "i think i should get going for now. thanks for letting me stay."

"yeah, no problem." woohyun answered.

sunggyu smiled "think about it. okay?" then he planted a soft kiss on woohyuns cheek and left through the doors.

woohyun as always blushed, touching his cheek where he felt the lingering sweetness of sunggyu's lips.

he layed back on the couch facing the ceiling.
sunggyu had just confessed to him, he was no longer drunk, completly sober....sunggyu was being serious.

woohyun felt a smile blossom on his face. sunggyu said he loved him, and he loved him too. he brought his fingers up to the necklace around his neck knowing what his answer to sunggyu would be.

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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.