
Woogyu Flashback


when they got to the hospital they rushed both boys to the emergency room.
all the members could do was wait.
the members pried sungjong for information. but sungjong knew no more than they did he just told them that the only thing sunggyu told him was that they didn't fight.
dongwoo paced the waiting room anxiously while the others sat. hoya was comforting a still teary sungyeol and sungjong while myungsoo just sat off to one side, he had been crying earlier in the van, but now held a tired vacant expression.
an hour later a nurse came out with information of the 2 members conditions.
sungyuu had 3 broken ribs on his right side. he would definetly have bruises, and the ribs would take a while to heal. sunggyu also sprained his left ankle. and it was best if he kept his weight off it for a while. he would have to use a wheelchair since crutches were out of the question.
woohyun had it worse though. he had a concussion from a blow to the head, and lost massive amounts of blood. they had managed to wake him up after the blood transfusion, but he vomited causing further damage internally. they had to give him a dose of adrenale to keep him from slipping under, since they had to keep him awake because of the concussion. he also had a deep cut on his side from a knife stab. she said apart from that he had 5 broken ribs, 2 on his right side and three on his left, broken knuckles, dislocated knee, broken arm, and pretty banged up leg.
poor woohyun what the heck. he had been stabbed? now they were seriously freaking out. what?happened?
"sunggyu wouldnt go as far as stab him." hoya said once the nurse was gone.
"if he said he didnt do it, we have to believe him and wait for him to give us the story." myungsoo said. the other members nodded.
sungjong realised how sad it would be if those two would suddenly be out of thier life. even though they hadnt known each other that long. sungjong felt connected to the two. they were part of thier life now, and life without them just seemed wrong now.
hoya, dongwoo, and l, tried putting on thier brave faces again after hearing the news, consoling once again the choding and maknae.
"it's all my fault" dongwoo said outloud after the nurse had gone. "it's my responsibility as hyung to you guys when sungyuu is gone to make decisions, and i tried to ignore the situation. i should have gone out looking for them sooner. i'm such an idiot."
"don't blame yourself, it won't help the situation." hoya interjected. "all we can do is wait this out and hope the doctors are doing thier best."
"i just wonder what happened to them" myungsoo mused. "if they didnt beat the crap out of each other like sunggyu told sungjong."
all the members nodded looking absolutley puzzeled. it was still a mystery to everybody.
another hour and  the nurse came to inform them that sunggyu was now open for visitors. but it could only be for 15 minutes. when they came in sunggyu was awake, he was hooked up to a couple of gadgets. when he spoke it was pretty low, the members had to gather closley to hear.
in those 15 minutes sungyuu explained to them what had happened....
apparently after running out the door he had tried to stop woohyun, but woohyun said he wanted to be alone, he didn't want to talk to him.
sungyuu had been worried for some reason, he felt like he might do something stupid. so he decided to follow woohyun without him noticing, just to keep an eye on him.
after silently trailing him for about 30 minutes some 5 guys with weapons came out of nowhere and surrounded woohyun trying to take his money, but soon found out he didint have any. sungyuu had wanted to rush in and help, but he wasnt stupid. 5 guys with clubs? against 2 defensless guys? he was a good fighter he said. but he knew his limits. he decided to observe, and if things got bad, he would have to step in.
he had thought; maybe they'll just take his shoes and leave him alone like most typical thugs. but he was wrong....
he watched as the guys dragged woohyun into a warehouse, woohyun had fought back of course but he was no match for a group of 5.
sungyuu surprised by the turn of events, quickly followed, no one noticed him. he tried to get inside the warehouse but they had locked all the doors. he looked into one of the windows and saw them, beating woohyun mercilessly with thier fists, feet, and clubs.
he could hear him yelling out in pain. pleading them to stop.
sungyuu couldnt take it anymore. woohyun had done nothing to the thugs, why the hell didnt they just leave him alone? it was this kind of thing that sunggyu hated most. he picked up a big rock, knowing that there was no way he could leave him, friend or not. he threw it through the window, and gathered thier attention. he hid behind a wall and grabbed a wooden board lying nearby as a weapon.
he saw 2 of the 5 thugs come out the main entrance leaving the door wide open and split up to look for him. 
perfect. one on one combat he could handle. the first unsuspecting thug didnt even know what hit him as he rounded the corner where sunggyu hid. the thug was knocked out cold before he could say 'ow'. sungyuu quickly took care of the other guy then headed inside with a now broken piece of board as his only weapon.
sunggyu heard footsteps coming his way, another one of the thugs probably coming to see what was taking his freinds so long. sungyuu backed up and hid behind the door, as soon as the thugs body came through the door, sunggyu took him out with the broken board to the back of his neck. the board was now a useless splinter, he threw it aside and aproached the inside not even trying to sneak anymore. he wouldnt be able to do a surprise attack on the other 2, they definetly would have heard that.
he ran into the open area of the warehouse where he found woohyun laying in the middle unmoving, wounded, and bleeding. crouching next to him was a guy holding a bloody switch blade.
"no." sungyu whispered taking a step forward. had he been too late? there was so much..... blood..
sudenley he heard a noise come from his right and dodged just in time, remembering there had been a 5th member as the bat whistled past the side of his head, narrowly missing hitting him into dream land.
the guy who was swinging his bat crazily all over the place, was yelling tons of unnecissary insults for whatever reason. maybe it helped him with swinging? anyway he was only missing syungyuu by a hair everytime. sungyuu calculated and anticipated his movements just in time, but if he were to back into the upcoming wall he would be toast.
