Tears for you...

Precious Three Months

"Yebeoseyo?" Jin Woon answered his phone. He was at the dining room taking his late lunch when he received the call.

"Annyeong, Jin Woon, Oppa, this is Jiyeon.." Jiyeon replied. She hoped that Jin Woon would not forget her again. Clutching her chest, she was feeling a little too uneasy.

Jin Woon, meanwhile, lookd at his phone. He couldn't believe he'd be talking to Jiyeon again. So, he brought back the phone to his ears.

"Annyeong, Jiyeonnie...it's been a while! How are you?"

"I..I'm fine, Oppa...mmm...would you do me a small favor? Jebal?"

Jin Woon noticed the seriousness in Jiyeon's voice. Something wasn't right here.

"Ne..what is it?"

"...Can..you give me Taecyeon Oppa's number? I really need it..It's an emergency..."


"Well..mianhe, Oppa, i really cannot tell you...and I'm not in the right position to do so either."

Jin Woon went to his room and got his phone book. He then dictated to Jiyeon Taecyeon's number.

"Gomawoyo, Oppa."

"You're welcome..uhhmm..by the way, are you busy tonight? Or are you in the middle of something?"

"Tonight? I don't think I have plans. Wae?

"Well...is it okay if he have another chat?"

Jiyeon smled. At last, her crush had not forgotten about her. "N..ne...I'll be waiting for your call..."


"Ya..hyung, be careful!" Woo Young interjected as Taecyeon accidentally spilled his coffee on his colleague.

"Mi..mianhe.." Taecyeon said. He didn't know why he was suddenly feeling a little jittery and a little distressed. It seemed to him something was not right. Just then, JYP came in the cafeteria and called Taecyeon to follow him to his office.


JYP waved the notebook in front of Taecyeon as the former was eatinng a banana.

"I'm not going to ask you why I received this kind of notebook. I'm going to ask about the contents and ask you if all that Ham Eun Jung-Seonsaengnim had written down is true. Were you two really in a relationship? Who lured whom?"

"Ne..we were..and I lured her." Taecyeon confessed. The CEO closed his eyes in disbelief and breathed.

"And all the while, I trusted her to keep any controversy from brewing. Well, how would you explain this to me now? How would the press react when they know that you had a girlfriend you left behind? A PREGNANT girlfriend, that is."

"Sir, I thought your company doesn't ban dating."

"No, it doesn't ban any one of you from dating, BUT, you know the norms around here about a girl getting pregnant outside of marriage. This is not America, Taecyeon, this is Korea. How did her parents take this one?"

"Mr and Mrs Ham were supportive about it. Actually...Mr Ham kind of asked me to take care of his daughter."

"Taecyeon-ah, there can be many angles as to how you take care of a lady. But getting her pregnant is out of the question! I know you have fans, but you are at the height of your carrier! How will your fan girls react?"

Taecyeon looked at the notebook, then back at his boss. "I'm going to be very honest with them even if it will mean me being booted out of the group. I promised Eun Jung I'll marry her next month. And she plans to move here so that I can take care of her and the baby."

JYP sighed as he took another bite of the banana he was eating.

"Ara..ara...I don't know how I'll cover up for you then."

"You don't need to cover up for me, Sir. I just need your support. I just don't want the issue to be leaked just yet until I will get married."

They were still conversing when Taecyeon's phone rang. He excused himself as JYP dismissed him while getting another banana. Taecyeon opened the door and stood outside the office.


"Annyeong hasaeyo, Oppa..this is Jiyeon."

Taecyeon thought it was odd that Jiyeon called. He wasn't feeling good about this.

"Annyeong, Jiyeon. Mwoeyo?"


"W..what about Eun Jung?"

"Uhmmm...is it okay if you come visit her now...at the hospital?"

Panic was suddenly evident in Taecyeon's voice. "Ho..hospital? Why is Eun Jung at the hospital????"



"Ham-ssaem..had a miscarriage..."

"MWOH???" TAecyeon interjected. JYP was suddenly alarmed that he himself went out of his office.

"When..when did she had her miscarriage? How's my child????"

"Mian...mianhe..." Jiyeon replied. She didn't need to say anything more. Taecyeon had guessed what had happened. He blinked uncomfortably as he grabbed his hair. He paced back and forth like a madman, phone still on his ears. JYP looed at him like a puppy who was restless looking at his owner.

"Ya, Taecyeon-ah, what's going on??"

"Jiyeon, what room number is she in?" JYP heard Taecyeon ask his caller.

"She's in Room 143."

"Ara...arrasseo..Go..gomawoyo..annyeong.." Taecyeon said as he dropped the call. Tears swelled in his eyes, and they finally fell down his cheeks. He squatted on one corner of the corridor, covering his face and crying like a child.

JYP got the gist of the call. He went over to where his talent sat and squatted beside him.

"I'm so sorry to hear about it, Taecyeon. You can go visit Eun Jung-ssaem today. I won't expect you to be back any sooner. Have the others known about her pregnancy?"

Taecyeon shook his head.

"Well then, I'll tell the others the truth which you withheld from them. It's so that when you'll go, they won't be asking me where you are. You can go now. And go buy some fruits for your fiancee. She needs to be eating well now. I understand her dilemma because I had been a father too."

"Ga..gamsahamnida...JYP-ssi..." Taecyeon said as he watched his boss stand up and return to his office. He then stood up and went to his room to get his stuff ready. In a few minutes, he'll be leaving Seoul again to return to Cheongsong. He knew that Eun Jung needed him now more than anyone. It hurts him to know his baby died, but there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't want to Eung Jung to lose him too as she had lost the people she loved. 

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greenjade21 #1
Chapter 43: Wow! I maybe years late but, I'm glad I came across your story. It was wonderfully written! Tho I don't ship Eunjung much with Taecyeon, I do like them together. Thanks for your story. :)
pioushej #2
Chapter 43: thank u for this story! daebak! another taecjung romance beautifully written hay! im really inlove with this couple
shizukasenshi #3
@ms hitomi: this is not ouran high host club wherein a banana peel is rampant in almost every episode..hehe...
shizukasenshi #4
@ms hitomi: kaharsh!
Happy ending.... I hope the ending has a part of JYP slipping because of a banana peel on the road.
Challey #6
thank you for the great story:)
shizukasenshi #7
@ms hitomi: haha, salamat madam!
Wedding, wedding...hmmmmm....

Killjoy is not doing enjoyable stuff other people like. Anti-social is going against the norms of society.
koreanfanatics #9
wow.... i love the ending..
thanks a lot for inspiring us...
hope to read your next story...
thanks again....
shizukasenshi #10
@butterfiles008: this will be the 2nd to the last chapter...