21st Photo : Paralyzed

I'll Melt Your Frozen Playboy Heart

[ a/n : This chapter is inspired by BTR's Paralyzed. You may or may not play the song =))) ]

It was ____________________________

[ a/n : Blank like nothing was on it. so sad ] 

===The following morning===

A breath tickled my hand which my near my face. I opened my eyes and Myungsoo was 5 inches away from my face. I must admit, yes, he has an angelic face but this made me think. DID HE TOUCH ME LAST NIGHT?! I perfectly remember than we were at the ends of the bed. I backed away slowly but my ended kissing the floor.


“My ..” I mumbled as I felt the pain.

“Your beautiful .” I heard him say.

“THAT’S IT! Don’t EVER touch me!” I stood up and threw a pillow at him. I walked out of the room.

“I did not TOUCH you!” He yelled but then laughed.

I bumped into Takumi-sshi.

“Oh I’m sorry, miss Jeesun—“

“There’s a there!” I marched till downstairs and decided to wash my face at the bathroom there.

At the corner of my eyes, I saw Takumi-sshi go over to Myungsoo’s room. Urgghhh. So annoying.

I entered the bathroom downstairs and someone suddenly knocked.

“Yah I’m not going to school babe” No problem.

“Okay” I plainly said.

“Aren’t you going to ask ‘why’?”

“I don’t care, stop pestering me and go” I rolled my eyes.

“Open the door first”


“Come on babe~~I’ll wait till you open the door~~” He sang. Oh gawd. I opened the door and his face looked like gross umm what’s the best word?! Ahhh disgustingly cute, right?

“Myungsoo, stop that. It’s—“


“creepy” I shot him a glare.

“Let’s go get breakfast, dear” He said and put his arm over my shoulder.

“Aww, you two are so cheesy in the morning!” Min ah unnie bumped into me.

“It’s not good to see it in the morning, it ruins the day” Moonsoo passed by.

“Jealous!” Myungsoo teased.

“I HAVE a girlfriend!” Moonsoo shouted.

“Jinjja?! Why tell me just now?! YAH KIM MOONSOO!” Min ah unnie chased him.

“Urgh. Get a life, guys” Minji passed by.

“This is why I love your family” I snorted sarcastically.

“And that’s why I love you” I stopped my tracks and looked at him in a weird way.

Dude you’re wasted” I told him in English and went to the dining room.


===Seoul East High===

“Yah. It’s Infinite’s comeback isn’t it?” Seohyun walked with me along with Taejun.


“Aren’t you wondering how they would go to 5 places in one day?! Plus, they’re going to ride a helicopter, how cool is that?!” She squealed.

“What do you mean 5 places in one day?”

“Gwangju, Busan, Daegu, Daejeon and Seoul. They’re going to have a showcase in each city and they’re calling it ‘The Mission’. Didn’t L tell you about this?” 

“Aren’t going to ask ‘why’?”

“He didn’t and I didn’t bother to ask. Let’s go, class will start.”

I entered the classroom and sat on my seat. Byunghun was still missing and I don’t have a seatmate.

“Have you seen Teen Top around?” I asked Seohyun.

“Aniya, they’re preparing for a comeback. Waeyo?”

“Nothing. Just wandering.”

“If you’re looking for Byunghun he might appear at the rooftop later.” She gave me thumbs up.

“Thanks for the advice” I smiled weakly.

===Lunch Break===

I went to the cafeteria with Seohyun and Taejun. Surprisingly we saw Teen Top walking at the hallway.


Everyone moved and made way and automatically we did too. They walked like they were in a runway. That doesn’t look like the Teen Top I know. I looked at Byunghun and he only looked straight.

As he passed me, he didn’t smile or made eye contact and I was there standing frozen. Am I a ghost? He just ignored me like I he didn’t know me. Like I was invisible. Like I wasn’t there.

I was paralyzed. He’s really mad at me.

“Jeesun-ah, kajja” I snapped at Seohyun’s words.

During lunch I only stared at their table. I saw them being silly and laughing like crazy except for Byung. He would only show a small smile or nod. I saw Chunji whisper something and he sighed. He stood up and replied something. I wanted to say sorry or something. But I can’t stand or do anything. I don’t think I’ll survive the class this afternoon. But when we returned to class he wasn’t there. I texted him before the class started. Guilt is KILLING me.


“Jeesun have been staring at you L.Joe” Chunji hyung nudged me.

“Later hyung” I sighed.

“What do you mean later?”

“I’m not going to class, I’ll practice alone. Don't go looking for me” I stood up and walked away.