*whoosh* the bat unexpectedly, flew out of the thugs hand. his swing had been too strong and his grip too weak. sunggyu was now at advantage.
sunggyu smiled as he proceeded to roundhouse kick that muther er to kingdom come.
sunggyu almost laughed and did a victory dance when he saw the thug flip him the bird and gracefully pass out, but he remembered he still had one more to worry about.
the last thug was now headed toward him slowly. he was sizing him up, switch blade in his hand. the guy was a bit taller than sunggyu and looked buffer. sungyuu had no weapon to defend himself with. he was all out of ideas. the man charged at sunggyu. sunggyu stayed frozen, knowing he should dodge in the back of his mind, but he stayed petrified only seeing the glint of the approaching knife.
i'm sorry i couldnt protect you woohyun, i'm sorry that we couldnt get along, i'm sorry i didnt drag your stupid back home like i should have, even if you would have kept hating me...it would have been better than seeing you like this.
"woohyunnie...i'm sorry." he heard himself say as he closed his eyes, bracing himself for the undescribable feeling what would come next.
"no!!"  he heard someone cry out. he opened his eyes just in time to see. it was woohyun, he had gotten up like a flash of light and tackled the man with his remaining strength, the knife flying from the gangsters hand and out of his reach.
sungyyu could take him out now. he could make things right. he took one step twords the stuggling pair....
*whoosh* *crack* sungyuu suddenly felt all the air leave his lungs, and a loud cracking noise. he doubled over, knees hitting the floor the taste of blood filled his mouth.
one of the guys from outside must have woken up, and with his guard down and unsuspecting, they snuck up and hit him with a bat.
sunggyu tried to breathe, but coughed up blood.
"yah!!! we have to get out of here!! now!!" the thug who hit sunggyu yelled. he threw the bat aside. not even giving sunggyu a second glance. "fang and his guys are coming!!!"
the guy who had previously held the switch blade got up out of woohyuns weakening grasp and gave one him two more kicks with his steel toed boot. one in the stomach which made woohyun turn over and yell out in pain, then one on the side of woohyun's head which silenced him.....woohyun's body became still.
the man who had held the knife uttered the words. "worthless idiot." and followed his buddy.
the two gangsters left the scene running. the sound of thier feet hitting pavement the only noise. other than that. silence.
sungyyu tried to push the thought out of his mind. woohyun just couldnt be dead. he rushed over, trying to keep his vision clear from the tears that threatend to overtake him, ignoring the pain from his cracked ribs and lifted the unconcious woohyun onto his back.
"it's gonna be okay. we'll get out of here......hyung...hyung will take care of you. okay woohyunnie? you hear that? so just stay with me.... ." his voice was trembling. he blinked and felt a tear roll down landing on woohyuns hand. sunggyu swallowed, trying to get that wierd notted feeling out of his throat. then he felt it, barley noticible the only sign that woohyun was still alive was his soft breath against sunggyu's neck no more obvious than a butterfly kiss. there was still hope.
he picked up his pace. if those gangsters ran without finishing them off, they had a good reason, he didnt want to see whoever it was that made them run like that.
it was hard, but he managed to make it 3 blocks without stopping, then he hid himslef and woohyun in some bushes by an alley.
the feeling of his cracked ribs was getting worse.
after a couple minutes of rest he kept moving feeling constantly paranoid that someone might come up behind them and finish up the job that had been started. he stayed in the shadows most of the time. it was becoming more difficult to breathe as time passed, he could only take small ragged breaths, it felt like a knife was poking the surface of something inside, and if he breathed too hard to pain became worse. about an thirty minutes later he saw a figure approaching, his vision had become blurred, he had to fight off the feeling of vomiting.
he probably looked like a staggering drunk.
he focused on the figure as he took a woozy step back to hide in the shadows.
but the lonley figure looked familiar. small and petite. where had he seen it before? was it a girl? wandering this neighboorhood alone at night? was she crazy?
the figure got closer then suddenly pivoted, going in the other direction, she hugged herself against the cold.
unkowingly he stepped out of the shadows, woohyun still on his back.
suddenly as if feeling his presence the figure turned around.
sungyuu approached it. the figure was so familiar.
he felt himself pick up the pace and tired to run but felt a sharp pain in his right side, it was worse than the others, he stumbled over his feet and fell to the floor. searing pain now came from his left foot and right side.
the figure ran to them closing the gap between them.
he focused on the face.......wait...lee sungjong? what was he doing here?
he was crouching next to the leader trying to help him up. the leader protested, feeling his foot shoot with pain again. yes it was definetly sprained. instead he told sungjong to help him carry woohyun. he tried to remain as calm and composed as possible, trying not to freak out the maknae, it would just make things worse.
he got up acting like nothing was wrong with him, he should have been awarded actor of the year. he didnt even yell out once and held a neutral expression the whole time. sunggyu didnt know how much time had passed, it felt like hours but it could have been seconds or minutes when suddenly a car passed. sungjong let go of woohyun all of a sudden and jumped in front of it. sungyuu colapsed into a heap with woohyun on top, not having enough strength to carry him on his own. he tried to get up, to yell at sungjong to get out of the way. what was he doing? was he crazy? he tried to yell out, but couldnt, something in his mind told him if he yelled, something very bad would happen. so he stayed there taking slow tiny breaths, he could feel the taste of blood in his mouth again.
he tried to stay concious but the pain in his side was becoming unbearable, and he hadnt eaten all day. his stamina was all used up. the smell of woohyuns blood, and the taste of his own made him want to vomit.
then he saw sungjong approaching with dongwoo. how had that happened? oh well. at least sungjong was okay, and now they could help woohyunnie. hah...woohyunnie. he still wished to talk to him about what had happened before all this crap. but maybe later.....
he felt someone grab his hand.
his lids become heavy like syrup and he closed his eyes. now could he rest?
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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695 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.