Nothing's Over

Woogyu Flashback


the seven boys looked up at the tall building.

"so this is it....?" sungyeol said looking around at the other members. it was finally time.

"yup..." woohyun nodded. the members all headed up the stairs and crowded into the elevator after passing the front desk, the secretary looked at them with a knowing expression. once in the elevator woohyun squeezed sunggyu's hand. he could see that his boyfriend was nervous. after stepping out, woohyun didn't let go of his hand. none of the members looked at them wierdly as they trudged their way to the presidents office.


woohyun squeezd sunggyu's hand again as they got closer.
"don't worry." woohyun whispered in sungyu's ear. "we'll be right next to you."
sunggyu swallowed and nodded giving woohyun's hand an even tighter squeeze.
woohyun smiled and alomst kissed his cheek, but remembered they were in public and possibly being watched.
all 7 now stood in front of the president's intimidating office.
sunggyu gently let go of woohyuns hand and made his way to the front of the group. giving one glance back at the members to make sure they were all ready, to see if anybody wanted to take thier last chance to back out. but nobody left. sunggyu nodded, feeling strength from all the members undying support, he looked forward and pushed open the big wooden double doors to the expensive looking office over looking seoul. his mouth almost gaping open at the exquisite furniture in the room. woohyun's eyes almost popping  out as well as he saw himslef on the huge t.v. screen to his left. singing with sunggyu out in the streets while dongwoo laughed his off in the back.
the t.v. suddenly clicked off and a man turned in his chair at the end of a long desk to face the members.
"sunggyu-ah? what brings you and your friends here?" the president said looking over at the rest of the members.
"i came to apologize...i know my behavior was not what you expected from me as leader. but i'm not just going to walk away without looking back. i'm going to fight for a chance to stay in the group, to stay as leader."
the president nodded.
"i suppose you already know about the broadcast you and woohyun were in... and it has come to my attention that the two of you are becoming rather ...popular over the internet...even getting a fanbase in the span of a couple of hours...are you going to use these means to threaten me to keep your position within the group?"
sunggyu swallowed. "no sir..."
woohyun glared at the president. of course sunggyu wouldn't use that method after all. he was better than that...even though the members had suggested it....
"it's good to hear that. because i have changed my mind after much know, i have never done this before...but i want you and woohyun to continue as a duo. since you already have a fanbase, it will be easy to promote you.... as for the rest of the members. i have no further use for you. you my all return to the dorms pack your bags and leave. we have already terminated your contracts. sunggyu all i need is your and woohyun's approval to continue. or you can go solo since sunggyu did break the rulse, i'm not sure if i am still willing to accept him... woohyun would you like to continue without sunngyu?"
"never." woohyun said trying to hold back a fist.
this . did he say that he already terminated the rest of the members contracts? he didn't even give them a notice? what the ? and do something without sunggyu? was that even possible? the was he thinking??
" WE'RE out of the group?" sungjong said eyes wide in shock. a complete reversal of the situation in a matter of seconds.  was he trying to give them all heart attacks?
woohyuns silently gasped  as sunggyu sunk down to his knees, eyes glued to the floor, bowing to the president.
"i beg you.. renew their contracts! me and woohyun only gained this response because we were telivised, they would have gained the same interest if they would have been in the same position. they are just as talented! please, don't throw them away. if you give them this chance, i am willing to take my initial punishment and walk away, without any interest in any other music companies as long as i live. i will turn them all down. just as long as you renew thier contracts... no black mailing. i swear it on my life."
"sunggyu! don't!" dongwoo yelled out.
"this is your dream! you can't just give it up!" woohyun cried.
"don't be stupid! we don't care about our contracts! don't listen to him! he's crazy!" myungsoo called out pleading the president.
sungyeol was already crying on hoya's shoulder. too much to handle for him, woohyun guessed.
"i just want us to all be together..." sungyeol said between sobs.
"it's okay sunggyu. forget it, we're happy for you..." hoya smiled. woohyun's heart almost broke, he knew hoya had tried out at various places and been turned down, not to mention his family didn't support him at all, and pretty much shunned him that he had succeeded he was being turned away again? how could they just let that happen?? the president must be an idiot. had he even heard hoya sing rap or dance? hell it didn't even seem like he had seen himself or sunggyu sing till the broadcast THIS MORNING...
"i can take care of myself. you guys." sunggyu said giving a confident smile that would make even the angels cry. "but like i said. these boy's are VERY talented, they would definetly gain interest immediatley. heck,  they are very confident in showing you a live performance right now, without any preperations." sunggyu obliged.