I went to the agency and practiced alone. I was still mad at her for not telling me. 

"So ever since she went back here in Korea, she has been sleeping at his house?" I lied on the floor.

A text came in. I bet it's her. It's not easy to forgive her, she kept it as a secret for a long time.



Please meet me at the rooftop later. At least let me explain.


Please Byung.





That last sentence got me. Maybe she has a reasonable explanation.

I smiled. Babo. Now that I think of it, I’m not mad anymore. You’re irresistible.


Your P.O.V

===After School===

I told Taejun that I might be late for work again. With that I left and got to the rooftop.

“Byung?” I said breathlessly. The chances of him being here is like 10%. Judging from the looks awhile ago. Why would he come anyway?

“I’m just living with him, is there anything wrong with that?” I try to hold in my tears.

“I guess it sounds like I’m having something with him, but that will never happen in a million years” I tear escaped. Babo.

A hand reached out to wipe that tear.

“Never cry in front of me. I always want you to be happy” He whispered.

I looked up and saw Byunghun staring right at me. Wind blew and I smiled at how perfectly the wind blew his hair and looked so hot with that sweaty t-shirt plus the dripping sweat.

“I thought you were mad at me” I looked away pouting.

“I thought I was too” He sat beside me.

“Let me explain.” I said in a serious tone and he smiled at me.

“Kajja. I’m taking you somewhere.” I grabbed my wrist.

“Wait. I’m just gonna explain cause I need to go to work”

“Explain when we get there. If you don’t come, I’ll be mad” He made a playful glare. He ran while holding on to my hand and I have no choice but to follow.

===Music Room===

“What       are      we     doing       here?” I asked while panting.

“Go sit.” He instructed.

I sat at the couch near the piano and tried to catch my breath.

“ Explain” He sat beside me and crossed his arms.

I sighed and explain how I ended up at their mansion. After an 30 minutes I finally finished.

“Heiress of Song Electronics, huh?”

“I’m not planning to do that job. I’m going to be photographer” I winked at him.

“What about the company?”

“Mr. Kim will probably take over, he is dad’s business partner anyway”

“His will is for you to be with the Kims, seriously?” His eyes showed sadness.

“He didn’t say anything about marrying one of the Kims. He just stated that I have to stay with them, maybe because of the company”

“You’ll end up falling in love with him.”

“Let’s not make that a reality….anyway, maybe I’m not going to work.” I laughed

“I want to play something for you”

“I wanna hear it!”

[ a/n: PRESS PLAY /HEHE BTOB’s latest album/ ]

The melody was beautiful and to my surprise it was an English song. I love his Engrish even though he also stayed in America.

If I walk would you run
If I stop would you come
If I say you’re the one would you believe me
If I ask you to stay would you show me the way
Tell me what to say so you don’t leave me
The world is catching up to you
while you're running away to chase your dream
Its time for us to make a move cause we are asking one another to change 
and maybe im not ready 

but I'll try for your love 
I can hide up above
I will try for your love 
we’ve been hiding enough 

“I’ll always try for your love” He looked at me and leaned closer

And closer

And closer.

Till there’s no more space between us.


HAHA. Jeesun and Byung already made up. Too fast. 

Finally UPDATED~~~~~!


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Chapter 35: Omg! Can u make a sequel for this? Or even just few chapters? This iss soo cuttee. i would be glad if u will.. I wnna know wht will happen once they got married..:> ❤️ Anw,daebak author nim! I love the last chapter tho..its cute and funny and romantic..ohgosh..:")
Chapter 35: Aww so cheesy . But whatever this is to cute to handle . Really love this story :D . Goodjob
sakura92 #4
Chapter 35: Wow her secret is full of Myungsoo's pic

Anyway I would have done the same too

Thanks for the awesome story :)

We'll missed this story
Danieea #5
Chapter 35: This was an amazing story^^ I loved it :) Thank you author-nim^^ you're a great author:) keep making myungie story ^^
VIPInfinitelyExotic #6
Chapter 35: This was an amazing read XD I LOVE IT <3 *spazz*
Chapter 35: The story so nice author-nim, 5am in the morning and I'm done hahaha, I'll miss ur story, I feel bad for ljoe, will be good if ljoe and suzy together? Hehe, just suggestion so in the end everyone is happy :D
lopezlilly815 #8
This was a great story! I will really mis your story author-nim. Great job!
Chapter 35: Aww..the ending is really wonderful although I feel really bad for Byunghyun..Please write more amazing stories ^-^