"...okay then." the president said amused. clasping his hands together. "i am willing to accept your daring gesture. hell you can perform with them, and if you all manage to impress me i will keep all of you...including sunggyu, and only IF all of you impress me."
sunggyu nodded solemly as he took his usual spot for dancing.
woohyun could not believe sunggyu had actually bowed on his knees to the president . sunggyu had alot of pride. he must really care about them  A LOT.
the rest of the members hurridley took their spots. sungyeol's tears still quietly ran but determination marked his face.
woohyun's heart was beating loudly.
if they could do this...
invisible music came on as sunggyu gave the signal. it was as if time slowed down and sped up. they all danced, everone on beat, working in sync like a well oiled machine. sunggyu sang, woohyun wove his voice into the background, complimenting it beautifully without a hitch. so many endless hours of practice and it was showing through. the rest of the members came in, dongwoo and hoya rapped as a duo totally dominating the lyrics and killing it in an unbelievably amazing team effort. twords the sunggyu gave it his all and ended it on a note so high and beautiful woohyun was amazed that it had even been done. even the rest of the members looked blown away, but they never stopped dancing and kept going to the tempo, fluid and graceful, swift and deadly, elegantly and hell they even did it ily. it was the best performance they had EVER done as a group or individually, they had done it without any instruments or background music but on thier own, and they had done it without any problems.
were they really still rookies? why had they not debuted yet?? woohyun found himself almost asking outloud with his own mouth as they ended with thier backs facing the president. sweat beading thier foreheads.
it was dead quiet. no one moved till sunggyu gave the signal. the president simply stared at them, then gestured at the door.
sunggyu bowed. the rest of the members did not question the situation and bowed as well, then they all followed the leader out the door, not once looking back.
"i don't get it...are we in or out?" sungyeol asked once in the elevator.
" i don't know." woohyun shrugged.
they all looked at sunggyu.
"president's are all ing drama queens." sunggyu said annoyed just as much by the president's lacking response to thier performance. "he didn't say anything. so i'm guessing we could still be in. but we could just as easily be out....aughhh, why do they just like hyping up every scenario. you guy's have watched k-drama's right? stuff is real."
the members cracked a smile. "well whatever. you had great leadership back there anyway. i'm kinda glad you didn't abandon us to become a duo." sungyeol admitted.
"well me and woohyun are internet famous, so if this doesn't work out, we can always promote on youtube with you guys." sunggyu offered.
sungyeol smiled. that didn't sound too bad.
the door to the elevator slid open.
the secretary at the front desk bowed.
"president-nim would like me to convey this message. apparently you have all impressed him. he will keep you all together as one group, he said he looks forward to seeing your debut soon. oh and he said that the contracts don't need to be renewed. he never terminated them in the first place."
"he never terminated what?" sungyeol yelled. he almost had a heart attack when the president had said that, what sense of humour was that? serioiusly?! "that bastard!" sungyeol said looking around to see if they just got punk'd and ashton kutcher was waiting in a corner somewhere laughing his caucasian off.
myungsoo grabbed sungyeol's arm and put a finger up to his lips signaling him to shut up. sungyeol couldn't help the blush that came to his face, from myungsoo's sundden touch. but he quickly removed myungsoo's hand from his arm, remembering he was supposed to be mad at him and made his way over to dongwoo.
"really? okay..tell him we'll be at the practice room's. and thank you." sunggyu bowed.
the secretary nodded as the rest of the members followed thier worthy leader sunggyu out of the building.
"LET ME LOVE YOU YOU BRILLIANT GORGEOUS MAN YOU!!!" woohyun said as he hugged sunggyu from the back and twirled him around.
the members laughed and rejoyced along jumping up and down. because after all, nothing's over.
"nothing's over!~nothing's over!~" the members all chanted together in a sing-song way as they skipped down the street arm in arm.
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sorry i haven't updated. i will probably add then next chapter on tuesday since i don't work that day.


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705 streak #1
Chapter 26: Done reading 😊 It’s so good.
dgh2673 #2
Chapter 6: wow love it best scenario ever read that near as possible as reality 😍😍😍
Chapter 1: LOL XD chapter 1 just so fun to read, i love it allready
Chapter 25: Cute story :)
Wow just wow!! Thank you authornim for this wonderful fic. For a moment i though this was real i was lost in your fic thats how much immerse i am to this fic. That why kudos authornim!!! !*throw hearts and kisses everywhere then blink cutely at you authornim for the job well done**
Chapter 26: I'm reading this story again. it was as good as sungyeol's morning coffee ^ ^
thank you author-ssi. infinite is love ♡♥♡♥
Chapter 26: loved this story xD
they finally ended together and everything turned out well xD
thanks for writting it <3
Chapter 26: Thank U so much! I really enjoyed the story! Happy ending for WooGyu is everything that I need:)))
Chapter 4: Just found your story. Can't stop. I haven't started this chapter but I'm scared to read it. I feel angst coming. Thank you. Loving this story.